Lindsay Shepherd did nothing wrong—and yet she has been dragged through a modern day witch hunt.
And it will continue. After all—her critics don’t like to hear an inconvenient truth.
Even though the University’s President has come out with a clear and unequivocal statement exonerating her, there will still be legions of people who come up with a justification at every turn.
It’s rather simple. Clearly laid out in University President Deborah Maclatchey’s own words. There was NEVER a formal or even informal complaint levelled against Shepherd. There NEVER should have been a meeting. Her superiors had NO right to discipline her or accuse her of creating a toxic environment.
Yet, Shepherd was censured because she showed her students a clip of Jordan Peterson on TVO. Peterson refuses to use pronouns in describing transgendered people. And for that Ms. Shepherd was accused of invoking Hitler. The president stated- not only was it fair to use that clip, but it was perfectly reasonable to use it as a teaching tool.
And yet, despite the crystal clear apology shepherd has already gotten from Laurier, and now this total exoneration, there will be many who refuse to accept it. It simply doesn’t fit their ideological script. Those who challenge their indoctrination will pay a price. Even if they did nothing wrong.
I’m not sure what led to this stunning declaration of wrongdoing. It may be in part the growing media scorn but I’ll bet the University administration knew their goose was cooked and her lawyer, Howard Levitt, was about to serve it to them on a very cold platter.
The statement is a good start. But hardly the end. Hiding behind confidentiality won’t cut it.
The University must punish those who lied? Which professor made up the non-existent complaint? Which Professor thought it was ok to take Ms. Shepherd into a private meeting where she was bullied, accused of a falsehood and made to cry?
How many more Profs are silencing voices that don’t conform to THEIR ideology? According to Ms. Shepherd, who I spoke with Monday, there are many students out there who have come to her with the same experience but are too afraid to come forward.
Welcome to the new norm on Canada’s University campuses. Where new ideas and free thinking aren’t actually allowed. If students venture outside their little sanctioned box they will be silenced-and then shamed.
Just take a recent CBC panel of 2017 news makers- Lindsay Shepherd was mocked by a black panelist who acknowledged she exists, but only because she is a crying “white girl.” What a disgraceful divisive statement. May I remind you that we crying white girls also pay for the CBC which apparently allows such racist drivel
There is little to debate where Lindsay Shepherd is concerned. She did nothing wrong. She actually did everything right standing up to an entire institution, to relentless bullying and never backing down.
The debate now is to find out how deep this rot goes. If there are others out there—I hope Lindsay Shepherd has cleared the path for them to come forward.
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