1:15 - Catching Up - Gap mends broken legs, and Dirt swelters through the oppressive Oregon summer heat.
12:20 - Follow Up - XSR-M 15*15 mounting holes, not 20*20. Telemetry can save your ass with GPS coordinates on a long range rig. BF 3.2, OSD requires 50% throttle, it isn't frozen.
15:55 - Quick Topics - MGP Regional Finals, DRL Speed Record https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPpQWIA59Wo, and a new Shrike https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155528842109282&set=a.10154514189739282.1073741828.702149281&type=3&theater
19:55 - Video Spotlight X2 - DiegoFPV Long Range https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4_lsP4DntY & MILK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_7fW7EsZMc
25:00 - Voicemail Giveaway - Winners will receive a heartfelt phonecall this week.
31:25 - Thank You China Hobby Line http://www.chinahobbyline.us for sponsoring this episode of The FPV Show.
32:45 - Welcome Rotorious! Regional Finals Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-ohG-OWQTY
59:15 - Catalyst Machine Works - 15% OFF - 'the fpv show'
Head to FPV.fm for shirts, hats, stickers, even iPhone cases! Also, leave us a voicemail - (929)277-7985
Thank you chinahobbyline.us, Rotorious, and Catalyst Machine Works