Meet Deb and Maria. Two NYC Speech Pathologists giving practical speech therapy tips and tricks while enjoying wine and cheese.
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Meet Deb and Maria. Two NYC Speech Pathologists giving practical speech therapy tips and tricks while enjoying wine and cheese.
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Mike Recine and Benjamin Recine join us for this episode that was supposed to be about books but ended up being mostly about chicken.
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Deb's son Benjamin joins us in this episode while we chat about Valentine's Day in real life and in speech therapy.
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Deb and Maria chat travel and later in the episode you here Deb's first convo with Julie before we decided to get more organized and record a re-do!
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In this episode Deb chats with Julie Fechter about home health, thicken liquids, and being a khunt.
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In this episode we take a look back at SLPs WAC of the past!! This is episode 77 Fluency part 3 ft SLP.Stephen
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In this episode Deb and Maria explore the topics of politics, complaining, being toxically positive, and whether or not we like mayonnaise.
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In this episode Deb and Maria chat about speech therapy on the playground and Maria chooses her fav episode of the past.
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It's 2023 and Deb and Maria are back and although this audio is absolutely messy we decided to show up anyway.
We promise to do better moving forward.
See ya every Tuesday.
Email us and follow us on instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod
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Abby and Deb chat about conduction speech sessions on the fly and what toys with like and can live without.
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Deb chats about losing her mouse, gestalt language processing, and making some changes in her life.
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Quote: “TIME merely extends fear while KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING can help overcome it.”
9 Things you NEED TO KNOW about CHOKING when starting solids
#1 It is totally normal to feel anxious when starting solids.
Millions of parents have successfully followed baby-led feeding and the key to getting past your fear is through knowledge and understanding of how baby-led feeding works, research behind it, and how to reduce the risk of choking.
#2 Two research studies have concluded that baby-led feeding does NOT increase the risk of choking. Read the studies here:
#4 Gagging is normal when starting solids. Baby is gagging is they are coughing, making wrenching sounds, mouth open / tongue out, or watery eyes. If baby appears to be gagging, let them work it out themselves.
Choking is when baby’s airway is blocked and baby is either silent or making a high-pitched wheeze sound. They also may look scared, and you need to intervene.
#5 Caregivers should take an infant CPR and choking response course before starting solids so they are prepared in the rare case of emergency. @safebeginnings has an Online Course we recommend to all parents!
#6 High risk choking hazard foods should be avoided or modified so baby can enjoy them safely. has a list of top choking hazards.
#7 Learning how to properly serve food to baby based on age is an important part of baby-led feeding. We cover a variety of foods in our program.
Generally speaking, food is served as sticks and cooked until soft for 6-8 months and then served as small, bite-sized pieces for 9+ months once baby has their pincer grasp.
#8 Babies already know how to swallow, but they need to learn how to chew. The best way to teach chewing is with chewable solids, which we explain in our program.
#9 The safest place to eat is sitting upright in a highchair. Do not feed baby on the go or in a reclined position. Remove all distractions and sit next to baby while they eat.
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For the realistic SLP
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Deb drinks Pinto Grigio
Maria drinks kombucha
The two list 3 of their favorite chain restaurants and three speech activities they are doing now and for the rest of April.
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Get SLP Toolkit here
Culturally appropriate language sample resources:
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Fairfax Scoop:
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SLP Shout out to: Hinda Rubin who's Instagram can be found here:
Thank you to Trinchero Family Estate
Our guest was our first Physical Therapist ever on the show, Jamey Schrier. Jamey is a former private practice owner and CEO of Practice Freedom U. He is the author of The Practice Freedom Method: The Practice Owner’s Guide to Work Less, Earn More, and Live Your Passion. Jamey is on a mission to help private practice owners grow their business by working less, earning more and living their best life.
We have an upcoming Marketing/ Referral Generation workshop next month (March 24-25), they can register here:
5 MIN. PT Practice Quiz
The 3 out of 7 steps Jamey discussed:
1. Establish a Goal
2. Create an Avatar
3. Delegate
(part 2)
4. Systemize
5. Track Progress
6. Deliver a "Wow" Experience
7. Develop Your Network
EVENT INFO: Upcoming Marketing/ Generating Referrals Workshop for our Practice Owners located in Gaithersburg, MD. It is Thursday and Friday March 24-25th from about 8 am - 5 pm the first day (then a happy hour), and about 8 am - 3 pm the second day.
It is regularly $497 to attend, but we can waive that for anyone you refer and it will only be $97 (basically just to cover food cost - breakfast and lunch for both days).
Email Vanessa at and mention SLPs wine and cheese for the discount!!
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Deb drank a sponsored alcohol removed wine from Trinchero Family Estate. It can be purchased here:
Thank you to Trinchero Family Estate
Our guest was our first Physical Therapist ever on the show, Jamey Schrier. Jamey is a former private practice owner and CEO of Practice Freedom U. He is the author of The Practice Freedom Method: The Practice Owner’s Guide to Work Less, Earn More, and Live Your Passion. Jamey is on a mission to help private practice owners grow their business by working less, earning more and living their best life.
We have an upcoming Marketing/ Referral Generation workshop next month (March 24-25), they can register here:
5 MIN. PT Practice Quiz
The 3 out of 7 steps Jamey discussed:
1. Establish a Goal
2. Create an Avatar
3. Delegate
(part 2)
4. Systemize
5. Track Progress
6. Deliver a "Wow" Experience
7. Develop Your Network
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The articles Maria referenced:
Printables for Black History Month:
For any feedback email us at:
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Deb and Maria talk about Lunar New Year. Deb talks about baby led feeding.
Deb's Link for Baby led feeding is here:
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Aside from being a full time preschool speech-language pathologist, Kelly Vess is a researcher, clinical supervisor, international author, and speaker. Kelly pushes current boundaries through constantly researching preschool age practice. Kelly then immediately shares the latest, most effective therapy techniques on national and international stages with other SLPs.
Aside from presenting evidence-based practices annually at ASHA, Kelly presents for,, and Summit Professionals with a mission to change lives by immediately putting game-changing research into practice at the preschool level.
Kelly’s book, Speech Sound Disorders: Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment, shows how to treat the whole child through digital clips and step-by-step interactive guides to create lifelong change. 100%, totally free therapy activities are at her website.
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Mushroom tea Kelly was referring to:
Aside from being a pediatric speech-language pathologist and an off-campus clinical supervisor, Kelly Vess is author of the recently released book "Speech Sound Disorders: Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment" (Thieme Publishers). Kelly also presents best-practice intervention seminars for and the Bureau of Education and Research. You can reliably find her at the American, Speech, Language, and Hearing Association’s annual conferences with best practice research for preschoolers, which is all freely available on ResearchGate.
4-Step Process in How to Select Complex Speech Targets:
YouTube link illustrating the complexity approach in action with complex targets, multimodal cueing, and movement:
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Deb and Maria are back to recording together, via Zoom of course.
SLP Shoutouts to: Betina Workman on Instagram
Gina Marie Principe
Maria drank a merlot wine and paired it with Dubliner Cheddar Cheese which can be found on:
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Maria drank a Sauvignon Blanc from Pomelo Wine Co. She voted "drink it" and it can be purchased here:
A huge thank you to Trinchero Family Estates as they are a proud sponsor of our podcast, check them out here:
Next, Maria and Deb welcomed Betina Workman MA CCC SLP to the podcast. Betina graduated from New Mexico State University, Class of 2002, Bilingual Communication Disorders. She is a mom to 4 teenagers and is married to a tall, dark and handsome Engineer. She's enjoyed all areas of the SLP profession that she has pursued. A few years ago, Brene Brown taught Betina about defining her core values. Betina learned that hers are: connection and progression. Betina loves connecting with people, with herself, with nature, and loves to learn (that's the progression piece). She has always sought out professional opportunities where she can learn and grow. Her key area of practice is Spanish English speech + language evaluations and therapy. She also enjoys other areas of this profession including the medical setting (rehab) and is currently in a position where she is learning a lot about social-cognition, pragmatics, Autism and adolescents.
Betina we are so happy to finally have you on our show! Betina stated "I love SLP wine and cheese podcast and the online SLP community. So many great people online helped me take the leap from the public school setting into self contracting."
Betina's Instagram-
Betina's favorite Spanish/English Bilingual SLP Resources:
Brene Brown Core Values: From her book "Dare to Lead" List of values here:
If you love our podcast please rate and review us on iTunes!
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Maria opened the show by drinking a delicious Sauvignon Blanc wine sponsored by Trinchero Family Estates
Maria enjoyed the Napa Valley Pomelo Sauvignon Blanc wine which can be found here:
Maria voted DRINK It!!
Our guest:
Marie Muratalla is a preschool SLP in southern california. She is passionate about making sure her students enjoy communicating with their families, friends, and teachers. Marie believes in the power of collaboration with IEP teams and wants the parents/caregivers she works with to feel empowered to use speech & language strategies at home with their little ones. When she isn't running play-based speech therapy sessions or attending IEP meetings, Marie is spreading the power of gratitude and self reflection throughout her social media accounts and online shop where you can find her "Say Thanks More" gratitude journal.
To learn more about Marie click on her website:
Marie's Instagram-
To leave us a review on iTunes click here:
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Maria opened the show by drinking a delicious Sauvignon Blanc wine sponsored by Trinchero Family Estates
Maria enjoyed the Napa Valley Pomelo Sauvignon Blanc wine which can be found here:
Maria voted DRINK It! She paired it with Italian Truffle cheese from Trader Joes. Yum! Maria recommends to everyone listening to treat themselves to some wine and cheese.
Maria gave a shoutout to Betsey Helmuth and the podcast Affordable Interior Design which can be listened to here:
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Maria recommended the VPI screener:
Deb and Maria welcomed back Allison Fors. Allison is a speech-language resource author who lives in California with her husband, son, daughter, and 2 cats. Her interests include early language development and incorporating sensory needs into therapy sessions. You can find her at sharing preschool therapy ideas and much more. Her website can be found here:
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Deb and Maria welcomed SLP Marie Muratalla.
Marie Muratalla is a preschool SLP in southern california. She is passionate about making sure her students enjoy communicating with their families, friends, and teachers. Marie believes in the power of collaboration with IEP teams and wants the parents/caregivers she works with to feel empowered to use speech & language strategies at home with their little ones. When she isn't running play-based speech therapy sessions or attending IEP meetings, Marie is spreading the power of gratitude and self reflection throughout her social media accounts and online shop where you can find her "Say Thanks More" gratitude journal.
To learn more about Marie click on her website:
To leave us a review on iTunes click here:
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Maria's "fancy" wine can be found here:
The cheese she ate was Wisconsin cheddar chipotle cheese that came from
Deb welcomed Allison Fors to the show. Allison is a speech-language resource author who lives in California with her husband, son, daughter, and 2 cats. Her interests include early language development and incorporating sensory needs into therapy sessions. You can find her at sharing preschool therapy ideas and much more.
Her website can be found here:
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Maria opened up the show with talking about how she uses Youtube in speech therapy. Next, Deb welcomed Hallie Sherman from Speech Time Fun to the show. This is a special cross over episode.
Hallie Sherman is a school SLP from NY working with older students. She loves creating resources and sharing ideas to help SLPs plan with ease and confidence! Find her at, or her podcast SLP coffee talk
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Maria gave a shoutout to the PROMPT Community on Instagram, to follow the following Instagram accounts click here:
funtotalk_slp =
Kian McBernie=
Midtown Speech-
The Speak Boutique-
Speech It-
Maria Kots (me!)-
Smart Charts= Wine & Cheese listeners will get 50% off, forever if they signup via and enter code WINE into the comments sections of signup. This will include all feature updates and new bells and whistles we add along the way. We are excited to support our favorite, go-to podcast for all things speech and language!
To get trained in DTTC click here:
Green Screen Facebook Group-
Green Screen SLPs Wine and Cheese podcast episode:
Rachel Madel's AAC episode-
A special thank you to our guest Amanda Schaumburg. Amanda is a speech-language pathologist working in Texas. She has experience in public/private schools, early childhood programs, rehabs, and outpatient clinics. She is a mother of a child on the Autism Spectrum and finds her unique perspective an invaluable tool when serving families in her community. She has a passion for service including volunteering for non-profits, coaching Special Olympics, and teaching merit badges in scouting programs. Amanda is an author of educational and speech therapy resources through her small business, Panda Speech LLC.
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To be a patron click here:
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Deb & Maria welcomed Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) expert Jennie Bjorem to the show. Jennie has been a practicing SLP for over 20 years and is currently living in the mountains of Colorado. Jennie’s area of expertise is in early intervention birth through 5, parent education and childhood apraxia of speech. Jennie has extensive experience and training in childhood apraxia and is recognized by Apraxia Kids for Advanced Training in Childhood Apraxia of Speech. She has been in private practice for 19 years and owns a clinic in Overland Park, Kansas. She is the owner of Bjorem Speech Publications and is always creating new diverse, inclusive, functional products with speech pathologists around the country. Jennie loves traveling the the US and internationally teaching and speaking on the topic of childhood apraxia. Her latest project is pioneering a speech pathology program at Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi in Istanbul, Turkey.
