Team Envy’s Official Podcast.
Each week we will feature guests from around the world of esports as well as the world gaming. We’ll talk about the esports scene, speculate the future of games, or decide which are better, Jordans or Yeezys?
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Team Envy’s Official Podcast.
Each week we will feature guests from around the world of esports as well as the world gaming. We’ll talk about the esports scene, speculate the future of games, or decide which are better, Jordans or Yeezys?
Copyright: © 2019 Team Envy
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Envy Merch store:
Join the Envy Discord:
New Envy Jersey:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Mike "Hastr0" Rufail - @hastr0
Mat "Tazmo" Taylor - @TazMo
Jay Hairson - @JayHairston
0:00 Intro
0:56 - Tazmo COD celebrity
2:09 - Last event Hastr0 went to
2:52 - Str0’s second wind
4:10 - IEM Chicago
6:06 - how did Taz and Stro meet?
10:45 - Is this the last time we see Optic vs Envy?
12:40 - National Videogame Day - Apex legends today?
15:30 - How Jay can get better at APEX
17:00 - TeamTactics and League of Legends
17:55 - Homestand Atlanta
19:20 - esport hate from traditional sport fans
20:10 - NYXL
24:16 - Zachareee out of Brig Jail
24:40 - Overwatch World Cup 2019
25:30 - Why did Taz not run for GM for UK OWWC
26:13 - Fuel moving to Dallas
29:20 - New office tours
29:55 - Jay’s Tank Challenge
31:05 - Envy becoming a complete org
34:30 - Envy’s arena
37:30 - Short term arena plans for Envy and Fuel
39:56 - How has Trill been fitting in w/ Fuel
42:00 - Funniest player on the Fuel
45:00 - Traveling with the Fuel family
50:45 - Mickie has no filter
52:55 - More content all of the time
55:24 - Announcements & Close
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Envy Merch store:
Join the Envy Discord:
New Envy Jersey:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Aches - @ACHES
Gunless - @Gunless
Jay Hairson - @JayHairston
Justin Rojas - @JustRojas
Also check out some of the new faces at Team Envy:
Aran "Sonic" Groesbeek - @Envy_Sonic
BuckeFPS - @BuckeFPS
Ari "tripleWRECK" Smith - @tripleWRECK
Intro 0:00
Storms in Dallas - 2:10
CWL Anaheim - 3:00
6:30 - Gunless' thoughts watching Envy at Anaheim
7:45 - Gunless origins
10:23 E3 2019 thoughts
11:30 - Aches and single player games
14:50 - Campaigns in COD
16:05 - Cyberpunk and Keanu Reeves
17:15 - Are Canadians always polite?
19:15 - Rostermania 2019
23:10 - Gunless' experience with Envy so far
24:30 - New roles for the COD team
26:10 - What is Gunless bringing to the team
27:50 - Why do people seem to hate Aches?
27:30 - "Crim, if you're watching this you're bad"
27:50 - How to tweet with Silly
29:10 - Nothing better than silencing a crowd
31:30 - Meeting fans
33:00 - Whats the hardest part of the job?
