Hydroxymethylfurfural what a title for episode nineteen of our beekeeping podcast!
I’ve googled what it means and this is how Rusty over at www.honeybeesuite.com explains it.
hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is a naturally-occurring organic acid with the formula C6H6O3. It is often formed during the dehydration of sugars, especially fructose, and is known to be toxic to honey bees.
In this episode, we delve deep into organic chemistry.
Only kidding Tracey mentions it during the recording and I thought it would be a cool title for this months show. You have no idea how tricky titling podcasts can be, so I take what I’m given.
It’s the end of the season and we settle down to reflect how our beekeeping season has gone, what we have learned the high and low lights.
This year Tracey’s apiary has been hit by Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus and it still persists into the autumn. She wonders if CBPV is going to be part of her beekeeping for the next few years as it is slowly eliminated from her honey bee colonies.
Finding another site to use as an isolation apiary is one of her goals for next season.
I’ve mastered the art of lazy smoker cleaning, maybe not the greatest beekeeping achievement. But, if you’ve ever spent five minutes gently smashing the lid of your sticky smoker to open it you’ll know the simple joy of having a clean smoker.
We’re off to the National Honey Show this month and will be making an attempt to record the show in the pub. Should be out early November.
Thanks for listening and if you enjoy the show please consider leaving a review. It helps people find us.
The post Hydroxymethylfurfural appeared first on The Beehive Jive.