Jennie's website is:
Jennie's FREE downloads can be found here:
To learn from about CAS & DTTC click here:
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Deb & Maria welcomed Rachel Madel to the show. Maria drank Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc while Rachel had a margarita because she's a hardcore SLP. Cheers :)
Rachel Madel M.A.,CCC-SLP is a Los Angeles-based speech-language pathologist and communication expert dedicated to coaching parents and professionals on how to incorporate technology to best support speech and language development. Rachel presents both nationally and abroad on the use of augmentative alternative communication (AAC) for children with complex communication needs and coaches clinicians, teachers and parents on integrating technology in classrooms and at home to support communication. When she’s not working with children in her private practice in Los Angeles, she co-hosts a weekly podcast called “Talking With Tech” that focuses on best practices in AAC.She is the founder of a digital media company that provides educational resources, therapy materials and training videos to help support parents and professionals of children with autism. Her work has been featured in Autism Parenting Magazine, United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Speech Science, Praactical AAC, Xceptional Ed, Closing the Gap and ChildNEXUS.
The book Rachel is reading right now:
To be a patron click here:
Please rate and review our show on iTunes!!
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The anti-racism tip can be found here:
Maria drank wine Taken which can be purchased here:
Deb and Maria welcomed Corinne Vargas and John Matthews to the show. Corinne and John discuss SLPs in tech industry, startups at all stages and marketing SLP skills to those who know nothing about what we do (John for example had zero idea).
Wine & Cheese listeners will get 50% off, forever if they signup via and enter code WINE into the comments sections of signup. This will include all feature updates and new bells and whistles we add along the way. We are excited to support our favorite, go-to podcast for all things speech and language!
***Note: Anyone looking to sign up for group or private practice can email Corinne at: directly and they will also receive 50% for every practitioner in the group.
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The article Maria mentioned can be found here:
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A Pregnancy and Parenting Podcast with Deborah Brooks
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A Pregnancy and Parenting Podcast with Deborah Brooks
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Deb and Maria talk about toxic positivity. Maria drank a Terra d'pro Zinfandel Amador County and can be found here:
The podcast Maria referenced is called Mentor in the Mirror,
The book Maria referenced is called "The Grief Recovery Handbook" and can be purchased here:
Please rate and review us on iTunes if you love our show!!
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Maria drank a Taken wine from Trinchero Family Estate which can be purchased here:
Then, Maria welcomed Jeannette Washington to the show. Jeannette Washington, M.Ed. is a Speech Language Pathologist with nearly a decade of experience working with students that exhibit special abilities. Her expertise in the field of dyslexia has been solicited in The Washington Post alongside the cofounder of the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity. Learning to code ignited her passion for special populations in the tech industry. She has spoken at the Guaranty Bank's 10th Annual Autism Conference in Nigeria, Mississippi Dyslexia Symposium, and participated on a Diversity in WordPress Panel, to name a few. Jeannette can always be found tinkering or boasting the importance of accessibility, inclusivity, cognitive diversity and equity in the tech industry. Her website can be found here:
The dyslexia websites Maria referred to:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
First Maria drank a Complicated wine from Trinchero Family Estate which can be found here:
The anti-racism tip provided by the following website:
Maria drank a Taken wine from Trinchero Family Estate which can be purchased here:
Then, Maria welcomed Jeannette Washington to the show. Jeannette Washington, M.Ed. is a Speech Language Pathologist with nearly a decade of experience working with students that exhibit special abilities. Her expertise in the field of dyslexia has been solicited in The Washington Post alongside the cofounder of the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity. Learning to code ignited her passion for special populations in the tech industry. She has spoken at the Guaranty Bank's 10th Annual Autism Conference in Nigeria, Mississippi Dyslexia Symposium, and participated on a Diversity in WordPress Panel, to name a few. Jeannette can always be found tinkering or boasting the importance of accessibility, inclusivity, cognitive diversity and equity in the tech industry. Her website can be found here:
The dyslexia websites Maria referred to:
8 components for diagnosing Dyslexia:
1. Case study and family history,
2.language: oral and written
3. reading,
5. intelligence,
7.motor skills
8. social skills
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Maria drank "taken" wine which can be purchased here:
Deb & Maria will be presenting at South Carolina Speech Language Hearing Association (SCSHA) Virtual convention, to sign up click here:
A special thank you to Trinchero Family Estate for the delicious wine. To learn about their Napa Valley wines click here:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Anti-Racism Tip is to read this article: Maria drank a Chardonnay wine from Red Hook Winery in Brooklyn.
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
Link for our Patreon-
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In this episode Deb chats with close friend and dog trainer Aislynn Ross from Ace of Paws Dog Training about how to introduce a new baby to your family dog and how to introduce a new dog to you family!
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
Link for our Patreon-
This episode of SLPs Wine & Cheese Podcast is brought to you by The Unexpected Podcast with your host Deborah Brooks- now on itunes! This summer Deb found herself unexpectedly expecting. She was thrilled and also knew she had a ton to learn. So, she started a podcast! Deb calls up everyone she knows who can help her prepare for this life changing journey. She speaks with professionals, new, expecting, and experienced parents as well as her comedian husband Mike Recine. So, if your a parent, mom or dad, expecting, new, or experienced, you're going to love this show. Check it out on iTunes today!
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In this episode, Deb and Maria chat with the founder of the organization Smiles for Speech- Sandy Dorsey.
Smiles for Speech provides children with special needs living in impoverished communities with the therapeutic intervention and resources they need to enhance their ability to reach their full potential.
Children with special needs from disadvantaged backgrounds are the most vulnerable, as parents often do not have access to information or resources to help their child. Due to this discovery, Smiles for Speech was founded to help improve the overall quality of life for children with speech and language disorders around the world. Our goal is to provide long-term sustainable solutions for intervention services with a multi-disciplinary approach that includes intensive training for staff and families through the mindful collaboration with other non-profit organizations with similar values.
This episode is brought to you by The UNEXPECTED podcast. It's a podcast hosted by Deborah Brooks, an SLP who found herself unexpectedly, expecting. Each episode feathers an expecting, new, or seasoned parent or a professional in the healthcare field. Also, on occasion, she checks in with her husband, comedian Mike Recine, to see where his head is at during this life changing journey. Check it out on itunes today!
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
Link for our Patreon-
*PLEASE Like and Review us on iTunes" :)
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In this episode Maria welcomes Kimberly Sanzo to the show. Kim is a fellow SLP who has been working for 8 years. She received her education from the University of Vermont and Gallaudet University. Currently, She specializes in working with DHH children. Kim works at a school for the deaf and conducts the majority of her therapy in ASL. She is also currently pursuing her doctorate in speech-language pathology. is the website Kim recommends If you want to learn more about Kim's organization.
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
Link for our Patreon- to join the Med SLP Collective
*PLEASE Like and Review us on iTunes" :)
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Deb and Maria talk about: Wine and cheese, Well/Dwell, Thanksgiving past present and future.
Anti- Racism Tip: Follow @readlikearockstar on Instagram or find her website here:
**Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving season. Thank you to our listeners. We appreciate you. We are all in this together :)
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
Link for our Patreon-
*PLEASE Like and Review us on iTunes" :)
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This episode's anti-racism tip can be found here:
Maria and Deb drank their wine and cheese, Deb drank wine and ate provolone cheese to channel her inner nuttiness. Maria drank Merlot wine with a straw as to abstain from staining her teeth. Together they talk about their views on parent involvement.
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
Leanne calls Austin, Texas home but studied Speech and Hearing Sciences at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and gained her Master's in Speech-language pathology from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. She has worked in pediatric outpatient clinics, schools, early intervention, and home health. Leanne is currently the President and Founder of Expressable online speech therapy, a company that envisions a modern and affordable way for anyone who needs speech therapy to access these vital services. You can check out her blog here.
Expressable is an online speech therapy provider on a mission to make speech therapy affordable, convenient, and accessible for everyone. Their unique model of care prioritizes parent and caregiver involvement, providing asynchronous support and educational resources to empower families at every step of their speech therapy journey. Today, Expressable's incredible team of speech-language pathologists provide personalized, one-on-one care to hundreds of clients, helping them exceed their speech and language goals and become confident communicators.
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Deb and Maria begin their episode by sipping on some wine and cheese. Deb and Maria talked about what was going well and what they are dwelling on for a segment called Dwell/Swell. They talked about their artistic abilities and their designs. Listeners can reach out to us for ideas for T-shirts at:
Next, Deborah interviews Samantha Walker. Samantha is a fellow SLP. She creates digital resources for older students. Samantha is also a TPT and Boom Learning Author. She also has an ETSY store filled with beautiful waterproof speech stickers. You can see all of this and more on her instagram @speakingofsamantics She is offering our listeners a coupon code "SLPWAC" for 20% off her Etsy store :)
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
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In this episode Deb chats with author Taye Jones about her new book Liam's First Cut. Taye Jones is a fellow SLP. She's an author, advocate, and public speaker. She has just released her latest book Liam's First Cut. The book can be found on Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble.
Shontaye “Taye” Glover is an alumnus of Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD and received her masters of science degree in communication disorders from William Paterson University in New Jersey. She is a certified speech language pathologist and Founder and CEO of Having Our Say, LLC where her private therapy practice focuses on evaluating and providing therapy to children with communication disorders. She also produces a blog for parents and caregivers providing tips and resources to help enhance language development in children.
Shontaye’s dedication to children and children with special needs has a global reach as she serves as an executive board member for Smiles for Speech, Inc., a nonprofit organization that provides intervention and resources to children from disadvantaged communities across the globe.
Shontaye’s commitment to promoting language development through literacy and increasing diversity in children’s literature has now led to the completion of her first literary work- “Liam’s First Cut.” Written under the pen name of “Taye Jones”, Shontaye weaves together the beauty of family, community, and neurodiversity as Liam, an autistic Black boy, approaches a day he’s been anticipating for quite some time. Liam takes us on a journey as he reaches a major milestone and Taye gives us a glimpse at how Liam prepares for his visit to the barbershop.
Taye lives in NJ with her family. When she’s not writing, she enjoys eating pizza, running, listening to music, and spending time at the beach.
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
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Deb and Maria welcome their guest Jeanelle to the podcast. They drank a Cabernet Sauvignon by Our House Wine. It tasted deliciously smooth, with a hint of spice and everything nice. This wine can be purchased here:
Jeanelle Canelo, M.S., CCC-SLP-TSSLD-BE is a New York State Licensed and Certified Bilingual Speech-Language Pathologist. She received her Master of Science Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus. Jeanelle holds a Certificate in Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities with a Bilingual Extension in Spanish. Jeanelle provides telepractice, hybrid therapy, and evaluations for the pediatric population both monolingual and bilingual (Spanish/English) throughout the five boroughs of New York City and in Westchester County.
Jeanelle is an Activist, Artist, Environmentalist, and a Video Creator. Jeanelle is a Bronx born, Dominican (first generation) woman, raised in Westchester County. She is the creator behind HEAR FOR HER; Honest, Effective, Reliable communication. 'HEAR' to raise cultural awareness, global issues, and speech language topics for HIM, HER, and ALL ALLIES. IG and Twitter: @hearforher and website:
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria talk about laser facials, the link to Deb's facial is:
Next, Maria interviews Brooke Devard from the Naked Beauty podcast. To listen to the Naked Beauty podcast click here: The episode Maria talks about at the beginning of this episode can be listened to here:
This episode is brought to you by Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "winecheese2020" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Follow Gabriel Mayers on instagram @gabrielmayersnyc and on patreon
This episode is brought to you by Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
This episode is brought to you by Smart Charts. Smart Charts is a web based program for SLPS. SmartCharts uses a secure, privacy-compliant and customizable solution to goal writing, data tracking, note taking in educational and medical settings. Smart Charts allows clients to actually see their progress on a graph in real time during in person AND teletherapy sessions. Go to and use PROMO code "WineCheese" all 1 word for 50% off for new subscriptions FOREVER.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria welcome back to the show after their summer break. They drank POM Pomegranate juice.
This episode is brought to you by Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Sitdown with Deb is a podcast hosted by Deborah Brooks. Each episode Deb sits down with a friend to talk about her fiance, comedian, Mike Recine.
This podcast will be posted the 1st and the 15th of every month for Mozzarella, Cheddar, and Brie patrons.
In this episode, Deb talks to comedian Ray Gootz about what it was like working with Deb and Mike as teenagers in a comedy club in Times Square.
Ep 1 Sam Morril Sept 1, 2020
Ep 2 Ray Gootz Sept 15, 2020
Ep 3 Scott Chaplain Oct 1, 2020
Ep 4 Brendan Sagalow Oct 15, 2020
Ep 5 Josh Rabinowitz Nov 1, 2020
Ep 6 Alex English Nov 15, 2020
Ep 7 Rebecca Trent Dec 1, 2020
Ep 8 Andy Haynes Dec 15, 2020
Ep 9 Mike Lawrence Jan 1, 2021
Ep 10 Janelle James Jan 15 2021
Ep 11 Amy Hawthorne Feb 1, 2021
Ep 12 Dan Soder Feb 15, 2021
...stay tuned for more
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Sitdown with Deb is a podcast hosted by Deborah Brooks. Each episode Deb sits down with a friend to talk about her fiance, comedian, Mike Recine.