40:30 - Pats role in Rostermania
44:30 - Rapid Fire
52:00 - Final words
53:10 - Announcements
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Envy Merch store:
Join the Envy Discord:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Interrogate - @Interrogreat
Fero - @PAT_KAPS
Jay Hairson - @JayHairston
Justin Rojas - @JustRojas
Intro - 0:00
What are you spending $40k on? - 1:40
Oreos - 2:45
Terro intro - 3:35
Jay hates Battle Royales - 6:15
Jay got banned from Summit1G's chat - 10:00
Pat only plays PUBG - 12:00
Smash strats - 12:40
Apex Legends - 14:57
Fortnite vs PUBG - 16:10
What is PUBG missing? - 17:30
Loot changes to PUBG - 21:10
Winning the NPL Royale - 23:10
How does NPL work? - 24:50
Office scrims and comms for PUBG - 27:00
Lone wolf and flanks - 30:10
Where did BR's come from? - 31:20
Improvements to PUBG - 32:40
PUBG Mobile - 35:27
PUBG banned in China - 41:00
The NPL Punch Out - 44:30
Ultimate flex and disrespect in PUBG - 45:55
How did you get into esports? - 48:00
Advice to get noticed - 49:05
Rapid Fire - 54:50
Close - 1:00:51
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Envy Merch store:
Join the Envy Discord:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Decemate - @Decemate
Fero - @f3rocitys
Jay Hairson - @JayHairston
Justin Rojas - @JustRojas
Intro - 0:00
Hair squad - 1:20
Do beards intimidate you? - 3:00
Decemate's bakground - 3:30
Fero's origins - 7:00
How has the transition to Envy been? - 9:30
Becoming a pro in Call of Duty - 10:10
What do you look for in a player to see if they can make it? - 10:40
Specialists in Black Ops 4 - 11:15
Before competitive life - 12:30
If I wasn't a pro... - 14:50
Gateway into esports - 17:15
All Stars in COD - 20:15
Aim assist in pro play - 21:30
First All Star game in COD, who's in? - 22:10
Anaheim and Columbus prep - 22:50
CWL London - 24:45
Benefits of lower bracket - 26:30
Does the crowd mess with you? - 31:00
Is it weird seeing yourself in promotional material? - 34:00
Feelings about Dallas - 35:00
COD Culture - 37:40
Ideal merch - 39:50
Cold vs Hot - 40:30
What else do you play besides COD? - 42:30
Can a pro main two games? - 44:30
What inspires you when you play? - 48:40
Do you ever think about life after being a pro? - 50:05
Is it possible to start an org from scratch? - 52:30
Rapid Fire - 54:45
Announcements and Close - 59:20
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Envy Merch store:
Join the Envy Discord:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Marcus "Elumnite" Lovejoy - @Elumnite
Jay Hairson - @JayHairston
Justin Rojas - @JustRojas
Intro - 0:00
Elumnite name origins - 1:30
Pro life before Manager life - 2:30
Twitch Con callouts - 3:05
How did you get into the esports scene? - 4:50
Winning and being a pro player - 8:30
Jumping from a pro to a manager - 10:40
Mindset with teams that want to win - 12:30
Motivation of a player - 13:50
Is Huke the ideal teammate? - 15:00
Huke vs Marcus - 16:05
Family support for Huke - 17:45
CWL London - 20:30
What will it take to get Halo relevant in esports again? - 25:00
COD vs Halo - who has better players? - 27:30
Best Halo weapon of all time - 28:30
Is watching the same as playing? - 31:05
When a big team gets their first "L" - 34:30
COD rosters - why are the so volatile? - 36:20
Does KD really matter? - 41:55
Kill streaks in Overwatch - 43:00
Apex - 44:15
Legaueaholic - 46:00
Jay is a basic by default - 48:30
Jay will go Rein for a month - 52:30
League stories - 56:00
Rapid Fire - 1:01:30
Close and Announcements - 1:04:00
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Envy Merch store:
Join the Envy Discord:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Jay Hairson - @JayHairston
Justin Rojas - @JustRojas
Intro - 0:00
Geoff Origins - 1:57
Do your kids help you with your job? - 5:45
Feelings at Homestand Dallas - 6:45
Growing and engaged local audience - 8:45
Roles at Homestand - 10:15
Jay's duties for the first home game - 11:45
Geoff's work for making Homestand happen - 13:50
Details are important - 18:10
Competing with the living room - 19:30
The one thing you wish you had for Homestand Dallas - 21:00
The blackout - 22:00
Report card for Homestand Dallas - 27:50
Homestand > Grand Finals? - 32:00
Boo-ing in epsorts - 34:15
The importance of fans at Homestand - 37:00
What is the line for heckling in esports? - 38:50
