We're starting this week with our first on camera guest! It's our good friend Clay from 'Love is Blind'. Like any good friends we pick up right where we left off. Clay gives us some insight on the latest season of 'Love Is Blind', but is quickly sidetracked by escort culture. This leads to a conversation about hookup culture, unfaithfulness, and cost of living/creating a family. Then we get into a few political conspiracies. I ask Clay his thoughts about Drake, which leads to a discussion about Kanye's recent outbursts and consequences. We briefly touch on our collegiate athlete experiences before talking about 'Love Is Blind' predictions and Clay's first time seeing AD since their reunion! It's time for voicemails. We cover women getting ghosted, a man struggling to remain faithful after a glow up, and a caller going through a health emergency getting back on his feet (literally). Tune in for all of this + more!
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