This podcast will be posted the 1st and the 15th of every month for Mozzarella, Cheddar, and Brie patrons.
In this first episode, Deb talks to comedian Sam Morril about stand up comedy, ADHD, hot coffee, & more.
Morril is one of the fastest-rising stand-up comics in New York City and one of the best joke writers in the scene today. He is a regular on Comedy Central’s This Week at the Comedy Cellar, where he appears frequently when not touring cities across the nation. He was named one of Comedy Central’s Comics to Watch in 2011 and has performed multiple stand-up sets on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The Late, Late Show with James Corden and Conan. He’s also had stints on Last Comic Standing, America’s Got Talent, @midnight with Chris Hardwick, and Inside Amy Schumer.
In February 2020, Morril released his 3rd stand-up special for Comedy Central, I Got This on their YouTube channel and received over 1.5 million views within the first two weeks. Morril then later released it as a comedy album with 800 Pound Gorilla Records.
In 2015, the comedian recorded his debut album, Class Act, with Comedy Central Records, which went to #1 on iTunes and made numerous top 10 lists and appeared on season four of Comedy Central’s The Half Hour. His first one hour special, Amy Schumer Presents Sam Morril: Positive Influence premiered on Comedy Central in 2018.
Morril was the host of his very own show on MSG called People Talking Sports, which ran for two seasons and received an Emmy® nomination. Morril also has a cameo in the Academy Award nominated film, Joker.
The Sitdown with Deb Patreon Schedule
Ep 1 Sam Morril Sept 1, 2020
Ep 2 Ray Gootz Sept 15, 2020
Ep 3 Scott Chaplain Oct 1, 2020
Ep 4 Brendan Sagalow Oct 15, 2020
Ep 5 Josh Rabinowitz Nov 1, 2020
Ep 6 Alex English Nov 15, 2020
Ep 7 Rebecca Trent Dec 1, 2020
Ep 8 Andy Haynes Dec 15, 2020
Ep 9 Mike Lawrence Jan 1, 2021
Ep 10 Janelle James Jan 15 2021
Ep 11 Amy Hawthorne Feb 1, 2021
Ep 12 Dan Soder Feb 15, 2021
...stay tuned for more
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria begin by celebrating their 100th episode with drinking nonalcoholic beverages. Then, SLPs Wine & Cheese Virtual Happy Hour was featured. The Anti-Racism article can be read here:
Thank you very much to our listeners, your support and kind words mean so much to us. Being a part of the SLP Community has been life-changing.
This episode is brought to you by Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Maria created her own cocktail which contained: vodka, honey, seltzer and fresh rosemary. She definitely voted "drink it".
The happy news article (and great to target /s/ and /z/) about the turtles can be found here:
This episode is brought to you by Speech Sounds Visualized. An app that lets your clients see speech in action! It is the only app in the world that uses x-ray videos along with 3D animation to show how speech sounds are formed. It is packed with loads of features to accelerate learning! Available in the App Store and Google Play Store. Our listeners can be entered for a chance to win a FREE subscription to Speech Sounds Visualized:
This episode is brought to you by Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
Deb interviewed Quintina Briscoe, M.S., CCC-SLP, founder and CEO of the Pediatric Speech Lab.
She has a brand new Pediatric Speech Lab app for kids with speech and language delays. This app was originally created for parents so that they could have access to resources beyond a session at her clinic. It now serves as a tool for parents, teachers and other speech language pathologists. The Pediatric Speech Lab is a speech and hearing clinic ran out of Quintina’s home to provide both in-person and tele-therapeutic services to children. Their mission is to reach all of its clients who struggle with language, fluency, comprehension and voice disorders, who are in rural areas and clients who are not reachable due to the shortage of individuals in the field of Speech Pathology.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb drank a red blend California wine from Bright Cellars and paired it with feta. They talked about propagating plants and using eggshells, wine, coffee grounds to help your plants grow.
Deb and Maria talked about the year 1998. They mentioned the following article:
This episode is brought to you by Speech Sounds Visualized. An app that lets your clients see speech in action! It is the only app in the world that uses x-ray videos along with 3D animation to show how speech sounds are formed. It is packed with loads of features to accelerate learning! Available in the App Store and Google Play Store. Our listeners can be entered for a chance to win a FREE subscription to Speech Sounds Visualized:
This episode is brought to you by Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
Our guest was: Ingela Onstad is a classical soprano, voice teacher, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and mindset coach for performers. Her coaching business, Courageous Artistry, supports performing artists in their quest to perform at the top of their abilities. She specializes in helping performers address fears that affect not only their careers, but also their well-being. She has thousands of hours of clinical experience as a therapist and sees clients with a broad range of ages and issues. Ms. Onstad has presented on the topic of performance anxiety at institutions across the United States. In addition, Ms. Onstad is a soprano who has enjoyed a varied international
career in opera, concert work, and contemporary music. Operatic highlights include performances throughout Germany, Canada, and the United States. She continues to maintain an active performing career. Find out more about Ingela at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode Maria drank House Wine and paired it with Cougar Cold Cheese from WSU Creamery.
This episode is brought to you by Speech Sounds Visualized. An app that lets your clients see speech in action! It is the only app in the world that uses x-ray videos along with 3D animation to show how speech sounds are formed. It is packed with loads of features to accelerate learning! Available in the App Store and Google Play Store. Our listeners can be entered for a chance to win a FREE subscription to Speech Sounds Visualized:
This episode is brought to you by Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
Deb interviewed Thaashida Hutton. Thaashida has been a speech-language pathologist for over 15 years. She obtained her Bachelor's of Arts degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders and Master's of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She completed my CF in a specialized Austin school in Neptune, NJ. After 2 years she had the opportunity to work for Super Duper Publications as a published author, editor, and research developer. From then she went on to pursue working with the Early Intervention population. Over the years, she also had the opportunity to work in charter schools, home care, private practice clinics and most recently preschools. Thaashida likes to dabble in many things such as taking on private clients from time to time as well as working full-time in a specialized preschool for children with Autism. She absolutely loves being an SLP. You can find Thaashida on Instagram @youmeandspeech or email at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode Maria drank Rosè Kombucha tea and paired it with Cougar Cold Cheese from WSU Creamery.
Maria talked about the new moon in Cancer. Here is an interesting article:
This episode is brought to you by Speech Sounds Visualized. An app that lets your clients see speech in action! It is the only app in the world that uses x-ray videos along with 3D animation to show how speech sounds are formed. It is packed with loads of features to accelerate learning! Available in the App Store and Google Play Store. Our listeners can be entered for a chance to win a FREE subscription to Speech Sounds Visualized:
This episode is brought to you by Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
Deb interviewed Thaashida Hutton. Thaashida has been a speech-language pathologist for over 15 years. She obtained her Bachelor's of Arts degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders and Master's of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She completed my CF in a specialized Austin school in Neptune, NJ. After 2 years she had the opportunity to work for Super Duper Publications as a published author, editor, and research developer. From then she went on to pursue working with the Early Intervention population. Over the years, she also had the opportunity to work in charter schools, home care, private practice clinics and most recently preschools. Thaashida likes to dabble in many things such as taking on private clients from time to time as well as working full-time in a specialized preschool for children with Autism. She absolutely loves being an SLP. You can find Thaashida on Instagram @youmeandspeech or email at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria began the session with going over SLP Wins instead of wine. Maria shared how her student attempted to say her name for the first time. Deb shared an incidental SLP win by having extra time to evaluate her new clients.
This episode is brought to you by Speech Sounds Visualized. An app that lets your clients see speech in action! It is the only app in the world that uses x-ray videos along with 3D animation to show how speech sounds are formed. It is packed with loads of features to accelerate learning! Available in the App Store and Google Play Store. Our listeners can be entered for a chance to win a FREE subscription to Speech Sounds Visualized:
This episode is brought to you by Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
Maria then interviewed Keri Jones, Becky Highfill and Carrie Coen from Pullman Regional Hospital. Together they drank wine and ate cheese. Maria ate an aged white cheddar called Cougar Gold. It can be found here:
Keri, Becky and Carrie drank wine from Merry Cellars Wine which can be found:
Keri, Becky and Carrie talked 5 ways to create an app. They created the Speech Sounds Visualized app. They broke down the steps:
1- Research and recommended listeners to read "What do you do with an idea?"
2- doing your homework about your customer. What do they want?
3- checking out graphic designers using Upwork,
4- being flexible
5- being open to new opportunities, such as being on a podcast! :)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria began the episode with Maria drinking House Wine Limited Edition Rosè Bubbles, which can be purchased here:
Deb and Maria talked about an ASHA course titled Transgender Voice and Beyond: Voice and Communication Training for Gender Expression. Course can be found here:
'Gender affirmation' refers to an interpersonal, interactive process whereby a person receives social recognition and support for their gender identity and expression (Bockting, Knudson, & Goldberg, 2006; Melendez & Pinto, 2007; Nuttbrock, Bockting, et al., 2009).
Thank you to our sponsors: Bjorem Speech Publications & The Sensory Studio:
Bjorem Speech Publications was founded by Jennie Bjorem, M.A., CCC-SLP in 2017 with her flagship product Bjorem Speech Sound Cues. We are excited to be publishing up-to-date, fun, child-inspired speech and language products created for therapists, by therapists.
-This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
Special thank you to our guest Kristie Knickerbocker! Kristie Knickerbocker, MS, CCC-SLP, is a speech-language pathologist and singing voice specialist in Fort Worth, Texas. She rehabilitates voice and swallowing at her private practice, a tempo Voice Center, and lectures on voice science nationally. She is part of the Professional Development Committee for ASHA Special Interest Group 3, Voice and Upper Airway Disorders, and a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing and the Pan-American Vocology Association. Knickerbocker blogs on her website at She has developed a line of kid and adult-friendly therapy materials specifically for voice on TPT or her website. Follow her on Pinterest, on Twitter and Instagram or like her on Facebook.
Research study mentioned in the interview with Kristie:
The Transgender Voice Questionnaire (TVQ) mentioned:
Vocal Function Exercises:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria talk about wine with wine experts James and Joe from Üllo. You can purchase your Üllo here
-This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode Deb drank pomegranate flavored kombucha tea, needless to say Maria inspired her. Maria drank iced mint tea with fresh mint and Eric Kent's Rosé which can be found at:
Deb and Maria talked about being anti-racism and discussing the current climate in the U.S.
TED Talk Maria was referring to:
Emotions Chart Maria uses:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Maria and Deb begin the episode with an easy glass of white wine. Needless to say they voted "drink it" and ate Parmesan cheese. Next, Maria interviews Michele Desimone. Dr. DeSimone holds a clinical doctoral degree in speech-language pathology. She is the founder and clinical director at The Sensory Studio, a pediatric center for speech and occupational therapy. Dr. DeSimone specializes in disorders affecting pediatric development and provides educational mentorship to many local clinical providers. Michele enjoys learning, traveling and exploring nature with her husband and two small children.
-This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On this episode, Maria and Deborah chat with Corinne Vargas. Maria drank a chardonnay that she definitely voted "Drink it". The wine Maria drank can be found at:
Corinne Vargas is a specialist in leveling the workforce playing field and enabling others to be seen for their unique talents and authentic selves by highlighting strengths, accomplishments and desired messages. In 2019, Corinne launched a start-up called Smart Charts to support people of all ages and backgrounds throughout their path to betterment, development and rebuilding. Find her Smart Charts
-This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
If you love our show and want to support us please rate and review us on iTunes!!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode Maria talks with her mentor Gayle Merrefield. Gayle Merrefield’s undergraduate background was in speech and theater. She went on to study speech-language pathology at the University of Georgia, where she earned her master’s degree in 1978. Gayle’s early career was happily spent in the public schools in Georgia. When she relocated to New York with her family in the mid-1980s, she worked primarily in early intervention and a special needs preschool. Eventually Gayle opened a private practice on Staten Island, and later in Manhattan, where she has lived since 2006. Gayle became an instructor for the PROMPT Institute in 2005 and has been teaching course and mentoring clinicians ever since. You can find her at:
-This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
If possible please rate and review us on iTunes!!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Thank you so very much to all of our listeners!
It's May 7 2020 and it is our 2 year anniversary!! It's also episode 88 and Deborah and Maria were born in 1988. They started this podcast right before turning 30 and had some inner struggles. However, this podcast has brought us so much joy and creativity to our lives. Thank you so much for your ongoing support. Also, thank you to our sponsors that help us to keep improving our show! :)
We love to hear from our listeners our email is:
Follow us on Instagram at: @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @deborahbrooksslp @maria_kotsslp
Cheers to more episodes, healthy and happiness!!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome back Kristie Knickerbocker, MS, CCC-SLP.
