What happens when a Yogini/Recording Artist and a Healer/Philosopher take some space to explore how all of life is music?
DJ Gina Turner and NKH Healer Tim Rothschild bring you The Divine Movement Podcast.
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What happens when a Yogini/Recording Artist and a Healer/Philosopher take some space to explore how all of life is music?
DJ Gina Turner and NKH Healer Tim Rothschild bring you The Divine Movement Podcast.
Introducing Jim Perry, Fatshaming pregnant women, Aliens, Spelunking, Flipping Babies, After Death Experiences, Elvis, etc...
If you do like Dadbods or want us to answer questions on air: divinemovement.info@gmail.com
The best way to support us during our unpaid maternity/paternity leave is to donate to the funds here: Tim and Gina's Baby Registry
Healings/Reading with Tim: www.thethirdthing.net/shop
Gina's monthly numerology forecasts: ReadingsGT33@gmail.com
Follow Tim and Gina on instagram:
Football meets the self actualizing cosmos.
Tim's new Online Course starting Monday Sept 12th 2022 6pm EST
Gina djing in Brooklyn Sept 16th 2022
Thank you for supporting us: Tim and Gina's Baby Registry
Send questions or things to unpack on air: divinemovement.info@gmail.com
For Yoga, dj sets, and more with Gina: http://bit.ly/yogawithgina
Gina's monthly numerology forecasts: ReadingsGT33@gmail.com
Follow Tim and Gina on instagram:
A touch of Disco, incubus, techinical difficulities, Saints and a whole lotta love.
Tim's new Fall 2022 Online Course
Gina djing in Brooklyn Sept 16th 2022
Thank you for supporting us: Tim and Gina's Baby Registry
Send questions or things to unpack on air: divinemovement.info@gmail.com
For Yoga, dj sets, and more with Gina: http://bit.ly/yogawithgina
Gina's monthly numerology forecasts: ReadingsGT33@gmail.com
Follow Tim and Gina on instagram:
On this episode, Tim and Gina answer questions from the audience and just scratch the surface with some hot and interesting topics.... there will be more to come like this
Sign up for Tim's new Mailing List
and Tim's new Online Course
Send questions or things to unpack on air: divinemovement.info@gmail.com
July 22nd 2022 Tim Workshop and Gina DJ set in Northvale, NJ: Tim Workshop / Gina DJing 7/22/22 6-9pm _NEW JERSEY
For Yoga, dj sets, and more with Gina: http://bit.ly/yogawithgina
or monthly numerology forecasts: ReadingsGT33@gmail.com
Follow Tim and Gina on instagram:
Sometimes you just need to focus on your breath, slow down and be.
Send us questions or things to unpack on air: divinemovement.info@gmail.com
for healings and readings with Tim: http://www.thethirdthing.net/shop
July 22nd 2022 Tim Workshop and Gina DJ set in Northvale, NJ: Tim Workshop / Gina DJing 7/22/22 6-9pm _NEW JERSEY
July 9th 2022 Tim Numerology workshop: Numerology Workshop - 7/9/22 - Northvale,NJ
For Yoga, dj sets, and more with Gina: http://bit.ly/yogawithgina
or monthly numerology forecasts: ReadingsGT33@gmail.com
Follow Tim and Gina on instagram:
Tim and Gina have pregnancy brain.
for healings and readings with Tim: http://www.thethirdthing.net/shop
July 22nd 2022 Tim Workshop and Gina DJ set in Northvale, NJ: https://www.rawrootscafe.com/events-1/planting-seeds-of-awakening-nondual-healing-workshop-live-music-by-dj-gina-turner
July 9th 2022 Tim Numerology workshop: https://www.rawrootscafe.com/events-1/numerology-101-workshop
For Yoga, dj sets, and more with Gina: http://bit.ly/yogawithgina
or monthly numerology forecasts: ReadingsGT33@gmail.com
Follow Tim and Gina on instagram:
It's been a long time, we shouldnt have left you, without a dope beat to step to.
for healings and readings with Tim: http://www.thethirdthing.net/shop
For Yoga, dj sets, and more with Gina: bit.ly/yogawithgina
or monthly numerology forecasts: ReadingsGT33@gmail.com
Follow Tim and Gina on instagram:
It's "just Tim and Gina" this episode... But they are accompanied by a fantastical LiveStream Audience, laughs, hot button topics, great music, a Ram Dass quote, and of course the teachings of.... Jason Shulman.
