Do you ever ask yourself, “Where did the time go?”Time is our most valuable asset, yet some of us are too caught up in the day-to-day tasks of life to realize just how we’re spending it. Unlike money or physical possessions, it can’t be saved or stowed away for a rainy day. But, through being present, building relationships, and living authentically each day, our time will be well spent. In this episode, I talk with Libby Moore. She spent 11 years of her time as Chief of Staff for Oprah Winfrey (I’d say that’s a valuable time investment!). Throughout our conversation, she shares her experiences around how we spend our money and time, yet sometimes just give away our power. Libby explains that giving away your power is essentially shrinking yourself down to make someone else feel more comfortable. If you give away your power to someone else, you’re being governed by an outside force. This translates to time spent unintentionally. So take a listen to learn more about Libby’s incredible journey, and how she learned to lead an intentional and authentic life. Libby’s Happiness Hack:“It’s truly being comfortable in my skin, comfortable with who I am and who I’m with, and truly feeling like I’m giving something to the world. To know that I matter, that what I’m doing here matters. It’s creating a positive ripple effect - whether it’s within my family, my friends, my community, and rippling out from there. That truly, to me, is the ultimate happiness. I feel like I’m being of service in some positive way in the world, and comfortable being who I am. Which, I’m very comfortable with who I am now.” (39:17)Some Questions I Ask: - What does your morning routine look like? (3:36) - What has your morning meditation practice brought to your life? (7:34) - Talk to me about your thoughts on not giving away your power. (25:06) - What has coming out been like for you? (30:37) - What is your personal definition of happiness? (38:59)In This Episode, You Will Learn: - How consistent meditation brings clarity to Libby’s life. (7:47) - How the act of surrendering and going with the flow pushed Libby’s career forward. (9:19) - How Libby balances being generous and drawing appropriate boundaries. (16:33) - How Libby uses her innate kind nature to stop the cycle of resentment. (17:49) - The value of being authentically and comfortably you. (39:13)Connect with Libby:WebsiteLinkedInInstagram
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