Rotary Club Radio Episode 022
Rotary Minute
A special note that Thursday, June 23, 2011, is the installation of District 5960’s next District Governor, Judy Freund in beautiful Historic Hudson, Wisconsin. The celebration will include an evening of culture and Service Above Self!
Judy is a life-long educator who is committed to supporting international education in the schools. She received her bachelor’s degree in Broad Area Social Studies from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and her Masters in Curriculum and Doctorate in Education Leadership from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.
In addition, Judy has served as president of the Hudson Daybreak Club in 2002-2003, is the co-chair of the Social Concerns Committee at St. Patrick’s Church in Hudson, and is active in local community sustainability efforts. The opportunity to serve as District Governor extends the interest in involvements that highlight service and the opportunity to make a difference.
Rotary Club Radio looks forward to having Governor Judy on with very soon, but for now, I’d like to say welcome and congratulations on your new position in Rotary District 5960.
Featured Segment
Today on Rotary Club Radio, I want to talk about Fundraising. Rotary Clubs love to provide service and opportunity to serve, but many times the projects that would best serve the community are costly. Not just in time and effort, but many time in dollars. Rotary Clubs around the world have found unique ways to raise funds to bring in the necessary financial support to complete the humanitarian projects that are so important in thousands of cites all over the world.
So the question is, How Does Your Club Raise Money?
Today I want to focus on a few clubs within District 5960 and what they are doing to raise funds for their clubs and give you an opportunity to 1. participate in the efforts and 2. share your unique fundraising ideas with Rotary Club Radio.
Roseville Rotary Club – 4th Annual “Taste of Rose Fest”
As stated on their website: “This event is the backbone of our funding for all the good work Roseville Rotary does in this community and throughout the world,” said Roseville Rotary President Loren Anderson.
An example of some of the projects they’ve funded…
Ready! Set! Read! – an award-winning early childhood literacy program; Bridging; Roseville Area Senior Program; Rotary Woods in Central Park; STRIVE – a mentoring and scholarship program for high school seniors; Polio Plus – Rotary’s worldwide effort to eradicate polio; Kids Voting; Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts; NW Youth & Family Services; school, hospital and water projects in Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Haiti; Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly; and many more.
This event is scheduled for Thursday evening, June 30, 2011, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
There will be 27 food tasting and wine stations from approximately 20 area businesses will be located at the Central Park Arboretum and Rotary Woods at the Dale Street park entrance between County Roads C and B2.
It is a unique opportunity for discriminating diners to sample and compare some of the finest food dishes and wines local area restaurants have to offer.
When that happens everybody wins. Please join us.
Described as an upscale “ticketed” wine and food sampling event with entertainment and silent auction. Opportunities for restaurateurs to tempt new customers. Opportunities for sponsors to exhibit community pride and gain exposure. Last year we served more than 650 attendees.
The goal of Rotary is to give our support, time, and talents and put them back into our community. Help us make a difference and have lots of fun doing it. I see this as a great way to raise funds and connect with the community in a meaningful way. Great Job! Congratulations to the Roseville Rotary Club on creating this an amazing event and I hope that if you’re in the district, you’ll go to www.tasteofrosefest.org and find out more.
St. Croix Falls, Hudson Day Break, and St. Croix Rotaract Club Car Raffle
The 2011 Rotary Raffle, which features a 2011 Ford Mustang or $15,000 in cash as the Grand Prize and a Fox 50 Scooter as the 2nd prize, is a collaborative effort between 3 clubs. The car and scooter are transported to different events around the area – county fairs, parades, festivals, carnivals, etc. and tickets are sold up until the drawing which will be held at the Wings and Wheels Festival on September 11, 2011, at 4 pm at Mill Pond Park in Osceola, WI
Sometimes it can be tough collaborating with multiple clubs, but if your club can do it, there are great opportunities for successful fundraising.
Now both the Roseville Rotary Club and the St. Croix Falls/Hudson Daybreak Rotary Club took the time to explain why they are raising funds and how to get involved.
If you’d like to purchase a ticket for this Raffle, you can contact someone from the St. Croix Falls, Hudson Day Break, or St. Croix Rotaract Clubs or go to scfRotary.org for more information.
If your Rotary Club has a fundraising idea or a successful fundraiser you’d like to share or if you would like to use Rotary Club Radio as a way to promote your fundraiser to District 5960 and all the listeners around the world, go to RotaryClubRaido.com and click “Submit a Story” to tell us about it.
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To contact the host of this program with questions, show ideas, or any other reason, email him at kirk@rotaryclubradio.com. Rotary Club Radio is produced with the support of Rotary District 5960 and Rotary International.
Copyright 2011