Craig and Ryan welcome Drew and Lauren McCaffrey, who have come to discuss Shadows of the Empire, the Star Wars movie that never was. There's a lot to discuss, between the book and its accompanying video game and the rest of the marketing push to make Shadows a huge thing back in 1996. There's enough ground to cover, in fact, that we made this episode a two-parter, and you can hear the other part on Drew's podcast, Inking Out Loud. Head over there to hear the companion episode, and to get the other half of the hashtag you'll need to enter the giveaway drawing. (More details below.)
Listen to the Inking Out Loud episode here.
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Music: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of
Giveaway details:
We'll be giving away one piece of co-branded glassware, bearing both the Legendarium and Inking Out Loud logos. (Inking Out Loud will give away another identical item.)
To be eligible to be selected you must:
- Be a U.S. resident.
- Tweet the complete hashtag (which you can hear by listening to both companion episodes) to both @LegendariumPod and @IOLPodcast by 11:59 pm EST on December 22, 2020.
- Follow both @LegendariumPod and @IOLPodcast and have your direct messages open so that we can contact you.
- Reply to our direct message, if selected, within 48 hours with your name and mailing address, or we may select another winner.
Once we have all of the eligible entries, we will enter them into randomization software and select one winner.