I'm so grateful Dr. Marcia Chatelain made time for
even more discussion of fast-food malfeasance; she's my guest again as we take a look at the back half of Monopoly-scam docuseries
McMillion$. The character-based future seasons we wanted, "poor man's Sante Kimes" used as a verb, the ways in which
McMillion$ is the most American of stories, and much more.
Later, we waded into Netflix's Big Food series,
Rotten, which does a lot of things well (good research, excellent vintage footage), but a lot of other things not so well (stentoriously inexperienced narration, over-reliance on said vintage footage). Is there
any food we can feel ethically okay about enjoying? Is there
any-one who will steal Tancítaro's avocado welcome sculpture for Sarah? Find out what happens when Mayor Pete does a presentation in Dr. Marcia's class; it's The Blotter Presents, Episode 134.