Divine Evolution Retreat is 11/1-11/4/2018 in Joshua Tree CA! Tickets here: www.divineevolution2018.eventbrite.com
Monthly Readings with Gina: ReadingsGT33@gmail.com
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Gina and Tim are joined by a Fortean Storyteller-Podcaster-Creative Director; the magically wonderful Jim Perry of Euphomet. This episode is rich with discussion. Close Encounters. Aliens. Ghosts. Deep Friendships. Justin Bieber. Melancholy Trip Hop. Wrestling. Shamanism. Everything in between.
Follow Jim on twitter: @ItsJimPerry
Head to @euphomet 's website is euphomet.com to rate,review and subscribe.
Divine Evolution Retreat is 11/1-11/4/2018 in Joshua Tree CA! Tickets here: www.divineevolution2018.eventbrite.com
Monthly Readings with Gina: ReadingsGT33@gmail.com
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Join us at Soul Camp West in California October 23-27 2018 -- 100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
The Secret is, that life is magic... And where two or more are gathered, there I am. We Live in a universe built upon relationship... Life itself is a victory, its not a victory over anything, its victory with. And we can see all of life as two sides of a Third Thing, as Nested Pairs of a greater Whole, something opens up... And if you've experienced this in your own life, you might call it a flow state of consciousness, I like to call it "riding the wave." Can you stay present long enough to see clearly? -Tim Rotshchild
Universal Chant (OUT NOW) featuring these lyrics : https://open.spotify.com/album/4e9HYEXgOUlIq0lA5HWgp8?si=SGbtYO6aRNy_1V1ibFkuRQ
Join us at Soul Camp West in California October 23-27 2018 -- 100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
Divine Evolution Retreat is 11/1-11/4/2018 in Joshua Tree CA! Tickets here: www.divineevolution2018.eventbrite.com
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
Tim and Gina honor the Queen of Soul by playing the beautiful music she has left behind for us....they also talk about a lot of things that have nothing to do with her, or do they? Recorded on the day of Aretha Franklin's passing.
See Gina dj in Brooklyn NY 8/18 at Sunnyvale Brooklyn! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gina-turner-tickets-48421473932?aff=efbeventtix
Join us at Soul Camp East in Upstate NY August 24-26 2018 + Soul Camp West in California October 23-27 2018 -- 100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
August 29th Numerology workshop 8/29 in Northvale NJ: https://www.rawrootscafe.com/events-1/numerology-101-with-tim-rothschild
Divine Evolution Retreat is 11/1-11/4/2018 in Joshua Tree CA! Tickets here: www.divineevolution2018.eventbrite.com
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
Riding the wave of Lion's Gate, 8/8, when the veils thin. This day gives more access to angelic downloads, divine messages, symbols, synchronicity, deep understandings and a type of clarity that changes your entire reality! Oh boy, Tim and Gina get real far out on this episode!
Join us at Soul Camp East in Upstate NY August 24-26 2018 + Soul Camp West in California October 23-27 2018 -- 100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
August 29th Numerology workshop 8/29 in Northvale NJ: https://www.rawrootscafe.com/events-1/numerology-101-with-tim-rothschild
Divine Evolution Retreat is 11/1-11/4/2018 in Joshua Tree CA! Tickets here: www.divineevolution2018.eventbrite.com
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
The Teacher Episode. Cheers to an Awakening Heart. Gina and Tim are joined by one of the Brothers of NKH. We laugh, We cry, we get triggered, we get manic, we get excited, we open our hearts, we get lost in translation, we are family.
