Erin Loechner joins me for Episode 61. She is a writer, stylist and mom, living in the mid-west. She blogs at design for mankind and the heart of her is encouraging women to stop trying to define and label everything and just enjoy the life that we are actually given.
And with that, we talk about failure, parenting and the art of letting go. We weave the conversation around her new book Chasing Slow with a common thread of finding freedom, beauty and yourself in the middle of the chase.
Chatting with her truly felt like sitting with a girlfriend that you've known for a long time. Her kindness and authenticity makes her so relatable. I will give you many takeaways from our conversation over at but the one I want to mention here is really the bottom-line message about learning to embrace who you are--all of you. The parts that are smooth and the parts that are rough around the edges. That is a step in learning to love you and finding contentment where you are. We need to learn to embrace our own hypocrisies and stop trying to soften our edges. Small admissions, no excuses, can bring freedom. Its just about being you--not your better self, but just you.
What part of our conversation struck you? Let's not let the conversation end here. Come find me @sarahwbragg on Instagram or Twitter or SurvivingSarahPodcast on Facebook.
Support for today's episode is brought to you by Amazon. I do a lot of shopping on Amazon where I buy everything from paper towels to protein powder for smoothies to items mentioned in survival kits. In fact, I just bought a pack of the erasable pens that Merica Stum mentioned on back on Episode 55. So when you shop, simply type and the show will receive a small kickback. Its an easy way to support what we are doing.
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Thank you again for listening. And as always, I hope that this show helps you survive a little easier.