Kristie Knickerbocker, MS, CCC-SLP, is a speech-language pathologist and singing voice specialist in Fort Worth, Texas. She rehabilitates voice and swallowing at her private practice, a tempo Voice Center, and lectures on voice science nationally. She is part of the Professional Development Committee for ASHA Special Interest Group 3, Voice and Upper Airway Disorders, and a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing and the Pan-American Vocology Association. Knickerbocker blogs on her website at She has developed a line of kid and adult-friendly therapy materials specifically for voice on TPT or her website. Follow her on Pinterest, on Twitter and Instagram or like her on Facebook.
-This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode Deborah chats with her step sister, a lactation consultant, about breastfeeding. Follow Jill on Instagram @jnlactationconsultant
-This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. They employ: SLPs, OTs, PTs, Special education teachers, school nurses, BCBAs and more! Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
-This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb drank coffee in a Deborah coffee mug and Maria drank her Kombucha tea. Deb and Maria shared their teletherapy tips and mental health tips. Maria continues to drink kombucha tea for the duration of episode. Deb and Maria both agree on sensory or video breaks. Deb likes to use this video
Maria interviews Maria Caras a licensed mental health counselor. The 2 Marias talk about grief and the Grief Recovery Method. Maria Caras is a licensed mental health counselor and owns her own private practice. Maria is now taking appointments for teletherapy, if you'd like to schedule therapy sessions, check out her website Follow her on Instagram at @mariakcaraslmhc
-This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. They employ: SLPs, OTs, PTs, Special education teachers, school nurses, BCBAs and more! Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
-This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
Thank you to our special musical guest Salvatore for ending the show with his creative generosity.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria begin the episode sipping on their favorite Bread & Butter Pinot Noir 2017 wine and talking about plants. Maria talked about her moss balls and her pathos plant. Maria wants a snake and lavender plant. Deb recommended a pathos plant and prayer plant. Maria and Deb find gardening a great way to de-stress and add a relaxing vibe to their home.
Next, Maria interviews Rachel Archambault, Instagram @ptsd_slp about her experience with a traumatic event. Rachel is passionate about mental health and the importance of proper training for SLPs. She posts resources on her Instagram account.
Thank you to our sponsors!!!
-This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. They employ: SLPs, OTs, PTs, Special education teachers, school nurses, BCBAs and more! Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
-This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Mike talk about Intrinsic Motivation. They reference Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. More information can be found on: Deb and Mike talk about how motivation is tied into our needs and engagement.
Deb talks with Jessie Ginsburg who is an SLP and private practice owner. She mentions how important it is to find what motivates a child with Autism. Her website is:
Thank you to our sponsors!!! This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. They employ: SLPs, OTs, PTs, Special education teachers, school nurses, BCBAs and more! Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
This episode is also brought to you by the Sensory Studio. They are now offering teletherapy to all NYers. Please email them at or call (718) 979-5678 to reach their parent coordinator. Check out their website at:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is an episode that only features Maria, although we missed Deb. Maria interviews Kian McBernie. They both sipped on nonalcoholic beverages for this episode and voted "drink it". Kian talked about working with children with hearing impairments. Kian is on Instagram as @mrsmcspeechie
The speech banana Kian referenced is:
This episode is also brought to you by the Informed SLP. A place for real SLPs to keep up with the research! Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode, Deb and Lia chat about early intervention speech therapy.
Find all of Lia's incredible resources at
This episode is also brought to you by the Informed SLP. A place for real SLPs to keep up with the research! Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb, Maria and Mike talk about he ups and downs of this Corona Virus.
Deb interviews Lia Kurtin of Speech and Language at Home! Lia talks about how she uses parent coaching during her early intervention. Check out Lia's incredible resources at:
This episode is also brought to you by the Informed SLP. A place for real SLPs to keep up with the research! Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria sit with Meredith Harold from the informed SLP. They drink their wine and talk all things early intervention.
This episode is also brought to you by the Informed SLP. A place for real SLPs to keep up with the research! Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
This review:
Of this research:
And this review:
Of this research:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The article Maria referenced was:
Deb interviews Stephen Knesse who she met at South Carolina Hearing Association. Here is his brilliant website featuring his songs
This episode is also brought to you by the Informed SLP. A place for real SLPs to keep up with the research! Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria began by advising listeners to know themselves as a way of helping them achieve their goals. By knowing who you are it can help you decide what you want. Maria and Deb discussed what their food preferences revealed about their personalities. The Buzzfeed quiz mentioned on the show is:
Next, Maria and Deb interviewed Flavia from Therapy Travelers. Flavia is a school staffing agent. Together they discused what their favorite cheese revealed about them. Flavia's favorite is Swiss cheese and she hates change. Maria's is feta which indicates a healthy lifestyle. Deb's favorite cheese unfortunately was not an option, she felt cheated. You can take the quiz at:
Also, Flavia discussed some Dos and Don'ts for nailing an interview. For instance, DON'T fall asleep on the phone interview and DO some research on the facility before the interview.
This episode is also brought to you by the Informed SLP. A place for real SLPs to keep up with the research! Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria began the episode with having Stephen Groner continue to talk about effective therapy ideas and strategies about working with school age children with fluency disorder.
This episode is also brought to you by the Informed SLP. A place for real SLPs to keep up with the research!! Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
Stephen talked about the the etiology, diagnostic criteria and evidenced based assessment for fluency clients. Stephen also created a packet for SLPs Wine and Cheese listeners. Go to: and get 25% off Fluency School: The Ultimate How to Treat Stuttering Package with promo code: WINEANDCHEESEROCK
This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria begin the episode by reminding their listeners to leave them a review on iTunes. Again, if you have any ideas for future show episodes or any feedback you can email us at
Deb interviewed Stephen Groner about effective therapy ideas and strategies about working with preschoolers and school age children with fluency disorder.
This episode is also brought to you by the Informed SLP. A place for real SLPs to keep up with the research!! Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
This episode is also brought to you by Therapy Travelers, specializing in staffing professionals in schools nationwide. Visit and mention "SLPs wine and cheese podcast".
Stephen talked about evidenced based strategies for fluency clients. Stephen also created a packet for SLPs Wine and Cheese listeners. Go to: and get 25% off Fluency School: The Ultimate How to Treat Stuttering Package with promo code: WINEANDCHEESEROCK
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria begin the episode by talking about their first experiences with fluency clients. Maria's first experience was in grad school and Debs in her CF year.
Some videos Maria has used before:
Maria welcomed their guest, Stephen Groner a fluency expert for part 1 of a 3 part series about Fluency.
Stephen talked about the the etiology, diagnostic criteria and evidenced based assessment for fluency clients. Stephen also created a packet for SLPs Wine and Cheese listeners. Go to: and get 25% off Fluency School: The Ultimate How to Treat Stuttering Package with promo code: WINEANDCHEESEROCK
This episode is also brought to you by the Informed SLP. A place for real SLPs to keep up with the research!! Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a sparkling white wine. They voted drink it. They talked about taking initiative in the workplace. Essentially, finding a need or seeing a problem and having the courage to follow through.
This episode is brought to you by The Informed SLP. Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
Maria interviewed her SLP friend, Liliana Carbonaro. Lilly created to connect SLPs in countries in need. if you’re interested in going to Colombia as a supervising SLP, email
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Great clinicians need great scientific research to inform their practice.
But how can we know the research with so many articles, and so little time?
The Informed SLP makes it easy.
Each month, their team of scientists and clinicians find the research for you. They explain it without the jargon, without the burden, just for SLPs.
So you can spend less time reading, and more time treating.
Visit and enter coupon code “wineandcheese” for 20% off.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On this episode we drank Rebuttel Chardonnay from California and snacked on some mozzarella cheese.
Maria was not feeling well so Mike filled in.
This episode is sponsored by The Informed SLP. Making reading research more accessible and quicker! For a subscription checkout: enter “WINEANDCHEESE” (all caps) at checkout for 25% off.
Deborah interviews Craig Goldslager. Craig is a financial planner and husband to an SLP. He talks about all things financially relevant to the new and seasoned SLP.
Find out more about Craig's business by visiting his website
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drink a delicious Greek wine named Stamnaki that Maria chokes on, yet they still vote “drink it”. They paired it with feta and kalamata olives.
Deb interviews St johns University students: Nairy Osman, Valentina Faulisi, Gabriella Ingrassia and Keren Alaev where they talk about dyslexia!
This is the website referenced in the episode
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank Wolfer Estate rose wine and paired it with mozzarella cheese and cucumbers. For the second part Kristin from Presence Learning talked about what therapy looks like for early education, elementary and middle to high school.
This episode is also brought to you by SLP ToolKit use the coupon code "wineandcheese" for $24 your annual subscription or your first month
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a chardonnay by Bacchus 2018 from California. They both voted "drink it" even though Maria stated this is the lightest of wines she can tolerate. They paired the wine with mozzarella cheese and a rosemary triscuit. Kristin Martinez was a guest on the show and she too drank Chardonnay.
Kristin Martinez talked about her background, how she began her career as an SLP and how she transitioned to a teletherapy practice SLP. Kristin is a paid employee by Presence Learning.
Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
This episode is also brought to you by SLP ToolKit use the coupon code "wineandcheese" for $24 your annual subscription or your first month
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank Wolfer Estate Rose Wine and paired it with mozzarella cheese. Deb and Maria really enjoyed this wine and voted "drink it".
They announced that this year they will be at the ASHA Convention in Orlando, FL. Deb and Maria will be selling business casual T-shirts, have a wine raffle and hopefully conduct recorded interviews.
Deb went on to discuss how she likes to incorporate her client's strength and how it can help with their weaknesses. It's also important to play into your own personal strengths. Maria recommended 3 questions to identify your strengths that she found at:
Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
This episode is also brought to you by SLP ToolKit use the coupon code "wineandcheese" for $24 your annual subscription or your first month
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a Giandion il Farneto Italian wine and paired it with provolone, salami and strawberries. Maria voted “sink it” it because of its chalky aftertaste yet Deb votes “drink it” because she originally liked the taste when she first cracked open the bottle.
Deb and Maria shared interview tips for both a educational setting and a rehabilitation center.
Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
This episode is also brought to you by SLP ToolKit use the coupon code "wineandcheese" for $24 your annual subscription or your first month
Maria has an interview with listener London Lang. London talked about being a graduate student, preparing for the comprehensive exam, the Praxis and job-hunting.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank water infused with mint, strawberries and lemon. They paired it with fruit to keep it light and airy. They talked about conquering your fears.
Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
This episode is also brought to you by SLP ToolKit use the coupon code "wineandcheese" for $24 your annual subscription or your first month
Maria interviewed her “work wife” Emily Brullo. Together they talked about what it was like becoming PROMPT certified and how that was Maria tackling her fear. Emily spoke about working summer school and how her therapy sessions have changed since PROMPT certification.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a red wine and paired it with brie cheese, cucumbers and strawberries. Deb and Maria talked about how some SLPs are called Glorified English teachers. Maria expressed her old views of how she once too had that mentality of SLPs working with general education students. Deborah advocated for school based SLPs and their expertise.
Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
This episode is also brought to you by SLP ToolKit use the coupon code "wineandcheese" for $24 your annual subscription or your first month
Later on in the episode Deb interview Hallie Sherman from Speech Time Fun!! Hallie talks about being a school based SLP and how she targets speech therapy goals in mixed groups
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria switched it up and had fruit infused water with avocado, hard boiled eggs and paprika on a rice cake. They both voted "eat" it not beat it.
Deb talked about ASHA's view on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Maria talked about her graduate school internship with using Applied Behavior Analysis. ABA is useful in teaching specific skills including but not limited to: communication, social skills, academic skills, grooming and more.
Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
This episode is also brought to you by SLP ToolKit use the coupon code "wineandcheese" for $24 your annual subscription or your first month
This interview features Nora who is now a special education teacher.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Maria, Deb and Mike do a complete episode off the cuff... because, why not?
They drank Naked Winery "Here to Stay Chardonnay" and paired it with tiro pita (cheese pies in Greek)
Maria talked about her Nashlorette and Deb talked about the adventures of wedding dress shopping
Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
This episode is also brought to you by SLP ToolKit use the coupon code "wineandcheese" for $24 your annual subscription or your first month
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank The Grenachista wine and paired it with Ricotta cheese. They voted "drink it"
They had a listener questions segment where they talked about applying to grad school, their favorite therapy materials and more
Also, Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank Bandit Dry Rose Wine. It came in a container resembling coconut water. It tasted delicious and they both voted "drink it".
Maria went on to discuss Self Care for Educators, more information about secondary trauma can be found at
Maria also talked about the "Self Care Rating Scale" available at
Deb suggested that Maria receives "the Most Mindful SLP" Award. Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
Also, feel free to check out our Patreon to support our podcast
Deb talked about tips for identifying and alleviating stress in clients.
Deb and Maria both agreed that the field of speech-pathology can be a stressful career and the more we accept and are aware of that the easier our lives and our client's lives will be.
