A podcast on high film art, entertaining film trash, and everything film in between.
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A podcast on high film art, entertaining film trash, and everything film in between.
Subscribe to the Patreon for new premium episode every week.
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We discuss the career of thespian Jim Varney, most famous for playing a man named Ernest. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of Writer/Director Idrissa Ouedraogo. Here's the Letterboxd list of Robert Florey Films Ranked: https://letterboxd.com/notoriouscg/list/robert-florey/ Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
With their books The Fifty Worst Films of All Time (1978) and The Golden Turkey Awards (1980), brothers Harry and Michael Medved crystallized the idea of "so bad it's good," made Ed Wood famous, and created "bad movie" fandom as we know it. In this special interview episode, Will Sloan talks to the Medved Brothers about the making of the books, the movies they got wrong, and whether Plan 9 from Outer Space is REALLY the Worst Movie of All Time. PLUS: Harry Medved and producer Harry Pallenberg talks about their new show LOCATIONLAND, where they visit the filming locations for Plan 9. Check out Harry Medved's LOCATIONLAND: Official LOCATIONLAND website: https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/locationland GREASE Road Trip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aLpBO24qQw (live now) Ed Wood’s PLAN 9 Adventures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9IBP_1v13M (launches Feb. 10 at 6pm) Behind The Hollywood Sign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeHpsiSxFVs (launches Feb. 13th) PBS SoCal YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PBSSoCal
We discuss musicals that have "erotic" themes. Topics include ALICE IN WONDERLAND: AN X-RATED MUSICAL FANTASY (1976), BLONDE AMBITION (1981) and ROMEO AND JULIAN (1993). Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss The King of Canadian Cinema once more, Mr. David Cronenberg, but this time we are joined by Violet Lucca, the author of the excellent new book DAVID CRONENBERG: CLINICAL TRIALS. Go buy her book now at your local independent bookseller! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We jump into the giant pile of letters you have all graciously sent us. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the public domain and focus in on three films that went into it this year: THE COCOANUTS, HALLELUJAH and BLACKMAIL. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We share the best films of 2024 and are 100% correct, because we've seen everything, and are never, ever, wrong. Nope. No blind spots. Smooth sailing. Unimpeachable. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
Nothing says Christmas like a Shane Black movie! We discuss LETHAL WEAPON, KISS KISS BANG BAND and THE NICE GUYS. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
Please enjoy this Patreon episode where Justin and Will go through the special features of public domain Blu-rays. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the films of Mae West, with a focus on SHE DONE HIM WRONG, MY LITTLE CHICKADEE and SEXTETTE. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the master of disaster himself! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
The Holiday Movie Mind Melter Is Happening Online December 7th! @ 9:00 AM (Eastern Time) by Justin Decloux and Will Sloan
We discuss the bountiful work of Edward Bernds, a man who directed some of the best THREE STOOGES shorts and made the feature films QUEEN FROM OUTER SPACE, HOT NEWS and THE THREE STOOGES IN OUTER SPACE. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
She's one of the most prolific female filmmakers of all time, becoming a bona-fide entrepreneur in a male-dominated industry. She also worked entirely in sexploitation and horror, and has stubbornly resisted any attempts at canonization. Is there art in the unabashedly commercial cinema of Roberta Findlay? In this special report, Will talks to Peter Alilunas and Whitney Strub, co-editors of "ReFocus: The Films of Roberta Findlay," the first book about one of American cinema's most fascinating, challenging, and contradictory figures. Check out "ReFocus: The Films of Roberta Findlay" - https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-refocus-the-films-of-roberta-findlay.html Join the virtual book launch on Tuesday, December 3, 4-6pm (with Roberta in attendance!) - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/refocus-the-films-of-roberta-findlay-paperback-launch-tickets-1095355480729 The Rialto Report's interview with Findlay - https://www.therialtoreport.com/2015/08/16/roberta-findlay/ Our vintage episode on Findlay - https://soundcloud.com/the-important-cinema-club/92-roberta-findlay-thinks-your-stupid-for-liking-her-films
Is there an artist lurking inside the quintessential Hollywood journeyman? Will welcomes special guest Ethan Vestby (of Bleeding Edge) to discuss Richard Fleischer, including such films as CHILD OF DIVORCE (1946), THE NARROW MARGIN (1952), DOCTOR DOLITTLE (1967), THE BOSTON STRANGLER (1968), and MANDINGO (1975). Check out Ethan's screening series Bleeding Edge - https://www.instagram.com/bleeding.edge.movies/ Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
German-born director Uwe Boll has been called one of the worst filmmakers of all time, but is there ANYTHING good about him? Will welcomes special guest Mark Hanson (co-host of The Bay Street Video Podcast) to sift through Boll's unruly filmography, with an emphasis on HEART OF AMERICA (2002), POSTAL (2007), ATTACK ON DARFUR (2009), and the documentary RAGING BOLL (2010). Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We make case that William Shatner is a great actor by discussing his films INCUBUS, KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS and INCUBUS. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the Universal Frankenstein sequels, with a focus on SON OF FRANKENSTEIN, GHSOT OF FRANKENSTEIN and THE HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of Writer/Director/Special Effects Maestro Brian Paulin and his gory filmography that includes BONE SICKNESS, AT DAWN WE SLEEP and CRYPTIC PLASM.
We discuss ArgeJoin the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Subscribe to the ICC YouTube page at www.youtube.com/@filmtrap. Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIEnto.
Join us! For more info, check out twitter.com/declouxj.
We discuss Martin Scorsese's filmography for our mega-sized 400th episode! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Subscribe to the ICC YouTube page at www.youtube.com/@filmtrap. Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE
We discuss the Taiwanese artist behind Jackie Chan's FANTASY MISSION FORCE, KUNG FU DUNK and GOLDEN QUEENS COMMANDO. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Subscribe to the ICC YouTube page at www.youtube.com/@filmtrap. Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE
We discuss the work of Writer/Director Edgar Wright and focus on SHAUN OF THE DEAD, THE WORLD'S END and BABY DRIVER. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Subscribe to the ICC YouTube page at www.youtube.com/@filmtrap. Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE
We discuss all the films we saw at our nation's most prestigious presentation of moving images! Check out Justin's YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/@filmtrap. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE
It's going to be a few more days before the regularly scheduled episode, so please enjoy this discussion that followed the Canadian Premiere of BETTER MAN, where Justin, Pierce Derks (Cinematographer), and Liane Cunje (Film Programmer) sat in front of Roy Thomspon Hall and discussed the bonkers Robbie Williams biopic, in which he's played by a CGI Monkey.
We discuss the work of Paul W.S Anderson. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss a silent comedian who, at one time, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Chaplin and Keaton. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of Hong Kong film director Soi Cheang and focus on his films LIMBO, SPL 2 and TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS: WALLED IN. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
From 1929 to 1942, Fleischer Studios was Walt Disney's greatest rival, bringing Superman, Popeye, and Betty Boop to the screen and pioneering a range of technical innovations. But for decades, many of the cartoons by Max and Dave Fleischer have suffered neglect. In this special report, Will talks to the team behind the grassroots Fabulous Fleischer Cartoons Restored: animation historians Mauricio Alvarado and Ray Pointer, and Max Fleischer's granddaughter Jane Fleischer. Support Fabulous Fleischer Cartoons Restored - https://fleischertoons.com/ Check out The Art and Innovations of Max Fleischer by Ray Pointer - https://www.fleischerstudios.com/ray.html See "The Cartoons of Max Fleischer" at the Fox Theatre in Toronto on August 17, 18, and 20 - https://www.foxtheatre.ca/movies/the-cartoons-of-max-fleischer/
We discuss the work of thespian Pierce Brosnan and his films GOLDENEYE, GREY OWL and THE TAILOR OF PANAMA. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss Bob Hope and his films THE CAT & THE CANARY, ROAD TO MOROCCO and THE PRIVATE NAVY OF SGT. O’FARRELL. Check out the zine VIZUÁLIS KÖLTESZET (VISUAL POETRY): AN INTRODUCTION TO THE WORK OF ANDRÁS RAJNAI, here: https://theatomicelbow.bigcartel.com/product/vizualis-kolteszet-visual-poetry-an-introduction-to-the-work-of-andras-rajnai Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of black gay filmmaker, educator, poet, and activist Marlon Riggs and his films with a focus on ETHNIC NOTIONS, TONGUES UNTIED and BLACK IS... BLACK AIN'T. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We spent the weekend at the wonderful The Mahoning Drive-In for VHS-FEST 8. We discuss our experience watching films like NIGHTMARE SISTERS, SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE and CONRAD BROOKS VS. THE WEREWOLF on the big screen! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss films about filmmaking by focusing on Bertrand Tavernier's SAFE CONDUCT (2002), Abel Ferrera's DANGEROUS GAME, and Lo Chi-leung's VIVA EROTICA. Check out the reader's list of-Chinese movies that are inexplicably popular in China: https://letterboxd.com/jenyhuis/list/non-chinese-movies-that-are-inexplicably/ Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the films of Writer/Director Bruce McDonald and focus on ROADKILL, HARD CORE LOGO and PICTURE CLAIRE. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the career of Noir and Western master Anthony Mann and focus on his films THE NAKED SPUR, REIGN OF TERROR and DEVIL'S DOORWAY. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We explore Winnie the Pooh's legacy in cinema by discussing THE MANY ADVENTURES OF WINNIE THE POOH, THE TIGGER MOVIE, and CHRISTOPHER ROBIN. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
In this episode, we go back to discuss the movies that made... I mean.... The Films That Fundamentally Changed Our Understanding of Cinema (TM). Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
In this very special episode, Will welcomes Mark Hanson (co-host of The Bay Street Video Podcast) to discuss the film careers of the cast of Bravo's infamous reality show VANDERPUMP RULES. It's a sordid journey through the dark back-alleys and byways of Hollywood that takes them to David DeCoteau's THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM (2009), Charles Band's THE DEAD WANT WOMEN (2012), Randall Emmett's Bruce Willis vehicle HARD KILL (2020), and more. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of Norwegian Writer/Director Vibeke Løkkeberg and her films THE REVELATION, CAMILLA and HUD. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
David Fincher. You know him. You love him. We talk about him. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We focus on the handful of times Elvis worked with great directors: Michael Curtiz, Don Siegel, and Phil Karlson. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of pioneer Brucesploitation actor/director Bruce Le - and focus on his films Challenge of the Tiger, Ninja Over the Great Wall, and Comfort Women. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
Justin and Will visited New York. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We get very self-indulgent and discuss the film-related people, events, and places that made us who we are today. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the films of Japan's second most famous giant monster that starts with a G: Gamera! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of Palestinian Writer/Director/Actor Elia Suleiman. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of late-period Italian horror director Michele Soavi and his films STAGEFRIGHT, THE CHURCH, CEMETERY MAN and ARRIVEDERCI AMORE, CIAO. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We are jumping on the bandwagon by using The Criterion Channel's recent program, AND THE RAZZIE GOES TO, as a starting point to discuss what it means to be perceived as a 'bad' movie and why COCKTAIL, UNDER THE CHERRY MOON and QUERELLE we're given those honours. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the directorial work of Kevin Costner: DANCES WITH WOLVES, THE POSTMAN and WATERWORLD. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss our favourite film critic, Jonathan Rosenbaum, and focus on his work about Ace Ventura, Luc Moullet, Small Soldiers, Spielberg's A.I. and more. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of Writer/Director/Producer Greydon Clark and examine his films BLACK SHAMPOO, JOYSTICKS and THE UNINVITED. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
Become a Patron now at https://www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the Writer/Director Jerzy Skolimowski and focus on his films DEEP END, MOONLIGHTING and THE SHOUT. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of conceptual artist/filmmaker VALIE EXPORT and her films INVISIBLE ADVERSARIES, MENSCHENFRAUEN and THE PRACTICE OF LOVE. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of Jim Jarmusch with a focus on STRANGER THAN PARADISE, DEADMAn and THE DEAD DON'T DIE. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the career of Danny DeVito as a director, which includes THROW MOMMA FROM THE TRAIN, WAR OF THE ROSES and DUPLEX. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the power of Shot on Video films and focus on BLONDE DEATH, SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN and BOARDING HOUSE. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the best films of 2023. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss Peter Jackson's LORD OF THE RINGS, and one of us has never actually watched them all until now! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss what we've been watching. Want more of this? Subscribe to our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub and get more than you can handle!
We dive into three adaptations of A Christmas Carol. We discuss the work of Writer/Director Nancy Meyers with a focus on THE INTERN, IT'S COMPLICATED and THE HOLIDAY. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of Writer/Director Nancy Meyers with a focus on THE INTERN, IT'S COMPLICATED and THE HOLIDAY. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
Justin and Will sell out. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of trashmaker/rip-off artist extraordinaire Bruno Mattei and his films SHOCKING DARK (AKA TERMINATOR 2), ROBOWAR, RATS: NIGHT OF TERROR and ZOMBIE: THE BEGINNING. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the career of Russian filmmaker Sergei Bondarchuk, and the absolute massive WAR & PEACE, on this week's episode. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the enfant terrible writer/director and focus on BREAKING THE WAVES, DOGVILLE and MELANCHOLIA. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of filmmaker King Hu and focus on COME DRINK WITH ME, DRAGON INN and A TOUCH OF ZEN. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the work of filmmaker Michael J. Murphy and his micro-budget wonders that include INVITATION TO HELL, TORMENT, and DEATH RUN. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalog, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the films of the greatest masked wrestler to ever live! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss some films written by Stephen King! These include CREEPSHOW, PET SEMATARY, and CREEPSHOW. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss Golden Harvest's Mr. Vampire series. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us).
