About Chrissie
Chrissie Bozeman is a wife and mother. After years of searching for answers for unexplainable medical symptoms affecting her son, she finally found what she was looking for as well as a natural path toward his healing. In doing so, she found a healing of her own. Both of these situations equipped her to help other families navigating similar health journeys.
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Resilience Naturopathic
PANS/PANDAS is a condition that occurs most commonly in children, but is also seen in adults. In most cases it’s not something that the child appears to be born with (in other words, they can appear healthy and developmentally normal for a period of time, often years and then they have an onset of PANS/PANDAS.) Sometimes the onset is a sudden and drastic overnight change, sometimes it is more gradual. The changes you might see in your child could be physical, neurological or behavioral and often a combination of all three.
Symptoms to look for (but not limited to):
OCD (Compulsions, Intrusive thoughts, Thought loops)
Anxiety/Fear/Separation Anxiety
Anger/Rage/Oppositional Defiance
Food restriction/change in eating habits
Behavioral regressions
Handwriting changes
Sudden changes in schoolwork / Cognitive changes
Sleep changes
Urinary issues (Enuresis, phantom wetness or Urinary Frequency/Urgency)
Sensory issues (light/noise/clothing/certain textures)
Emotional lability/Mood changes/Depression
The root problem (what's happening in the body) with Pans/Pandas is a misguided immune response. The body can’t tell the difference between the pathogen (invader cell) and the bodies own healthy cells and starts raging a war inside their bodies. This causes a huge inflammatory process and these kids not only have inflammation in their body but their brain as well. This misguided immune response is key in understanding Pans/Pandas as we usually see some type of immune component (not always, but usually.) So for example, the onset of Pans/Pandas might have happened following the flu, or Covid, or strep, or Pneumonia, or an ear infection.. etc. AND subsequent flare-ups can also be caused by anything that activates the immune system. We are seeing that at times when the immune system is activated - these strange symptoms start happening and sometimes the child doesn’t even seem sick – they may test positive for strep with no sore throat or fever, but rather with OCD & Tics. With all of that said, some parents can’t seem to define an immune correlation and just report seeing flares & a waxing/waning of symptoms that appear to be at random.
To learn more about Pans/Pandas Resilience Naturopathic has an intro course on their YouTube channel.
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