We made it. 400 episode of The Angry Chicken. But before we celebrate more
than seven years of TAC there’s a big Hearthstone patch hitting this
Thursday. Garrett and Jocelyn break it down for you and then hang out with
RidiculousHat, Slysssa, Jonathan Vigil, and Hearthstone dev Celestalon. The
super panel share stories of Hearthstone’s history, content creation, the
game’s development, what the community means to them, and just the Hell a
podcast even is.
If you have supported TAC in any way. Listened to a show, subscribed on a
podcatcher, tuned into a live stream, or back us on Patreon… THANK
YOU. From the bottom of our hearts we mean it when we say you changed our
lives. Thank you for being awesome. We’ll see you next week.