The Kuwait Psychiatry Residents Club Podcast. Join us on this educational journey!
Podcasts are in both English and Arabic.
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The Kuwait Psychiatry Residents Club Podcast. Join us on this educational journey!
Podcasts are in both English and Arabic.
Copyright: © The KPRC
الطب النفسي في الوطن العربي مع الدكتور طلال العلي
Webinar with Forensic Psychiatrist Dr Alhumoud introducing the upcoming Kuwaiti Mental Health Law to our listeners.
In this webinar, we are joined by professor of psychiatry at Northeast Ohio Medical University Dr Erik Messamore MD, PhD.
In this episode we discuss with Dr Abdulmohsen strategies for resilience and wellbeing during and after the COVID pandemic.
In this episode we discuss with Dr Yousef Almuhanna the future of medical education in Kuwait. (Episode is in English and Arabic)
An interview with the author Dr Todd Pressman.
In this episode, we discuss with motion therapist Rubens Garcia and physiotherapist Fatima Juma the relationship between staying active and mental health. Song ending: Tchaikovsky Les Saisons
في الموسم الثاني من البودكاست نبتدي مشوار حلقاتنا عن "قصص من الواقع والناس" مع ضيفنا عدنان العبار، وحديثه عن #القراءة، كيف بدأت مسيرته معها، وهل بامكانها ان تغيّر نظرتك للعالم وتساعدك في تجاوز الكثير من العقبات؟Song: Freedom by Memphis Slim
In this episode we discuss burnout with therapist Andrea Aladwani We reference in this episode a journal article in World Psychiatry, June 2016 issue, entitled "Understanding the burnout experience: recent research and its implications" The episode ends with the song "Smile" by Nat King Cole. We hope you're enjoying our podcast. Reach out to us by email on or instagram @kuwaitpsychclub!
In this episode we discuss with professor Hutan Ashrafian (Imperial College London) his paper entitled "Can Artificial Intelligence Develop Mental Illness" For more information follow us on instagram @kuwaitpsychclub or email us at
Speakers: Sarah Alajmi, Director of Pharamcists with Impact Kuwait. Mariam Abulhasan, Clinical Psychologist and member of Jaber Hospital MDT. Heba Alsaeed, Social Worker at KCMH
في هذه الحلقة من بودكاست KPRC نتحدث مع الدكتور علي الطراح ابرز ما جاء في كتابه الاخير “مشكلات الشباب في المجتمع الكويتي” لمزيد من المعلومات تابعونا على @kuwaitpsychclub (instagram) او على الايميل
In this episode we discuss with Dr Mohammed Alsuwaidan, professor of psychiatry in Kuwait University, an evidence based approach to treatment resistant depression. We refer in the discussion to an article entitled "Treatment Resistant Depression- definitions, review of the evidence, an algorithmic approach" by Mc Intyre et al. (2014) For more information visit us on instagram on @kuwaitpsychclub Or drop us an email at
This is an arabic KPRC podcast episode with French certified psychiatrist Dr Hussain Alshatti. For more information on KPRC follow us on instagram: @kuwaitpsychclub
In this episode, join us with Dr Nadeem in Jaber Hospital as we discuss common cases in toxicology and their subsequent management! Subscribe to our podcast for more updates! The KPRC declares no conflict of interest. Contact us on instagram @kuwaitpsychclub or by email
Join us in this KPRC episode as we discuss with Dr Nadeem Alduaij (emergency physician) health policy, how to fine tune our skills in an emergency setting, as well as his journey as an ER physician working in Boston, Geneva, and Kuwait. This is an introduction to his talk on September the 16th entitled "Mad as a hatter: selected cases in toxicology" which we will announce shortly. Follow us on instagram for more updates: @kuwaitpsychclub
In this episode, we discuss with Kuwait Board of Psychiatry program director and head of department of psychiatry at the Kuwait Center for Mental Health the evidence-based clinical applications of mindfulness based cognitive therapy. Stay tuned for more episodes on The KPRC. Follow us on instagram: @kuwaitpsychclub
In this episode we discuss with psychotherapist and social worker Ghezlan Alduweesh the challenges of navigating through the many cultural elements of practicing psychiatry and psychotherapy in Kuwait.
In our final event of this season, Dr Nassir Ghaemi joins us in a skype discussion on a paper he published entitled "Toward a Hippocratic Pschopharmacolgy". The session was moderated by psychiatrist Dr Mohammed Alsuwaidan, and was organized by the KPRC. This discussion was held in Kuwait City, May 9, 2019. For more information on KPRC visit our instagram @kuwaitpsychclub For more information on the Kuwait Board of Psychiatry visit
In this episode, MD and psychotherapist Dr Fajer Almajed discusses stress, healthy coping strategies, and resilience.
This lecture is part of a series in KuMSA's "Behind Mental Health" 2019 conference.
Professor Dr. Abdullah Al Ozairi gives an introduction to personality disorders in the KuMSA conference "Behind Mental Health"
Lecture talk from the “Behind Mental Health” KUMSA conference by KBPsych program director Ammar Alsayegh.
Series of lectures/ workshops organized by the Kuwait Psychiatry Resident Club