What Is Poor Focus?
Poor focus isn't about zoning out; it's about being stuck in the wrong kind of thoughts. It occurs when you can't control your attention during practices and games. Your focus, or lack thereof, is driven by your thoughts, and it's these thoughts that determine your focus.
For example, dwelling on past mistakes can hijack your focus, pulling you away from the present. Poor focus, in essence, is poor control over your own thinking. And this leads to unhelpful and sometimes even detrimental feelings and emotional states.
Main Ways Poor Focus Holds You Back
1.) Anxiety: If you're preoccupied with what might happen in the future, you're inviting anxiety into your game. Anxiety in sports revolves around worrying about the outcome, and this can only lead to further worry.
Playing with anxiety results in stiffness, tension, and suboptimal performance. It might even push you into a corner where you're desperately trying to will a certain outcome.
2.) Fear: Fear, stemming from thoughts about past or future mistakes, can cripple your performance. This fear often combines with anxiety, creating a vicious cycle of worrying about future mistakes, which leads to making those very mistakes.
Playing with fear also results in tentative, restrained play, as you become cautious due to the perceived risks.
3.) Distractions: Poor focus can make you susceptible to distractions from the environment β the opposing team, the crowd, field conditions, personal life, and more. These distractions can lead to careless mistakes and lower your overall performance.
For instance, imagine a basketball player at the free-throw line β crowd noise can significantly affect their focus. If they can tune out the distractions and focus on the basket and their shot, their chances of success increase.
Similarly, a softball pitcher might get distracted by the rain, leading to wild pitches and a drop in performance.
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