We discuss the multi-award-winning Dardenne Brothers and their films. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of Writer/Director/Actor Patrick Wang. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the films we've been able to catch at TIFF 2023, which include Jean-Luc Godard's final project, Harmony Korine's AGGRO DR1FT, Hayao Miyazaki's THE BOY AND THE HERON and much more. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of Writer/Director Hong Sang-soo, the extremely prolific South Korean auteur. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the comedians that couldn't crack the big screen, with a focus this time on talk show hosts: Jay Leno, Ellen Degeneres and Jimmy Fallon. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss Michael Mann's digital filmography, which includes COLLATERAL, PUBLIC ENEMIES, MIAMI VICE and BLACK HAT. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the filmography of Hong Kong's Milkyway Image, a company founded by Johnnie To and Wai Ka-fai that bounced between personal crime films and broad populist romantic comedies. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of Comedian/Actor Richard Pryor and focus on his movies STIR CRAZY, BREWSTER'S MILLIONS and RICHARD PRYOR: LIVE IN CONCERT. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of Dede Allen, one of the greatest film editors to ever live, and the creative behind the shaping of BONNIE AND CLYDE, DOG DAY AFTERNOON and SLAP SHOT. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We dicsuss the work of Writer/Director Todd Solondz. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
In this special dispatch for Toronto moviegoers, Will talks to his good friend Ethan Vestby about his screening series Bleeding Edge, emerging channels of indie film distribution, and his upcoming Toronto screening of Al Warren's DOGLEG. Get tickets to DOGLEG on August 3 at the Revue Cinema - https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bleeding-edge-above-ground-pool-al-warrens-dogleg-toronto-premiere-tickets-673990282077 Follow Bleeding Edge on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bleeding.edge.movies/ Ethan's Twitter - https://twitter.com/ethanves
We discuss Universal's inability to continue making movies featuring the most popular monsters ever, and talk VAN HELSING, DRACULA: UNTOLD and Tom Cruise's THE MUMMY. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We visited The Mahoning Drive-In to watch 7 Godzilla movies on 35mm. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of legendary Hollywood journeyman Norman Taurog and focus on BLUE HAWAII, BROADWAY MELODY OF 1940 and SKIPPY. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss Director Roland Emmerich and focus on INDEPENDENCE DAY, UNIVERSAL SOLDIER and GHOST CHASE. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the legendary experimental filmmaker and author of Hollywood Babylon. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
If you know one thing about 1953's ROBOT MONSTER, you know that its alien villain has the body of a gorilla with a diving helmet on his head. Shot in four days for $16,000, Robot Monster may be bad, but it's also impossible to dislike. For its 70th anniversary, this sci-fi semi-classic has received a much-needed restoration from the 3D Film Archive. To mark the occasion, Will Sloan spoke to Bob Furmanek (president and founder of the Archive), as well as Robot Monster's last surviving cast member, Gregory Moffett. Preorder Robot Monster on Blu-Ray: https://www.bayviewentertainment.com/robot-monster Learn more about the 3D Film Archive: https://3dfilmarchive.com/
We discuss films that exist only in bootleg form to this day, which includes THE LAST SHARK, ABBY and PORGY AND BESS, as well reminsce about our own experiences watching 'Bootlegs'. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of the Green Goblin/Jesus himself, Willem Dafoe! With a focus on LIGHT SLEEPER, BODY OF EVIDENCE, and TOMMASO. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss Writer/Director George Miller, focusing on his MAD MAX films, THE WITCHES OF EASTWICK and HAPPY FEET. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the preeminent director of the Australian genre film: Brian Trenchard Smith. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of Writer/Director Rinse Dreams (aka Stephen Sayadian), and focus on NIGHT DREAMS, CAFE FLESH and DR. CALIGARI. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of the director of BATTLE ALGIERS and BURN! featuring Marlon Brando. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast), THE VERY FINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST (www.theveryfinecomicbookpodcast.com) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of S-Tier action filmmaker Isaac Florentine, focusing on UNDISPUTED II, U.S SEALS II and NINJA: SHADOW OF A TEAR. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of, arguably, Mainland China's most famous director and focus on his films RAISE THE RED LANTERN, HERO and ONE SECOND. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the directorial efforts of Mel Brooks and focus on BLAZING SADDLES, YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN and THE PRODUCERS. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of under-the-radar French filmmaker Marie-Claude Treilhou and discuss her crackling debut film SIMONE BARBÈS OU LA VERTU (1980), about one young woman's night as a porno film ticket taker and her acidic look into the lives of the elderly in LE JOUR DES ROIS (1991. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of documentary filmmaker Deepa Dhanraj, and focus on her powerful (and seemingly underseen)features SOMETHING LIKE A WAR, INVOKING JUSTICE and WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THIS CITY? Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the nearly-lost films of Writer/Director/Producer Juleen Compton, which include STRANDED, THE PLASTIC DOME OF NORMA JEAN and BUCKEYE AND BLUE. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the man with a beard under his fist: Chuck Norris. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss prolific animation director Masaaki Yuasa's feature films and focus on MIND GAME, THE NIGHT IS SHORT, WALK ON GIRL, and INU-OH. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss famed Japanese Pink director Hisayasu Satō and focus on his films THE BEDROOM, SPLATTER: NAKED BLOOD and MUSCLE. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of underrated Japanese filmmaker Hideo Gosha and his early work THREE MASTERLESS SAMURAI, THE SWORD OF DOOM and THE WOLVES. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of Mikio Naruse and focus on his films WHEN A WOMAN ASCENDS THE STAIRS, YEARNING and WIFE! BE LIKE A ROSE. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
Justin talks Experimental Canadian Cinema with filmmaker, author, professor and Blu-ray label owner Stephen Broomer and focus on Stephen's experiences writing the books HAMILTON BABYLON, CODES FOR NORTH: FOUNDATIONS OF THE CANADIAN AVANT-GARDE FILM, and his new Blu-ray label Black Zero, that highlights truly forgotten gems. Plus, a nude David Cronenberg. Check out Black Zero's releases at www.blackzero.ca Follow Stephen Broomer on Twitter at https://mobile.twitter.com/StephenBroomer
We discuss our favourite films of 2022. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We watch Streaming Christmas Films and suffer. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the 'Bad' Pixar films which include THE GOOD DINOSAUR, MONSTERS UNIVERSITY and CARS 3. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of Australian Writer/Director/Star/Producer/Editor/Music Superviosr Yahoo Serious. Check out Felix Felix Dembinski's fan edit of HOUSE OF SEVEN BELLES: https://youtu.be/xClF3ZkVjt8 Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of Writer/Director Wim Wenders and focus in on KINGS OF THE ROAD, THE AMERICAN FRIEND, PARIS TEXAS and WINGS OF DESIRE. Albert Pyun's Memorial GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/albert-pyuns-memorial-in-kailua-hawaii Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss pioneer experimental filmmaker Marie Menken and focus on her shorts LIGHTS, GO! GO! GO!, and ANDY WARHOL. Check out Derrick Schultz's SCREAM SCENES: http://screamscenes.com/ Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of filmmaker/documentarian Peter Watkins and focus on THE WAR GAME, PUNISHMENT PARK and EDVARD MUNCH. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the Dracula films made by Hammer Film that featured Christopher Lee/ Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of India's trendsetting horror filmmaking family, The Ramsays, with a focus on their films PURANA MANDIR, VEERANA and MAHAKAAL. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of Writer/Director Jean Rollin and his films THE SHIVERS OF THE VAMPIRE, GRAPES OF DEATH and THE IRON ROSE. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of actor Boris Karloff, with a focus on his roles in FRANKENSTEIN and THE MAN THEY COULD NOT HANG. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of Director/Action Choreographer Yuen Woo-ping and focus on his films MIRACLE FIGHTERS, TIGER CAGE and more! Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts, THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie), as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the Golden Age of Exploitation Cinema (1919-1959) and focus in on DAMAGED LIVES, SHE SHOULD HAVE SAID NO! and THE UNASHAMED. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of filmmaker Richard Lester and his features A HARD DAY'S NIGHT, PETULIA and more. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the films we saw at this year's TIFF, which include THE WHALE, THE FABELMANS, and THE PEOPLE'S JOKER. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of Actor/Filmmaker Fred Williamson with a focus on his films BOSS, MEAN JOHNNY BARROWS and ORIGINAL GANGSTAS. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We explore the films that were Written and Directed by the friends of Kevin Smith, which include A BETTER PLACE, VULGAR, NOW YOU KNOW, and SMALL TOWN GAY BAR. For more info on the August 23rd screening of DON'T LET THE RIVERBEAST GET YOU, visit: https://www.foxtheatre.ca/movies/dont-let-the-riverbeast-get-you-10th-anniversary/ Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
Justin and Will recently took a vacation to The Mahoning Drive-in Theater for three movie nights presented by Exhumed Films and relate their wonderful experience: Godzilla 1985, The Three Stooges Museum, and a Lost Monster Movie are discussed! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We explore David Mamet's directorial work. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the entire feature-length directorial career of Charlie Chaplin. Grab THE IRON DRAGON STRIKES BACK on Blu-ray now at www.goldninjavideo.com Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We watched all four SHREK films in one day and discussed them all. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of underground filmmaker Damon Packard and focus on his films REFLECTIONS OF EVIL, THE UNTITLED STAR WARS MOCKUMENTARY, and FOXFUR. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of pioneer gay filmmaker Arthur J. Bressan Jr with a focus on his films PASSING STRANGERS, FORBIDDEN LETTERS and BUDDIES. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the king of the movies and his films THE TERMINATOR, THE ABYSS and TRUE LIES. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
In the beloved cult classic The Brain from Planet Arous (1957), an evil brain from outer space inhabits the body of an atomic scientist to plot world domination. Of course, the sinister brain is also very interested in the love interest, played by Joyce Meadows. Sixty-five years after it was made, The Brain from Planet Arous is now available on a beautiful Blu-Ray from The Film Detective, with Meadows (now 89) participating in the extras. In this special interview episode, Will speaks to Joyce Meadows about the craft she brought to low-budget 1950s cinema, her films with William Castle and Edward L. Cahn, and the reason she stepped away from Hollywood. Get The Brain from Planet Arous on Blu-Ray - https://www.thefilmdetective.com/arous Visit Joyce Meadows’ website - http://joycemeadows.net/
We discuss the monumental work of the man who gave us BREATHLESS. Yes, Godard made a documentary about film history, and we're going to discuss all 8 episodes of it! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
Become a Patreon subscriber now for $5 a month at :https://www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
Sell-Out Month Continues! We discuss the 'Bad' movies by the master of suspense: Alfred Hitchcock. Watch MAGIC SPOT:https://vimeo.com/ondemand/magicspot/708286795 Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss Meryl Streep and her performances in SOPHIE'S CHOICE, SILKWOOD and SHE-DEMON. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss comedians who couldn't quite make it as full-blown comedy stars on the big screen. Subjects include the SCTV boys, Harland Williams and Red Green. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of a one-of-a-kind filmmaker: Wong Jing. He's had #1 hits, made films out of spite, and produced/written/directed trash, more trash, and super trash in the name of box-office gold and putting a smile on his audience's face. We focus on his films WINNER TAKES ALL, GOD OF GAMBLERS and CHASING THE DRAGON Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of Animator/Director Frank Tashlin and focus on his films SON OF PALEFACE, THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT, and WILL SUCCESS SPOIL ROCK HUNTER? Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of famed Japanese comedian Hitoshi Matsumoto and focus on his feature film directorial work like BIG MAN JAPAN, SYMBOL and R100. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
RIP Jimmy Wang Yu In honour of the passing of one of Hong Kong's biggest martial arts stars, please commentary the track Justin Decloux and Will Sloan recorded for BLOOD OF THE DRAGON on the Gold Ninja Video Blu-ray release Because the film stars Jimmy, they used the opportunity to have a lengthy talk about his career. The track can be synced up with the movie, which can be found on Youtube, or can be listened to stand-alone as a podcast. References to on-screen events are fairly minimal.
To listen to these full episodes become a Patreon subscriber now at: https://www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the career of actor Al Pacino and focus on SCENT OF A WOMAN, THE GODFATHER and HEAT. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of Writer/Director of Ousmane Sembène and his films BLACK GIRL, XALA and MOOLAADÉ. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss three versions of Macbeth on-screen: MACBETH(1971), MACBETH(2015) and THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH (2021). What makes them different? What makes a good adaptation? What do we like? Listen to find out! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the famed New Novelist/Filmmaker with a focus on HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR, NATHALIE GRANGER and INDIA SONG. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of incredibly prolific director David Decoteau and focus on SORORITY BABES IN THE SLIMEBALL BOWL-O-RAMA, 1313: COUGAR CULT and LEATHER JACKET LOVE STORY. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week, access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue, your name read out on the next episode, and the friendly Discord chat: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Yes, A TALKING CAT!?! is also discussed.
