I want to talk about something that’s been weighing on me a bit And to do that, I felt compelled to share this story of something that I went through myself recently. I think it’s entirely possible that many of you go through this same struggle too.
Sometimes I forget where I came from. I forget about the journey and what it took for me to get to where I am today.
In order to reach the dream, the life we envision for ourselves, we often have to reframe the way we think! We have to be able to open up to the possibilities for how we see ourselves.
Your perception becomes your reality.
Your next level is not available to you until you actually see it as a possibility and believe that it is yours for the taking.
The wild thing is, you alone have the power to turn this thing on its head.
Our default is to discount ourselves. We see others that have what we so desperately want, and we just immediately think, that could never be me. Maybe this is happening to you right now.
But every once in a while, we see that light! The evidence that we need to prove that our dream is possible is right in front of us, staring us in the face. When we feel that jealousy, that’s an indicator to pay attention! If someone else is doing it, it’s available to us too.
We have to bring awareness to that fact and then shift our own narrative to possibility. When we can do that, this is what I call a divergent moment.
So my question to you is this: what is the thing(s) that you want in your life or your business right now, that you are willing to go out on a limb for and awaken what’s possible by choosing to see it differently?