This episode, WHEN FOOLS RUSH IN, was written and created by Kyle Cords, directed by Alexi Gonzalez, and executive produced by Amy Suto, Kyle Cords, and Alexi Gonzalez. Our sound designer and composer is Adam Joseph Monaghan, and our producer is Alexandra Scordato. Based on the short story, “The Horror at Martin’s Beach,” by Sonia H. Greene and H.P. Lovecraft. The Speaker is played by Baron B. Bass (who can found me on instagram @bbassny ) Ari is played by Allegra Rodriguez Shivers (who can be found on Instagram @legom2rs), Lorena is played by Gloria De Leon (who can be found on Instagram @gloriatheactress), Megan is played by Julia Stier (who can be found on Instagram @juliastier), Chase is played by Max Banta (who can be found on Instagram @miximilian), Cassi is played by Miya Kodama (who can be found on Instagram @miyakodama or @smalltreespirit on Twitter!) Bobby is played by Hunter Peterson (who can be found on Instagram @hitherehunter) Sara is played by Portia Juliette (who can be found on Instagram @PortiaJamas). And in loving memory of Abel Benitez who plays Josh. He will be missed. Original music in this episode is created by Suds. A special thanks goes out to Cody Ball and Jack Bentele.
For inquiries of any kind, reach out to The void will reach back out.