We discuss George Lucas, but focus on THX-1138 and AMERICAN GRAFFITI! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
*HOCKEY AIR-HORN!* Justin is joined this week by Mark Hanson, co-host of The Bay Street Video Podcast, and Ducks Fan #1 to talk about the Mighty Ducks Trilogy, the creepy cartoon, and more! Which one of them played hockey as a kid? Which one of them can't skate? And who's favourite childhood memory involves MIGHTY DUCKS 3? Listen to find out! Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We pick five of our favourite films of 2021 and five films we discovered for the first time in 2021. Check out the list of film discussed in this episode of Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/justindecloux/list/the-important-cinema-clubs-best-films-they/ Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
From 1980 to 1985, the underground zine “Sleazoid Express” became one of the first publications to seriously cover grindhouse movies, and a valuable primary document about life on New York’s 42nd Street. Its editor and writer, the late Bill Landis, was the Hunter S. Thompson of film criticism… and a man who left a trail of wreckage in his wake. In this special bonus episode, Will talks to Preston Fassel, author of the new biography “Landis: The Story of a Real Man on 42nd Street,” about the checkered life and lasting legacy of Times Square’s greatest film critic. Buy “Landis: The Story of a Real Man on 42nd Street” Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/Landis-Story-Real-42nd-Street/dp/0578304805 US: https://www.amazon.com/Landis-Story-Real-42nd-Street/dp/0578304805
We discuss the great, the charismatic, the schlubby: Joe Don Baker. With the help of Eric Szyszka (We Hate Movies), we focus on ADAM AT 6 AM, GOLDEN NEEDLES, FRAMED, and of course, MITCHELL. Check out Eric's Podcast on TJ HOOKER: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hooked-on-t-j-hooker/id1195591718 Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of legendary comedians Laurel & Hardy and focus on BATTLE OF THE CENTURY, THE MUSIC BOX and their final film ATTOL K. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
Justin discusses the art of subtitling Hong Kong Cinema with Translator/Localizer extraordinaire Dylan Cheung. Check out Dylan's excellent Instagram where he regularly posts new Hong Kong Movie news (as well as custom sub-jobs): https://t.co/iWYMsmFnmC And his Twitter: https://twitter.com/Futurhythm
We talk about Alan Smithee, the pseudonym given to directors who filed suit with the DGA in protest that their films were changed against their wishes - and we focus on BURN HOLLYWOOD BURN, BACKTRACK, and THE BIRDS II: LAND'S END. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss Director Max Ophuls and focus on his films THE EARRINGS OF MADAME DE... and LOLA MONTES. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss legendary film critic Robin Wood. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
In light of the recent release of Leonard Maltin's autobiography STARSTRUCK: MY UNLIKELY ROAD TO HOLLYWOOD, we had the pleasure of talking with Mr. Maltin about the process of putting the book together, his favourite segments about old Hollywood he snuck on Entertainment Tonight and being pen pals with Moe Howard... Please enjoy! Make sure to grab STARSTRUCK at a local bookstore, or if that's not an option, it's also available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Starstruck-My-Unlikely-Road-Hollywood-ebook/dp/B08VNJ5SYN And don't forget to also check out Leonard and his daughter Jessie regularly on their podcast MALTIN ON MOVIES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/maltin-on-movies/id935760435
We discuss the HELLRAISER franchise. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
Enjoy this unlocked Patreon episode, realize what you're missing out on, and become a subscriber today! Join The Important Cinema Club Patreon here:patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We explore the world of hardcore horror pornography with a discussion that includes WIDOW BLUE, HARDGORE, and DRILLER: A SEXUAL THRILLER. Join the Patreon now for an exclusive episode every week and access to our entire Patreon Episode back catalogue: https://patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We explore the less-loved horror releases from Universal that don't feature Draculas, Frankensteins, Wolfmen or Invisible Men. Are there hidden gems that deserve to be raised into the pantheon? Are Poverty Rows Horror Films better? Are there enough Gorillas? Listen to find out! Check out Justin's 24-HOURS HORROR MOVIE MIND MELTER on October 16, 2021, right here: www.twitch.tv/importantcinemaclub Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We get personal and discuss what movies scared the hell out of us! Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the acting work of Pam Grier and focus on her films COFFY and JACKIE BROWN. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We dive into our experience with Hong Kong Cinema follow the 1997 Handover to Mainland China and talk about a dozen of films which include NEW POLICE STORY, LOVE IN A PUFF, and MADE IN HONG KONG. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
Justin and Special Guest Mathew Kumar discuss the myth, the legend, the laziest man in showbiz who still continually makes movies: Bruce Willis - with a focus on the man's vanity music project THE RETURN OF BRUNO and the last gasp that is A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Mathew: https://twitter.com/mathewkumar Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the work of Russ Meyer and focus on BENEATH THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS and FASTER, PUSSYCAT! KILL! KILL! Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
In a very special episode, Mathew Kumar (The Insert Credit Show) joins Justin to briefly revive The Loose Cannons Podcast and tackle Death Wish 3. Many moons ago, The Loose Cannons Podcast was a show hosted by Mathew and Justin where they went chronologically through the filmography of Cannon Films. They did 85+ episodes and you can listen to them here: https://thatshelf.com/loose-cannons/page/6/ Mathew also appears regularly on The Insert Credit Show: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-insert-credit-show/id1509363651
We discuss the work of Director/Actor Christopher Guest and focus on THIS IS SPINAL TAP, WAITING FOR GUFFMAN and A MIGHTY WIND. The German Blu-ray site we were discussing is https://shop.dtm.at/ Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
It's Film 101 time! Get your textbooks out and listen to us discuss the work of the man who gave the world BIRTH OF A NATION, INTOLERANCE and... ONE MILLION B.C? Check out the Gold Ninja Video crowdfunding campaign here: www.indiegogo.com/projects/gold-ninja-video/ Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the art of the gorilla suit performer. Who is the best? What does it take? Why do we love them so much? It all gets tackled in discussions of the career of Ray "Crash" Corrigan, Bob Burns and many others! For more information on the Gold Ninja Video Telethon check out the poster here: https://twitter.com/DeclouxJ/status/1417878808389111810 Check out the Gold Ninja Video crowdfunding campaign here: www.indiegogo.com/projects/gold-ninja-video/ Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the film of Writer/Director Noah Baumbach and focus on his films THE SQUID AND THE WHALE and GREENBERG. Check out the Gold Ninja Video crowdfunding campaign here: www.indiegogo.com/projects/gold-ninja-video/ Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the career of Sonny Chiba and focus on his films THE STREETFIGHTER, THE EXECUTIONER and THE KILLING MACHINE. Check out the Gold Ninja Video crowdfunding campaign here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/gold-ninja-video/ Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of Hungarian filmmaker Miklós Jancsó, who made movies that were complex, musical and featured some of the most elaborate long takes in the history of film. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
Steve Wang is a legendary special effects artist who worked on PREDATOR, HELLBOY, GREMLINS 2 and dozens of other stone-cold classics. He's also a great director. No one in North America has done a better job of marrying complex practical special effects and high octane Hong Kong-style action than Steve Wang in films like KUNG FU RASCALS, GUYVER: DARK HERO and DRIVE (1997). I enjoyed speaking to Steve about his directorial career, and topics under discussion include his time as the director (briefly) of POWER RANGERS: THE MOVIE, an unmade Steven Seagal film, and a reboot of FIST OF THE NORTH STAR that was meant to star Mark Dacascos! *** For an interview more centred around Steve Wang's make-up career, check out his great appearance on THE DARK SOCIETY PODCAST: https://soundcloud.com/darkartsociety/steve-wang-ep-155. Steve Wang's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stevewangcreaturecreator/ Steve Wang's Elite Creature Collectibles: http://www.elitecreature.com/
We dive into the wild world of Indonesian Cult Cinema with a discussion of LADY TERMINATOR, QUEEN OF BLACK MAGIC and THE WARRIOR. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
This week we discuss the career of the iconic Actor/Writer Louise Brooks and focus on her films PANDORA'S BOX, DIARY OF A LOST GIRL and her writings collected in LULU IN HOLLYWOOD. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of the great Monte Hellman and focus on TWO LANE BLACKTOP, ROAD TO NOWHERE and THE SHOOTING. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of Taiwanese filmmaker Hou Hsiao-hsien and focus on A SUMMER AT GRANDPA'S, FLOWERS OF SHANGHAI, and THE ASSASSIN. Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us)
We discuss the work of a man who got no respect, Rodney Dangerfield, and discuss his film work that included CADDY SHACK, BACK TO SCHOOL and LADYBUGS. Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
This week we dive into the Spaghetti Western and discuss where the sub-genre sprung from, it's cultural impact, and dive into a few movies out of the hundreds that exist: THE BIG GUNDOWN, BLINDMAN, AND GOD SAID TO CAIN. For more information on Film Book Recommendations, check out our episode on the subject here: https://filmtrap.com/icc-62-best-film-books-ever-according-us/ Check out Justin's other podcasts THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
Justin talks to Programmer Adam Riot Thorn about the upcoming TERRIBLE TWO DAY FILM FESTIVAL: A cavalcade of underground horror, comedy and mind-melting cinema that will be screening FOR FREE ONLINE on Friday, May 27th and Saturday, May 28th, 2021. Make your calendars and bookmark www.twitch.tv/riotatthemovies THE LINE-UP: FRIDAY (May 27) 7:00 - 10:00 PM: *Death Toilet *Spirit Animal *Psycho Ape SATURDAY(May 28)7:00 - 10:00 PM: *Muzzle Flash *Short Films (+ McMurderer) *Freak For more information follow Adam's Instagram account at www.instagram.com/riotatthemovies/
We discuss the work of Writer/Director Robert Downey Sr. and focus on his films PUTNEY SWOPE, POUND, GREASER'S PALACE and CHAFFED ELBOWS. Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
Writer/Director Edmond Greville was one of the seventh arts' first cinephiles turned filmmakers. He worked from 1931 to 1963 and his pictures are filled with imagination, energetic style and boundary-pushing experimentation, but his filmography has fallen through the cracks in the way the work of Edgar G. Ulmer and Joseph H. Lewis never have. Why is that? And how can things change? We focus on Gréville's legacy as well as three of his films: NOOSE, WHIRLPOOL and THE ACCIDENT. For more information on the availability of his films, Justin has put together a handy guide available here: https://filmtrap.com/a-guide-to-the-films-of-edmond-greville/ Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the work of director Tony Scott and focus on THE LAST BOYSCOUT, DOMINO and DEJA VU. A Listener's Indian Cinema Recommendations: https://letterboxd.com/justindecloux/list/indian-cinema-recommendations-from-an-important/ Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
Andrew Barr has illustrated over 180+ movie posters for cinemas around Toronto and has now collected all his original pieces in one dazzling book. Justin thought it would be fun to talk to Andrew about his influences, his career as a graphic illustrator, and the horrifying EVIL BONG marathon they both experienced. Andrew's Official Website: https://www.apb-art.com/ If you'd like to purchase Andrew's book it is available here: AMAZON US: https://www.amazon.com/APB-Movies-Cinema-Posters-2014-2020/dp/B092WPZZ6W/ AMAZON CANADA: https://www.amazon.ca/APB-Movies-Cinema-Posters-2014-2020/dp/B092WPZZ6W/ AMAZON UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/APB-Movies-Cinema-Posters-2014-2020/dp/B092WPZZ6W/
We discuss the career of noir master Phil Karlson and focus on his films 99 RIVER STREET, THE PHENIX CITY STORY and FRAMED. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-…ub/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the Hollywood Blacklist, the Hollywood Ten, and tackle three films on the political spectrum of the era: The Pro-Society Warner Brother's picture MISSION TO MOSCOW, the anti-communist MY SON JOHN and the brave independent pro-communist production SALT OF THE EARTH. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Subscribe, Review and Rate Us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-important-cinema-club/id1067435576 Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
What is it like to act in a Godfrey Ho film?* The cut-n-paste films of Godfrey Ho, Tomas Tang and Joseph Lai are filled with footage of caucasian actors spouting inane dialogue, often dressed as ninjas, in an attempt to fool audiences into thinking they were watching an American production. Some actors like Bruce Baron appeared multiple times, others like Richard Harrison found themselves in dozens of pictures against their will, and then there are some faces that came and went without even being credited. Such is the case with Trudy Calder. A few days ago, Twitter user and Important Cinema Club member Skinslip tweeted about her journey exploring the Gold Ninja Video Blu-ray set NINJA VORTEX. Skinslip mentioned watching CROCODILE FURY and Trudy revealed in a reply to that tweet that she was one of the actors in the film: She played the blonde-haired sorceress who commands an army of hopping vampires, attacks the hero with a metal razor hand, and has a monster burst out of her chest! I reached out to Trudy and asked if she’d be willing to be interviewed about her experiences working on CROCODILE FURY and she graciously took the time to answer my questions. Enjoy! Watch CROCODILE FURY online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8U2VB5sX_U For more information on the world of Godfrey Ho check out an episode we did on the subject: https://soundcloud.com/the-important-cinema-club/122-ninja-ninja-godfrey-ho-ninja *I am aware that CROCODILE FURY is credited to Godfrey Ho, but he probably had nothing to do with it!
We discuss the work of Writer/Director Věra Chytilová and her films DAISIES, SOMETHING DIFFERENT and PREFAB STORY. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
WARNING: Make sure to watch SKYLINES before listening to this track. The SKYLINES (2020) Blu-ray was supposed to include a feature-length commentary track with Writer/Director Liam O'Donnell, but due to miscommunication, it never made it onto the disc, and the world never got a chance to hear how the mega ambitious DTV sci-fi action romp came to be. Until now. The Important Cinema Club is proud to present a commentary track for SKYLINES hosted by Writer/Director Liam O'Donnell. Get the film cued up to synch, start this episode, and hit play after the countdown.
We discuss the Writer/Director/Actor behind the cult craziness of RAT PFINK A BOO BOO, THE THRILL KILLERS and THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE FILMMAKER WHO NEVER STOPPED SHOOTING AND BECAME A WEIRDO LEGEND. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the career of actor Eddie Murphy and focus on 48 HOURS, BEVERLY HILLS COPS, THE NUTTY PROFESSOR and... of course... NORBIT. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the work of master arthouse director Michelangelo Antonioni and focus on L'AVVENTURA, THE PASSENGER and ZABRISKIE POINT. Are his movies just pretentious drivel about bored rich people? Passionate works about the human condition? Laugh riots? We find out! Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
In this week's episode, we discuss the work of the legendary cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond and discuss his early work in the exploitation realm (THE SADIST) and talk about his giant library of legendary work in 70s Hollywood on films like MCCABE AND MRS MILLER, THE LONG GOODBYE, and SCARECROW. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the work of writer/director/producer/editor/cinematographer Robert Rodriguez and focus on EL MARIACHI, SHARKBOY AND LAVAGIRL and MACHETE. Of course, Justin was heavily inspired by Rodriguez's work and career, so there's a lot to discuss! Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the work of director/action choreographer/stuntman and actor Lau Kar-leung by focusing on his directorial efforts THE 36th CHAMBER OF SHAOLIN, LEGENDARY WEAPONS OF CHINA and TIGER ON THE BEAT. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the work of director Jacques Tourneur and talk about his career in the shadow of Val Lewton, his masterpiece noir OUT OF THE PAST, and his films that time forgot - like his colourful western CANYON PASSAGE. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the pioneering animator of 'adult' cartoons Ralph Bakshi and focus on his features FRIZT THE CAT, HEAVY TRAFFIC and COOL WORLD. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the work of Hungarian Writer/Director Bela Tarr and focus on his film AUTUMN ALMANAC and SATANTANGO - his 7+ hour epic. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the career of the most famous Wayans Brothers: Damon Wayans Sr, Marlon Wayans, Keenen Ivory Wayans and Shawn Wayans with a focus on their films I'M GONNA GET YOU SUCKA, SCARY MOVIE, WHITE CHICKS and LITTLE MAN. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the career of Writer/Director Joan Micklin Silver and tackle her films HESTER STREET, BETWEEN THE LINES, CHILLY SCENES OF WINTER and CROSSING DELANCEY. Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie) as well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
WARNING: Make sure to watch BEYOND SKYLINE before listening to this! As regular listeners may know, we at The Important Cinema Club are huge fans of movie commentary tracks and are always disappointed when a Blu-ray doesn't feature one - especially when a film's Writer/Director is a fan of sharing behind the scenes stories on his Twitter/Instagram. So, we decided to record our own! In celebration of the release of SKYLINES (The third film in the trilogy), The Important Cinema Club is proud to present an exclusive commentary track for BEYOND SKYLINE featuring Writer/Director Liam O'Donnell. Enjoy!
