This is a podcast about Games Workshop’s excellent game, Blitz Bowl.
(Show Credits: Theme music- “Donors” by Letter Box; Crowd Sound Effects- from n Beats on YouTube)
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This is a podcast about Games Workshop’s excellent game, Blitz Bowl.
(Show Credits: Theme music- “Donors” by Letter Box; Crowd Sound Effects- from n Beats on YouTube)
Matt and Jody discuss the Snotling team!
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Matt and Jody discuss the Black Orc team!
Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic: Black Orcs
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody (and special guest @djakl!) discuss the benefits and limitations of quantitative and qualitative game analysis!
Andrew's (@djakl) Math Document
The Ultimate Edition Community FAQ
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody discuss the Necromantic Horror team!
Brian Nolte's Ogre Painting Saga
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody discuss the Khorne team!
Note: This episode contains an instance of profanity at 19:30.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody discuss the endgame challenge cards and bonus plays from Ultimate Edition!
Note: The ad copy for Blitz Bowl AI was written by a large language model AI.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody discuss the Noble team!
djakl's Blitz Bowl: Ultimate | Math Edition
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody discuss the Ultimate Edition versions of the Goblin & Halfling teams!
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody discuss the Ogre team!
Link to Goatmoerser's Instagram
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody take a look at the (Ultimate) Bonus Plays.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody take a critical look at the (Ultimate) Challenge Deck. We review each (Ultimate) Challenge Card and talk about the best strategies and tactics for making the most of these (Ultimate) scoring opportunities.
Aquilaprime Design on Inked Gaming
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody break down all of the teams in Ultimate Edition from bash to dash!
Editorial Note: The stadium cards were the creation of user @Myself on our Discord channel.
Aquilaprime Design on Inked Gaming
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page: Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Matt and Jody pitch Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition to new, curious gamers!
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody discuss Blitz Bowl: Ultimate Edition.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody discuss the dynamic Lizardman team!
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody discuss the social contract and its implications in gaming.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody discuss the durable and disgusting Nurgle team.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody breakdown their home-brew league rules.
The Blitz Bowl Brawl Bonanza League Documents
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody discuss organized play and how to run a successful Blitz Bowl (or Blood Bowl) league.
The Blitz Bowl Brawl Bonanza (Winter League) Master Document:
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody do a deep dive into the first of three new teams in the Season 2 box: the Wood Elves!
Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic:
Squidmar Miniatures Masterclass:
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody discuss the Blitz Bowl Season 2 FAQ document.
Link to the FAQ:
For a Discord invite, give us a holler on BGG or Facebook!
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody review the ball cards from Season 2.
No-Shave November:
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody rank their favorite models and teams!
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Discord Channel Invite:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody review Blitz Bowl: Season 2.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Discord Channel Invite:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody discuss the changes brought by Season 2, and why we think they were made.
Stay tuned for next episode when we (finally) do our formal review of the game- you won't have to wait long, it's coming out in just one week!
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Discord Channel Invite:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Mat and Jody talk about what it's like to be a long time hobbyist, and how to thwart life's attempts to derail your hobby mojo.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Discord Channel Invite:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody discuss what it's like to be a beginner hobbyist, and doll out some advice for folks thinking about picking up a brush.
Here's a YouTube Playlist of the videos we mentioned, and some more, that are great for beginner hobbyists:
Reaper Master Series Triads (look for the "liners"):
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Discord Channel Invite:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody discuss what die hard Blood Bowlers think of Blitz Bowl, and whether Blitz Bowl is a good introduction to Blood Bowl.
Matt and Jody (in their most self serving episode yet) talk about the newest version of their Official Unofficial Rules Document.
Check out the Both Down Podcast here:
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Discord Channel Invite:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody talk with Blitz Bowl's designer, James Hewitt, about his design process and philosophy.
Do yourself a favor and check out James's Goonhammer Interview and Needy Cat Games (links below). Do it now!