Their quote was "less is more".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a 2018 Grenache Rose Wine from The Grenachista. They paired it with a salty feta cheese. The combination of the saltiness of the cheese and smooth sweetness of the wine was great. They both voted "drink it".
Deb and Maria met on Sunday in Prospect Park and recorded two Patreon episodes. The episodes can be listened to at:
Next, Maria talked about her impromptu dance party she encountered in Prospect Park after their recordings. Videos and pictures from the event can also be found on the Patreon page. Deb suggested that Maria receives "the dance-ist SLP" Award. Erik Raj has created a website to give SLPs and SLPA fancy awards. Enter coupon code "WINEANDCHEESE" at checkout for free shipping!!
Last but certainly not least Deb shared the exciting news that she and Mike Recine are ENGAGED! Woohoo
Cheers to the happy couple
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria interview the infamous Shannon Werbeckes about her online store Speechy Musings.
Shannon Werbeckes is a pediatric speech-language pathologist with experience in an outpatient clinic and the schools. She is also the founder of Speechy Musings, an online business that develops effective and easy to use printable resources for other pediatric SLPs. When she’s not working, you can find her exploring the outdoors, playing with her dogs, or traveling.
If you’re a fan and would like to support our podcast please visit our Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb interviews Jessica Massey the girl behind Hustle Sanely. She’s a business coach & digital creator who helps new business owners confidently take their idea from dream to done without sacrificing their mental health or important relationships - hence, Hustle Sanely.
Jess designs programs, planners, and journals that help clear your vision, organize your schedule, & actually accomplish those big dreams you’ve kept tucked away in your heart.
Sponsors include:
Fusion web clinic. To learn more and check out Fusion's library of free resources, visit them online And, if you sign up for a free demo of the software, mention the SLPs Wine & Cheese Podcast to receive a $50 credit off your first month of Fusion.
If you’re a fan and would like to support our podcast please visit our Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Tune in to hear about speech sound disorders and oral facial examinations! Also, SLPs Wine and Cheese listeners get 10% off Amy’s oral facial examination using the code WINEANDCHEESE. offer ends 8/31, don’t miss out!!
Amy has been an SLP for 20 years and is the owner of Graham Speech Therapy, a private practice in Colorado Springs specializing in speech sound disorders. She is listed on the Apraxia Kids Directory of SLPs with expertise in Apraxia and is PROMPT trained. She has worked in a variety of settings, from numerous public/charter schools, acute care/rehabilitation hospitals, an audiology clinic, and now private practice. She is committed to raising awareness about Childhood Apraxia of Speech and supporting and equipping SLPs to provide evidence-based therapy through her social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook.
Sponsors include:
Covalent Careers is a career development company to provide new grads with education, mentorship and job opportunities. Please visit their website at
Fusion web clinic. To learn more and check out Fusion's library of free resources, visit them online And, if you sign up for a free demo of the software, mention the SLPs Wine & Cheese Podcast to receive a $50 credit off your first month of Fusion.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Part 2 of our interview from Johnathon Ballert from @dysphagiacafe
Sponsors include:
Covalent Careers is a career development company to provide new grads with education, mentorship and job opportunities. Please visit their website at
Fusion web clinic. To learn more and check out Fusion's library of free resources, visit them online And, if you sign up for a free demo of the software, mention the SLPs Wine & Cheese Podcast to receive a $50 credit off your first month of Fusion.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Changing it up: SLPs Beer and Cheese featuring Dysphagia Cafe
Sponsors include:
Covalent Careers is a career development company to provide new grads with education, mentorship and job opportunities. Please visit their website at
Fusion web clinic. To learn more and check out Fusion's library of free resources, visit them online And, if you sign up for a free demo of the software, mention the SLPs Wine & Cheese Podcast to receive a $50 credit off your first month of Fusion.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode of SLPs wine and cheese Maria and Deb talk about the book “The subtle art of not giving a f*ck”. Later on Deb talks with Meredith of The Informed SLP.
This episode is brought to you by Throatscope and illuminated light handle to be used with a tongue depressor. It can be purchased at
Also brought to you by Fusion web clinic. To learn more and check out Fusion's library of free resources, visit them online And, if you sign up for a free demo of the software, mention the SLPs Wine & Cheese Podcast to receive a $50 credit off your first month of Fusion.
Covalent Careers is a career development company to provide new grads with education, mentorship and job opportunities. Please visit their website at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria began the episode by drinking Bitch wine by Grateful Palate. They paired the wine with a smooth provolone cheese and salami. The wine can be purchased at:
Deb and Maria played the infamous board game Trivia Pursuit. They quizzed each other and the winner was..
This episode is brought to you by Throatscope and illuminated light handle to be used with a tongue depressor. It can be purchased at
Covalent Careers is a career development company to provide new grads with education, mentorship and job opportunities. Please visit their website at
For their "Relaxing with Maria" segment Maria interviewed her coworker and friend Valerie Groysman OT/RL Valerie gave listeners therapy ideas for alerting and calming sensory strategies. Valerie talked balancing being a busy OT and karate Mom. Valerie's son also received speech therapy and she discussed the challenges of having a son with a developmental delay.
You can follow us at @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod on Instagram
Please feel free to rate, comment and review us on iTunes
Our quote was "No one is perfect".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria began the episode by drinking Bitch wine by Grateful Palate. The wine can be purchased at:
Deb and Maria talked about the importance of obtaining an in depth and detailed Case History. This should include: general, birth, history, developmental histories. Deb mentioned the importance of maintaining the client's privacy as per HIPPA law.
This episode is brought to you by Throatscope and illuminated light handle to be used with a tongue depressor. It can be purchased at
Covalent Careers is a career development company to provide new grads with education, mentorship, and job opportunities. Please visit their website at
Next was a new segment called "Deb Talks". Deb interviewed a parent of a child she worked with. The parent talked about being a special needs mom to a son born with a cleft palate in addition to being an educator. She discussed the highs and lows of her son's progress.
You can follow us at @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod on Instagram
Please rate, comment and review us on iTunes!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria began the episode by drinking Bitch wine by Grateful Palate. Luckily, one of our fellow listeners educated Maria on the correct pronunciation of the grap "greh-nache". They paired the wine with a smooth provolone cheese and salami. The wine can be purchased at:
Deb and Maria talked about balancing your responsibilities and priorities with time for yourself. Deb discussed how she gives realistic expectations to others of her arrival time, whereas with Maria add an hour to her projected arrival time. Deb stated that she will "edit" her to-do list. For instance, if she only has 10 minutes she will not stop at 10 different places and then proceed to be an hour late. However, Maria suggested grouping your to-do list by geographical location. Such as stopping at the mall that is near your yoga studio so one can squeeze in a workout and go shopping.
This episode is brought to you by Throatscope and illuminated light handle to be used with a tongue depressor. It can be purchased at
Covalent Careers is a career development company to provide new grads with education, mentorship, and job opportunities. Please visit their website at
Next was a new segment called "Relaxing with Maria". Maria interviewed her coworker and friend Katerina Darios CCC-SLP. Katerina discussed being a SLP Mom.
You can follow us at @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod on Instagram
Please feel free to rate, comment and review us on iTunes
Our quote was "Sometimes half as fast is twice as successful"
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria began the episode by drinking Bitch wine by Grateful Palate. Luckily, one of our fellow listeners educated Maria on the correct pronunciation of the grap "greh-nache". They paired the wine with a smooth provolone cheese and salami. The wine can be purchased at:
Deb and Maria talked about communication in general. Maria discussed different aspects of nonverbal behavior- body language, eye contact, tone of voice, etc. Deb suggested changing your tone of voice to gain your client's attention.
This episode is brought to you by Throatscope and illuminated light handle to be used with a tongue depressor. It can be purchased at
Covalent Careers is a career development company to provide new grads with education, mentorship, and job opportunities. Please visit their website at
Next was a new segment called "Deb Talks". Deb interviewed dog trainer Aislynn where she discussed nonverbal behaviors dogs exhibit to communicate. Deb and Aislynn drew parallels by discussing the importance of reinforcing positive behaviors and carryover.
You can follow us at @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod on Instagram
Please feel free to rate, comment and review us on iTunes
Our quote was "Behavior is communication"
Here is the harness that Aislynn was talking about
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria began the episode by drinking Bitch wine by Grateful Palate. This wine is from Australia. This wine can be purchased online at
Deb and Maria talked about wine facts, such as there are 2.5 pounds of grapes in just one bottle of wine. Deb discussed what she learned at the Rose Mansion. They went on to part 2 of their LIVE show from 5/31/19.
Our LIVE show features comedy by Mike Recine Twitter: @mikerecine Instagram: @recine.mike
The event was sponsored by Bread & Butter wines. Deb, Maria and the audience members drank a Bread & Butter Rose wine. The event was also sponsored by Grateful Palate. The wines can be purchased at: and
You can follow us at @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod
Our LIVE show features comedy by Mike Recine Twitter: @mikerecine Instagram: @recine.mike
Deb and Maria concluded the episode by talking about mindfulness and meditation. Maria discussed how meditating entails observing your thoughts and understanding thoughts are temporary. Deb's tip or trick was taking an interest inventory in the beginning of the year by asking your student's what their spirit animal is and basing off your therapy sessions on their responses. Maria recommended using 5 fingers for 5 deep breathes and eventually teaching students to take 5 deep breathes when they see your/their hand.
Our quote was "happiness is not something ready made... it comes from your actions"
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On May 31 2019 Deb and Maria hosted a live comedy show. They talked about figurative language, met their listeners and talked with comedians and their musical guest. The event was sponsored by Bread & Butter wines. Deb, Maria and the audience members drank a Bread & Butter Rose wine. The event was also sponsored by Grateful Palate.
The wines can be purchased at: and
You can follow us at @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod and our first comedian @ashleyhammm on Instagram
We hope you enjoy part 1 of our live show
Our quote was "If you're not embarrassed of your first piece of work then you started too late"- unknown.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a Bitch wine by Grateful Palate. This wine is made from Grenache grapes in Spain. They paired it with smooth mozzarella cheese. They both enjoyed the strong yet not overly empowering taste. Deb and Maria both voted "drink it". This wine can be purchased online at
Deb and Maria discussed the different aspects of figurative language. Everything from metaphors, similes, personification, alliteration and more. This was a prelude to our LIVE show since we will be talking about the benefits of using figurative language and jokes in speech.
They went on to interview Mike Recine who proved to know a lot about figurative language! He also enjoyed roasting Maria calling her "basic". Luckily Maria knows he tends to use hyperbolas and sarcasm.
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram at @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Their sponsors include:, & First Bite Podcast
Mike Recine ended with their quote "There's enough in the world for a man's need but not a man's greed"
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a 2017 Old Vine Zinfandel by Deux Punx. They paired it with Dubliner 100% Aged cheese and Deb's personal favorite, pickles. They both enjoyed the strong yet not overly empowering taste. Deb and Maria both voted "drink it".
Deb and Maria went on to discuss 11 Tips and Tricks for what activities and materials they use during their speech therapy sessions. Their tips and tricks included: using pictured actions, counting out syllables, reading poems and speech coloring sheets, such as "Color in Speech" created by Deborah herself. Maria recommending using board games and bubbles during speech therapy sessions because of they are motivating and (can be) affordable.
May 31st is the Live Podcast event at the Creek & the Cave in Long Island City. Doors open at 7:30 show starts at 8pm. Find the link to buy tickets in their Instagram bios or at @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Also, download the app Podcoin and enter the code "WINE". It is a free app that money goes to charity while you listen to podcasts.
Their sponsors include:, & First Bite Podcast
Deb and Maria ended with their quote "You only fail when you stop trying"
Come to our show May 31, 2019 7:30 pm at The Creek and The Cave in Long Island City
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a Syrah by Naked Winery called Vixen. They paired it with a Greek cheese Kefalogavgera and Kalamata olives. They both enjoyed the non-overwhelming cherry taste. Deb and Maria both voted "drink it". Listeners can order the wine on and enter Coupon Code "WINE NOT" (2 words) at checkout. Offer includes 15% off on 3+ wines and $10 shipping. Offer lasts until 5/31/19
Deb and Maria wanted to practice what they preach and talked socially. Deb and Maria discussed listener questions. Maria talked about how to tread carefully when working with a client who has a communication device. Deb talked about writing goals. PSA- Improving eye contact is not a SMART goal.
May 31st is the Live Podcast event at the Creek & the Cave in Long Island City. Doors open at 7:30 show starts at 8pm. Find the link to buy tickets in their Instagram bios or at @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Also, download the app Podcoin and enter the code "WINE". It is a free app that money goes to charity while you listen to podcasts.
Deb and Maria then read their social stories. Maria made a social story about going down the slide as a continuation from previous episodes. Deb and Maria agreed to model appropriate language, keep the story short and concise and provide solutions for the behavior. Deb took a different direction. She made a social story for Maria to be on time.