We pick the best film of 2020! And we share our five favourite discoveries we've made this year! It's been a real rough 365 days! JUSTIN AND WILL'S 2020 PICKS (IN NO ORDER): * Survival Skills * Fight for Fury * Tommaso * Daze * On The Rocks * Spree * The Kid Detective * Red Post on Escher Street WILL AND JUSTIN'S FAVOURITE FILM DISCOVERIES: * Kaithi (2019) * The Deeper you Dig (2019) * La Notte (1961) * Kaun (1999) * The Trip Back with Florrie Fisher (1970) * Park Row (1952) * Screamplay (1985) * Devil Story (1986) * Just Great (1972) * 100 Horseman(1964)
After doing an episode on Hallmark Christmas Movies I had a lot of questions on my mind, so I was really excited to talk to one of the experts on the Christmas directing scene: Sam Irvin. Sam has worked as Brian De Palma's assistant, made films for Full Moon, and has had a prolific career as director of TV Movies of all sorts - and that includes 8 Christmas movies! He was nice enough to have a chat with me about his experiences with gruelling schedules, shooting a Gay Christmas Movie (that can pass as straight), and the limits of Christmas cheer. Don't forget to check out all of Sam's recent work below! SAM'S TOILET PAPER CAPER!: https://www.amazon.com/Sams-Toilet-Paper-Caper-Parody/dp/B08928J3TZ/ ORBGASM: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MSVJCSR BOOBS AND BLOOD N. 3 (DRESSED TO KILL ISSUE):https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1877350 FRANKENSTEIN: THE UNTOLD STORY:https://www.shoutfactory.com/product/frankenstein-the-true-story?product_id=7325
We discuss the 'genre' of Hallmark Christmas Movies and do our best to crack their code by watching LET IT SNOW, A VERY MERRY MIX-UP, A CROWN FOR CHRISTMAS and A CHRISTMAS HOUSE. SPOILER: We may not succeed. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie/ As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We dive into the terrifying filmography of films that spawned from SNL characters and focus on IT'S PAT, THE LADIES MAN, HOT ROD and MACGRUBER. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie/ As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow the Podcast: twitter.com/ImprtCinemaClub Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanESQ Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the work, and complicated history, of Director Elia Kazan through his films A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE, EAST OF EDEN and SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie/ As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanEsq Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss Writer/Director Luc Moullet, a filmmaker who started behind the camera side by side with Jean-Luc Godard, Francois Truffaut and Claude Chabrol, but has been forgotten to time - and he's still alive! We focus on his masterpiece of film obsession LES SIÈGES DE L'ALCAZAR, his acid western A GIRL IS A GUN and his self-deprecating hit job DEATH'S GLAMOUR. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie/ As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanEsq Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
Every Blu-ray title discussed on this infomercial can be purchased now at www.goldninjavideo.com while supplies last.
We discuss the Rock and Roll band that goes by the name The Rolling Stones and focus on SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, GIMME SHELTER, COCKSUCKER BLUE and SHINE A LIGHT. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie/ As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanEsq Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
This week we focus on the film distribution company SOMETHING WEIRD and discuss how important they were in terms of preserving the forgotten corners of cinema history which include the likes of The Curious Case of Dr. Humpp, Space Thing and Bat Pussy. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie/ As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanEsq Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the work of Writer/DirectorAndrzej Żuławski and focus on his tale of romance between a man, woman and squid - POSSESSION - as well as THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: LOVE and COSMOS. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie/ As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanEsq Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the films SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE, HUMANOIDS FROM THE DEEP and STRIPPED TO KILL as well as the directors who made them: Amy Holden Jones, Barbara Peters and Katt Shea. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie/ As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow Will: twitter.com/WillSloanEsq Follow Justin: twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We discuss the career of one of the luminaries of the J-Horror scene and focus in on his films BUMPKIN SOUP, CURE and PULSE. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (@thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (@nosuchthingasabadmovie/ As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (@michael-and-us) Follow Will: https://twitter.com/WillSloanEsq Follow Justin: https://twitter.com/DeclouxJ
We dive into Stephen Thrower's masterpiece on regional horror cinema by discussing DEATH BED (The Bed that Eats!), FROZEN SCREAM, THE DEADLY SPAWN and DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (https://soundcloud.com/thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (https://soundcloud.com/nosuchthingasabadmovie) As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (https://soundcloud.com/michael-and-us)
We discuss Canada's own, David Cronenberg, and tackle his body horror filmography (mostly) by diving into SHIVERS, THE BROOD and EASTERN PROMISES. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com Listen to exclusive episodes at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub Check out Justin's other podcast THE BAY STREET VIDEO PODCAST (https://soundcloud.com/thebaystreetvideopodcast) and NO SUCH THING AS A BAD MOVIE (https://soundcloud.com/nosuchthingasabadmovie) As well as Will's other podcast MICHAEL AND US (https://soundcloud.com/michael-and-us)
Happy Shocktober! We discuss the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
In this episode, we discuss the essential work of Jonas Mekas, author of the Cinema Journal column in the Village Voice, founder of the Anthology Film Archives, and torchbearer for experimental cinema. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the work of Nick Park, the Writer/Director behind Wallace and Gromit, and dive into THE WRONG TROUSERS, CHICKEN RUN, and CURSE OF THE WERE-RABBIT. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon episode, we discuss Daneil Craig's tenure as James Bond. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We explore the career of Writer/Director Charlie Kaufman and discuss his films BEING JOHN MALKOVICH, SYNECDOCHE NEW YORK and I'M THINKING OF ENDING THINGS. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon episode, we talk about Larry Cohen's PERFECT STRANGERS. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
Check out Part 1 here: https://soundcloud.com/the-important-cinema-club/151-the-impossible-filmography-of-jess-franco-part-1 We discuss the last-half of Jess Franco's prolific career with a focus on films like THE SEX IS CRAZY, BLOODY MOON, and THE REVENGE OF THE HOUSE OF USHER. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon episode, we talk about BILL AND TED FACE THE MUSIC and long gap sequels. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the No Wave Film Movement and focus in on Nick Zedd's THEY EAT SCUM and Richard Kern's FINGERED. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com In this week's Patreon episode, we discuss Roman Polanski's THE TENANT. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the life and work of manic funnyman Robin Williams and focus on MRS. DOUBTFIRE and WORLD'S GREATEST DAD. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com In this week's Patreon episode, we discuss Godfrey Ho: The Revenge! Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the work of Vsevolod Pudovkin, one of the bright lights of the Russian avant-garde, and focus in on his films MOTHER (1926) and STORM OVER ASIA (1928). Are his films dusty relics or exciting vital art? We find out! Grab Gold Ninja Video's NINJA VORTEX now at www.goldninjavideo.com In this week's Patreon episode, we tackle Paul Schrader's PATTY HEARST. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
Did you know that there was a hardcore feature that was a crossover hit a year before DEEP THROAT came out? Isn't it weird most people haven't heard of it? It's because it was a gay porno. We discuss the work of Writer/Director Wakefield Poole and focus on his seminal film BOYS IN THE SAND, BIJOU, THE BIBLE, and TAKE ONE. In this week's Patreon episode, we discuss NOSFERATU IN VENICE. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the work of Actor/Martial Artist Cynthia Rothrock and focus on RIGHTING WRONGS, CHINA O'BRIEN, and MANHATTAN CHASE. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com In this week's Patreon episode, we discuss Jackie Chan's BATTLECREEK BRAWL and THE PROTECTOR. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the work of Wes Anderson by talking about some of the films that ripped him off. We focus on NACHO LIBRE, A GLIMPSE INSIDE THE MIND OF CHARLES SWAN III, and a real Wes Anderson film, THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com In this week's Patreon episode, we discuss Spike Lee's OLDBOY. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the work of Actor/Filmmaker Spencer Williams one of the most prolific and monumental African American directors from the early era of cinema. We focus in on BLOOD OF JESUS and DIRTIE GERTIE FROM HARLEM U.S.A. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com In this week's Patreon episode, we discuss David Lynch's RABBITS. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the career of Phil Tucker, the director of ROBOT MONSTER and brother in arms/frenemy of Ed Wood. What else did Phil Tucker's career entail? Is he a forgotten genius? What's so special about ROBOT MONSTER anyway? We cannot truly know, but we must! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon, we discuss THE LATE SHIFT. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the films of Writer/Director John Milius and focus on RED DAWN and CONAN: THE BARBARIAN. WARNING; We are not the biggest of fans. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon, we discuss HOT SHOTS: PART DEUX. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the work of slow cinema auteur Tsai Min-liang's and focus in on GOODBYE DRAGON INN, STRAY DOGS and THE WAYWARD CLOUD. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's patreon, we discuss A GOOFY MOVIE. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the career of prolific thespian Nic Cage and focus in on VAMPIRE'S KISS (1988) and LEAVING LAS VEGAS (1995). If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's patreon, we discuss TWILIGHT ZONE: THE MOVIE. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We dive into the cinema of Brazil and focus on THE GIVEN WORD (1962), BLACK GOD WHITE DEVIL (1964), and CITY OF GOD (2002) Buy MANGOSHAKE on Blu-ray now at www.goldninjavideo.com If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's patreon, we discuss So, I Married an Axe Murderer. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
Check out this preview of the last four week's Patreon content and become a subscriber at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub for $5 a month to listen to the full episodes. Join for $10 a month and get a printed Important Cinema Club newsletter filled with exclusive essays, review and recommendations.
Can a man who makes three to four films a year in every possible genre be considered an auteur? We discuss the worker of Hong Kong movie director Herman Yau and his infamous shocker EBOLA SYNDROME, his sex worker unionization film WHISPERS AND MOANS and his IP MAN films. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's patreon, we discuss Tommy Boy. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the career of renegade documentary maker Nick Broomfield and his films Chicken Ranch, Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam, Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer, and Tales of the Grim Sleeper. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's patreon, we discuss The Princess Diaries. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the two-fisted cinema of Writer/Director Samuel Fuller and focus on PARK ROW and SHOCK CORRIDOR. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's patreon, we discuss Peter Bogdanovich's SAINT JACK. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
We discuss the career of writer/director Agnes Varda and focus on her films Cleo from 5 to 7, One Sings the Other Doesn't and The Beaches of Agnes. On this week's patreon, we discuss Ed Wood's drinking buddy Conrad Brooks and his directorial masterwork Jan-Gel: The Beast from the East. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments that are Godzilla related, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We tackle the career of Robert Pattinson and discuss TWILIGHT, GOOD TIMES and COSMOPOLIS as we dissect the career who was believed by snobs to be a one-note joke but has turned into a performer who takes fascinating chances. On this week's patreon, we discuss George Romero's DAY OF THE DEAD. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments that are Godzilla related, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the father of hundreds of cartoon tropes: Tex Avery. The master of the eye pop, the leader in animated violence and a legend of the field. We discuss his career, a number of shorts included on the recently released TEX AVERY SCREWBALL CLASSICS VOL. 1 released by Warner Archives and consider his place in cinema history. On this week's patreon, we discuss the Canadian Classic THE PEANUT BUTTER SOLUTION. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments that are Godzilla related, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of independent Writer/Director Jamaa Fanaka, his lifelong struggle making films, and his role in the L.A Rebellion. His features under discussion include Welcome Home, Brother Charles, Emma Mae, and the Penitentiary trilogy. On this week's patreon, we discuss the James Bond 'Comedy' Casino Royale (1967). Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments that are Godzilla related, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the careers of the mega popular (in the 40s) comedians Abbott and Costello and focus on their films Buck Privates, Hold That Ghost, and Dance with me Henry.
We discuss one of the most famous 'message' directors and focus on his films JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG, IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD and GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER? On this week's patreon, we re-visit the wild world of Matt Farley. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments that are Godzilla related, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss comedians who took on purely dramatic roles: Patton Oswalt in Big Fan, Richard Pryor in Blue Collar, and Mary Tyler Moore in Ordinary People. On this week's patreon, we discuss Canadian treasure Leslie Nielsen and his masterpiece Wrongfully Accused. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments that are Godzilla related, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career and difficult life of the writer, director, cinematographer, dressmaker and angry man about town Andy Milligan with a focus on his sexploitation shocker Seeds (1968), his grimy Sweeny Todd adaptation Bloodthirsty Butchers (1970), and masterwork Fleshpot on 42 Street (1973. On this week's patreon, we talk about all the new movies that came to theatres in January and early February. Lotta stinkers! Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments that are Godzilla related, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss every Godzilla film. End song by Emily Milling and Justin Decloux. On this week's patreon, we talk about, guess what? Godzilla! Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments that are Godzilla related, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the films of Director Ishiro Honda, with a focus on GODZILLA (1954), FAREWELL RABAUL (1954) and his work with Akira Kurosawa. This week on the Patreon episode we discuss GAMERA: THE GIANT MONSTER. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the work of Argentinian Writer/Director Lucrecia Martel, her clear-eyed view of societal rot, and focus on her films THE HOLY GIRL (2004) and THE HEADLESS WOMAN (2008) This week on the Patreon episode we discuss RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss Martin Scorsese's love for movies, how that love has affected his own work and the essential preservation work he's spearheaded with his World Film Foundation. We also focus on two films Scorsese helped give new life: Ahmed El Maanouni's music documentary TRANCES (1981) and Michael Powell's disturbing horror picture PEEPING TOM (1960) This week on the Patreon episode we discuss Martin Scorsese's GANGS OF NEW YORK. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week!