Finding Games podcast: Needy Cat Patreon: Game Design Course: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Newsletter: Component Studio: and Jody discuss their philosophy and method of D.I.Y. gaming and home-brew rules writing.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Discord Channel Invite:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
Matt and Jody compare their power rankings for every team from Season One.
Blitz Bowl Fans Facebook:
Discord Channel Invite:
Blitz Bowl BGG Page:
In the final Season One Marquee Match-up, Matt and Jody take a look at the Undead and Halflings.
Community Shoutout: 1:40
Undead: 4:25
Halflings: 55:51
Outro: 1:32:19
Matt and Jody discuss how to git gud!
0:00 -3:35 intro
3:35-6:35 Community Shout-out
6:45-36:00 Preamble and Early Game
36:00-1:14:00 Midgame
1:14:00-1:25:30 Endgame
1:25:40- Final Thoughts
Matt and Jody discuss their favorite team from the Season 1 Core Box.
2:50 - Community Shout-out
5:08 - Team Discussion
58:49 - Game Breakdown
1:18:00 - Outro
On this episode, Matt and Jody talk about new partnerships with some of the biggest names in the industry.
Time stamps:
0:00-2:45 intro
2:45-6:00 community shout out
6:26-15:40 A.B.C. Cabalvision
15:41-22:09 Astrogranite TM
23:41-27:40 Bloodweiser
27:50-33:30 S.I.G.
34:13-36:05 W.T.F?
Matt and Jody tackle a marquee match-up between the Elven Union and Dark Elves!
Editorial Note: There is no official Blitz Bowl expansion that features the Dark Elves- you will need to buy the full Blood Bowl kit from Games Workshop if you want the models (the box has enough models for two full Blitz Bowl teams).
Show Some Teamwork! - 1:49
Elven Union - 2:54
Dark Elves - 39:00
Outro - 1:19:35
Matt and Jody take a look at the Skaven and Chaos teams in another Marquee Matchup!
0:00 - 1:05 - Intro
1:05 - 6:55 - Community Shoutout
6:55 - 43:00 - Skaven
43:05 - 1:24:10 - Chaos
1:24:10 - Outro
Tabletop Simulator on Steam:
Gremdel's Spreadsheet:
Matt and Jody continue their deep dive into the Challenge Card Deck- this week they run through the Bonus Plays!
In Episode 5 of The Crush, Matt and Jody take a critical look at the Challenge Deck. We review each Challenge Card and talk about the best strategies and tactics for making the most of these scoring opportunities.
0:00 - Show Intro
2:30 - Show Us Some Teamwork: Community Shout Out
6:25 - Episode Overview and a discussion of Strategy vs. Tactics
17:55 - Hitting Challenges
32:55 - Offensive Challenges
49:22 - Positioning Challenges
1:13:50 - Style of play and the Challenge Deck
1:27:50 - Show Close
In episode 4, Matt and Jody delve into their second Marquee Match-up exploring ancient grudges and cunning tactics for Dwarf and Goblin teams in Blitz Bowl.
0:00 - Intro and Community Shout Out 5:30 - Dwarf Team discussion 52:30 - Goblin Team Discussion
Get at Jody (Pez Man) on Facebook - Blitz Bowl Fans page Get at Matt (spacespiff) on BGG - The Crush! Thread Get at us on Discord - Invite Link
On Episode 3 we answer the most pressing rules questions from the community!
Get at Jody on Facebook - Blitz Bowl Fans page
Get at Matt on BGG - The Crush! Thread
Get at us on Discord - Invite Link
In our first "Marquee Matchup" episode we take a look at the Orcs and Humans.
Editorial note: "Handling Skills" actually reads: "Whenever this model moves into a square containing the ball, they pick it up as though they were making a Run action." This doesn't affect our analysis, but was unclear in conversation.
Hobby Supply List:
In our inaugural episode we tackle the rules and why you should play this game!
Watch It Played: