Pornography. Maybe this seems like a boy's problem. So why am I talking about it on a teen girl's podcast? According to Dr. Tim Hollingshead, founder and author of Freein13, the fastest growing demographic of pornography viewing is women. Why is this an issue? Lots of reasons but a big one being, these are our future mothers. After years of working as an ecclesiastical leader and seeing the harmful effects of viewing pornography in those he counseled, Dr. Tim created a manual and website to help us get our loved ones back by escaping the pornography trap. Today he is talking about how pornography addictions start, the dangers of viewing it, and how to lessen our exposure when it is everywhere.
As I went back through the interview to edit it, I found myself saying over and over to Dr. Tim's comments, "That's scary." It is scary. It's easy to want to throw away our phones and lock ourselves in our rooms. That isn't a realistic solution though. Instead we need to be aware. Pornography is everything that love isn't. It's fake, degrading and harmful. Girls, remember this. Parent's talk to your kids about this- your sons AND DAUGHTERS. This isn't just a boy problem.
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