Episode 4 with Andre Seewood. André Seewood is a multiple award winning independent filmmaker, writer and musician. He is the co-founder and former co-editor of FILM THREAT Magazine and a distinguished recipient of the Dennis Turner Memorial Film Studies Scholarship from Wayne State University. He is the author of SCREENWRITING INTO FILM: Forgotten Methods & New Possibilities (2006), SLAVE CINEMA: The Crisis of the African-American in Film 2nd Edition (2011) and (DISMANTLING) The Greatest Lie Ever Told to the Black Filmmaker: Collected Essays on Film (2015). He is also a major contributor to the Indiewire.com/Shadow & Act blog and his articles have “gone viral” and sparked an international conversation about the marginalization of Black filmmakers in the global marketplace. His award winning films are available in the DVD collection, MOTOR CITY CINEMA Vol 1. and MOTOR CITY CINEMA Vol.2. or streaming on-line via Vimeo.com. He has a Master’s Degree in French and a B.A. in Film Studies. He is currently pursuing his PhD. in Media Studies at Indiana University-Bloomington.