Find Eddie:
Healings- EdAmato13@gmail.com 845-596-6434
Eddie's sister's Custom Clothing alterations- Damato1229.wixsite.com
TDM Plugs:
Join us at Soul Camp East in Upstate NY August 24-26 2018 + Soul Camp West in California October 23-27 2018 -- 100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
Divine Evolution Retreat is 11/1-11/4/2018 in Joshua Tree CA! Tickets here: www.divineevolution2018.eventbrite.com
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
Tim comes back from Hawaii, Gina joins A Society of Souls, and the whole family gets hugs from Amma. Oh and EDM can be beautiful.
Join us at Soul Camp East in Upstate NY August 24-26 2018 + Soul Camp West in California October 23-27 2018 -- 100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
Divine Evolution Retreat is 11/1-11/4/2018 in Joshua Tree CA! Tickets here: www.divineevolution2018.eventbrite.com
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
Sudio headphones: https://goo.gl/jBGtxz use discount code TDM for 15% off
Just Tim + Gina, Leon Bridges, Indigo Girls Tiny Island, Justin Timberlake, Foo Fighters, Tenacious D, Kanye West, and Jason Shulman's shoes.
Join us at Soul Camp East in Upstate NY August 24-26 2018 + Soul Camp West in California October 23-27 2018 -- 100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
Sudio headphones: https://goo.gl/jBGtxz use discount code TDM for 15% off
DJs Gina Turner, Ryan Forever, and Mija join Nondual Healer Tim Rothschild to become the Mighty MORPHin Power Rangers.
Join us at Soul Camp East in Upstate NY August 24-26 2018 + Soul Camp West in California October 23-27 2018 -- 100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
Sudio headphones: https://goo.gl/jBGtxz use discount code TDM for 15% off
Tim and Gina are joined by the incomparable Patricia Moreno.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
www.PatriciaMoreno.com for more on Patricia and Intensati
Join all of us at Soul Camp East August 2018 + Soul Camp West October 2018 -- 100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
Broadcasting from ShipFam Island in Croaitia, Tim and Gina are joined by the wonderfully creative artists; Mija, Ryan Forever, Reid Speed, Doorly, Ardalan and Go Freek!
IN THE BEGINNING, THERE WAS JACK, AND JACK HAD A GROOVE, And from this groove came the groove of all grooves, And while one day viciously throwing down on his box, Jack boldy declared, “Let there be HOUSE!” and house music was born. “I am, you see, I am the creator, and this is my house! And, in my house there is ONLY house music. But, I am not so selfish because once you enter my house it then becomes OUR house and OUR house music!” And, you see, no one man owns house because house music is a universal language, spoken and understood by all. You see, house is a feeling that no one can understand really unless you’re deep into the vibe of house. House is an uncontrollable desire to jack your body. And, as I told you before, this is our house and our house music. And in every house, you understand, there is a keeper. And, in this house, the keeper is Jack. Now some of you who might wonder, “Who is Jack, and what is it that Jack does?” Jack is the one who gives you the power to jack your body! Jack is the one who gives you the power to do the snake. Jack is the one who gives you the key to the wiggly worm. Jack is the one who learns you how to walk your body. Jack is the one that can bring nations and nations of all Jackers together under one house. You may be black, you may be white; you may be Jew or Gentile. It don’t make a difference in OUR House. And this is fresh.
Lyrics from:-
Rhythm Controll – “My House” (vocal by Chuck Roberts)
100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
"The Madden Curse" continues as the Divine Movement rolls on, this time with beloved radio host Art Bell, who died the same day of our recoding, and is adored by our guest William Kern and co-host Timothy Rothschild.
join us in Miami on 4/22/2018 2-6PM : TICKETS: bit.ly/divinemiami (discount code: STAYWOKE2018)
100$ off soul camp: my.soul.camp/divine-movement
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Plant based Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
The Divine Movement rolls on! Back from Miami, Gina and Tim recap the wonderful events that took place as well as the spiritual storm that ensued, eventually playing out as a terrible gift (as it always does). Also - superheros, Tim is almost poisoned, sunsets, lost phones, tequila and a 3 year old turning 4. Carl Sagan is mentioned at one point as well. Enjoy!
