JLTP 056; Mastering Jazz Improv Basics, Beginners Guide Part 2
Jan 19, 2025
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I review the importance of the ii V I chord progression, how to apply scales to that progression, and an easy ii V I lick in all 12 keys.
Stick around until the end of the podcast, grab your horn, and let’s trade 4’s in the Key of C!
In this particular episode, you will learn;
The notes in a ii V I chord progression in C Major and the scales that go with the chords
Podcast on iTunes; https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jeff-lewis-trumpet-podcast/id1333984769?mt=2&at=1000lHQ6
JLTP 055: How to Improvise on Blue Bossa for Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced players
Nov 24, 2024
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over how to improvise over the jazz classic “Blue Bossa” for beginning, intermediate, and advanced players.
In this episode you will learn;
Three different levels of improvisation from beginning to advanced
Which scales to use over all of the chords from easy to difficult
Melodic minor, harmonic minor, diminished, and altered scale harmony
Download the free color-coded PDFs for all instruments below and follow along with the podcast.
JLTP 054: The Jazz Improv Workshop, Mastering The Basics-Scales
Oct 03, 2024
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I break down the essentials of jazz improvisation starting with the foundation, learning scales.
Part 1: The Foundation – Learning Scales
To start with jazz improvisation, you must first be comfortable with your scales. Jazz relies heavily on modes, especially the **Major Scale**, **Natural Minor Scale (Aeolian mode)**, and the **Blues Scale**. If you’re just starting, the **C major scale** is a great place to begin, as it has no sharps or flats.
Pick up your trumpet and play the C major scale. Here’s the pattern:
**C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C**
Be sure to practice independently with the backing tracks I have provided for all my podcast listeners.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, meaning I’ll receive a small commission if you click on one of the product links. It will not cost you more money, but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 052: How to improvise on “All The Things You Are” A section (part 1)
Jul 02, 2024
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over how to improvise over the A section of the jazz classic “All The Things You Are”.
In this particular episode, you will learn;
What scales to use over the A section
A scale “workout’ to become familiar with improvising use the notes from the two scales
Harmonic generalization
If you want more tutorials, PDF worksheets, in-depth analysis of ii V I chord progressions, jazz play-alongs, how to improvise on “All The Things You Are”, and more, check out my NEW Patreon channel here;
Use this color-coded free PDF to follow along;
Use this scale workout sheet to become more familiar with improvising in these two keys;
Listen to my solo on YouTube on “All The Things You Are” and download the free PDF here;
JLTP 051: How To Practice ii-V7-I Licks
Jan 01, 2024
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over how to practice ii-V7-I Licks.
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JLTP 050: How To Improvise On “Pink Panther”.
Aug 18, 2023
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over how to improvise on the Henry Mancini classic “Pink Panther”. This is the solo section only. It can be found in the second trumpet part in the Big Band composition and arrangement by Henry Mancini. Be sure to stick around to the end, grab your horn, and let’s trade 2 and 4-measure phrases.
Download the companion PDF “cheat sheet” with the color-coded scales and chords here;
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 049: Jaw position and the “Whisper G”
Jul 27, 2023
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about my thoughts on the jaw position when playing the trumpet and how the Cat Anderson “whisper G” may help with jaw awareness, endurance, range, and overall sound.
In this particular episode, you will learn;
The importance of jaw position when playing the trumpet and how it affects range and sound.
My take on the Cat Anderson whisper G.
An example of me playing the whisper G.
Common problems when trying to play the whisper G when first starting out.
How practicing the whisper G may increase jaw awareness, embouchure placement, lip placement, and may have an overall positive effect on your playing.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 048: Trumpet Embouchure Change? What to expect
Jul 06, 2023
In this episode of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about my embouchure change journey, the resources I used, and a few tips on how to physically and mentally prepare yourself for what to expect.
In this episode you will learn;
The difference between an embouchure change and an embouchure adjustment
How to mentally prepare for a change
Resources to help you unlock the key to your best embouchure
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 047: How to Improvise on “Four” by Miles Davis
Jun 21, 2023
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over an easy way to improvise over the Miles Davis jazz classic “Four”.
Items mentioned in this podcast (click the descriptions for access);
My jazz play-along/backing track for “Four” on YouTube
In this particular episode, you will learn;
The form
The key centers
An easy way to navigate the chord changes
Which 4 major scales to use for improvising over the tune
Download the free PDF for the “Four” tutorial here
JLTP 046: The Jazz Practice Pie Chart-What To Practice
May 25, 2023
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over what to practice and how long to practice each topic in order to improve your improvisational skills.
