Happy new year, everyone! It's 2021 and the world has already seen a rough start, so let's take some time off from reality. The first episode of 2021 is going to be a multi-part series on the enigmatic relic known as the Piri Reis Map, along with what we know, and what we don't, about ancient human history . This map has baffled historians, archaeologists, and many others because it depicts the world in a very odd manner. Well, at least, part of the world. It is believed to originally be accompanied by 2 other pieces that have yet to be found, if they even exist at all, but what this piece shows is an incredibly accurate survey of sections of North America, South America, Africa, and what some believe to be Antarctica and with incredible detail. Some individuals, like British author and Journalist, Graham Hancock, as well as geometrician and geological explorer, Randall Carlson, believe that there is insurmountable evidence that shows that not all of what we've been taught in ancient human history is what it seems and the Piri Reis Map might just be one of the many of things that allows us to have a glimpse into what the old world was truly like, despite what mainstream academia might say about it. In part 1 of this series we will go over how the map was discovered, what it depicted, and some enthusiasts that found it either compelling or uncompelling. We have some surprises in store for you all and cannot wait to unveil them when the time is right but until then stay safe, healthy, and spooky out there in this huge, unpredictable place that we call home and you'll hear from us soon!
Show Reference Links:
https://www.diegocuoghi.com/Piri_Reis/PiriReis.htm - The Piri Reis Map
https://www.sacred-texts.com/piri/pirikey.htm - More on the Piri Reis Map
https://journeynorth.org/tm/LongitudeIntro.html - Longitude & Latitude
https://www.usap.gov/aboutusapparticipants/#:~:text=Joint%20Task%20Forces%20Support%20Forces,who%20participate%20in%20the%20USAP. - US Military and its dealing with Antarctica
https://grahamhancock.com/books/ - Graham Hancock's books "Fingerprints of the Gods", "Magicians of the Gods", and "America Before"
https://randallcarlson.com/ - Randall Carlson and his very informative podcast details