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
NKH Healings/Numerology Readings with Tim, and Cool Gear at: www.thethirdthing.net/shop
Interested in the 4 year NKH Training program in Dubai with Tim as your support system? Email him at thethirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
More info: www.societyofsouls.com and www.nonduality.us.com
Natural Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
A lot of ground is covered in this TDM; including Sex Magik, tree people and mindless plugging.
our ever so handsome Social Media Man: @CharlesBellantoni
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Healings and Readings with Tim: www.thethirdthing.net/shop
Natural Party Supplements: www.divineislimitless.com
To celebrate the fact that The Divine Movement is on the road soon with Numerology workshops, Tim and Gina bring you a long awaited 'taste' of numbers!
This is just a little teaser of what you can expect in episodes to come and in the workshops!
See you soon:
Miami 3/25 11am-2pm - https://www.facebook.com/events/2074150086187020/
DC 3/30 630pm-10pm -https://www.facebook.com/events/208097616594418/
Yoga with Gina:
healings and readings with Tim:
all natural party supplements:
TDM rolls on with an absolute joy of a guest. If you don't know Kathleen Booker, GET TO KNOW HER. Being with Kathleen is no different than millions of joy drops falling from the sky, melting and messing the paint on the false mask you were too scared to take off. Be you boo!!
Yoga and Numerology:
March 25th MIAMI! at Drinkhouse Fire & Ice 11am-2pm
March 30th DC! at Ten Tigers 630-10pm
Healings and readings with Tim: thethirdthing.net/shop
Yoga with Gina: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Find Kathleen: www.KathleenBooker.net
here's her info about her upcoming FREE Webinar...
Thursday, March 15th @ 8pm EST - An Evening of Breath-full Relaxation. Take a bit of time for YOU Boo! During our time together we will Experience the Breath…peace-filled Breathing exercises/meditation Learn relaxing Breathing techniques Have a refreshing/replenishing time for yourself Join me...sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/y8a3gsf7
What happens when you mix a strong boston accent, mushrooms and mastery of functional body movement? Tim says Mind, Body, Spirit...Skooby says Body, Mind, Soul.... and Gina has a lot to say about her Menstrual cycle.
For more info on healings and Tim's Dubai Training: TheThirdThingNetwork@gmail.com
Yoga with Gina:
follow Skooby: @simplyevolve
Natural Party Supplements:
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue.
Julian's our favorite Shaman,
He's from New Jersey and Peru.
Find Tim and Gina on the Road at
Sign up for Healings and NKH Training email:
Yoga with Gina (New York, Denver, DC, Miami)
find Julian here:
Party Supplements:
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred colors, Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments hereof. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred colors, How do you color, color your love? In daylights, in sunsets In midnights, in cups of coffee In inches, in miles In laughter, in strife.
ALL ABOOOOARD!!! The TDM Love Train Rolls on...
Join Tim in Dubai September 2018: email TheThirdThingNetwork@gmail.com
http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/ to do yoga with Gina!
For all natural supplements go to www.divineislimitless.com
Last episode was a wild re-introduction to the media waves as the Divine Movement continues to careen through space and time, wrapping up loose ends while simultaneously introducing more of that good ol' fashioned timeless quality that can only be found in life and death, music, Alicia Silverstone, and love.
sign up for healings at www.thethirdthing.net/shop
More info on Dubai Sept 2018 with Tim email: TheThirdThingNetwork@gmail.com
Gina's yoga schedule: http://www.thedivinemovement.info/gina/
Write us a review! we LOVE them! <3
Big shifts inner and outer as The Divine Movement rolls on thru Hawaii (the aloha pavilion) to share an unforgettable experience with Ram Dass and friends.
