A James Bond Lifestyle Podcast.
Follow The Bond Brain on Instagram at @TheBondBrain.
Join the Bond Community Cigar Lounge on Facebook for online events.
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A James Bond Lifestyle Podcast.
Follow The Bond Brain on Instagram at @TheBondBrain.
Join the Bond Community Cigar Lounge on Facebook for online events.
Copyright: © Bud West
You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond...........
The Fulton Surface-To-Air Recovery System! Ingenuity at its finest.
Host Bud West explores the question...."Should Eon Productions take the Bond movies back in time? "
Host Bud West takes a deep dive into the box office returns on investment of the Bond films over the years.
Melanie from Bird.JameBirb and Christian from The Spy Fi Guys join The Bond Brain with some exciting news.
On this episode, what effect does travel have on our brain?
Benjamin Lind of The Bond Bulletin on YouTube joins Bud to discuss his film, A BOND FOR LIFE, his experiences in the world of Bond, and a future project!
The movie industry results from 2023 are in!
A look at ocean liners in the days of Ian Fleming through the film Diamonds Are Forever to today!
A look back at 2023 and a look ahead to 2024 for The Bond Brain!
Blake from Bond Life Chicago joins the Bond Brain podcast for a look at the study of martial arts!
Rob Purdy joins the podcast to discuss his career as a helicopter pilot!
Always Say Yes To Adventure's Alex Lamas shares his underwater endeavors!
The second installment of Bond Super Skills with special guest Emery Cormier of The James Bond Complex.
Tune in to hear what it it takes to become a airline pilot, a 007 super skill, from a man who has made that journey himself, Chris Morales, That One Bond Guy!
Tune in for Bud's take on Matthew Bauer's documentary The Other Fellow!
Bud's take on the new novel, On His Majesty's Secret Service
a recap of our very successful Bond Community Cigar Lounge event in New Jersey, USA!
Bud weighs in on the current Ian Fleming publishing news.
Join Bud and guest Randy Needham for the inside track on sword fighting!
Does the recent wave of woke entertainment failures bode well for the Bond franchise?
The third installment of Gatherall, hosted by The Bond Experience, is in the books! Here's a personal recap.
Insight into high altitude climbing and what it does to our body and brain ala Raymond Benson's High Time To Kill.
The Bond Brain and The Tropical Bond discuss the sport of Curling!
A look at the game 007 plays in the Raymond Benson novel Zero Minus Ten, Mahjong!
Did EON miss a chance to expand the Bond universe with No TIme To Die?
A look at the recently released SPECTRE The Board Game by Modiphius Entertainment!
Bud's thoughts on the new Anthony Horowitz continuation novel, With A Mind To Kill
A look at the C-17 Globemaster III featured in No Time To Die
Special Thanks to the entire Bond Community!
A look into the potential health benefits of the cold shower. Brrrr!!
Tune in for Bud's take on the takeover of MGM by Amazon.
Bud's bets on who will NOT land the role of James Bond 007!
We see Bond reads in retirement in No Time To Die, what does reading do to our brain? Tune in to hear some of the benefits!
Tune in for Bud's impressions of Dynamite Comics James Bond graphic novel Black Box!
A recap of 2021 and a wish list for 2022!
What category of male personality best fits 007? Tune in!
A look into the character of James Bond and his perceived intelligence.
Tune in for Bud's opinion on various aspects of No Time To Die!
An exploration of the theories behind the human mind and why we continue to watch and react to fiction.
What type of ship was the HMS Devonshire in Tomorrow Never Dies? Knowledge drop time on The Bond Brain!
The real world inspiration for Elliot Carver's stealth ship!
Randy Needham (IG: @ironryder883) joins Bud West to discuss his Bond inspired journey into the world of yachting!
The Aero L39 Albatross on this episode of The Bond Brain!
The new book from Peter Brooker and Matt Spaiser!
The final Bond and real world Spycraft comparison episode.........
Join Bud for a look at the use of the American Space Shuttle in the film Moonraker!
