Judy and Barb talk about their big concerns should the unthinkable happen and Trump get reelected. Because…he will never leave office, he’ll start arresting all of those whose last names are Biden, and who will stop him? The military hierarchy? Liz should be returning for Podcast number 3 of the 2024 big election year. Judy admits going sometimes to the dark side, Fox News, and some crazy Facebook pages, to listen to conspiracy theories like Taylor Swift’s hair parting habits! And we celebrate Arizona State Senator Eva Burch for sharing her abortion story with the Arizona Senate body she is a part of. Please listen!
Since the Independent Democratic Women no longer exists, (the group, not the women) we are just a few (3) “screwball Democrats.” This means that we will not be able to afford to renew our website as of May 26th. However, you should still be able to listen to our podcast through Spotify, Apple, and other places. Let us know if you have problems!