In this episode, you will learn;
What types of scales to practice for maximum improvement.
4 things to practice to improve your improvisational skills.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 045: The “Kansas City” Blues Scale
Mar 04, 2023
In this episode of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over the “Kansas City” blues scale, how to use it, and how it differs from the regular blues scale.
The Blues Shuffle in Bb Concert play-along used in this podcast is available on YouTube here.
In this particular episode, you will learn;
What a Kansas City Blues scale is
10 short phrases, or “licks”, you can play over a blues
How the Kansas City differs from the “regular” blues scale
Listen till the end, then grab your horn and play along using all of these “riffs” to create your own melodies. Use the two blue scales and 10 “licks” provided for you with the free PDF located below.
JLTP 044: How To Be Your Own Best Teacher
Dec 21, 2022
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over different ways of adjusting your embouchure for maximum sound and efficiency, how to be your own best trumpet teacher and a list of suggested books for embouchure development.
In this podcast you will learn;
Different ways to adjust your embouchure for better sound and efficiency through self-analysis and micro-adjusting
List of potentially helpful books, methods, and systems for improving range, endurance, and sound.
Links and suggested books mentioned in this podcast;
“The Balanced Embouchure by Jeff Smiley” trumpetteacher.net
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 034: Major Scale Modes for Jazz Improvisation
Oct 30, 2022
In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about how using major scale modes to improvise can be an easy way to navigate through many different chord types.
In this episode you will learn;
What the seven major scale modes are
An easy way to remember all seven modes
How to apply the major scale modes to multiple types of chords
Why using modes to improvise is an easy way to start “playing the changes” like a pro
Items mentioned in this podcast;
“The Jazz Theory Book” by Mark Levine (the best jazz theory book in my opinion) Use my YouTube backing track for all 12 minor seven chords and start improvising today.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 042: Chet Baker’s jazz lick on “I’ll Remember April”
Aug 28, 2022
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over Chet Baker’s jazz lick on his rendition of “I’ll Remember April”.
How to approach practicing jazz licks in all 12 keys
Why this solo sounds so great
I use software called “Transcribe” (not free) on my laptop and “Anytune” (free version) on my iPhone to transcribe solos and tunes.
JLTP 041: How to improvise on “I’ll Remember April”-Chord theory and scale analysis
Aug 09, 2022
In this session of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over how to improvise on the jazz standard “I’ll Remember April” using six different major scales. I also discuss chord theory, scale analysis, and modes used for improvisation.
In this particular episode, you will learn;
The six major scales you can use to improvise over the entire song.
How using major scale modes is one of the easiest ways to navigate jazz theory and chord changes.
What Dorian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian scale modes are.
An easy way to practice jazz improvisation if you are just starting, or a grizzled veteran!
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
In this session of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I review the third step on navigating through minor iib5-V7b9-i chord changes using three different scales.
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about an easy way to navigate through a minor ii7b5-V7b9-i chord progression using two scales.
Download Step 1 one of the three-part series here;
Play along for the minor ii V I lick (in concert pitch)
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 037: How To Improvise On “Summertime”
Dec 21, 2021
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over the different scales and chords you can use to improvise over the George Gershwin classic “Summertime”.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 036: Warm Up With Me
Nov 20, 2021
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, you will warm up along with me on your trumpet. Be sure to download the free PDF of all of the exercises here;
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 035: Claude Gordon’s Systematic Approach to Daily Practice
Aug 14, 2021
In this podcast, I talk about my lessons with Claude Gordon and offer some tips on how to navigate this 52-week trumpet course written by Claude entitled “The Systematic Approach To Daily Practice”.
In this particular episode, you will learn;
How to use the pedal note exercises found in the warm-up and range exercises.
The other books used in his method.
What “anchor” tonguing is and how to apply it to the trumpet.
All the mistakes I made as a youngster playing through “The Systematic Approach”.
My new course website featuring two free Jazz courses;
JLTP 034: The James Blackwell Interview
Apr 09, 2021
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, we talk to trumpet player and educator James Blackwell. James is a GRAMMY award-winning trumpet player for his work on the jazz albums of Clare Fischer, Bob Mintzer, and the University of North Texas One O’clock Lab Band. Apart from his work as a jazz lead player, James has performed as the lead trumpet player with the Brian Setzer Orchestra since 2012. You can also hear James as the featured soloist to the theme song from Amazon Prime’s hit show, “Bosch.”