We go through our top ten favourite films of 2019. This is the only list you'll ever need. You can throw out every other film that came out this year! Don't forget to pick up BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN GORILLA on Blu-ray at WWW.GOLDNINJAVIDEO.COM This week on the Patreon episode we discuss Charlie Chaplin's A COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Put the kids to sleep before Santa arrives, because this week's episode is adults only! We discuss the work of infamous pornographer Shaun Costello, the man behind the 'One Day Wonder', and his infamous features WATER POWER, the nauseating FORCED ENTRY, and his holly jolly take on A Christmas Carol, THE PASSIONS OF CAROL. This week on the Patreon episode we discuss DIE HARD. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We break down our TOP TEN FILMS OF THE DECADE in a very special episode of The Important Cinema Club podcast. What made the cut? What is a great movie you should see? How are we foolish not to include THAT motion picture? Listen to find out! Justin's List: https://www.filmtrap.com/the-definitive-all-encompassing-best-films-of-the-2010s-if-you-are-me/ Will's List: https://willsloanesq.wordpress.com/2019/11/28/against-entertainment/ This week on the Patreon episode we discuss Ron Howard's HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the history of the insane genre Turkish film industry and the career of its daredevil mega-star Cüneyt Arkın, along with his films TURKISH STAR WARS, TURKISH FIRST BLOOD and DEATH WARRIOR. This week on the Patreon episode we talk THE BEST FILMS OF THE DECADES (CHOSEN BY THE ACADEMY). Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the hallucinatory career of Chilean filmmaker Raúl Ruiz and his filmography of 100+ films! In an attempt to keep a few shreds of our sanity intact, we limit ourselves to discussing his mind benders CITY OF PIRATES, THE HYPOTHESIS OF THE STOLEN PAINTING and TIME REGAINED. This week on the Patreon episode we pick our FIVE FAVOURITE MARTIAL ARTS FILMS. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Pearl Chang wrote/directed/produced and starred in four Taiwanese fantasy films in the 80s, but cinema history has cruelly ignored her wildly imaginative body of work - even though she's one of the few women to ever be a truly be a 'Total Filmmaker'. In this week's episode, we examine her life, work, and discuss her most famous film WOLF DEVIL WOMAN, MIRACULOUS FLOWER and MATCHING ESCORT. This week on the Patreon episode we talk PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss Jan Švankmajer, the master of surrealist puppetry and stop motion, and his feature films ALICE and LITTLE OTIK. This week on the Patreon episode we tackle Martin Scorsese's THE IRISHMAN. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss Vincent Price and his films HOUSE OF USHER, THE LAST MAN ON EARTH and more. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub This week on the Patreon episode we tackle Brian De Palma's WISE GUYS. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Kuei Chih-Hung, the Shaw Bros director behind the unheralded horror classics THE BOXER'S OMEN, CORPSE MANIA and KILLER CONSTABLE. This week on the Patreon episode we tackle Abel Ferrara's THE ADDICTION. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We examine the career of producer Val Lewton, dive into his filmography of atmospheric creepers and discuss CAT PEOPLE and I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE. This week on the Patreon episode a listener picked the topic, so we tackled Adam Wingard's THE GUEST and Halloween comfort viewing. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
It's Shocktober! We start the spookiest month of the year with a deep dive into THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE FRANCHISE. The original! The Cannon sequel! The first Leatherface! The Next Generation! It's all watched and discussed. This week on the Patreon episode we tackle Uwe Boll's BLOODRAYNE. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Ron Ormond, the king of Christploitation, and his films IF FOOTMEN TIRE YOU, WHAT WILL HORSES DO?, THE BURNING HELL and KING OF THE BULLWHIP. This week on the Patreon episode we tackle Rob Zombie's THE DEVILS REJECTS. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the work of writer/director/actor/mogul Tyler Perry and focus on his films DIARY OF A MAD BLACK WOMAN, WHY DID I GET MARRIED TOO? and BOO! A MADEA HALLOWEEN. Pick up the GOLD NINJA VIDEO release of THE THREE STOOGES IN PUBLIC DO-MANIA now before its too late: goldninjavideo.com This week on the Patreon episode we talk about THE JOKER'S Todd Philips and his early films HATED and FRAT HOUSE. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss two films that defined the year 1999: THE MATRIX and FIGHT CLUB. Do they hold up? Is 1999 the best year of film ever? We find out! Pick up the GOLD NINJA VIDEO release of THE THREE STOOGES IN PUBLIC DO-MANIA: https://goldninjavideo.com/ This week on the Patreon episode we talk about our experience at the Toronto International Film Festival - with lengthy breakdowns of UNCUT GEMS and CRAZY WORLD. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the directorial oeuvre of funnyman Albert Brooks and his films REAL LIFE, MODERN ROMANCE, and LOOKING FOR COMEDY IN THE MUSLIM WORLD. This week on the Patreon episode we watched Duke Mitchell in GONE WITH THE POPE. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the portrayal of Toronto, Canada in cinema through the lens of three films: RIP-OFF (1971), LAST NIGHT(1998) and SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD (2010). Why does Toronto rarely appear in Hollywood cinema? Does it have a personality? What does it mean to us? All are discussed! This week on the Patreon episode we watched The Ritz Brothers in THE GORILLA. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of the writer/director/editor/producer of DEEP THROAT, THE MEMORIES WITHIN MISS ANGIE, and THE DEVIL IN MISS JONES. He was principally known for making the movie that blew open the doors on feature-length pornography, but he was a cinematic auteur at heart that never got the respect he deserved. This week on the Patreon episode we watched THE WATERMELON WOMAN. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discussed the career of Director Katheryn Bigelow and her films THE HURT LOCKER, POINT BREAK and STRANGE DAYS. This week on the Patreon episode we watched THE BLUES BROTHERS 2000. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
When you think of cinephile director’s, the names that usually come to mind are Joe Dante, Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino...but what about Fred Olen Ray? Ray is the filmmaker behind such video store classics as EVIL TOONS, HOLLYWOOD CHAINSAW HOOKERS, and ARMED RESPONSE, but he’s also a massive film fan. He wrote a book called THE NEW POVERTY ROW about independent distributors, casts forgotten stars, like Bowery Boy actor Huntz Hall, in his projects, and he also runs a DVD distribution company RETRO MEDIA where he’s released films like PLANET OF THE DINOSAURS, THE ALIEN FACTOR and THE BEAST FROM HAUNTED CAVE with brand new special features. Fred was nice enough to take some time to have a chat with me about his film fandom and directorial career, so I hope you enjoy the discussion that jumps right into his answer to my question “How do you cast your pictures?” RETROMEDIA'S FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/The-Official-Fred-Olen-Ray-Page-113544948689048/ THE BET OF FROM THE JACK-O COMMENTARY TRACK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1rirOuQsDg
We discuss the films of the Japanese master with a focus on FLOATING WEEDS, TOKYO STORY and LATE SPRING. You can buy THE DRAGON LIVES AGAIN Blu-ray, the first release from The Important Cinema Club Bargain Bin Collection, at www.goldninjavideo.com This week on the Patreon episode we watched SOUTHLAND TALES. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Justin Decloux and Richelle Charkot (Programming Director) break down the movies playing at The Royal Cinema in August, which include WALL STREET (in 35mm!), Edward Yang's A BRIGHTER SUMMER DAY, and a double bill of BABE: PIG IN THE CITY and FURY ROAD. We realize that a lot of listeners don't live in Toronto, but we hope that our discussions about the calendar introduces or reminds you of some great movies! For more info on The Royal (and to buy tickets)visit: theroyal.to/events/
On a very special episode of the show, Justin and Will discuss the Writer/Director Albert Pyun and his films DECEIT, CAPTAIN AMERICA, KNIGHTS and CYBORG. He made 44 films, worked primarily as an independent operator, and Justin wrote a book about him! You can buy Justin's book RADIOACTIVE DREAMS: THE CINEMA OF ALBERT PYUN right here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1078206481 This week on the Patreon episode we watched THE WRECKING CREW and discussed ONCE UPON A TIME IN...HOLLYWOOD. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of director/cinephile Robert Florey - the man who almost made the original FRANKENSTEIN, directed the Marx Brothers in their first picture, and churned out a whopping fifty-nine films. This week on the Patreon episode we watched PULP FICTION. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We watched EXORCIST II, JAWS 2 and RETURN TO OZ and discussed the different types of sequels. This week on the Patreon episode we watched MULHOLLAND DRIVE. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Justin Decloux and Richelle Charkot (The programming director of The Royal Cinema in Toronto, Canda) break down the movies playing this July at theatre, which include EL TOPO(on 35mm!), JEANNE DIELMAN (on 35mm!)and THINGS (life-changing in any format) We realize that a lot of listeners don't live in Toronto, but we hope that our discussions about the calendar introduces or reminds you of some great movies! For more info on The Royal (and to buy tickets)visit: http://theroyal.to/events/
We discuss the career of a man whose career as box office draw spanned two whole decades - Mickey Rooney - and focus on LOVE FINDS ANDY HARDY, BABES IN ARMS, REQUIEM FOR A HEAVYWEIGHT and DRIVE A CROOKED ROAD. This week on the Patreon episode we watched HUDSON HAWK. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the films of The Coen Brothers and watch THE LADYKILLERS, BURN AFTER READING and INTOLERABLE CRUELTY. This week on the Patreon episode we watched The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of actor Klaus Kinski and his films CRAWLSPACE, KINSKI'S PAGANINI, and MY BEST FIEND. This week on the Patreon episode we watched Joe Dante's THE MOVIE ORGY. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Check out this preview of the last four week's Patreon content and become a subscriber at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub for $5 a month to listen to the full episodes. Join for $10 a month and get a printed Important Cinema Club newsletter filled with exclusive essays, review and recommendations.
We discuss Uganda's energetic and groundbreaking Wakaliwood movie scene and their films WHO KILLED CAPTAIN ALEX? and BAD BLACK. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week we watched MR. ARKADIN by Orson Welles. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Writer/Director Ann Hui and her films SONG OF THE EXILE, A SIMPLE LIFE and BOAT PEOPLE. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week we discuss Adam Sandler's THAT'S MY BOY. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the work of French funnyman Jacques Tati and his films MR. HULOT'S HOLIDAY, MON ONCLE and the staggering masterpiece that is PLAYTIME. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week we discuss Cannon Film's production of Jean-Luc Godard's KING LEAR. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss Disney's output during World War 2: Army training films, animated propaganda and feature films VICTORY THROUGH AIR POWER and THE THREE CABALLEROS. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week we discuss the films of Lucio Fulci. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Director Carol Reed and his films THE THIRD MAN, THE FALLEN IDOL and ODD MAN OUT. Is he an auteur? Did he make more than one masterpiece? Did Orson Welles direct THE THIRD MAN? We find the answers! All three films are currently available to subscribers to The Criterion Channel - who don't officially sponsor us, but we'd gladly take their money! Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week it was a Patron's Choice and he picked Adam Rifkin's THE DARK BACKWARD to for us to watch and discuss. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Check out this preview of the last four week's Patreon content and become a subscriber at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub for $5 a month to listen to the full episodes. Join for $10 a month and get a printed Important Cinema Club newsletter filled with exclusive essays, review and recommendations.
We discuss the career of The Other Sergio and his work as a director on DJANGO, THE GREAT SILENCE and SUPER FUZZ. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week on our Patreon we discuss REBIRTH OF MOTHRA. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Writer/Director Nora Ephron AKA The Queen of Romantic Comedies and her films SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE, YOU'VE GOT MAIL and HEARTBURN Plus, a SUMMER MOVIE PREVIEW! Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week on our Patreon we discuss Andrew "Dice" Clay and his film THE ADVENTURES OF FORD FAIRLANE. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We explore the portrayals of J.C in the films THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD, THE PASSION OF CHRIST, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW, LIFE OF BRIAN, THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST and many more. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week on our Patreon we discuss Kevin Smith' DOGMA. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Writer/Director Terry Gilliam and his films JABBERWOCKY, BRAZIL, THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN and THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE. Become a Patreon subscriber NOW for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week on our Patreon we watched MONTY PYTHON'S HOLY GRAIl. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the artistic career of actor/director/entertainer Pauly Shore and his films Encino Man, Son in Law, Bio-Dome and Pauly Shore is Not Dead. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week on our Patreon we discuss Dana Carvey in Master of Disguise. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the films of master documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman and his films EX LIBRIS, HIGH SCHOOL, TITICUT FOLLIES and IN JACKSON HEIGHTS. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week on our Patreon we discuss Martin Short's CLIFFORD. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the world of movie serials from Louis Feuillade's LES VAMPIRES to William Witney's ADVENTURE OF CAPTAIN MARVEL. Action! Adventure! Cliffhangers! Will we cover all the bases or are we doomed to perish in a volcano? You'll have to tune in to find out! Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week on our Patreon we discuss TERMINATOR 2. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of director/painter/performance artist Carolee Schneemann and her short film work FUSES. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week on our Patreon we discuss Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the Mumblecore 'Movement' and the films Hannah Takes The Stairs, Funny Ha Ha and Humpday. This week on our Patreon we discuss When Harry Met Sally: www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Director/Choreographer Stanley Donen and his films Singin' in the Rain, Bedazzled and Movie Movie. This week on our Patreon we discuss the Sarah Jacobson and Mary Jane's Not A Virgin Anymore. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Over the last eleven years, Writer/Director Mickey Reece has made 30 feature films that have run the genre gamut of psychodramas, stylish comedies, bizarro westerns, and imaginative kids films, Once each film would be completed, he would play it once in Oklahoma City, put it on the shelf, and move on to the next one. The rest of the world has never seen his work. Until now. In anticipation of his upcoming comedy ARROWS OF OUTRAGEOUS FORTUNE premiering at the Chattanooga Film Festival, which is only the second time one of Reece's films will be featured at a major festival, Justin sits down with Mickey to talk creative drive, inspiration and how one guy can make so much stuff without throwing in the towel. Check out a short doc on Mickey Reece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdr7JmODvD4 For the trailers of the films we discuss, check out Mickey's Youtube Page: at:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEgM14UsWZbYJnymNJF4Ztg
We discuss the work of Japanese Writer/Director Hiyaho Miyazaki and his films My Neighbor Totoro, The Castle of Cagliostro and Spirited Away. We have a NEW BOOK called THE IMPORTANT CINEMA CLUB JOURNAL and you can buy a copy now at: Amazon Canada www.amazon.ca/Important-Cinema-C…rnal/dp/1794544585 Amazon US: www.amazon.com/Important-Cinema-…nal/dp/1794544585 Amazon UK: www.amazon.co.uk/Important-Cinema…al/dp/1794544585 On this week's Patreon, we discuss our favorite Oscar moments. Become a member for $5 a month for an exclusive episode every or become a $10 subscriber for that and a monthly newsletter delivered every month to your physical mailbox. www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of director and film noir master Joseph H. Lewis and his films Gun Crazy, The Big Combo and Terror in Texas Town. We have a NEW BOOK called THE IMPORTANT CINEMA CLUB JOURNAL and you can buy a copy now at: Amazon Canada www.amazon.ca/Important-Cinema-C…rnal/dp/1794544585 Amazon US: www.amazon.com/Important-Cinema-…nal/dp/1794544585 Amazon UK: www.amazon.co.uk/Important-Cinema…al/dp/1794544585 On this week's Patreon, we discuss the film People on Sunday. Become a member for $5 a month: www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Check out this preview of the last four week's Patreon content and become a subscriber at http://www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub for $5 a month to listen to the full episodes. Join for $10 a month and get a printed Important Cinema Club newsletter filled with exclusive essays, review and recommendations.