To learn more about the healing work that Tim offers or his Dubai program email : TheThirdthingnetwork@gmail.com
Check out Gina's Yoga schedule on thedivinemovement.com then click "gina"
Check out the all natural party supplements at
All the instructors of the inaugural Divine Evolution Retreat come together in a glorious attempt to recap the ineffable. This is a wild one!
head to www.divineislimitless.com
to get in on the action with Natural Supplements that we mention on the show, KATY and SHEA
In the latest installment of The Divine Movement Podcast, Jennifer Sodini joins Gina and Tim to 'Nice It' and discuss all things relating to the 'Ween...Halloween that is. Laughs, mischief, scary stories, FMK, dream downloads and DMT tales abound. Get spooky with us...or go to Mars. ;)
Sign up for the Joshua Tree retreat: divineevolution.eventbrite.com
use discount code TDMPOD for a special discount!
The Divine Movement spirals on, faster and faster like water down a drain, expanding consciousness with each spiral, awakening to synchronicity, thus opening the gates to two of the most magical places on earth; DisneyLand and The DirtyBird Camp Out!
Sign up for:
Soul Camp West: Oct 24-28 soul.camp/divine-movement for 100$ off!
Joshua Tree Retreat: Nov 9-12 DivineEvolution.eventbrite.com
(use code "TDMPOD" for 20% off)
Plagued by sinus infections, The Divine Movement Rolls On...directly into an on-air fight that not even Lululemon pants can contain. Forced to edit the content simply because its utterly unlistenable, Tim and Gina mend their wounds with salty tears and fantastic music - coming back together stronger than ever! Super fun episode - blood, tears, and all!!
Sign up for the retreat at www.divineevolution.eventbrite.com
use 'TDMPOD' Code for a special discount!
"Time to fuck the moon!"
Tim just got his wisdom teeth pulled today and can't speak for a bit, so buckle up for this extra long episode full of music, road stories, ceremony recaps and somewhat clear minds.
Also: sign up for our retreat Nov 9-12 in Joshua Tree at www.divineEvolution.eventbrite.com
Podcast listeners get a special discount, use TDMPOD when booking :)
Tim and gina take another micro-trip down the rabbit hole and explore psychedelics as medicine from an experiential point of view. Side effects include: giggling, short term memory loss, fun facts and great music.
The Divine Movement rolls on as Gina and Tim explore the wonderful, beautiful, terrible and most important of of all - healing world of psychedelia.
The Divine Movement rolls on after a bone rattling HARD 10 year anniversary festival, where we bumped into the one and only LOUISAHHHH!!!, a fellow road dog of DJ Gina Turner's, who nearly explodes with excitement to catch up with one of her favorite people.
Gina and Tim sit down with the co-founders of Soul Camp, Ali + Michelle. 'nuff said
www.soul.camp/divine-movement to signup!
Jamie surya joins TDM to close out the hanuman special, which truly is special: proving that no matter how many twists and turns (and tangents) one goes on, all roads lead to the same place. Super fun episode, enjoy!!
Open your hearts to Lots of Laughs in this episode as we discuss the deep truths laid out by our favorite flying monkey god, Hanuman. Guest Jamie Surya brings a fist full of sunshine.
Tim and Gina discuss channeling your emotions in creative ways and the late great Chris Cornell. Tim reveals a Rothschild family secret.
This episode is dedicated to one of our biggest fans. Happiest Birthday! We love you.
Tim and Gina unintentionally throw the agenda out the window in pursuit of "the audio moment" and end up traversing through healing music meant for sacred ceremony, sensitive Drake songs and a few selections from the soundtrack to arguably the most important movie of our time...Moana.
Open Heart Pasta Army!!
With the latest release of the Divine Series, Dj Gina Turner and Tim Rothschild explode onto the scene with their latest, newest, most scrumdiddlyumptious hit single - 'INTEGRATION.'
Grab a raft, because the emotional waves are high today - I mean - Gina cries...TWICE.
What happens when a Yogini/Recording Artist and a Healer/Philosopher take some space to explore how all of life is music?
DJ Gina Turner and NKH Healer Tim Rothschild bring you The Divine Movement Podcast.