In this particular episode, you will learn:
About James’ experience at UNT.
About his embouchure change and what he did to fix it.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for your support!
JLTP 033: Find A Mentor
Jan 25, 2021
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about how finding a mentor can greatly increase your chances of success as a trumpet player.
In this particular episode, you will learn;
The differences between a mentor and a teacher
How asking the right questions can jump start your trumpet progress
Tips on how to find the best teacher
How now is the best time to study with anyone from around the world!
Subscribe to the “Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast” on iTunes here;
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about what my trumpet goals are for 2021, how I plan on implementing them, and how this may help you in coming up with a plan for improving your playing as well.
In this particular episode, you will learn;
How practicing first thing in the morning can be your key to improving fast
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for your support!
JLTP 031: Learn The Lyrics
Dec 06, 2020
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about how learning the lyrics of a song will help you become a better musician.
In this particular episode, you will learn;
Why it’s important to learn the lyrics of a song
Who to listen to for melodic interpretation
How learning different versions of songs can help you learn in multiple keys
Why learning the lyrics can help you with song form and melody memorization
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for your support!
JLTP 030: Keeping A Trumpet Journal
Nov 08, 2020
In this session of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over how I use a trumpet journal to be more efficient and organized about my daily practice.
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JLTP 029: Play Outside Using This One Scale
Oct 15, 2020
In this session of the Jeff Lewis tropic podcast, I show you how to play “outside” of the chord changes using a mode of the melodic minor scale.
In this particular episode you will learn;
What a “jazz” melodic minor scale is.
What an altered scale is
What a super locrian scale is
What a diminished whole tone scale is
What chords to use the altered scale over to play outside
JLTP 028: Diminished Scales For Improvisation
Sep 26, 2020
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over the two types of diminished scales for improvisation, how to learn them, and how to apply them.
In this episode, you will learn;
The two types of diminished scales for improvisation
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for your support!
JLTP: Trumpet Practice and Delayed Gratification
Sep 04, 2020
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about the concept of delayed gratification when it comes to improvement while practicing your trumpet.
In this episode, I talk about;
My experience with the Carmine Caruso method
Why I keep a trumpet journal
The concept of how long it takes to improve on the trumpet
How trumpet playing can be frustrating because it takes so long to improve
Podcast on iTunes; https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jeff-lewis-trumpet-podcast/id1333984769?mt=2&at=1000lHQ6
Podcast on Google Play; https://play.google.com/music/m/Ijx7f6cf7ftaea7ffawmlt7r6wq?t=The_Jeff_Lewis_Trumpet_Podcast
JLTP 026: Lip Buzzing for Trumpet Players
Aug 21, 2020
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about the benefits of lip buzzing, how it can lead to proper lip and playing formation, and how it can cure the problem of puffy cheeks when playing. Also, I go over a free lip buzzing exercise and play along (which can also be played on the mouthpiece) available on my website.
Download the free pdf of the “Lip Buzzing Exercise” and free play-a-long track here;
Podcast on iTunes; https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jeff-lewis-trumpet-podcast/id1333984769?mt=2&at=1000lHQ6
Podcast on Google Play; https://play.google.com/music/m/Ijx7f6cf7ftaea7ffawmlt7r6wq?t=The_Jeff_Lewis_Trumpet_Podcast
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for your support!
JLTP 025: “Drive” your Trumpet!
Aug 08, 2020
In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about the concept of quality practice over quantity and paying attention to not only the musical aspects of your playing but also the physical.
In this particular episode you will learn;
How practicing longer is not always better.
How to pay attention to the physical aspects of your playing in order to manipulate your sound.
Staying engaged during your practice session and not “going through the motions”.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for your support!
How to use your rest time efficiently by practicing fingering or reading/watching music videos and tutorials.
The importance of resting in order to build trumpet endurance rather than tear down
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for your support!
JLTP 021: Sus chords and Pentatonic Scales
Nov 17, 2019
In this podcast I go over what sus, or suspended, (D9sus, etc.) chords are and how to improvise over them using major pentatonic scales.
Why altered scales are simply jazz melodic minor scales (locrian mode)
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 018: How to learn jazz songs by ear
Aug 06, 2019
How I learn jazz songs, and other genres, by ear, step by step.