We discuss the career of Tim Burton and focus on his films Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, Mars Attacks, Beetlejuice, Big Eyes and Ed Wood. We have a NEW BOOK called THE IMPORTANT CINEMA CLUB JOURNAL and you can buy a copy now at: Amazon Canada https://www.amazon.ca/Important-Cinema-Club-Journal/dp/1794544585 Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Important-Cinema-Club-Journal/dp/1794544585 Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Important-Cinema-Club-Journal/dp/1794544585 On this week's Patreon, we discuss our TEN FAVORITE FILMS OF ALL TIME. Become a member for $5 a month: https://www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Director/Writer Apichatpong Weerasethakul and his films Syndromes and A Century, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives and Cemetery of Splendour. This episode's letter topics include The Hamilton Trash Cinema's Up All Night Festival, the mysterious drink in every Eurotrash film, and anthology movies. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! This week's episode was a Patreon subscribers choice. Listen to find out what it was. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
In honour of the passing of great actor Dick Miller, here's the Patreon episode we recorded about him in which we talked about his roles in A BUCKET OF BLOOD, ROCK ALL NIGHT and THE TERMINATOR.
We discuss the career of early cinematic pioneer Mabel Normand and her work as an actor, director, and producer for the likes of Max Sennet and D.W Griffith. She was a fearless performer, helped mould Charlie Chaplin for the screen, and she starred and produced (with her own film production company) the biggest hit of 1918! Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB This episode's letter topics include the proper etiquette when meeting your 'heroes', film twitter, and hamtastic performers. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
This is a big one! We jump into the hypnotic work of Writer/Director Jess Franco with a look at his first horror film The Awful Dr. Orloff, his biggest budget production Marquis de Sade's Justine, and two of his early triumphs Venus and Furs and Vampyros Lesbos. Letter topics include a film that couldn't make our top ten lists and our favourite books on Eurotrash cinema. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! On this week’s Patreon episode, we discussed M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Check out a January/December's Patreon content and become a subscriber at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub for $5 a month to listen to the full episodes. Join for $10 a month and get a printed Important Cinema Club newsletter filled with exclusive essays, review and recommendations.
We all know French-Canadien filmmakers like Denis Arcand (The Barbarian Invasions) and Jean-Marc Vallée (C.R.A.Z.Y), but what about the films that are big box office hit in Quebec but never cross into the English speaking world? On this episode, we discuss films A Man and his Sin (1941), the nihilistic Bingo (1974) and the mega hockey hit Les Boys (1997). Letter topics include one of Justin's favourite directors and a Canadian icon. Become a Patreon subscriber for $5 a month and get an exclusive episode every week! On this week’s Patreon episode, we talk Robert Zemeckis and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of director Ringo Lam and his films City on Fire, School on Fire, and Maximum Risk. On this week’s Patreon episode, we picked our Top Five Favorite films of 1989 with No Batman Allowed. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
The title says it all: We pick the best films of 2018. You can check out our lists out here: https://www.filmtrap.com/icc-149-the-best-films-of-2018/ On this week’s Patreon episode, we discuss the documentary CINEMANIA and talk about our other favorite film-related things of the year. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Writer/Director Bob Clark and his classic films A CHRISTMAS STORY, BLACK CHRISTMAS, PORKY'S, CHILDREN SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS and DEATH DREAM. On this week’s Patreon episode, we tackle IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of actor Jack Nicholson and focus on his films FIVE EASY PIECES, CARNAL KNOWLEDGE, THE TWO JAKES and ANGER MANAGEMENT. On this week’s Patreon episode, we had a Holiday party and watched the Adam Sandler animated 'comedy' EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS and Jim Carrey's feature debut COPPER MOUNTAIN. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of writer/director Penelope Spheeris, her amazing trilogy of music documentaries THE DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION 1-3, and her mainstream comedy work like WAYNE'S WORLD and THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Check out a preview of November's Patreon content and become a subscriber at www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub to listen to the full episodes.
We discuss the work of writer/director Bill Gunn, his screenwriting work on THE LANDLORD and his two major directorial projects GANJA AND HESS and PERSONAL PROBLEMS. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the career of the super megastar Amitabh Bachchan and his films Zanjeer, Amar Akbar Anthony, Coolie and Mohabbatein WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Buy Impossible Horror now on Blu-Ray at IMPOSSIBLEHORROR.COM For a 10% discount use the code importantcinemaclub at checkout. Added Bonus: The Scariest Podcast in the World: Join us for another tale of terror as two karate champions find themselves trapped in a spooky old dark house in the middle of nowhere. Will they escape alive? Will they win the Karate championship? Was exactly is in the house that wants them dead? Only you downloading this episode can save them!
We discuss the career of the incredibly prolific writer/director Rainer Werner Fassbinder and his films The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, and In a Year with 13 Moons. On this week’s Patreon episode, we discuss HOW TO START YOUR OWN FILM CLUB. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of cinematographer/director Gary Graver: The work he did with Orson Welles (The Other Side of the Wind), the films Graver shot for B-Movie masters (Fred Olen Ray, Al Adamson, Ed Wood), and Graver's prolific filmography as a director of pornography (3AM). The man had one hell of an awe-inspiring career. On this week’s Patreon episode, we finally watched THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WIND. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
It's the end of Shocktober! We wrap up our favorite month of the year with a discussion about some of the leading women of horror cinema: Barbara Steele, Jamie Lee Curtis and Linnea Quigley. What is a Scream Queen? Is it good? Bad? Awesome? We watched BLACK SUNDAY, TERROR TRAIN and NIGHTMARE SISTERS to find the answers. On this week’s Patreon episode, we watched the infamous I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE (1978) WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Paul Naschy, the Spanish actor/writer/director that played a werewolf, a vampire, a mummy, satan, and every other monster in such movies as FRANKENSTEIN'S BLOODY TERROR (1968), THE WEREWOLF AND THE VAMPIRE WOMEN (1971) and HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB (1973). On this week's Patreon episode, we watched the hilarious SCARY MOVIE 2 (2001) WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Wes Craven, the writer/director of THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS, SCREAM, and VAMPIRE IN BROOKLYN. On this week's Patreon episode, we watch William Lustig's MANIAC (1980) WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss writer/director/producer Charles Band and FULL MOON ENTERTAINMENT. The production company responsible for such video store classics as PUPPET MASTER, CASTLE FREAK, DOLLMAN, SUBSPECIES, DEMONIC TOYS, and GINGERDEAD MAN 2: PASSION OF THE CRUST. On this week's Patreon episode, we tackle Japan's infamous GUINEA PIG films. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
Shocktober '18 begins! We discuss the career of Tod Browning, the director of such horror classics as the original DRACULA, FREAKS and Lon Chaney Sr.'s THE UNKNOWN. Was Browning a monstrous director? A sympathetic one? Can we ever really know? On this week's Patreon episode, we discuss Mr. Vampire films and the Hong Kong Horror Movie. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the films of Writer/Director Lina Wertmüller with a focus on LOVE AND ANARCHY, SWEPT AWAY, and SEVEN BEAUTIES. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episode, we discuss the Dan Aykroyd/Chevy Chase joint NOTHING BUT TROUBLE. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the director of ANIMAL HOUSE, COMING TO AMERICA, AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON and INNOCENT BLOOD. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episode, we discuss our favorite films of 1977. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss zero budget action picture with a focus on the feature films THE DEADLY ART OF SURVIVAL, Ara Paiaya's DEATH LIST and Eric Jacobus' CONTOUR. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episode, we ask ourselves "What's the point of film festivals?" If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of the writer/director of 400 BLOWS, DAY FOR NIGHT, and CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episode, we discuss two classic films we watched for the first time. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of the Iranian writer/director of CLOSE UP, TASTE OF CHERRY and CERTIFIED COPY. On this week's Patreon episode, we dove into the cinematic universe of THE SHADOW. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the filmography of Spike Lee, the writer/director/producer of DO THE RIGHT THING, MALCOLM X, GET ON THE BUS, BAMBOOZLED, and SHE HATE ME. On this week's Patreon episode, we talk the first film to take on the title THE BLACK KLANSMAN (1966) WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the filmography of THE ASYLUM, the production company that brought us the Sharknado series, and shamelessly release 'mockbusters' like TRANSMORPHERS, ANTANTIC RIM, and EXPENDABELLES 3.0 to an unsuspecting public. Plus, a special guest drops by to discuss TIFF's Midnight Madness line-up. On this week's Patreon episode, we discuss a rediscovered MAC AND ME, A NIGHT TO DISMEMBER and lost films. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the extremely prolific career of the Japanese writer/director of the J-Horror classic SUICIDE CLUB, the insane 4-HOUR roller coaster LOVE EXPOSURE, and the conflicted ANTIPORNO. BREAKING NEWS: The feature film Justin wrote and directed, IMPOSSIBLE HORROR, will be playing as part of the SCARY MOVIES festival on August 19th in NEW YORK CITY at the Film Society of Lincoln Centre. Get your tickets now! https://www.filmlinc.org/films/impossible-horror/ On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss Grey Market Viral VHS tapes. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
Subscribe for premium episodes: patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
For the first time on record, Writer/Director Lizzie Borden (Born in Flames, Working Girls) discusses her nightmarish experience making the erotic thriller LOVE CRIMES (1992) for Harvey Weinstein's Miramax Films.
We discuss everyone's favorite drunken funnyman and his films IT'S A GIFT(1934) and THE BANK DICK (1940). Is W.C Fields still funny? Do people still watch his movies? Plus, we get a letter sent in from a past ICC episode subject and discuss movie burnout. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we tackle the career of Sacha Baron Cohen. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of the man that starred in MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, JERRY MAGUIRE, and TOP GUN. Plus, we talk about The Hamilton Trash Cinema. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss our obsession and addiction when it comes to used bookstores. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of comedian/actor/renaissance man Rudy Ray Moore and his films DOLEMITE, THE HUMAN TORNADO, PETEY WHEATSTRAW and DISCO GODFATHER. Plus, we talk about the new screening series MEGA FUN MOVIE EXPLOSION. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss William 'One Shot' Beaudine. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss Lizzie Boden's work as a writer/director on the fantastic BORN IN FLAMES, the under seen WORKING GIRLS and the much maligned erotic thriller LOVE CRIMES. Plus, we talk about the amazing LUNCHMEAT magazine. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss our obsession and addiction when it comes to used bookstores. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of Western director Budd Boetticher and his films RIDE LONESOME, THE TALL T and DECISION AT SUNDOWN. Plus, a discussion of Canada's CINESPHERE and a very special screening of SPEED RACER. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss Roger Corman's Filmgroup. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the career of the filmmaker behind SCREAM OF STONE, INVINCIBLE and SALT AND FIRE. Also, some films called FITZCARRALDO, AGUIRRE: THE WRATH OF GOD, and GRIZZLY MAN. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss Liquid Sky and a handful of movie oddities. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week.
We discuss the career of cut-n-paste artist Godfrey Ho and his work on such films as Ninja Terminator, Undefeatable, and Catman in the Lethal Track. Also, the other 50+ movies he made that have NINJA in the title. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss Monster Kids and Famous Monsters of Filmland. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week.
For the first time ever, we've UNLOCKED an episode of The Important Cinema Club PATREON podcast. Become a Patreon subscriber at: WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the career of the director of Dance, Girl Dance, Christopher Strong and The Wild Party. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss What We Talk About When We Talk About Story Being The Most Important Element Of a Movie. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week.
1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year! We talk about Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss Jackie Chan's and Jet Li's THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week.
We discuss the long take and what it means to cinematic style through the films I AM CUBA, HARD BOILED, TOUCH OF EVIL, GOODFELLAS and all of our other favorites. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss Jerry Lewis' book THE TOTAL FILMMAKER. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week.
We discuss the work of Warner Bros animation and its most famous directors: Bob Clampett, Friz Freleng, Chuck Jones and Frank Tashlin. All your favorite characters are brought up: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and Gorilla Gruesome If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss Rick Moranis. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week.