Chants at CWL London - 41:50
Explaining esports to new partners - 42:40
We set the standard for home games - 45:00
Looking to 2020 - 47:10
Advice for those who want to get into esports - 55:05
Rapid Fire - 58:35
Announcements and Close - 1:00:35
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Envy Merch store:
Join the Envy Discord:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Justin "Jayne" Conroy - @AskJanye
Louis "Tikatee" Lebel-Wong - @TikateeOW
Julian "Daemon" Ducros - @baemoN
Jay Hairson - @JayHairston
Intro and Update - 0:00
Smash Bros at the Envy office - 1:30
Jayne Origins - 2:50
Going from 100k to 1 million on YouTube - 4:30
Daemon Origins - 7:04
Transition to Fuel from Eternal - 8:45
Tikatee Origins - 10:35
Was Aero bad at Overwatch? - 12:30
Do you ever want to stop coaching and become a player? - 13:50
Daemon's coaching role for the Fuel - 16:40
Coaching the best players in the world? - 18:10
Do pros get tunnel vision? - 20:55
Comms - 22:00
Closer's extra role with the Fuel - 23:45
Advice for future self - 26:45
Jayne's challenge to all shout casters - 30:10
Thoughts on Overwatch Reddit - 31:00
Traditional sports Reddit vs esports Reddit - 33:30
Social media's impact as a professional - 35:00
Criticism vs Praise - 38:30
Can we change the culture? - 40:45
Content we are enjoying from the Overwatch community - 43:00
Content Jayne wants to see - 44:45
Pet peeves about other orgs - 47:45
Akshon Esports - 49:30
Content pitch for Jayne and Tikatee - 56:30
Daemon is a mess - 58:45
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Envy Merch store:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Aaron "Aero" Atkins - @Aero_OW
Matt "TazMo" Taylor - @TazMo
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Intro and Update - 0:00
TazMo Origins - 3:22
Flying with a big check - 4:30
Being a GM for two teams - 6:30
Aero Origins - 7:00
Getting paid to live in Alaska - 7:45
WoW master Aero - 8:45
Early esports scene - 11:30
Keto and Uber Eats - 13:05
Day in the life - 13:30
Team culture - 15:30
Coach's day - 18:45
Players streaming after a workday - 21:15
Burnout - 22:00
Daily scrim schedule - 23:15
Playing with Contenders - 24:00
Coaching style - 25:45
Daemon coming to the Fuel - 28:18
Sports science in esports - 30:00
Coaches being honest - 31:40
Hardest part of the job - 32:10
Players needing a break - 35:00
Not having time to see family - 36:30
Smart watch vs phone - 37:40
Air pods conspiracy - 38:20
Do people talk on the phone anymore? - 39:45
How do they communicate with players? - 41:50
Fuel report card - 45:00
Players playing in a real competitive scene for the first time - 48:45
Should Overwatch change scoring? - 52:00
GOATS - 54:00
Homestand and the Battle for Texas - 57:10
Bar interviews - 59:30
Rapid fire - 1:03:20
Close - 1:06:00
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Envy Merch store:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Mike "Hastr0" Rufail - @hastr0
Noah "Nifty" Francis - @Envy_Nifty
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Intro and Update - 0:00
New Envy CSGO Bootcamp - 1:30
Working with a Sports Psychologist - 2:15
Competitive pains when you leave the scene - 8:20
Sports science in esports - 10:10
Nifty casting in Miami - 13:35
Media Obligations - 18:05
Making time for fans - 21:08
Teaching our kids the basics - 23:30
Nifty and Stro's first meeting - 25:00
Getting hyped for events - 27:45
Music and pregame - 32:45
Nifty and Hastr0's walkout theme songs - 38:15
Rapid Fire - 42:15
Plugs and housekeeping - 44:30
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Envy Merch store:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Bradley "Android" Fodor - @ANDROIDX23
Sam "s0m" Oh - @s0mcs
Zach "Eley" Stauffer @EleyCSGO
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Intro and Update - 0:00
Android's Backstory - 1:54
Origin of the name "Android" - 4:24
s0m's Origin - 5:18
Intentions when going into pro CS:GO- 7:00
Being marketable from the beginning - 9:30
What is your brand? - 10:15
Thoughts on the new Envy CS:GO- 11:45
Eley's CSGO beginnings - 13:00
What can fans expect from the new Envy CS:GO- 14:45
What makes a successful team? - 15:50
EPL - 18:00
Keyboard Warriors - 18:45
Cheating in CS:GO- 22:00
Left 4 Dead + CS:GO = same universe? - 23:00
Transition to Envy - 26:00
