Content manager for She Walks In Truth, Kailey Mattarella, and podcast host, Carrie Robaina, introduce a new podcast feature of quarterly episodes on "Ask Carrie and Kailey". Together, they're going to help answer questions listeners have about faith, life, and "get to know you" questions about themselves, too! This week's episode focuses on turning worry into worship and how to get "unstuck" in those challenging times. Stay tuned for an interactive and thought provoking conversation! Turning Worry Into Worship (2:00)
Last week Carrie posted a blurb on Facebook about turning worship into worry. In return, someone commented back “how” and this led Carrie to think, “that is a great question!” If we don’t understand something or aren’t sure, it’s important to be bold and just ask the simple question of, “but how”.
What is Worship (2:45)
Worship is not confined in a box. Worship to Kailey is inviting God into whatever you are doing! If that means waking up and getting out of bed when it’s hard to or singing with others at a local church body, there are so many ways we can worship God.
Carrie’s take on Worship (3:40)
Worship is a word we often hear in Church and sometimes we can get in a mindset that it’s a slow song everyone sings, but Carrie’s take is a little different. Worship is in everything, in fact of all of creation worships God! Whether it be the birds singing or the spiders weaving their webb, it’s all worship. Worship can take on different expressions and forms depending on what season we’re in as well. Maybe it’s turning on worship music at home, choosing to eat healthy, or even dancing around as a way to choose joy instead of worry.
Endless Possibilities (6:30)
There are endless possibilities on what worship can be! Waking up early to make lunch for a child, helping someone with a chore, or caring for your family, are all ways of worship. When we submit our lives to God in everything we do, that is worship.
Temptation to Worry (9:00)
This past spring, Carrie went through a big life transition. She and her family sold their house, moved to a different state, all while caring for the kids, going to graduate school, running multiple businesses, and trying to maintain good health. On top of all that change, health problems arose which caused Carrie to get sick day after day. As she went through this tough season, there were many opportunities to turn worry into worship.
A Season of Endurance (11:30)
Though Carrie found herself in the ER multiple times this summer, she was determined to still call on the name of God, no matter what. Some nights, Carrie could hardly sit up, other nights, she couldn’t sing. But the nights Carrie was able to sing, she recited the verse over and over of “heal me and I shall be healed, save me and I shall be saved” as a declaration and praise to God.
Embracing the Unknowns (13:00)
When there have been alot of unknowns, Kailey has found herself worrying and trying to control situations. As she’s started to release worry, give it to God, and let go, it’s helped her learn how to rest. The act of being intentional with rest is something that has been huge in this season for Kailey and she encourages listeners to do the same.
Resting (16:00)
Resting can be an act of worship, too. We are not worshipping some unknown God in the universe, but rather the triune God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Joyful Worship (17:00)
We can worship God while having Fun! Whether it be going out for coffee with friends, walking around the neighborhood, or doing some creative poroject, thank God for who He is through it all.
Psalm 96:13 (18:30)
Psalm 96:13 says, “Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness.” When we worship God, He’s going to inspect our hearts.
Made New (19:30)
God is the one who gives us true peace. When we’re in God’s word, study God’s word, and know God’s word, we start to live it out and think of it more often.
How to get Unstuck (20:20)
Back in 2017, Kailey went through an emotionally and mentally challenging year. Looking back now, she recognizes there were many thoughts and memories she allowed herself to dwell in such as painful memories and hurts instead of dwelling in truths and speaking those out. We all think thoughts, let’s make sure to think on the thoughts that will benefit us in the long run.
Internal Dialogue (23:00)
Our internal dialouge has the power to move us forward or keep us stuck. In the church, it seems like we don’t talk about these things enough.
Our Thoughts Matter (24:00)
Before we say it outloud, we’ve already had to think about it within. Alot of getting unstuck starts with the mind and taking thoughts captive on what we’re actually thinking about. The first step to getting free from bad thoughts, is by recognizing them in the first place. Let’s not wait, but start doing that today!
Gaze on Him (25:50)
It's in our best interest to keep our eyes gazed on God!
What is your Portion (26:45)
If you’re in a season where you have alot going on, God will give you the capacity to keep doing that. At the same time, being busy does not make us super Christian! If you think you may be too busy, just ask God to help you. Holy spirit is your best guide in navigating with the day to day schedule. What is your portion today?
Get Unstuck Tips (28:45)
One, Remember God is in control and He’s not surprised by the things your struggling with. Two, prioritize your time by thinking about what you’re thinking about! It’s important to take thoughts captive. Three, create! God created us to create and that is one way to get rejuvinated.
Turn up the Volume (31:00)
When going through a rough time, make sure to blast that worship music! You may be surprised on how the atmosphere can change when we sing praises to God.
Ask Carrie and Kailey(31:50)
Carrie and Kailey are excited about this new feature of quarterly episodes on “Ask Carrie and Kailey” and are open to every and any kind of question you may have. Whether it be a serious faith question, a life question, or a goofy question for either of them, they’re are open for all of it! Do you have a question for Carrie and Kailey? Send a DM with your question on Instagram or Facebook, or send an email with your question to
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ASK CARRIE AND KAILEY Carrie and Kailey are excited about this new feature of quarterly She Walks In Truth podcast episodes on “Ask Carrie and Kailey”. Together, they're going to help answer questions listeners have about faith, life, and “get to know you” questions about themselves, too! Whether it be a serious faith question, a life question, or a goofy question for either of them, they’re are open for all of it! Do you have a question for Carrie and Kailey? Send a DM with your question on Instagram or Facebook, or send an email with your question to