We discuss the career of the writer/director of Pickpocket, The Diary of a Country Priest and Lancelot du Lac. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss Al Jolson's The Jazz Singer. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the Spoof Movie genre, with an emphasis on ZAZ (David Zucker, Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams), the people who brought us the MOVIE movies (Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg) and everything in between - Fatal Instinct, Plump Fiction and Stan Helsing. Top Secret, Airplane, Meet the Spartans, Mafia! and Epic Movie all get their time in the sun. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss Super Troopers and the Broken Lizard Comedy troupe. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the career of Taxi Driver's screenwriter and the director of Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters, The Canyons and Hardcore. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon episodes, we discuss the last few films directed by Steven Soderbergh. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the work of writer/director Todd Haynes and his films POISON, SUPERSTAR, VELVET GODLDMINE, and FAR FROM HEAVEN. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon episodes, we pick our favorite films about filmmaking. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the iconic work of Chinese actress Ruan Lingyu and her work in THE GODDESS (1931), along with the adaptation of her life in Stanley Kwan's bio pic CENTER STAGE (1991). If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon episodes, we talk Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide (RIP) Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss Hollywood's favorite wildman auteur and his films Turks Fruit, Starship Troopers, Spetters, Showgirls and Basic Instinct If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon episodes, we talk Burt Reynolds and his new film THE LAST MOVIE STAR. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
Justin and Will got on stage at the What The Film Festival Bazaar with special guest Doug Tilley (Eric Roberts is the F***ing man, No Budget Nightmares) to each discuss nine weirdo Canadian films - and it's nothing but the sweetest of deep cuts. Check out the list of films we discussed at FILM TRAP: https://www.filmtrap.com/icc-111-live-our-favorite-weirdo-canadian-films/ If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the career of Director/Writer/Star/Songwriter Matt Farley and his offbeat regional feature films DON'T LET THE RIVER BEAST GET YOU, LOCAL LEGENDS, FREAKY FARLEY and SLINGSHOT COPS. With Special Guest Peter Kuplowsky (Midnight Madness Programmer at the Toronto International Film Festival) If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com On this week's Patreon episodes, yes, we did two this week,..We discuss The Viewer's Choice Network and two films that obsessed us. PLUS, Peter Kuplowsky discusses the work of his favorite recent discovery, a director that has made 20 feature films in the last TWO YEARS - but he doesn't release them. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the master of the visually opulent musical - Vincente Minnelli - and his films CABIN IN THE SKY, MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, AN AMERICAN IN PARIS, and THE BAND WAGON. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. On this wee's Patreon episode, we discuss Eli Roth's DEATH WISH and the career of Bruce Willis WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
WARNING: This episode is about films that feature graphic sexual content and stomach-churning violence. We tackle the work of an Italian man that directed 196 feature films in every genre: Horror, western, science fiction, pirate martial arts, historical drama, mondo, and hardcore pornography. Especially the last one. Titles include BEYOND THE DARKNESS, EMANUELLE IN AMERICA, and PORNO HOLOCAUST. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we discuss Song of the South. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss some of The Beard's least loved works, from obvious candidates like 1941 and Always, to the ones that are frowned upon for different reasons, like Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we discuss Joe Dante's Matinee. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the work of Stan Brakhage, Maya Deren, The Kuchar Brothers, Michael Snow, Jonas Mekas and the history of experimental film. You must have this much mind power to enter! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we discuss Tarantino's Kill Bill. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the directorial work of Gordon Parks, with an emphasis on The Learning Tree (1969) and Shaft (1971), and his incredible career as a photographer/musician/writer/renaissance man. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we discuss Straight to Video Canuxploitation Gold. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the third genius of Silent Comedy and his films Safety Last, The Freshman and Speedy. Plus, a long conversation about Lloyd's final picture: The Preston Sturges' directed/Howard Hughes produced talkie The Sins of Harold Diddlebock. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we discuss Groundhog Day and the career of Bill Murray. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com
We discuss the evolution of Paul Thomas Anderson's style and talk HARD EIGHT, BOOGIE NIGHTS, MAGNOLIA, PUNCH DRUNK LOVE, INHERENT VICE and everything else along the way. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we discuss our 1998 Movie Memories (with a lot of Godzilla) WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the Palme D'or winning director of THE PIANO, HOLY SMOKE and IN THE CUT. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we discuss OLDBOY and the evolution of our cinematic morals. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
The title says it all. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we discuss the best film related stuff we liked (and hated this year) books, dissappointments and crazy action movies. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
Finally, the time has come to discuss Jackie Chan. We talk about Jackie Chan's start at the Peking Opera School, his time toiling under the thumb of Lo Wei, his rise to prominence with DRUNKEN MASTER, his attempts at breaking into Hollywood with BATTLE CREEK BRAWL and THE PROTECTOR, his work with with Sammo Hung on films like HEART OF DRAGON, his artistic year as a director with films like MIRACLE, the outliner films like CITY HUNTER, his Hollywood adventures like THE TUXEDO and finally, his turn into a Chinese propagandist with pictures like CHINESE ZODIAC. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we discussed the Jackie Chan pictures FANTASY MISSION FORCE and ISLAND OF FIRE - two films that Jackie was forced to make to pay back the help he had gotten from actor/producer/triad leader Jimmy Wang-Yu. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the career of everyone's favorite rubber faced comedian - Jim Varney. From the highs of Ernest Goes Jail to the lows of Ernest Goes to Africa - it's all here! We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we talk The Last Jedi. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
The Important Cinema Club welcome special guests Mathew Kumar (Co-Host of The Loose Cannons Podcast) and Emily Miling (Producer and Composer of Impossible Horror) to discuss our favorite (and not-so favorite) Christmas films. We talk Jingle All The Way, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, Ernest Saves Christmas and Scrooged. Do the films hold up? Were we wrong to love them as children? Will Santa give stuff coal down our stockings? We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we talk Christmas Film Turkeys with special guest Mathew Kumar (THE LOOSE CANNONS PODCAST) and discuss Santa Claus (1959), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and a Christmas film Mathew hates most of all. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We tackle the work of Hong Kong auteur Johnnie To and discuss his journeyman roots that evolved into his distinct cinematic style and the future of passionate film artist in the Mainland Chinese machine. Featuring, bullets, gangsters and a handful of romantic musical numbers.
We visit the magical time of the Poverty Row studios with a discussion of Hitler's Madman, The Scar, Macbeth, The Golden Stallion and The Ghost Chasers. For more information on the retrospective visit: newsite.theroyal.to/movies We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. This week we talk about the splatter martial arts classic THE STORY OF RICKY and the disreputable 'CAT III' genre from Hong Kong that gave us such gonzo classics as NAKED KILLER, THE SEVENTH CURSE, and SEX & ZEN. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk writer/director John Waters with Richelle Charkot - The Programming Director at The Royal Cinema and the curator of the upcoming This Filthy John Waters Retrospective. For more information on the retrospective visit: http://newsite.theroyal.to/movies We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk about the films of master surrealist, dramatist and cineaste Louis Buñuel. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We walk cinematographers. Specifically, the men behind THE SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS and CHUNKING EXPRESS. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the only woman that wrote/directed/acted/edited/shot and produced roughies, exploitation, hardcore and horror films - the one and only Roberta Findlay. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk the Halloween series. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk of the man that defined Dracula, created the Devil Bat and fought a Brooklyn Gorilla. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We throw on our PJ's on, grab a bunch of junk food, and settle back for a mind melting horror movie marathon! We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB ****SPOILERS**** Justin's List Lady in White (Frank Laloggia, 1988) Who Can Kill a Child? (Narciso Ibáñez Serrador, 1976) Cemetery Man (Michele Soavi, 1994) Winterbeast (Christopher Thies, 1992) Angst (Gerald Kargl, 1983) The Frighteners (Peter Jackson, 1996) Will's List The Boxer's Omen (Kuei Chih-Hung, 1983) The Beyond (Lucio Fulci, 1981) Last House on Dead End Street (Roger Watkins, 1977) The Taming of Rebecca (Phil Prince, 1982) Night of the Ghouls (Ed Wood, 1959) Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (Charles Barton, 1948)
We discuss the career of the director that psychologically scarred the star of BREATHLESS and directed everyone's favorite LSD laced cool kids movie SKIDOO. He was nominated for a bunch of other Oscars too. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss Mr. Thumbs Up himself Roger Ebert. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We try to run the gamut of Arnie's career with a discussion of PUMPING IRON, COMMANDO and TWINS. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We tackle the work of Hong Kong funnyman Stephen Chow (Shaolin Soccer, Kung-Fu Hustle, Tricky Brains) and discuss his early prolific output, Chow's distinct style, and the difficulty of culturally specific comedy. PLUS, LAUGHS! Featuring Justin's TOP TEN STEPHEN CHOW FILMS OF ALL TIME. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk documentary legend Robert Flaherty's NANOOK OF THE NORTH (1922), our favorite documentaries and THE REAL CANCUN (2003. We have a PATREON! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB .
We discuss the work of filmmaker/fine artist Andy Warhol and director/business manager Paul Morrissey - who helmed the most popular feature films Warhol produced: FLESH, TRASH and HEAT. We also analyze Morrissey's two big horror comedies FLESH FOR FRANKENSTEIN and BLOOD FOR DRACULA. We have a PATREON and we're having a CONTEST! Three prizes to be won! But you have to get in on it now! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week and a chance to win. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
The Room. Troll 2. Fateful Findings. Birdemic. Sharkando. Why are they the bad movie legends? Plus, a special appearance from Midnight Madness Programmer Peter Kuplowsky. We have a PATREON and we're having a CONTEST! Three prizes to be won! But you have to get in on it now! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week and a chance to win. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the work of the cinematographer on Spike Lee's early films (with an emphasis on DO THE RIGHT THING) and the director of JUICE, DEMON KNIGHT, BONES and hundreds of prestige TV shows. We have a PATREON and we're having a CONTEST this month! Three prizes to be won! But you have to get in on it now! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week and a chance to win. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk Christopher Nolan. Is he a good director? Did he redefine the superhero film? Why does Will Sloan hate him so much? Listen to find out! We have a PATREON and we're having a CONTEST this month! Three prizes to be won! But you have to get in on it now! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week and a chance to win. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk the zombie films, his too short filmography, and his legacy as things get extra personal on a special episode of The Important Cinema Club. We have a PATREON and we're having a CONTEST this month! Three prizes to be won! But you have to get in on it now! Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week and a chance to win. WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the career of Sofia Coppola and her films THE VIRGIN SUICIDES, LOST IN TRANSLATION, MARIE ANTOINETTE, SOMEWHERE, THE BLING RING and THE BEGUILED. The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk Pre-Code Hollywood craziness through the films RED HEADED WOMAN, BABY FACE and THREE ON A MATCH. Join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode of ICC every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We traverse the cinema of Ron Howard and ask ourselves "Is he the right man to pick up the piece of the Young Han Solo?" In the process, we discuss PARENTHOOD, THE GRINCH THAT STOLE CHRISTMAS, SPLASH and GRAND THEFT AUTO. The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
WARNING: This episode features discussions about really gross stuff. We dive into the morally repugnant MONDO MOVIE genre and watch the work of its two most famous directors: Jacopetti and Prosperi. Plus, a discussion about the long unavailable American Mondo offshoot THE KILLING OF AMERICA. The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the most famous Laser Disc/DVD/Blu-Ray label ever and talk about our experience with their releases, our favorite discs, and their importance in the cultural landscape. We also focus on their films TINY FURNITURE, THE HARDER THEY COME, and EQUINOX. We talked about favorite DVD/Blu-Ray special features on our PATREON episode this week. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week at: WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk Chantal Akerman, her films Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975), News From Home (1977) and The Meetings of Anna (1978) Plus, Will Sloan tells his Lena Dunham and we talk Adam West (RIP) The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the work of B-Movie Auteurs Fred Olen Ray and Jim Wynorski and watch their films SCALPS, CHOPPING MALL, BEVERLY HILLS VAMP, HOLLYWOOD CHAINSAW HOOKERS, POPATOPOLIS and many more. Featuring a cameo discussion about A TALKING CAT!?! creator David DeCoteau The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
Get ready to dance! Love! Sing! Weep! Punch! We dive into the world of Indian Cinema (as best we can we can) with a little history, our personal experiences with the country's output, and a list of the Indian cinema we've loved. For a full list of the movies discussed, please visit FILM TRAP The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We talk Ridley Scott and his films THE DUELISTS, BLACK HAWK DOWN, and GLADIATOR. Plus a few stops along everything from BLADE RUNNER to THE COUNSELOR The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the career of director Seijun Suzuki, discuss his films TOKYO DRIFTER and BRANDED TO KILL, and run down the films we're excited to see this summer. SPOILER: Will is not excited for anything. The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the career of the comedy legends THE THREE STOOGES through their shorts, features and big budget Hollywood retelling. Here's the list Stooges shorts that were watched for the episode, curated by Co-Host Will Sloan: Curly era: Punch Drunks An Ache in Every Stake Higher Than a Kite (for the scene where Moe gets his head stuck in a tube) A Plumbing We Will Go You Nazty Spy Violent is the Word for Curly Grips, Grunts and Groans How High is Up Shemp Era: Brideless Groom Self-Made Maids A Missed Fortune (not a classic, but a very typical Shemp effort) Curly-Joe era: The Outlaws is Coming The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the big hits, the minor fumbles and the deep cuts of Jonathan Demme's career. The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
Justin and Will discuss the varied career of pioneer black filmmaker Oscar Micheaux through his films WITHIN OUR GATES (1920) and GOD'S STEP CHILDREN (1938) The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
In honor of April 19th's CANADIAN FILM DAY, we give a brief history lesson on the National Film Board of Canada and discuss Don Owen's classic NOBODY WAVED GOODBYE (1964), BUSTER KEATON RIDES AGAIN (1965) and KANEHSATAKE: 270 YEARS OF RESISTANCE (1990). The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
Justin and Will are joined by special guest Alex Ross to discuss the work of Mr. "Oh Golly" - David Lynch. Because they are masochists, the trio decides to focus on DUNE and INLAND EMPIRE. The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You can join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
We discuss the career of actress Ingrid Bergman with a focus on JOURNEY TO ITALY (1954)and GASLIGHT (1944). Plus, the Euro Action films of Luc Besson, Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li, and the Beauty and the Beast Remake. Want more Important Cinema Club? Join our Patreon for 5$ a month and get a new exclusive episode every week! https://www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
Justin and Will talk about the best film books ever: Criticism, histories, studies and novels about the 'magic of the movies'. Get your notepad out. There will be a quiz. The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. You join for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
Justin and Will talk the cinema of British director Mike Leigh with a focus on his films SECRETS AND LIES (1996) and NAKED (1993). The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. For five dollars a month you can get a brand new exclusive episode every week: WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
BRUCESPLOITATION refers to the practice on the part of filmmakers hiring Bruce Lee look-alike actors ("Lee-alikes") to star in many imitation martial arts films in order to cash in on Lee's success after his death. Justin and Will discuss Bruce Lee, Bruce Le, Bruce Li, Dragon Lee, Bruce Thai, Bruce Lai, Bruce Leung and all the other great Bruce rip-offs that have graced the silver screen. The Important Cinema Club has a PATREON. For five dollars a month you can get a brand new exclusive episode every week: WWW.PATREON.COM/THEIMPORTANTCINEMACLUB
Will and Justin discuss the career of Robert Altman with a focus on M.A.S.H, NASHVILLE and POPEYE. The Important Cinema Club has launched a PATREON. You can join online for five dollars a month and get a brand new exclusive episode every week! JOIN THE PATREON HERE: https://www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub This week's episode is a discussion of David Fincher's ZODIAC. ALSO, the contest announced in a previous episode is still ongoing: Advertise the podcast in the most creative way you can, send us evidence of this at importantcinemaclubpodcast at gmail dot com and you can pick a topic for a future episode. No matter what the film related topic is Will and Justin will have to talk about it.
Will and Justin are joined by the Alexandra West (co-host of the FACULTY OF HORROR) to discuss British Comedies - specifically, A FISH CALLED WANDA and WITHNAIL & I. Check out Alexandra's podcast at: www.facultyofhorror.com/ Buy her book "Films of New French Extremity: Visceral Horror and National Identity" here: www.mcfarlandbooks.com/book-2.php?id…1-4766-6348-7
Will and Justin discuss the career of the Important Canadian Director - Atom Egoyan. They talk his breakthrough hit Exotica, his last film Remember, PLUS, A CONTEST: Advertise the podcast in the most creative way you can, send us evidence of this at importantcinemaclubpodcast at gmail dot com and you can pick a topic for a future episode. No matter what the film related topic is Will and Justin will have to talk about it.
Will and Justin discuss the big screen debuts of four funnymen that were never meant to be stars. They sing the praises of FREDDY GOT FINGERED and the Bob Saget-directed masterpiece DIRTY WORK, and are more measured towards CORKY ROMANO and IT'S IN THE BAG.
On this week's episode, Justin and Will dive into the work of everyone's favorite violence loving comedian Takeshi Kitano. They talk about the funniest film of all time, the difficult in contextualizing the work of famous person from another country, and Johnny Mnemonic. Plus, they try to figure out how the world will survive without the existence of HMV.