Streaming vs Pro - 28:30
Would an All Star CS:GO team work? - 31:00
Communication and Trust - 34:15
Match day as a coach - 36:00
Time outs and cooling off your opponents - 37:00
Positivity for Envy - 39:30
Boosting in CS:GO- 41:45
Vertigo - 42:30
OWL Coaching Staff vs CS:GO staff - 43:00
Building Confidence - 45:00
Rapid Fire Questions - 48:00
Close - 58:00
Announcements - 1:00:30
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Envy Merch store:
More information about the GameStop Partnership:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Mike Rufail - @hastr0
Hector Rodriguez - @OpTicH3CZ
Jason Lake - @JasonBWLake
John Davidson - @J0hnDavids0n
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Intro and Update - 0:00
How Pros see esports today - 1:58
How would your journey be different if your started today? - 5:48
Outside experience and influence coming into esports - 10:48
Things you are most excited about with the GameStop partnership - 16:18
Retail's effect on enhancing esports - 19:38
Midnight releases - 20:48
Community as a core of esports and gaming - 22:48
Parenting and esports - 25:48
Overwatch League on ABC and the public reception - 26:48
When your kids support other teams in esports - 27:00
Friendships and rivalries - how deep does it go? - 28:15
Mike and Jason Eleague stories - 30:00
The Eclassico - 31:48
CWL Fort Worth - 32:48
What is GameStop the most excited about with entering esports? - 34:30
Entering at the ground floor of a new competitive landscape - 36:48
Kids don't want to be Tom Brady anymore - 39:30
Going fishing instead of playing Apex - 40:48
The importance of finding balance with your kids - 43:30
Disney and Fox merger - is there an equivalent in esports? - 44:48
What if three powerhouse orgs merged? Could it work? - 46:30
Doing it for free because you love it - 47:45
When did it change to "esports" - 50:20
What does a CEO do for an esports org? - 51:30
The go-to explanation of esports to others - 53:40
Feelings at events when watching your teams compete - 54:48
Biggest treat yo' self - 59:38
Why Turtlewax and the power of non endemic sponsors in esports - 1:01:18
The power of fans - 1:03:30
Brands entering in "the right way" - 1:06:35
College esports - 1:07:40
Esports reshaping college athletics practices - 1:11:18
Where will esports be in 5-10 years? - 1:15:08
The Mount Rushmore of Esports - 1:20:40
Plugs/Promos - 1:22:48
Announcements and Close - 1:24:50
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Envy Merch store:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Noah "Nifty" Francis - @Envy_Nifty
Intro - 00:00
Playing on a new team and picking new players - 1:01
Having Karrigan on the team and factors when looking for new teammates - 6:56
Favorite things about s0m - 8:00
How prospects are properly evaluated - 9:00
Advice for people looking into organizations - 11:00
Pressures that come with being a leader/decision maker - 15:15
What Nifty wants to do differently as a leader - 19:10
Time Management and Astralis - 20:35
Power of a "true" team - 21:30
Rules of the ideal team for Envy CS - 22:45
Biggest trash talker on the team - 24:00
Importance of having an outlet - 28:50
Split Focus - 32:45
Having trust in your teammates during a match - 35:00
Handling a teammate with the wrong mindset - 37:00
Is there such a thing as excessive positive reinforcement - 40:30
Thinking about the future too much - 48:00
Getting inside of your own head - 51:45
Browsing CSGO subs on reddit - 54:00
Standard of having to be on social media all the time - 55:30
Roster leaks in CSGO - 56:00
Do fans enjoy teasers of new players? - 59:00
Discord fan questions - 1:05:30
Closing - 1:12:00
Announcements - 1:12:45
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Envy Merch store:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Tim Krajewski - @PirateMushroom
Anuj Bajaj - @Spiffy_VR
The Center Ring Podcast - @TheCenterRing
Intro - 00:00
Hastr0 on The Center Ring Podcast and the Ticket - 3:40
Shout out to Kory McMaster - 5:00
What are you watching now? - 5:55
ESPN Classic and shows you used to watch as a kid - 6:30
Silver lining to getting knocked out of CWL Fort Worth - 8:40
Using Twitch chat IRL and misusing gamer terms - 9:50
What does C9/Shang9 really mean? - 12:30
Urban Dictionary for esports - 15:30