A look at the AVRO Vulcan Bomber used in Thunderball!
Real espionage tactics and technology compared to the Eon Productions Bond films! This episode goes into codes, cyphers, and cyber warfare.
Where does Johnny Walker Black fit in the Johnny Walker lineup? A breakdown of the standard line of Johnny Walker scotch whiskies.
The best female Bond characters (according to Bud West)!
Spycraft vs Bond in the realm of Sabotage and Covert Operations!
How do the Bond films measure up in the real world of Sexpionage? Find out on this episode of the Bond Brain!
This episode delves into historical assassinations through the use of deadly poisons!
Join me as I dive into the new Netflix documentary series Spycraft as it relates to 007!
Join Bud West and special guest co-host Jason Kim as they discuss the real Goldeneye tank, the Russian T55!
A look at the non-fiction book "Thrilling Cities" by Ian Fleming!
The most Bond-like non-Bond game I've ever played!
A look at the new Netflix series, The Queen's Gambit and its alleged connection the Bond films.
Tune in to see what's new for 2021 on The Bond Brain!
The Bond Brain digs into the centuries old game of whist!
Join host Bud West as he starts a new series discussing the games played at Blades Gentlemen's Club in the Fleming novels!
Kyle Barbeau of Instagram's Easy Smiles and Expensive Watches returns to discuss the career of Timothy Dalton!
Join Me and special guest Co-Host Kyle Barbeau of Instagram's Easy Smiles and Expensive Watches as we discuss the Bond and non-Bond career of George Lazenby!
Join Donnie Waldron from Quantum of History and Bud West as they explore whether Daniel Craig is better as Bond or in a non-Bond role!
Welcome Matt Sherman of BondFanEvents.com!!
Cigar Aficionado's love of all things James Bond!
Dynamite Comics graphic novel, James Bond Origin Volume 1!
New book release! Ian Fleming's Inspiration: The Truth Behind The Books by Edward Abel Smith.
Meet a new contributing member to the Bond Community! The new Tropical Bond!
Join me and guest co-host Dressing Like Bond's own Harris Thomas as we discuss the water of life, whiskey!
How does adrenaline affect our brains? Join Guest Co-Host Joe Darlington and I as we discuss his adrenaline rush moments!
Knives Out! Daniel Craig, Ana De Armas, and the game of Go!
Celebrating one year of The Bond Brain podcast!
The Craft of Intelligence by Allen Dulles and The Man With The Golden Gun by Ian Fleming
The final mission! Tune in as Bud and Ray breakdown the conclusion of Spy Games on Bravo!
Guest Co-Host Bobby Morelli of Matched Perfectly outlines his love of travel and his favorite vacation spots! Follow @MatchedPerfectly on Instagram for some incredible location photos and videos.
A rundown Bud's favorite non-Bond espionage movies, shows, and books!
Ray Kromphold of The Bond Armory returns to breakdown Spy games missions 6 and 7 on The Bond Brain!
Listen in as Ray and I break down the fifth mission on Spy Games!
More musings on Bravo TV's Spy Games reality show with Bud West!
Opinions on Dynamite Comics graphic novel adaptation of Casino Royale!
Listen in as I break down the first episode of the reality show Spy Games on Bravo TV!
A new series on the brand new reality show "Spy Games" on Bravo!
The Bond Brain take on the era of Daniel Craig!
How did 2019 go? What's in store for 2020? Tune in!
A quick review of Upper Deck's Legendary James Bond new deck building game!
007 events and where to find them.
Bond events and where to find them.
Listen to the merits of Paul Kyriazi's Bond Lifestyle book!
Reading and Matthew Perry's book on Goldeneye.
Want to feel Bond-like? Take a Leadership Reaction Course!
A primer for the soon to be released Upper Deck Legendary James Bond 007 game.
Laugh your way to better health! How humor impacts our Bond brains!
A short discussion catalyst in preparation for the release of Bond 25!
Exercise your body and mind together 007 style!
Join host Bud West as he explores the benefits of playing the preferred game of SPECTRE!