The pinball youtuber/enthusiast takes his content to podcast form. Giving his unbiased thoughts in the pinball hobby.
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The pinball youtuber/enthusiast takes his content to podcast form. Giving his unbiased thoughts in the pinball hobby.
Copyright: © All rights reserved.
Stern dropped the info for their upcoming title. Avengers Infinity Quest. How does it look?
Some early loose info was released on social media and pinside a few days ago. Who did it first? Does it matter? Let's deepdive into this new person in the hobby known as BallPin.
In this episode I talk more about the TMNT issues. Coding with Pin Stadium and TMNT. Then what other manufacturers have coming next month.
This is the audio version of my review of TMNT PRO. Although I highly recommend the video version on my youtube channel - here is content for you listeners.
Kaneda went live and made some statements that need to be brought to light, and an update on what I'm working on.
People are reporting playfield issues regarding their print quality. I also discuss some mods for TMNT.
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TMNT issues are on the rise! JJP doesn't have their next title on the line! Deeproot changes again.
The Hardy Pinball Podcast has begun! In this episode I discuss who I am and what to expect.