Do you have Twitch chat open or closed? - 17:00
What Twitch was like back in the day - 19:00
ASMR - 19:15
Making more chat rooms for Twitch chat - 21:00
Do games need to be #1 on Twitch to be considered successful? - 28:00
Making a game a good game is king - 30:00
PUBG being too focused on being an esport - 35:00
esports influencing how games are made today - 35:45
Is Fortnite helping or hurting esports? - 36:30
Bridging the gap between traditional sports and esports fans - 39:00
Legitimizing esports in schools - 41:30
Educating others about esports - 43:30
Local colleges in Dallas getting involved with esports - 45:00
Start up costs for an esports program versus a new traditional sports team - 46:15
Generational acceptance - 47:15
Cross over games for sports and esports - 49:00
Are events the key to mass acceptance of esports? - 50:00
Esports coming to the Olympics - 54:00
You don't need a perfect image to be in esports - 57:00
Shroud - 58:00
Media training for esports - 59:00
Heroes and Villains in esports - 1:01:00
Smack talking in esports, will it go away? - 1:05:00
COD franchising, how will it effect rivalries - 1:06:00
Close and announcements - 1:09:00
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for CWL Fort Worth:
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Envy Merch store:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Bryan "Apathy" Zhelyazakov - @Apathy_BZ
Justin "Silly" Fargo - @silly_702
Intro - 00:00
What would you like to see come to COD? - 02:40
Home field advantage in tournaments - 04:17
Do you stress about money and what you need it for in tournaments? - 06:40
Silly's sneaker collection - 08:00
Money pot in championship games and how its evolved - 09:30
Regretful purchases - 11:00
Advice for handling money for new players - 12:00
Who do you play for? - 13:45
Balancing a college degree as a COD pro - 14:45
Prepping for CWL Fort Worth - 16:34
Downtime at tournaments - 19:00
Addressing bad comms and overcoming it - 20:30
Practicing with your teammates (online vs LAN) - 21:00
Bevils' role for Team Envy COD - 22:00
Meta's in COD - 23:30
Best guns in the current patch for CWL Fort Worth - 26:00
Optic and fan hype at CWL Fort Worth - 26:30
How to handle tough losses - 27:00
Relationships as a COD pro - 29:28
What happens when trolls come after your family? - 31:30
Life plans after competitive COD - 34:15
Tattoos - 36:00
Envy vs other orgs - 37:30
CWL sleeper picks - 39:00
Excellerate fiasco - 40:00
Scrims before CWL - 43:00
Mind games when competing - 45:00
Junior esports teams - 47:00
Old hobbies - 49:00
Games you played when you were younger - 51:00
What would you compete in besides COD? - 53:30
Do you ever fall out of love with COD? - 56:15
Addressing a teammate when they're "off" - 59:00
Tilt management - 1:00:40
Diet when in season - 1:07:00
Positives of living minimally - 1:08:45
Weird travel habits - 1:13:00
40 years later and retirement from COD - 1:14:30
People who doubt esports - 1:16:00
Tips for new players wanting to get into esports - 1:18:30
Why is there so much turnover in esports - 1:24:00
Feelings going into CWL Fort Worth 2019 - 1:25:00
Breaking controllers - 1:25:30
Housekeeping and updates - 1:26:45
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for CWL Fort Worth:
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Anthony "Fire" King - @Fire_OW
Mads "Fischer" Jehg - @fischerable
Intro - 00:00
Initial reaction to McGravy's move - 1:29
Upcoming matches for the contenders team - 3:15
Impressions of the new character, Baptiste - 5:06
Sombra's use in the meta - 9:04
Biggest strengths of the Dallas Fuel - 12:21
Countering Sombra - 15:35
typical ranked placements - 16:40
Most toxic member on the team when playing randoms - 18:04
Experience in World of Warcraft and other games they play - 20:40
Youngest on the team right now, and what you were doing at 17 - 21:57
Contenders roster changes - 22:22
xQc coming back to competitive Overwatch - 25:37
How do you handle the mental strain with not performing how you would like - 27:33
Who is the most mechanically skilled player on Envy right now? - 30:19
Best players in contenders currently - 31:56
Pickiest eater - 34:25
The move to Dallas - 37:25
How the traveling impacts gameplay - 38:30
Where does the bulk of Contender's audience come from - 43:09
Thoughts on ZachaREEE - 45:02