How the melody of a song can help you determine chord quality and function
How to use guide tones to help determine chord quality
The steps used, in order, to learn jazz songs
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 017: The seven major scale modes
Jul 20, 2019
In this podcast I discuss the seven major scale modes that can be used for jazz improvisation.
How to apply the appropriate scale mode to the chord
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 016: Exercises or Etudes?
Jun 22, 2019
In this session I talk about what you can do to practice the important things first before you run out of chops and get too tired.
In this episode you will learn;
How to set up your practice session for success
How to pace yourself
How long to practice
What to practice first, before you start getting tired
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 015; 4 practice tips to better jazz improvisation
Jun 05, 2019
In this episode I go over four tips on how to improve your jazz improvisation skills;
Major. melodic minor, diminished, and whole tone scales and scale patterns.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 014; Natural minor scales-The easy way!
Apr 22, 2019
How to learn and memorize your natural minor scales using the sixth mode of the major scale (the aeolian mode). This is assuming you have all 12 major scales memorized first.
In this episode you will learn;
what a natural minor scale is
the sixth mode of the major scale or aeolian mode.
how to think of a natural minor scale
how to not memorize scales using only fingering patterns
JLTP 013; 15 Trumpet Embouchure “Tweaks”
Feb 24, 2019
In this podcast I talk about 15 trumpet embouchure “tweaks” you can apply for better trumpet playing.
1. Faster air!!!
2. Lips rolled in (closed aperture)
3. Lips rolled out (open aperture)
4. Bottom jaw forward
5. Bottom teeth and top teeth aligned evenly
6. Teeth gap (space between top and bottom teeth)
7. Mouthpiece placed left or right of center
8. Mouthpiece placed lower or higher on the lips.
9. Lips wet or dry or both
10. Loose lips evenly displaced from left to right
11. Bunch lips forward or in the center
12. Horn tilt
13. Grip
14. Mouthpiece pressure
15. Tongue level (arch)
16.. Does it sound good? Does it feel good? Does it look good?
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 012: Arbans Trumpet Lesson
Jan 27, 2019
In this podcast I talk about using the resource website imslp.org to download the “Arbans Method for Trumpet” (for free!) and how I like to practice certain exercises in a particular order.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 011: Trumpet Goals 2019
Jan 08, 2019
In this podcast I talk about what didn’t work for me in 2018 and what my trumpet related goals are for 2019.
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 010: Teaching yourself how to play the trumpet and some common misconceptions
Dec 10, 2018
In this session I talk about how we really teach ourselves how to play the trumpet by using self analysis and trial and error and I also include some common misconceptions.
JLTP 009: Scale Patterns For Jazz Improvisation-minor pentatonics
Nov 12, 2018
In this podcast I give a short tutorial on different ways of improvising using minor pentatonic scales and patterns.
minor 7th chord play along in all 12 keys; https://youtu.be/Xim6gMGsDr0
YouTube tutorial; https://youtu.be/r2CtMbTcqHE
Download the minor pentatonic scale pattern here; https://www.jefflewistrumpet.com/scale-patterns-jazz-improvisation/
In this episode you will learn;
what a minor pentatonic scale is
how, when, and why you’ll want to add them to your vocabulary
how to practice your minor pentatonic scales
JLTP 008: 4 Essentials For More Productive Practice Sessions
Oct 15, 2018
Here are 4 tips on how to have a more productive practice session.
Items mentioned in this podcast;
Tonal Energy– The app I use for my metronome, drone, tuner, and recorder.
The “Edirol” digital recorder I use– The one is a little pricey but it sounds great! I also hear that the less expensive ones sold by “Zoom” are also good. I, however, use this Edirol digital recorder.
My practice log– You can also download this for free from my website at https://www.jefflewistrumpet.com/beginningbook/
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!
JLTP 007: Tips On How To Transcribe Jazz Solos and Songs
Sep 12, 2018
In this podcast I will give you three ways to transcribe your favorite jazz solos and tunes.
Items mentioned in this post;
Anytune– A free app used for slowing down those ultra fast solos
Transcribe– Software that is better (sounds “cleaner at slower tempos and has more features), but will cost you, for slowing down those ultra fast solos
DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It will not cost you more money but it will support the channel and allows me to continue to make podcasts like this. Thank you for the support!