Our crew gets festive for the season, briefly, before everything goes terribly wrong. Death and disease for the holidays!
This is the story of Tallulah Beauregard, the Human Ranger (Mareta Pettigrew) - Jack Russel, the Halfling Paladin (James Stiver) - Zale Oromae, the Triton Cleric/Rogue (Katie Downey) - and Lucious Coldeyes, the Tiefling Sorcerer (Ken D. Nichols II) as they are thrust from their traditional fantasy home into a science-fiction space adventure.
We're using a customized version of the D&D 5e ruleset created by Wizards of the Coast.
Find out more at our Official Website.
If you'd like to hear our ramblings, you can follow us on Twitter.
Support Georgia storytellers!
Loot & Dagger
North by North Quest
Critical Bits
Our travelers engage in some much needed R&R, but things quickly get out of hand for Jack and Zale.
This is the story of Jack Russel, the Halfling Paladin (James Stiver) and Zale Oromae, the Triton Cleric/Rogue (Katie Downey) as they deal with the repercussions of a hard night out.
We're using a customized version of the D&D 5e ruleset created by Wizards of the Coast.
Find out more at our Official Website.
If you'd like to hear our ramblings, you can follow us on Twitter.
Support Georgia storytellers!
Loot & Dagger
North by North Quest
Critical Bits
Mage Production