May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Since 9/11, more than 30,000 service members or veterans have committed suicide, which is more than four times that of those who passed away in combat over the same period. According to the DOD Suicide Prevention Office, in 2023, there were 92 suspected or confirmed suicides in the National Guard, which brings the total to over 400 guardsmen since the start of COVID-19, not counting Q1 of 2024, which have yet to be released. In this episode, 2nd Lt. De-Juan Haley is joined by Brianna Baker-Meckley, the 130th Airlift Wing’s new Director of Psychological Health, Capt. Brittany Hypes, a Critical Care Nurse with the 130th Airlift Wing CERFP who, for the past year, has worked as the Suicide Prevention Program coordinator for the unit, and 1st Lt. Sammi Brown, the director of Public Affairs for the WVANG, to have a conversation about the topic of mental health and suicide.