There quote was "We cannot change anything unless we accept it"
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a Cabernet Sauvignon by Naked Winery called Penetration. They paired it with a Greek cheese Kefalogavgera. Listeners order the wine on enter Coupon Code "WINE NOT" (2 words) at checkout. Offer includes 15% off on 3+ wines and $10 shipping. Offer lasts until 5/31/19
Deb and Maria talked about the SLP's role in leadership and advocacy. Deb and Maria discuss how they see themselves as advocates. Deb hopes to make the role of an SLP more visible to the general public. Maria advocates for her student's by giving them a voice through AAC.
This episode also features an interview with Craig Coleman, M.A., CCC-SLP, BCS-F. He's running for ASHA's Vice President of Planning and you're definitely going to want to hear his ideas!
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
There quote was "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves"
Download the app Podcoin and enter the code "WINE". It is a free app that money goes to charity while you listen to podcasts.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank Scout and Cellar Prosecco. Maria and Deb both voted "drink it". If listeners want to purchase Scout & Cellar wine Instagram message @natures_intention2018 for a SLPs wine and cheese discount.
Deb and Maria were joined by their (fancy) guests, Ms Jessica Perez and Dr. Leah McGuire. Jessica Perez is a certified school psychologist and neuropsychological technician. She currently resides in Montville, NJ, with her husband, Kyle, and 1 year old daughter, Evelyn. She received two B.A. degrees in Elementary Education and Spanish from Bucknell University and graduated magna cum laude in 2010. Immediately after graduating, Jessica attended Teachers College, Columbia University. In 2013, she graduated with her M.A. in Educational Psychology, her Ed.M. in School Psychology, and her national certification in school psychology (NCSP). Upon graduation, Jessica worked as a school psychologist in the Emerson Public School District in Bergen County, NJ, for the 2013-2014 school year. She then worked for the Hillsdale Public School District in Bergen County, NJ for four years. In June 2018, Jessica resigned from her position as a school psychologist to stay home with her daughter, Evelyn. She is currently working as a neuropsychological technician for Dr. Leah McGuire administering and scoring comprehensive batteries of tests for children and adolescents in Watchung, NJ. She also works for Region II Special Services completing psychological evaluations for various school districts in Bergen County, NJ.
Dr. Leah McGuire is a pediatric neuropsychologist, a nationally certified school psychologist, and a licensed psychologist in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. She is an adjunct assistant professor of psychology and education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she teaches graduate-level coursework related to evidence-based assessment, consultation, diagnosis, intervention, and therapy. She conducts research at Bellevue Hospital regarding trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in youth. She additionally serves as an ad hoc reviewer of best practice and academic research within the field for School Psychology International and is the chair of the New Jersey Psychological Association's (NJPA's) Committee on Continuing Education (CoCEA) Program Committee.
She received a B.A. in psychology from Bucknell University in 2005. While attending graduate school at Teachers College, she obtained her Ed.M., M.A., and M.Phil. degrees and her national certification in school psychology (N.C.S.P.). She received her doctoral degree from Columbia University in October of 2013. She subsequently completed a two-year pediatric neuropsychology post-doctoral fellowship at North Shore LIJ Lenox Hill Hospital’s Center for Attention and Learning (CAL) in Manhattan in August of 2015. Clinically, she has worked with children and adolescents within outpatient clinics, hospitals, day and residential treatment centers, and public and private school settings. Within her private practice in Watchung, New Jersey, she provides empirically-supported therapy and comprehensive neuropsychological and psychoeducational evaluations.
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
On May 31 @ 7:30 pm SLPs Wine and Cheese will be recording a LIVE podcast from The Creek and the Cave Comedy Club in LIC, Queens. Tickets go on sale May 1. Stay tuned! We can't wait to see you there.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode we chat with Alex Wynter, a home health SLP working with the geriatric population. She gives use some tips and tricks for working in that setting and also some insight into what it's like running her own side business.
About our guest: Alexandria Wynter Russel has been an SLP for 7 years. She attended Loyola University in Maryland for undergrad and Towson for graduate school. She specialize in the adult and geriatric population currently working in home health for Penn Medicine. She is also the Speech Therapy Publication Director with Covalent Career Resources. Her future SLP goals are to continue to find work that excites and challenges her, help new grads find their pace in this career, and have a solid week of therapy without one cancellation.
This episode's quote: I can't complain about my plate being full when I wanted to eat.
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
On May 31 @ 7:30 pm SLPs Wine and Cheese will be recording a LIVE podcast from The Creek and the Cave Comedy Club in LIC, Queens. Tickets go on sale May 1. Stay tuned! We can't wait to see you there.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We kept it social but also went with the flow.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Maria & Deb drank Bread & Butter Chardonnay Wine from 2017. The wine has hints of almond and fruit. They paired it with an usual yet intriguing combination of dried mango and mascarpone Italian cheese. Deb and Maria both voted "drink it". The wine can be found at:
Maria went on to discuss 9 wine etiquette rules. They included opening up a wine bottle like a ninja, clinking at the bell, and drinking roughly the same speed as others. The list can be found at:
They then moved on to discuss social etiquette. Deborah compiled a list of 50 ideas. Etiquette rules included smiling, remembering people's names, pushing in one's chair, and holding the door open for others. Deb and Maria discussed the importance of using these social skills and how modeling and teaching appropriate social skills for our clients is integral to their communication skills.
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
They are also still selling pink and white blah blah blah blah shirts.
Deb and Maria then went on to discuss Social Stories. They agreed they have been found to be useful in using for clients with Autism. Social Stories should be positive and model appropriate behaviors in a way the client can comprehend.
For their Tips & Tricks segment, Maria recommended making social stories less than 10 minutes long. Deborah recommended using sentences and phrases that have repetition.
Their end quote was "We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On this (snow day) episode Maria, Deb and their guest Michelle were drinking different wines. Maria was drinking Yellowtail Cabernet Sauvignon and paired it with a salty feta. Deborah was drinking Plavac Bura a red Dalmatia wine. The wine is from Croatia where both Deb and Maria have visited and totally recommend.. Deb paired her wine with a very fancy cheese that contained cranberries, curtesy of Mike. Michelle drank Volvo vineyard Zinfadel blend wine with feta. Maria, Deb and Michelle voted "drink it" for their wines.
Deb & Michelle reminisced about working as waitresses in a comedy show. Both agreed that comedians use stand up comedy as a coping strategy for facing their anxiety. Michelle is a school psychologist in a public school in New Jersey. She talked about the different populations she words with. She gave us a rundown of some of her roles and responsibilities in the schools. She works closely with teachers and other related services as well as parents. Michelle shared some insight such as, working as part of a team and keeping open lines of communication.
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
They are also still selling pink and white blah blah blah blah shirts.
Also, Michelle is currently working towards getting her BCBA. Michelle has seen success with using ABA therapy with children with Autism. Maria shared her experiences with using ABA therapy during her externship in graduate school. Michelle discussed how understanding the importance of the function of behavior. Deb reiterated Maria's point of when teaching children with Autism it is important to teach them "I communicate, I get something" to positively reinforce communication.
Their end quote was "You can't change how other people act or behave. You can only change how you react or behave".
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In this episode Maria and Deb drank Smoke Tree Pinot Noir and paired it with a smooth goat cheese. Deb and Maria enjoyed this "expensive" wine that they've been manifesting. The wine was a gift from Deborah's sister. Together they voted on "drink it" for this wine. They welcomed their guest Amanda, who joined them immediately following her class.
Amanda discussed how she got into speech pathology, what she enjoys and does not enjoy about grad school. Amanda talked about her Instagram handle @theblackspeechie She wants to bring awareness to the shortage of diversity in the field.
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
They are also still selling pink and white blah blah blah blah shirts.
Stick around at the end for some BONUS content.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode Maria drank Yellowtail Sweet Roo wine and paired it with feta while Deb drank Croatian wine. Together they discussed "controversial" topics and voted on "agree" or "disagree".
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
They are also still selling pink and white blah blah blah blah shirts.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We sit down and chat with Tanya Lujan SLP, Orofacial Myologist, and Bikini competitor! Deb and Maria drank The Pinot Project Pinot Noir and paired it with goat cheese and fruit. Tanya was consuming soothing chamomile tea in preparation for her upcoming competition.
Tanya discussed her experience with Orofacial Myology. She works in a private practice in Texas and has expertise with using various tools and strategies to treat articulation and feeding disorders.
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
They are also still selling pink and white blah blah blah blah shirts.
For their Tips and Tricks segment, Maria recommended using sugary cereals for arts and crafts instead of eating them. Deb recommended using "cue cards" to have the student's more focused but also for vocal rest. Tanya recommended using Goldfish crackers to work on jaw stabilization and/or lingual exercises.
Tanya chose the quote which was "Keep moving forward".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We talk all things meta!
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Deb and Maria drank tea and chatted with Allie Szczecinski or "Miss Behavior". Allie is a speech pathologist living in Illinois who currently works as an educational consultant. Allie believes all behaviors are a form of communication. Their guest is also a big fan of using essential oils. She recommended using: lavender, peppermint and "stress away" by Young Living. Later, they discussed case specific questions regarding challenging behaviors. Disclaimer: consult with OT (for hypo/hyper sensitivity), administration, parent/s before using essential oils.
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @_missbehavior @maria_kotsonisslp @deborahbrookscccslp
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
They are also still selling pink and white blah blah blah blah shirts.
For their Tips and Tricks segment, Allie recommended the 2x10 strategy. It is devoting 2 minutes a day for 10 days with your client. It helps build rapport and form relationships, it's also backed by research. Maria recommended doing "sniff tests" with your clients. Even if as simple as using scented markers and they have to guess the scent. Deborah recommended looking at the full person when working with clients. Allie chose the quote which was "kids do well if they can" by Dr. Greene
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank Cinzano Prosecco and paired it with goat milk Feta. Maria voted "sink it" and Deb voted "sink it" because the wine was super sweet.
Next they played a game called "what aRe you talking about?" Maria stated different /r/ words in the initial position to answer the questions.
Later they discussed how they treat the /r/ phoneme in therapy sessions. Deb and Maria agreed that perception is very important to target prior to expression. Deb likes to use minimal pairs, drills and eventually poems. Maria likes to also incorporate those techniques but use books to promote carryover and target literacy.
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
They are also still selling pink and white blah blah blah blah shirts.
After their halfway point Deb and Maria shared their "R poems". The poems can be found on their Patreon page.
For their Tips and Tricks segment, Maria recommended assessing the surrounding sounds with /r/. For instance, if a student has difficulty with /or/ start with easier sounds and then introduce more difficult sounds. Deb recommended pairing a visual with a "r" face and a "w" face. Their Quote was “if you get tired learn to rest, not quit". - Thessalonians 3:13
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Deb and Maria welcomed their guest SLP Mrs. Emily Diaz who joined in unfortunately not via a private jet but via a video chat. Maria and Deb drank an Italian white Pinot Grigio wine by Gionelli. They paired it with mozzarella cheese. They voted "drink it". Emily is unfortunately battling a cold so she drank water.
Next they played a "This or That" game to get to know Emily. Deb introduced Emily as an SLP who loves to incorporate AAC with literacy. Emily likes to use Usborne books during her therapy sessions. Next, they went on to talk about Emily's typical day of how she works at multiple campuses. Emily went over dynamic, Pog and static devices. Mrs. Diaz also told us how she uses a core word of the week and pushes into the classroom. Emily is a Usborne consultant and recommended some books, such as "Bully on a bus".
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
They are also still selling pink and white blah blah blah blah shirts.
Next, Emily discussed how she is an advocate for more manageable caseloads and devices for students. She wants to empower SLPs everywhere to speak up for themselves and for their students!
For their tips and tricks segment Emily recommended to use SLP Toolkit to help with data collection, progress monitoring and caseload management. Maria recommended pairing 2 core words together such as yes/no to help teach concepts. Deb told everyone not to underestimate a Sharpie. Their quote was “the best time to start AAC is early intervention, but the second best is now”.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria rang in 2019 with an episode focusing on them being 30 and their goals. Did you know that they were 30? They drank an Italian white Pinot Grigio wine by Gionelli. They paired it with goat cheese and fermented vegetables. Fun fact: Debra loves pickles. They went on to talk about their time away from work. Debra had an equally exciting yet relaxing break where Maria had a mixture of the two.
Next they shared their goals for in their 30s; even though 30 is the new 25. Maria “manifested” her personal, professional and relationship goals. She wants to incorporate dancing in her therapy but also in her personal life. Deb then went on to share her 30 goals for 30 years old, she had two bonus goals. Turns out she met some of them, hooray!
They went on to talk about their professional goals for their speech therapy sessions in 2019. Maria wants to work more collaboratively with other related professionals. She also had a very difficult time producing the word “collaboratively”. Deb wants to be more empowering by motivating others to have more faith and confidence in themselves.
Don't forget to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod
Check out their Patreon! link in their Instagram bio.
They are also still selling pink and white blah blah blah blah shirts.
