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After a portal to another dimension is opened with the help of CIA scientists and the Scion, Lea, a psionic operative, a creature from the other side emerges, kills everyone and kidnaps her. Jace, the former leader of a secret task force code-named Nova is called into action by Stone, head of the Scion CIA research program, to reassemble his old team; Xenia, a Herald with telekinetic powers from another world, Aiden, a hulking brute with unmatched strength and Scott, a genius scientist who could put Einstein to shame. Together, they must work to put their pasts aside and find inner strength that will unite them and overcome the mystery of an infectious plague with sentient capabilities that razed ancient civilizations, controlled by a monster who defies death itself
Written and Created by – Jedaiah Ramnarine
Narration/Production/Director – Antoni LaVecchia
Art Design – Jedaiah Ramnarine
Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/AntoniImmersiveAudiobooks
Website – https://www.psiraise.com/sci-ops-nova
Email – antonimediaproductions@gmail.com