Justin and Will talk RAMBO, ROCKY, THE ITALIAN STALLION and every other film they can think of in this super sized episode of THE IMPORTANT CINEMA CLUB. Plus, a bonus mini-episode on Kevin Smith.
Justin and Will discuss the Queen of Sexploitation, her prolific career in a man's world, and her most shocking film of all. Questions? Comments? Drop us a line at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com If you like the show, please rate and review us on iTunes.
The Important Cinema Club discuss the king of dictatorial director's Fritz Lang - from his super productions in Germany to his studio assignments in America.
Justin and Will each pick ten* of their favorite films, talk about why some didn't make their lists, and discuss the underdog of the cinematic year. *Or do they!?
Justin and Will discuss the King of Poverty Row Cinema.
Will and Justin go through hell and watch all three Tim Allen 'The Santa Clause' films in one sitting. They almost die.
Justin and Will talk all things Beatty - his surprisingly small filmography, his status as one of the men that kick off the Hollywood New Wave and the legendary Dick Tracy.
We discuss the work of Kelly Reichardt and pick our favorite film biographies. We apologize or the audio quality on this episode. Justin's voice is far away to recreate the feeling of isolation present in Reichardt's cinema. FULL APOLOGY: http://www.theonion.com/article/podcaster-makes-solemn-promise-improve-sound-quali-51660
For the final Shocktober of the year, wee pit horror masters Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci against each other until only one survives. Well, technically only one of them is alive at the moment, but you get the idea.
We talk CARNIVAL OF SOULS (1962) and LAST HOUSE ON DEAD END STREET (1972) in an episode centered around one shot horror auteurs. Subscribe on Itunes at: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-important-cinema-club/id1067435576?mt=2
We tackle the entire Friday the 13th series.
We talk about one of our favorite American independent writer/directors in a very special episode that just may hold the record for most film's collectively watched for this podcast. Because we love the guy's work so much!
It's SHOCKTOBER! Justin and Will are joined by special guest John Semley to discuss the career of Frankenstein director James Whale. Why is the sequel better than the original? What are our thoughts on the Frankenstein legacy? Why did James Whale stop directing? All the answers can be discovered with one listen!
Justin and Will discuss Killer of Sheep, My Brother's Wedding, To Sleep with Anger and The Glass Shield. And why they don't have other theatrically released feature films by the director to talk about.
Justin and Will talk about the director of TARGETS (1968) and the awful awful awful musical AT LONG LAST LOVE (1975). They discuss the man's entire body of work, his history defining cinephelia and that stupid ascot he wears all the time.
In a desperate bid for your attention, Justin and Will talk about their experiences with the the Toronto International Film Festival, their favorite/worst memories of the festival and the two films they feel define the event for them: The Boomers Got Problems dramedy The Big Chill (1983) and the brutal horror film Martyrs (2008)
This week Will and Justin talk legendary Hong Kong action director, actor, and choreographer Sammo Hung. From his beginnings in ENTER THE FAT DRAGON, to the highs of EASTERN CONDORS and his final directorial effort THE BODYGUARD.
Justin and Will discuss the french Writer/Director of FAT GIRL (2001) and ANATOMY OF HELL (2004). Plus, they get two letters!
Justin and Will discuss tackle re-contextualized cinema through the lens of What's up Tiger Lilly? (1966), From the Journals of Jean Seberg (1995) and Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (1996). Which one of your loyal hosts isn't a big fan of MST3K? What classic of re-contextualization should they have covered instead? What filmmaker does Justin think is Canadian but totally isn't? All the answers lay within a listen!
Justin and Will discuss the later period of Francis Ford Coppola's career which includes Youth Without Youth, Tetro and Twixt. Can an artist finally achieve enlightenment unshackled from studio interference? Which one did Justin and Will actually enjoy? How is a film that stars Val Kilmer fighting vampires be so dull? All the answers lie within!
Justin and Will discuss the career of Mr. Focker himself Robert De Niro. They talk Raging Bull and its 'sequel' Grudge Mass along with deep insightful questions like 'Why does he do this to himself?'
On this week's episode, Justin and Will discuss Joe Dante's first film Hollywood Boulevard (1976) and his last big theatrical release Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003). Plus, a discussion about the joys of being a cinephile, doodling in the cinematic margins and the personal blockbuster.
On this week's episode, Justin and Will discuss the work of Hong Kong auteur Wong Kar Wai, specifically The Mood for Love (2000), 2046 (2004) and Wong's last picture The Grandmaster (2013). Will admits Wong made him the man he is today, Justin shares a shocking secret, and a mysterious guest appears out of the rain.
In a super sized special, Justin and Will welcome Loose Cannons co-host Mathew Kumar to and talk about some boring piles of trash (OR ARE THEY!?). Mathew forces the gang to talk about Whoopi Goldberg's Jumpin Jack Flash (1986), Justin explains how Versus (2000) changed his life, and Will drags everyone through the mud with Super Mario Bros (1993). It's a star studded journey featuring laughs, arguments and enough nostalgia to choke King Koopa.
Justin and Will tackle provocateur du jour Nicholas Winding Refn and his filmography with a special emphasis on Fear X and Drive. And they talk Neon Demon because they really want to ride the wave of its release, and get your precious listens, that's really the only reason they picked this subject.
Is the man who directed one of the most beloved classics in cinema history and a hundred other features an auteur? Justin and Will are going to go head to head on it with deep dives into Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) and The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938).
Justin and Will talk about their 'favorite' action star Steven Seagal. What is his best films? What is his essence of a man? Does Justin actually like any of his films? All the answers, and more, are included inside this environmentally aware podcast.
Justin and Will tackle filmmakers who only made a single film. Yes, they talk about Night of the Hunter, but they also discuss Wanda (1970) and The Honeymoon Killers (1969). Art by Ruth Gwily (http://www.ruthgwily.com/Wanda)
Justin obsesses over the writer/director/screenwriter/editor/cinematographer, Will coldly analyzes the man's work , and they both discuss Chan Chan Tam Tam.
Justin and Will talk in hushed tones about the work of the auteur behind Glen and Glenda and Plan 9 from Outer Space.
Justin and Will talk critic Pauline Kael and their biases, her legacy and the people she pissed off.
Justin and Will tackle the eternal question through the work of Canada's golden boy director/writer/actor/country singer Paul Gross. They watch Men with Brooms, Passchendaele and Hyena Road. Plus, they talk about the past cinematic exploits of the great white north and argue what its future could be. NOTE: If you are Canadian, this is required listening enforced by federal law.
Justin and Will talk writer/director/actor/composer/renaissance man Melvin Van Peebles and watch his incendiary studio film The Watermelon Man (1970) and his revolutionary Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971). And yes, the hosts are two white dudes.
It's an super-sized episode that's 100% PURE WELLES.
A deep dive into the filmography of one of the most energetic (and popular) filmmakers of all time leads the club watch the nihilistic anger scream Dangerous Encounters of the First Kind (1980) and the maximum fun blast that is Peking Opera Blues (1986) Justin explains why HK cinema is his favorite in the world, Will is a scholar of Chinese history (not really) and they both wax rhapsodical about the wonders of mutating monster wrestlers in BLACK MASK 2: CITY OF MASKS. Its the most action packed episode yet!
Will and Justin team up with Mallory Andrews (of cléo: a journal of film and feminism) to talk John Carpenter - Halloween, They Live and everything in between. One of them likes Memoirs of the Invisible Man! Who could it be? Only a listen will unearth the pulse pounding answer.
Will and Justin tackle the myth, the legend, the god of pissing off directors. Do they have something new to say about a man most commonly called the 'Greatest Actor of All Time'? Lets be honest, they probably don't, but they're going to talk about their 'feelings' about Brando anyway after watching Marlon's only directorial effort One Eyed Jacks and Last Tango in Paris.
Justin and Will crumble to societal pressure and join 98% of the internet in discussing two dudes that love to punch each other. They watch Tim Burton's Batman and Richard Donner's Superman and break down why they work, what they love about them, and why Will can't be critical of the Bat and Justin's just another loser Webhead.
Justin and Will take a deep dive into after hours cinema with a watch of Radley Metzger's Camille 2000 and the GREATEST PORN FILM OF ALL TIME (so they hear). They discuss the genre as a whole, why it hasn't had a cross over hit in decades and promise to share some steamy secrets that have been never seen the light of day. Close the curtains, make sure you're alone, and prepare yourself for something 'special'* *Not guaranteed.
We take a phantasmagorical trip down the cinematically lathered mind slide of director Guy Maddin in this week's Canadian Content sponsored episode of The Important Cinema Club. Are his films weird enough? Do they move us emotionally? Will he ever direct a Marvel super hero film? All those answers* and more will be answered inside this newfangled example of the audiosonic story machine** *Well, some of them. **A.K.A: A podcast
We explain why Jim Carrey was our hero growing up by discussing Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and The Cable Guy. Will admits to dressing up for a very special screening, Justin thinks one of his films is the funniest thing ever and special guest Emily Milling wishes that the human cartoon was her boyfriend. We also talk about Rubber Face.
Gather round, drink an extra shot of espresso and get ready to talk about the Grandpa of European Art Film. Justin and Will are joined by Ingmar Bergman ‘expert’ Dan Berube as they talk about the grumpy director’s career, discuss the classic The Seventh Seal and the terrible The Serpent’s Egg, and recommend some good Bergman starter films. Look, we have to talk about this eventually, so lets get it over with.
We discuss Elaine May's entire directorial oeuvre (a mere four films) and touch on her use of cringe comedy, the on-point brilliance of The Heartbreak Kid and the fact that Ishtar really isn't that funny. Plus, we sing a song.
Justin and Will discuss the directorial work of The Man With No Name by way of his off-center western HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER (1973) and his head scratching bio-pic WHITE HUNTER, BLACK HEART (1990). They talk his charismatic appeal as an actor, his populist film making style and his baffling prestige picture present.
Will and Justin talk Woody Allen by way of his undeniable classic ANNIE HALL (1977) and its terrible kinda-remake ANYTHING ELSE (2003). They discuss the struggle to separate the art from the artist, how Woody has a few interesting things to say (that he says over and over again) how much ANYTHING ELSE is awful, like gut wrenching horrible, even though Quentin Tarantino considers it one of his favorite films of all time.
Akira Kurosawa is a monolith and Justin and Will nervously approach his filmography like soldier's marching through a minefield. They watch THRONE OF BLOOD, THE BAD SLEEP WELL and discuss the master's biography, his riff with Toshiro Mifune, and the reason he's the Michael Bay of his time*. Plus, a special appearance by Ishiro Honda (Director of the original GODZILLA) *No.
It's time for the Important Cinema team to tackle the most important question of our time: Who was the funniest comedy team of 1933? Will and Justin discuss the topic heatedly as they tackle Marx Brothers masterwork DUCK SOUP and the Wheeler and Woolsey comedy DIPOLOMANIACS - both films deal with politics, both were released in 1933, but only one can be the best of the best. Along the way they talk about the appeal of the Marx Brothers, the reason Wheeler and Woolsey have been lost to the sands of time, and why The Three Stooges are still the best.
Everyone knows that Roger Corman is one of the most influential producers in the history of film, but what was he like as a director? In an overview of his career as an auteur, Justin and Will discuss his hippie culture 'comedy' "GAS-S-S-S-S-S" and Corman's final film "FRANKENSTEIN UNBOUND" while taking pit stops to talk about his William Shatner opus THE INTRUDER, Will's phone conversation with the Great Man, and what makes Roger's films (especially his five day quickies) special.
Will and Justin tackle their TOP 10 lists of 2015 in glorious 70mm audio! They discuss the validity of making lists, why Justin has chosen a bunch of films no one has seen, and why Will thinks Mordecai should be the #2 films of the year.
In a very special episode, Justin and Will tackle the holiday cinematic season by watching the awful Kirk Cameron vehicle SAVING CHRISTMAS and the holiday 'classic' MIRACLE ON 34th street. They discuss their own feelings on faith, padding films to feature length, rapping bible songs, the existence of Santa Claus, and a slew of other Christmas Classics!
Justin and Will discuss the work of Cinema's irredeemable bad boy Jean-Luc Godard by examining his films 2 or 3 THINGS I KNOW ABOUT HER (1967) and HAIL MARY (1984). They talk about the people who love the grumpy jerk (which includes Will), the transition Godard's golden age to his "What the hell are you talking about?" age, and his legacy in the History of Film (not to be confused with Godard's History of film). The most pulse pounding talk about French New Wave's favorite son you'll hear TODAY!
Hard Boiled versus Bad Boys 2. Hong Kong versus America. John Woo versus Michael Bay. Who is the greatest action filmmaker our planet has ever seen!? It's a battle of the explosion titans as Justin and Will dive into both films and dissect what makes them work (or not), why they are held in such high regard and what they believe the future will hold for both stylish auteurs. Get on the edge of your seat and buckle up for the ride of a life time - that involves two people talking about MOOOOOOVVVIIIIIEEEES!
Crazed. Passionate. Difficult. Psychotic. Dedicated. Nuts. All those adjectives describe director Abel Ferrera, but none of them explain how he's survived for so long and continued to helm projects that are personal and unique. Hosts Justin Decloux and Will Sloan may not have all the answers, but they do discuss the man's first film, the psycho murder romp DRILLER KILLER (1979) and his most critically acclaimed film, the psycho cop romp BAD LIEUTENANT (1992), with a quick chase through the man's filmography along the way! Did you know he made a black and white vampire film? Or a Christmas film? Or that Will Sloan has met him twice face to face?
In the first episode of the IMPORTANT CINEMA CLUB (A.K.A CLUB DU CINEMA IMPORTANT) hosts Justin Decloux (Laser Blast Film Society) and Will Sloan (Jerry Lewis Expert) dive into the work of an American legend through the prism of two of his masterworks - Martin Scorsese's KING OF COMEDY and Mr. Lewis' final directorial effort CRACKING UP. It's a fiery discussion about the nature of comedy, total cinema and the man - the - the myth - the legend - and his impact on the entire entertainment world. Questions under discussion include: Is Jerry Lewis funny? Are Jerry Lewis films still relevant? Would Will Sloan kill for Jerry Lewis? What's the deal with THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED anyway? For the answer to these, and many other important questions, you must listen to the episode before it's too late. *** For questions, comments or suggestions, send us an e-mail at importantcinemaclubpodcast@gmail.com