Women Around the World: Partnering Together to Strengthen the Global Church
We share the same struggles. We serve the same Christ. We live in radically different contexts, but the truth is, we are ALL called to live missionally!
In this series we will hear from women around the world about how we can partner together to strengthen the Global Church.
Connect to Evah Mugari:
I am Evah Mugari, married to Jorum. We have been married for 22 years and have two teenage children: Roseanne (19) and Adrian (17). We live in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. We are members of Living Hope Church and love being part of this community. I enjoy traveling, cooking, and reading. I have a BA in Divinity, a Master's in Development Studies, and a Certificate in Biblical Counselling. My ministry experience is in worship, bible studies, teaching, mentoring, and counseling. We are missionaries with Mission To The World (MTW) responsible for theological education for the Presbytery of Bulawayo. I am the Women's Ministry Coordinator for the Presbytery. We are passionate about training and discipling men and women leaders so that Zimbabwe and Africa can have a healthy church that is both reformed and covenantal. I praise God that I can play a small part (service) in His grand kingdom mission.
Connect to Nosizo Nakah
My name is Nosizo Nakah, married to Victor. We have two adult children, Nothabo, 31, who is married to Percy, with our two grandchildren, Rumbi 28, who is in the process of completing an MA in Law. We have been part of the Bulawayo City Presbyterian Church, Zimbabwe, for 25 years. I have been involved in the music team and leading a women’s Bible study, encouraging them to be independent readers of scripture.
I trained first as a high school teacher, worked for ten years, and later did an MA in librarianship and worked in the local seminary library.
Presently, we are MTW missionaries living in South Africa. We’re part of a young church plant, Renewal Fellowship, with a number of discipleship needs. I am excited to be part of the team to help disciple women in my context.
Connect to Mission to the World (MTW): https://www.mtw.org/
Connect to International Women’s Ministry (CDM): https://women.pcacdm.org/international/