Welcome to Roses & Weeds! A City of Tyler podcast that is here to keep you up to date with current events and news related to our beautiful city.In our this episode, we have special guests Amber Rojas the Historic Preservation Officer and Downtown Design Liaison for the City of Tyler, Tara Holley Jones with Alpha Media Group the Chairperson for the Downtown Tyler Film Festival, and Adriana Rodriguez who works with Marketing and Sponsorship with the Downtown Tyler Film Festival. With Amber we talk about the Tyler Historic Preservation mission and about the many opportunities to see many of the historic sites that make Tyler so beautiful and unique. Please feel free to reach out to the Historic Preservation team for any questions or to learn about upcoming tours. Their number is 903-531-1175. Also on their website you can find a Local Historic Preservation Interactive Map, a Texas Historical Commission Map, a calendar of upcoming events, and much more! http://www.cityoftyler.org/Departments/HistoricPreservation.aspxThe Tyler 1st Historic Preservation Plan can be found here: https://www.cityoftyler.org/Portals/0/Documents/Planning%20Department/Tyler%201st/Final%20Chapter/6.%20Historic%20Preservation.pdfShorty the Squirrel’s gravestone can be found at the City Square in Tyler Texas. https://www.google.com/maps/place/City+Square,+N+Broadway+Ave,+Tyler,+TX+75702/@32.351204,-95.3016825,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8649ceb0c00e1bf3:0x9bd48d72ea2460d6!8m2!3d32.3513447!4d-95.301266For more information about the Downtown Tyler Film Festival please visit them on the web here: http://www.tylerfilmfest.com/, or reach out to the Festival Director Tara Holley Jones (tara@tylerfilmfestival.com, 903-593-6905). Also please like their facebook page to see notices of upcoming events in Tyler https://www.facebook.com/tylerfilmfest!Roses & Weeds is recorded at the Tyler Innovation Pipeline, which is a makers space staffed by the city of Tyler and the University of Texas Tyler College of Business and Technology where you too can come record a podcast with our world class audio studio, record something on a huge professionally lit green screen, use 3d Printers, Laser Cutters, and so much more. Memberships are now available.Roses & Weeds is hosted by City employees Veronica Brady Innovation Manager of the Innovation Pipeline and by Samuel Brady, Engineering Services. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for future show topics please reach out to us at PublicRelations@TylerTexas.com, and be sure to #roses&weeds all your questions to the City of Tyler on social media.Recordings of City Council, as well as Meeting Agendas, can be found here: tylercitytx.iqm2.com/Citizens/Default.aspx. City Council meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at City Hall 212 N. Bonner Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.Music used in intro and outro is Surfing day by Marcos H. Bolanos on Unchained Melodies Vol. 2, Creative Commons. Roses & Weeds is a City of Tyler production, all rights reserved.This episode was produced by Bob Mauldin, Julie Goodgame, Samuel Brady, and Veronica Brady. Edited by Samuel Brady. Shownotes by Samuel Brady.
Roses & Weeds is recorded at the Downtown Visitors Center and is hosted by the City of Tyler's Communication Department. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for future show topics, please reach out to us at PublicRelations@TylerTexas.com and be sure to use #rosesandweeds on all your questions to the City of Tyler on social media.