Who is your favorite team outside of Fuel? - 46:45
Building a family and fanbase - 49:07
xQc versus Envy - 51:25
OWW versus OWL - 55:10
Meta players and benched players - 56:24
Dating life as a pro gamer - 57:45
Who's the worst cook? - 1:01:40
How would the team survive on a stranded island? - 1:02:26
Upcoming contenders matches and typical schedule - 1:05:49
Other streamers they watch - 1:07:38
Is the All-Access pass important - 1:08:10
Do Flex players have an advantage over 1-role players - 1:09:00
Up and coming influential players to watch - 1:13:00
What would you do if you were not in esports? - 1:15:03
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for CWL Fort Worth:
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Preston Arsement - @Preston
Reed Duchscher - @reedjd_
Intro: 00:00
Day in the Life of Preston: 07:22
Work/Life Balance: 9:22
Married life balance: 11:40
Playing games while doing meetings: 13:00
Apex Legends: 15:30
Solo Queuing in Apex: 17:30
Fortnite Creative Content: 19:00
Mobile Gaming: 20:00
Having multiple YouTube Channels and building your team: 22:00
The Creative Process: 26:00
Shelf life on "new things": 27:00
Quality vs Quantity: 32:00
Are new YouTubers possible?: 33:00
Best length for videos on YouTube: 37:00
How do you stand out as a content creator?: 38:00
How many views to live on content creation?: 41:00
Swearing in content: 43:00
Top 5 Anime: 47:00
Influencer marketing: 49:00
Business done in DM's: 52:00
What's next for Preston?: 55:00
Do we really need Disney?: 56:00
Why are companies dropping out from YouTube ads? Should they come back?: 1:00:00
Biggest threat to YouTube: 1:04:00
Instagram's IGTV: 1:09:00
Favorite YouTubers: 1:10:00
Announcements: 1:14:00
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Ticket info for CWL Fort Worth:
Ticket info for Ultimate Weekend:
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Noah "Nifty" Francis - @Envy_Nifty
Josh "jdm" Marzano - @jdmarzano
Intro - 00:00
Nifty talks about the importance of sports psychology in esports - 2:06
jdm discusses the mental game of dealing with social media after a loss - 4:36
What goes into building a winning team - 9:10
New versus old players in CSGO - 12:05
jdm talks about the experience of playing in an arena - 15:00
Is there any advantage to being a younger player in CSGO? - 17:04
Karrigan and his leadership role for the Minors - 22:21
How was strategy and difference of opinion handled - 26:22
How would you improve/change/add to CSGO if you could, if anything? - 30:05
What keeps you motivated to continue playing CSGO as a professional? - 33:23
What have been some of your favorite events and places to travel - 38:17
Importance of chemistry of the team at events - 42:26
Pickiest eater on the team - 44:07
International travel in CSGO compared to other scenes - 46:01
What does a traditional morning look like for a pro gamer - 50:37
Who would you like to play with in the future - 52:56
Importance of looking good on game day - 56:07
Each week join Jay Hairston (Senior Community Manager for Team Envy/Dallas Fuel) with special guests from the esports community to talk about their experience in the ever-changing esports scene and how they got to where they are in the community and everything that changes in esports along the way!
Be sure to give our hosts and guests a follow:
Jay Hairston - @jayhairston
Justin Rojas - @justrojas
Mike Rufail - @hastr0
Patrick Price - @ACHES
Intro - 00:00
Hastr0 on being a dad - 00:45
Aches talks about current Call of Duty - 3:47
Aches history with Call of Duty - 10:00
Esports scene 12 years ago - 13:55
Future of Call of Duty and esports - 21:23
Smack talk in esports - 24:23
How Aches got his reputation as the "villian" - 26:14
Are individual rivalries still developed in current CoD? - 30:28
Why does CoD have so many veterans vs rookies? - 33:00
What is the best way to become a pro player? - 37:29
Franchising in esports leagues - 45:13
Apex Legends; how will it compete in the long run? - 49:20
What variations make a competitive online game successful? - 55:36
Are new versions of Call of Duty necessary - 1:04:00
First Call of Duty hometown event for Team Envy at CWL Fort Worth - 1:16:26
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► Monster Gaming:
► Scuf Gaming:
► Jack in The Box:
Theme song by Kory McMaster
Art by