(00:00:51) Approval of Minutes:
- May 18, 2023
- May 25, 2023 BoE
(00:01:33) Approval of Agenda:
(00:02:03) Reports of Officials and Committees:
- Mayor’s Report
- Assembly Committee Reports
- Treasurer’s Report
- Manager’s Report
(00:12:33) Communications to the Assembly:
- Correspondence
- Hear Citizens Present
(00:17:37) Ordinances, Resolutions, & Proclamations:
- Public Hearing, Second Reading, and Adoption of Ordinance No. 23-12 Amending SMC 4.10.030 Exemption for Senior Citizen and Disabled Veteran Property Tax
- Public Hearing, Second Reading, and Adoption of Ordinance No. 23-13 Conveying Certain Properties to the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks Lodge No. 431
- Public Hearing, Second Reading, and Adoption of Ordinance No. 23-14 Amending the FY23 Budget Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 23-15 Granting a Non-Exclusive Franchise Permit to Alaska Power and Telephone
- Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 23-16 Requiring Bulk Ore Shipment to be Containerized
- Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution 23-25R Directing Staff to Retain a Title Search Regarding Block 95 and 102
(01:11:26) New Business:
- Approval of Station Request to Close Fourth Avenue for Fourth of July Festivities
- Approval of FY24 Skagway School District Budget
- Authorization to Submit S’áxt’ Héeni (Devil’s Club River) Subdivision Application to the Planning & Zoning Commission
- Approval of Geo-Comm GIS Data Maintenance Renewal Contract
- Approval of Draft Letter Supporting Rockslide Mitigation Funding in FY24 State Capital Budget
(01:31:59) Mayor and Assembly Discussion Items
(01:56:23) ExecutiveSession:
- To discuss matters which by law, municipal charter, or ordinance are required to be confidential: Discussion with borough attorney regarding Hosford v. Municipality of Skagway