I talk to Claire Boothby, from the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), about feeding garden birds, feeder hygiene and the BTO Garden Birdwatch. (Bird feeding tips below)
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BTO Garden Bird Watch
Link to www.bto.org/gbw
Great tips from the Audubon society:
RSPB Garden Birdwatch
Report to
For all types of disease in garden wildlife, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians
Contributions in this episode from:
Kate from Pups n PopCulture podcast
Susan from The Dead Ladies Show podcast
The theme music is Short Sleeved Shirt by The Drones. Thanks to them for letting me use it. Check out their website at www.dronesmusic.net
Additional material - Tips on feeding garden birds.
Foods to Avoid:
NO fat from cooking meat because it can be salty and will decay quickly
NO Soft fats, ones that are soft at room temperature - can interfere with plumage
NO Bread - it is nutritional poor
NO Mouldy seeds
If peanuts aren’t being eaten, check they haven’t gone mouldy. Only put out what will be eaten over a few days
Foods to try:
Apples - good for Thrushes
Sunflower hearts - favourite with Goldfinches
Fats, suet blocks, fat balls - Blackcaps, Tits, Woodpeckers (Remember: remove netting from fat balls, as birds can get caught in it)
Grated mild cheese is good for Robins
Homemade fat cake treat from the RSPB:
- Take a block of hard fat like store-bought lard or suet,
- mix in birdseed, raisins and unsalted nuts
- press the mixture around a pine cone.
- Hang it from a tree with string and you have a food source that will appeal to the acrobatic tit family.
- Or place one on a mesh ground feeder tray and allow the Blackbirds, Robins and Dunnocks to also enjoy your creation!
Clean feeders regularly. If there are a lot of birds visiting, clean them more frequently
Use mild disinfectant and rinse, and leave to air dry
Have smaller feeders at different locations, and rotate feeding stations so contaminants aren’t building up at the base of the feeder.
Provide fresh water every day (even through the winter ) and clean out bird baths regularly
Only put out enough food that will be eaten in 2-3 days
Sick birds
If you find birds displaying the following symptoms:
- Lethargic, being fluffed up, difficulty swallowing, messy faces
- Look obviously ill
Report them to
For all types of disease in garden wildlife, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians
Take food away and don’t feed for a couple of weeks, to encourage birds to disperse.
Give all feeders a thorough clean
Further tips can be found on the BTO website at https://www.bto.org/