If you are interested in donating books to a clinic damaged from Hurricane Maria please mail books to:
Universidad Albizu
Recinto de San Juan
Clinica de Patologia del Habla y Lenguaje
P.O. Box 923711
San Juan, PR 00902
For their tips and tricks segment they gave tips on how to be more empowering and collaborative. Maria recommended talking to occupational and physical therapists on how to address a client’s posture. Deb wants to put an end to speech therapy in the hallway. Their quote was “ you get what you focus on, so focus on what you want”.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Merry Christmas, y'all.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria decided not to consume alcohol since they do not recommend drinking while stressed. They both agreed that this time of the year can be very hectic. Deb described that stress is when the sympathetic nervous system or that "fight or flight" response kicks in. This entails an increase in blood pressure, slow down of digestion, increased heart rate and rapid thinking. This is called automatic thinking. However, intentional thinking is when the brain can problem solve and think of ways to change the outcome or provide a solution.
They went on to a segment called "Cool as a cucumber or Super Stressed". Deb and Maria gave scenarios and stated if they would find themselves cool as a cucumber or super stressed. They also gave strategies or problem solving tips for each scenario. Turns out both Deb and Maria would remain cool if they saw blood or had a drink spilled on them. Deb and Maria also gave realistic ideas for relieving stress: exercise, aromatherapy, taking naps, reading books, listening to music and drawing.
At their halfway point they reminded listeners to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod and check out their Patreon page! Also, they still have blah blah blah blah shirts left! Email us at: to place your order.
Maria discussed the importance of nature and reducing stress from the book "the Nature Fix: Why nature makes us happier, healthier and more creative" by Florence Williams. The book talked about how important smells are to humans, so bring on the aromatherapy! Also, how when humans are exposed to nature videos they're heart rate dropped but instantly shot up when they heard a motor vehicle sound. Deb compared this sound to the email alerts she receives. Maria recommended silencing your phone after 9pm.
All in all Deb and Maria agreed that stress management is important and critical for living your best life. For their Tips & Trick segment, Maria recommended trying boxed breathing in therapy sessions. Deb recommended different aromatherapy scents to help inspire your clients! Deb ended with a quote "Zen spirituality is not thinking about God while peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes.”
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Deb and Maria welcomed their guest Anne Page from Beautiful Speech Life. Deb and Maria drank a 2016 J. Lohr Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon and paired it with mozzarella cheese and various fruits. Anne drank a Zinfadel red wine. Anne, Deb and Maria voted "drink it" for their wines.
They introduced their guest Anne as a heart-centered SLP dedicated to taking the fear out of AAC. Anne answered questions in their This or That segment. Anne then discussed how she started as an Art major and became a SLP later on in her life. Anne talked about certain challenges she and other SLPs face with using AAC in the classroom and at home. Together they agreed that core vocabulary words are integral to teaching a child to use AAC.
At their halfway point they reminded listeners to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod and check out their Patreon page! Also, they still have blah blah blah blah shirts left! Email us at: to place your order. Anne's Instagram is @beautifulspeechlife
Deb asked about a young man with autism who does not have AAC. She asked Anne and Maria how they would implement AAC in this given scenario. Next, Anne gave style tips on how to be a fashionable SLP. For their Tips or Tricks segment Anne suggested using the app Monkey Preschool Lunchbox and teaching students to wait their turn while also using their device. Maria piggy backed off that idea and suggested using a timer to help the student/s wait their turn in a group. Deborah suggested using a mystery wheel for students to "pick" their prize. As per the usual, Anne ended their episode with a quote "It's a marathon, not a sprint".
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Deb is drinking Chardonnay and eating Mozzarella Cheese. Kristie is drinking coconut water and eating an apple and cheese tray. Maria is home sick! Don't worry though, in this episode you get to hear one of Maria's ASHA interviews! This episode features Jennifer @ASHA.
In this episode Kristie gives some life and therapy changing advice.
Thanks for listening.
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Deb and Maria drank a 2017 Dove Hunt Dog Pinot Noir and paired it with Swiss cheese. The Pinot Noir is from Scout & Cellar which is made from grapes without pesticides, no added chemicals or added sugar. There is a 10% discount for SLPs if they email and write "SLP Wine Discount" in the subject title. That's 10% off already on top of 5% off for 6 bottles and 10% off 12 bottles. Deb and Maria both voted "drink it" for this delicious and healthy vegan wine, naturally.
They continued their segment called "This week in life/ This week in speech" where Maria talked about how she caught up on paperwork and ate a sushi burrito today. Deb went over how she's introduced new poems for the month of November. She also noticed that Mike is much more productive when he has a clear space. They went on to define behaviors and different schools of thought such as operant conditioning vs. Pavlonian conditioning. Next, Maria categorized behaviors under: sensory, avoidance or attention. She discussed behavioral supports aka visuals: visual schedule, token chart, timer and a First/Then board.
At their halfway point they reminded listeners to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod and check out their Patreon page! Also, make sure to visit us at Table 872 at ASHA Convention.
They then went on to to various case studies where Maria and Deb went over how to implement behavioral strategies and supports to reduce negative behaviors. The behaviors ranged form calling out in class, kicking, etc. etc. etc. Maria and Deb bounced various ideas off each other, what can work, what they have tried, and what does not work.
At the end of the show they talked about Robert Firestone who is a clinical psychologist about the 6 aspects of being an authentic adult. This included: rationality, formulating and implementing goals, equality in relationships, active vs. passive, non-defensiveness and openness and personal power. They ended their episode with two quotes, number one "being openhearted to absolutely everything leads to a beautiful sense of joy" and "the best apology is changed behavior".
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Welcome to their Halloween Special! Deb and Maria drank a 2017 Dove Hunt Dog Riesling and paired it with Cheddar cheese. The Riesling is fruity and dry, it contains hints of green apple, lemon and ginger. The wine is from Scout & Cellar which is made from grapes without pesticides, no added chemicals or added sugar. There is a 10% discount for SLPs if they email and write "SLP Wine Discount" in the subject title. That's 10% off already on top of 5% off for 6 bottles and 10% off 12 bottles. Deb and Maria both voted "drink it" for this delicious and healthy vegan wine.
They introduced a new segment called "This week in life/ This week in speech" where both Maria's and Deb's friends got engaged, yay! In speech, Maria has been working with the classroom teachers and sequencing stories and activities. Deb has been writing stories about Halloween characters to target literacy and inferencing/predicting. Next, they then played Halloween movie trivia, where Maria failed miserably with a 60% out of 100%.
At their halfway point they reminded listeners to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod and check out their Patreon page! Also, make sure to visit us at Table 872 at ASHA Convention.
They then went on to review how to incorporate Halloween in speech therapy sessions to work on: receptive language, expressive language, articulation, social skills and literacy activities. Maria suggested working on initiating questions with topics related to Halloween such as "what's your favorite type of candy?". She also talked about a sequencing activity such as "how to get a lot of candy on Halloween". Deb shared her idea of using a Pun-kin and having the students say, listen to and interpret jokes. This week for Freebie Friday they will share their favorite Halloween printables to use.
Together they shared their Tips and Tricks, where Deb recommended using a microphone in speech therapy. Maria recommended having the clients use role-playing scenarios in preparation for Halloween. They ended their episode with a quote from the witches of William Shakespeare's MacBeth "double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble." They interpreted this to me that eventually your mistakes will catch up to you. Essentially they stated it's okay to make up mistakes and own up to them. Happy Halloween!
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Deb and Maria welcomed their guest Amy to the show. They drank a 2015 Pebble Lane Pinot Noir. They paired it with a stinky yet delicious Truffle Noire Gouda cheese from Holland. Deb also made mac and cheese cups, they were delicious! Deb and Amy did not taste the vanilla highlights or cherry flavor that Maria pointed out. Nonetheless they all drank the wine and ate the stinky cheese with Deb's cheese cups. Deb and Amy have been friends for an arbitrary number of years. They have a lot in common: they are both dating comedians and welcome all the wine despite its taste.
Listeners got to know Amy during a game of This or That where Amy selected trends from either 1980s vs. 1990s. Amy talked about how she grew up in Connecticut and went to different fashion schools all over the country. Amy started in the fashion industry and took a temporary placement that eventually led to a change in her career. They discussed how their lives at age 30 are not what they had planned nor envisioned. Amy then went on to discuss the 5 fashion essentials SLPs should own: a blazer, a belt, comfortable flats, a crisp white button down shirt and black (comfortable) slacks. Amy also said that if you wouldn't currently buy what you own now, then toss it!
At their halfway point they reminded listeners to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod and check out their Patreon page! They forgot to mention to come visit us at Table 872 at ASHA Convention.
Amy will be designing the T-shirts Deb and Maria will have for sale at the ASHA 2018 Convention in Boston!
Together they shared their Tips and Tricks, where Deb recommended wearing lipstick and nail polish to enhance your therapy sessions. Deb recommended taking data to see if this tip is effective. Maria recommended putting insoles in shoes since SLPs are on their feet all day. Amy suggested using Rent the Runway to have preplanned outfits for the week. They ended their episode with a quote from the infamous Coco Chanel "If you want to be original be ready to be copied".
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Deb and Maria switched gears and instead of their typical wine and cheese they drank Yogi Bedtime tea and ate Junior's cheesecake. So SLPs more tea please and SLPs more cheesecake please. They both voted "sip it" for the wonderful and soothing Chamomile and Passionflower tea.
Together they discussed how Psychology Today stated that art therapy is a create method of expression used as a therapeutic technique. It originated in the fields of art and psychotherapy. The goal of art therapy is to increase expression creatively to increase mental, physical and emotional well being. Art therapy can be used with children, adolescents and adults to explore their emotions, increase self-esteem, decrease frustration and anxiety without artistic talent.
Deb and Maria discussed the benefits of using art since it helps with problem solving, cognitive flexibility, etc. Deb and Maria talked about the efficacy of using art in combination with speech therapy. They specifically talked about how to incorporate art with clients with: Autism, fluency disorder and Aphasia. There were commonalities across these populations of how art decreases frustration, uses the right hemisphere and increases initiation and spontaneity. Autism research conducted by Andrea Gilroy "Art therapy, research and EBP". Fluency article by R. Krutulience & V. Makauskiene (2012). Aphasia article was published by Kim, Kim, Lee & Chun (2008).
At their halfway point they reminded listeners to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod and check out their Patreon page! They also reminded listeners to visit Table 872 at ASHA Convention,
Together they shared their Tips and Tricks, where Deb recommended using art in combination with poems and linguistic concepts. Maria recommended using sabotage strategy and having clients use the phrase "I need a---" or "May I have--". They ended their episode with their tea quotes, Maria's tea quote was " Create the sequence of goodness, consequences will be always good." and Deb's was " You don't need love, you are the love".
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Deb and Maria welcomed their guest, Michelle L. W. Dawson from Heartwood Speech Therapy from Colombia, South Carolina. She has her own podcast First Bite: Fed, Fun, Functional. She hosts online seminars with She also tours nationally with PESI Inc. on pediatric dysphagia for medically fragile clients. She also holds the ASHA ACE Award recipient in March 2018. She joined Deb and Maria from South Carolina while we both sipped sparking white wine. Deb and Maria were a guest on Michelle's podcast, be sure to check out First Bite: Fed, Fun, Functional.
Deb and Maria drank sparking white wine Nando Fragolino and paired it with Kerrygold Dubliner aged cheese. Michelle drank Yellow tail bubbles Sparkling white wine and paired it with her kid's string cheese. Deb and Michelle voted "drink it" while Maria voted their incredibly sweet wine "sink it".
Deb and Maria interviewed Michelle, she talked about her experiences working as a SLP-A in a public school, hospital and to today working in early intervention with medically fragile children. Michelle discussed how important it is to dig deeper to get to the core issue, work on a team and know when to refer to other professionals.
Together they shared their Tips and Tricks, where Deb recommended using oil pastels and Maria recommended using old phone books. Michelle ended the episode with a lovely quote "history was not created by well behaved woman".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria welcomed their OT Katie back again for part 2 of their occupational therapy series. Deb, Katie and Maria drank Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey and Greek Kefalograviera cheese with some tangerines. Katie and Deb voted "drink it", while Maria initially voted "sink it", however as she sipped it she then voted "sink it". They switched it up by recording on a Sunday and they changed their setting to Maria's home.
Together they quickly played "Say Anything" as a quick way to get to know each other. Next, they defined fine motor skills as the coordination of small muscle movements including synchronization of hands, fingers and eye movements. Maria's brother, Chris talked about how he received occupational therapy in the '90s. He talked about what he was required to do and how it has helped his handwriting in Greek and still today.
Katie then went on to discuss topics such as hand/finger strength, hand-eye coordination, hand dominance, hand division, bilateral integration, postural control and body awareness (proprioception). They agreed that core strength is fundamental but also to continually assess core issues.
They went on to share their Tips and Trick, Katie recommended using a mechanic pencil...aaaaand that's when gargageband decided it was finsihed recording. So this one is a cliff hanger, folks.
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Deb and Maria welcomed their guest, occupational therapist Katie. Prior to the recording of this episode they drank "baby wine" Barefoot Bubbly Pink Moscato Champagne, Deb voted "sink it" but Maria voted "drink it". During the episode they drank Wild Turkey Honey Whiskey, they all voted "drink it". They paired both the whiskey and "baby wine" with goat cheese. Katie pointed out how the goat cheese has a mild taste and creamy texture. Deb gave an introduction about occupational therapy where the goal is to help people across their lifespan to achieve activities of daily living.
They played "This or That" as a way to get to know our guest of honor and Maria. Deb and Katie are also in a relationship with a comedian. They then discussed sensory integration therapy and how it includes exposure to sensory stimuli in a structured and repetitive in order to increase organization in the brain. They also discussed a Sensory diet and how it increases the client's attention to "get them in the right state". Following their "See-Do-Write" segment they discussed what certain sensory-seeking behaviors look like, ways to incorporate certain activities into sessions and how to write specific goals for these students.
At the halfway point, Deb and Maria reminded listeners to follow them on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @maria_kotsonisslp and @deborahbrookscccslp
Katie then answered listener's questions related to oral sensory-seeking behaviors and went over the 6 senses. As per the usual, they gave their Tips and Tricks where they agreed pairing what the client hates and loves leads to success. They ended with "when you judge others, you do not define them; you define yourself".
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Deb and Maria drank El Grano Carmenere 2015 and paired it with a smooth brie cheese on a bruschetta, courtesy of Mike Recine. Deb and Maria voted "drink it" despite its strong acidic taste and potential to leave a stain. Luckily, Maria did not stain her white shirt nor Deb her black shirt.
Deb gave the real definition of multi-tasking and turns out, Maria is a true multi-tasker. They continued to play their "I have a goal for that" game and efficiently used the bell. Deb and Maria gave SMART goals for various disorders.
Maria and Deb gave sample goals and case studies for: aphasia, AAC, VPI, literacy, dysarthria and receptive and expressive language. Woah, they made sure to cover all the topics! They agreed goals should be individualized and treating the whole client. They discussed the overall goal is to help everyone generalize their skills to their activities of daily living.
As per the usual, Deb and Maria shared their Tips & Tricks. Feeling inspired from the current episode, Maria suggested using a bell in therapy sessions due to its versatility. Deb followed up with using timer/s in speech therapy sessions to organize and segment sessions. Together they agreed timers and bells are the way to go. They ended with their quote "you will find success in all that you pursue as long as you commit your efforts faithfully."
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank a white sparkling wine by Andre Cellars Brut California. They paired the fizzy wine with a smooth Brie cheese. They came to the realization that wine and cheese pairings should be perfect opposites and bring out the best in each other. Maria and Deb assessed and created #goals for their podcast, themselves and each other. Maria has a #goal for more wine and cheese and Deb enthusiastically told listeners their coming plans for T-shirts, a booth and a banner for the ASHA Convention 2018.
Maria and Deb agreed that goal writing should be individualized and encompass the whole client. The overall goal of goal writing is to promote independence, improve quality of life and give clients skills to problem-solve and self-advocate. Goals should also be written as SMART goals and derived from an assessment. Deb and Maria then played "I have a goal for that" game where one provided a brief case study and the other gave a sample goal. Unfortunately, they didn't always remember to use the bell provided.
Deb and Maria described case studies based on a given disorder. They went into detail about different ways of writing and implementing the goals, taking data and breaking down the goals into short term objectives. Maria and Deb discussed goals for: phonology, AAC, articulation, hearing impairment, dysfluency and more.
As per the usual, Deb and Maria stated their quote and then unconventionally ended with their Tip and Trick segment. Since Deb changed the outline of the podcast, they ran out of time which is perfectly fine because...stay tuned for part 2 of our #goals episode series!
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Here is our Season 2 debut! Deb and Maria welcomed their guest, Christina to the show. The trio drank a 2005 Beaujolais Nouveau Red Beaujolais wine. They paired it with a smooth and nutty Gruyére cheese. They also snacked on some cherries and fresh watermelon to stay cool in the summer heat. This was the first wine Deb didn't really like she voted "sink it", after drinking it of course. Maria truly enjoyed the wine and even believed it made her smarter, our guest Christina also voted "drink it". As an icebreaker they played Two Truths and Lie. Turns out Maria has danced on a Broadway stage, Deb did not play basketball and Christina's birthday is on the 4th of July. Deb, Maria and Christina realized they are the same horoscope sign...cheers to being a Cancer.
They played the 20 Questions game where Deb and Maria asked Christina questions related to her childhood, undergrad and graduate career and being a clinical fellow (CF). Christina shared her experiences about applying to graduate school, taking the GRE, her research study and some insight about being a CF. Maria and Deb reminisced about their graduate school days and agreed with Christina's advice of being confident and having faith in yourself.
At the halfway point, Deb and Maria answered a listener question and reminded listeners to follow the podcast on Instagram @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod or email us at: for further questions.
Christina answered the remaining questions while Deb's voice grew more hoarse by the minute. Christina shared how Deb was her CF supervisor and reflected on their CF/supervisor relationship. This included monthly pizza meetings and a Glow and Grow running Google document. As per the usual, for their Tips and Tricks segment Deb, Maria and Christina gave helpful advice for therapy and paperwork management. Although the 3 SLPs have different backgrounds, experiences and personalities one theme was agreed upon: Believe in yourself and be confident. Most individuals don't know that you're new to the field, so be like a duck; stay calm on the surface even though underneath you are paddling fiercely to stay afloat.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this bonus episode you get to know Maria and Deb much better because we discuss all of our favorite things. We also play a singing game because OBVI we love singing.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode we are drinking Prosecco an Italian sparkling white wine paired with Brie cheese. Brie is a soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated. It is pale in color with a slight grayish tinge under a rind of white mould.
Everyone thought that the two paired fine. Deb thought it was good. Mike preferred to talk about other cheeses that weren't on the table. Maria liked the bubbliness of the wine and the smoothness of the cheese was a nice combo.
Mike votes SINK it. Maria and Deb vote DRINK it.
We concluded that Mike and Maria are passionate about food and Deb is passionate about speech therapy.
Then we decided to take a bit of a break from speech pathology and instead we decided to talk about dating.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is a special addition of SLPs More Water Please!
We are being cognitively flexible and not obsessing over adhering to an established routine!
What is cognitive flexibility?
Cognitive flexibility has been described as the mental ability to switch between thinking about two different concepts, and to think about multiple concepts simultaneously.
Cognitive flexibility refers to the brain’s ability to transition from thinking about one concept to another. The quicker you are able to switch or “shift” your thinking from one dimension (e.g. color of an object) to another (e.g. shape of an object), the greater your level of cognitive flexibility.
Shifting, or cognitive flexibility, is described as the ability to refocus attention to relevant stimuli (Diamond, 2006) and also simultaneously consider conflicting representations of information in order to execute goal-directed behavior (Jacques & Zelazo, 2005). Cognitive inflexibility is thought to manifest as perseveration on a prepotent response, which demonstrates an individual's difficulty or inability to shift to new representations (Zelazo et al., 2003). Young children show perseveration on shifting tasks by making consistent errors and showing difficulty in inhibiting a prepotent response (Zelazo et al., 2003). Inflexibility is most consistently observed in TD children under 3, with increases in shifting abilities occurring between 3 and 5 years. Perseveration is observed in individuals with a variety of disorders associated with deficits in frontal lobe functioning, such as traumatic brain injury and autism (Zelazo et al., 2003).
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Happy 4th of July! Here is our Independence Day special where we drink Angry Orchard Hard Cider Rosé. No cheese was consumed at this time due to it being bikini season. However, we did describe different types of beer, SLPs beer and cheese?
Deb discussed her difficult experience with a coworker and her decision to work weekends over the summer. Maria checked in on her acceptance of her turning/being 30 years old. Together they discussed their pursuit of happiness and the benefits of solitude.
"It could all be gone tomorrow" so express gratitude, appreciation and live in the moment. Nothing is permanent, so being present, and accepting change, is the key to living your best life.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode Deb and Maria discuss Theory of Mind and it's involvement in Speech Pathology.
1:27 Maria is feeling toasty.
We sipped on Colosi Nero D'avola 2016. Maria loved it! Both Deb and Maria voted drink it. It's from Sicily, Italy.
Nero d’Avola is one of the full-bodied wines of the world in the same boldness as Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinotage, and Syrah.
Primary flavors come from the grape variety itself
Secondary flavors come from winemaking and fermentation
Tertiary flavors come from aging (most typically from oak barrels or oxidation)
This wine pairs well with meat, shellfish, and aged cheese.
We ate manchego cheese and Deb also made some shrimp fra diavolo with Mike's famous Recine Brother's Tomato Sauce! YUM
We chatted about Schrödinger's cat:
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects.
Here's the story: A cat is locked up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter, there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small, that perhaps in the course of the hour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges and through a relay releases a hammer that shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The psi-function of the entire system would express this by having in it the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts.
Finally we get to Theory of Mind: The theory that people have ideas, desires, and motivations that are diverging. Many people on the Autism spectrum often struggle to understand that other people have their own plans, thoughts, and points of view. This causes them to have difficulty understanding other people's beliefs, attitudes, and emotions. This impacts their ability to relate and communicate.
We also get into anxiety and neurotransmitters for some reason.
Then we get back on track with theory of mind and talk about false truth tests!
Listen in to find out how theory of mind can impact kids on your caseload in the classroom setting.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria chat with comedian Mike Recine.
We drink Proseco paired with Brie Cheese and discuss what its like to have a sibling with Autism.
Please enjoy.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria mixed it up and drank coffee and ate bacon egg and cheese while chatting about Autism! It's important to sometimes deviate from the norm and mix up the repetitiveness. Also, it was 10am.
Deb and Maria discussed Autism Spectrum Disorders in the school aged population and highlighted the importance of intrinsic motivation!
We explain what you'll SEE what you should DO and what you should WRITE #goals when working with these peeps.
Thank you to our listeners who helped us reach over 3,000 downloads in a month! Email us at we would like to hear your feedback. Follow us on Instagram at: @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @deborahbrookscccslp @maria_kotsonisslp @colorinspeech
After the halfway point, Maria and Deb talked about the value of visuals!
We concluded the episode with sample goals for children with Autism in the school setting: asking and answering social questions, answering personal information questions, understanding other's belief's and emotions, and providing 3 salient attributes to describe pictured common objects.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Deb and Maria drank Redwood Creek California Merlot from Frei Brothers Vineyard a Vintage 2008 (wow was it strong and made Deborah burp). We paired the merlot with white cheddar. The cheese helped soak up the strong alcoholic and intense taste. Maria voted "sink it" where Deb of course said "drink it."
Thank you to Pre-Care SLP for donating acoustic panels visit their website at
Deb and Maria discussed the definition of Autism Spectrum Disorders. We went over important questions to ask parents/caregivers, "red flags" and signs and symptoms of Autism. Deb talked about how she uses a box full of brushes to engage her client while Maria uses simple ol' bubbles.
Thank you to our listeners who helped us reach over 2,000 downloads in less than a month! Email us at we would like to hear your feedback. Follow us on Instagram at: @slps_wine_and_cheese_pod @deborahbrookscccslp @maria_kotsonisslp @colorinspeech
After the halfway point, Maria and Deb talked about their different perspectives about meditation, getting along with other individuals and both agreed they don't need other people's validation.
We concluded the episode with sample goals for children with Autism: using functional language, identifying family members, following directions and more! As usual we ended our show with our tips and tricks segment and our quote was "it's not a disability, it's a different ability".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Maria and Deb drank Robert Mondavi Pinot Noir California 2015 from the Private Selection. The even-bodied Pinot Noir had the perfect amount of fruitiness and acidity. We paired the wine with feta cheese. The saltiness of the feta enhanced the sweetness in the wine. Each brought out the best in each other.
Deborah and Maria went on to disucss the different types of assessments and further broke it down by client's age. Deborah discussed strategies to elicit a spontaneous sample. Maria explained some pros and cons of formal assessments across ages.
#SLPSwineandcheese "Fun Friday on 5/25". Post your favorite picture of cheese (any kind of cheese) and use our hashtag. Follow @Maria_kotsonisslp and @deborahbrookscccslp on Instagram. Also, feel free to email us with any questions, recommendations, etc. at
Assess yourself before you wreck yourself. Take a look at "It didn't start with you" by Mark Wolymn. Let us know what you think about his take on "core language". Look inward and figure out your own feelings. As per the usual, we ended with our practical tips and tricks.
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Deb and Maria discuss the "Yanny vs. Laurel" debate and it's relation to speech science and perception.
We drank Chateau Canteloup 2001 a Red Bordeaux and ate goat cheese (we get very French in this episode). Deborah didn't taste the acidity in the wine because of her lack of perception of tastes.
"View every session like goat cheese", Deborah and Maria discussed evidence based therapy approaches targetting phonology, articulation and literacy. They explained the importance of a multi-modality approach in teaching clients phonology, articulation and appropriate motor speech patterns.
Also, Maria needs to stop perceiving the need to be right all the time.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Meet Deb and Maria. Two NYC SLPs give practical Speech Therapy tips and tricks while enjoying wine and cheese.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.