Sugar WILL Murder More People than Bullets. The Mafia and Tomatoes. USA and RICO laws were to protect the MAFIA. Prohibition was a Mafia DREAM for robbery and murder. Germany and USA Snatching Bodies in UKRAINE.
Feb 18, 2025
Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. -Buddha
Cancer – Projected much higher rates every year– New study: 50% of Americans read at 8th grade level. WHAT to do?
The USDA does not regulate how potting soil is labeled; Therefore, potting soil can be labeled “organic” if it technically contains only natural carbon-based ingredients.
Vitamin D3 is NOT a vitamin but a hormone and RAT Poison. Pasteurized really means IRRADIATED -Vitamin RAW materials are made and created by Big Pharma. Keeping us out of the sun at all costs = Increase in cancer and death.
Jan 25, 2025
“Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Vitamin D[3] is not technically a vitamin, i.e., it is not an essential dietary factor; rather, it is a prohormone produced photochemically in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol.
The molecular structure of vitamin D is closely allied to that of classic steroid hormones (eg, estradiol, cortisol, and aldosterone) in that they have the same root cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ring structure.
Technically, vitamin D is a secosteroid because one of the rings of its cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene structure has a broken ring.
A secosteroid (/ˈsɛkoʊˌstɛrɔɪd/) is a type of steroid with a “broken” ring. The word secosteroid derives from the Latin verb secare meaning “to cut”, and ‘steroid’. Secosteroids are described as a subclass of steroids under the IUPAC nomenclature. Some sources instead describe them as compounds derived from steroids.
The basic philosophy of Shabbatai’s doctrine of redemption through sin was based on the teachings of Isaac Luria a century earlier. Leading rabbi and Jewish mystic in the community of Safed in the Galilee region of Ottoman Syria, now Israel. He is considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah, his teachings being referred to as Lurianic Kabbalah. Isaac Ben Solomon Luria |
Sabbatai Zevi’s message of redemption through sin was enthusiastically received by many.
USA Tax Dollars =sending BILLIONS to Ukraine and NOT much for people suffering in USA. WHO is helping steal BILLIONS of Tax Dollars for Ukraine, Penny Pritzger – making money on DEAD Soldiers in Ukraine -Are Santa Ana Winds CREATED?
Jan 12, 2025
“The paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor.” ― Victor Hugo
Are Santa Ana winds created? SCROLL DOWN for list of Patents
Fires – HOW to Burn down homes to seize land AND Murder. Thermite – Smart Meters – How our homes are wired to go up like firebombs – A Psychopathic Dream to burn us in a RING OF FIRE..
Jan 11, 2025
“The finest trick of the devil, Charles Baudelaire wrote, is to persuade you that he does not exist” (Paris Spleen).
Perhaps he was mistaken. His finest trick, I believe, is to convince the world that he is God.
“The finest trick of the devil, Charles Baudelaire wrote, is to persuade you that he does not exist” (Paris Spleen).
Perhaps he was mistaken. His finest trick, I believe, is to convince the world that he is God.
According to Valdus Construction, builders have opted for wood over brick in many parts of the country because “wood is a flexible material capable of withstanding low-intensity earthquakes or light tornadoes.” The price has also driven its popularity. AND Easier to burn in a fire.
Cancer and the Oxygen & Sugar connection. Dr. Otto Warburg German scientist in 1920’s discovered the prime cause of CANCER. Sugar and OXYGEN. Their BIGGEST Eugenics PLOT against us.
Jan 02, 2025
Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools…that don’t have brains enough to be honest. – Benjamin Franklin.
Do you know that atmospheric oxygen is being denatured by microwave transmissions and that the amount of atmospheric oxygen has been depleted from 21% in 1950 to 16% now?
My file on how hormones work.
The Jesuits invented OTTOMAN Empire in GERMANY -Arabic language and script originated in Macedonia and the Balkans, when the Ottoman Empire was first established, BEFORE it spread to Arabia and other countries.
Dec 30, 2024
Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people. –Spencer Johnson
Firstly 1,712 non-exiting year were added to history – Part 4
Before I start with the short list of the past 1000 years true timeline chronology, I will first present how they firstly added 1,712 non-existing years to true history’s chronology!
All of the history books which exist in the education system are written by AI in the 19th century AD in the German-Nordic Institute, so everything from 1900 AD and back into the history, there is not a single original document, manuscript, or book. They firstly added 1,712 non existing years to the timeline chronology.
I found out about this German-Nordic institute from Macedonian historian, scientist, researcher and publicist by the name of Dr. Petar Popovski, when in his in-depth research of World history found a lot of inconsistencies of fake history German Nordic institute promoted and written about it.
Firstly, 1,152 non-existing years were added to true timeline chronology of history between years 1ad – 1152ad.
Anatoly Fomenko discovered 1,152 non-existing years added to history from the time when Jesus was born until 1152 AD.
A person by the name of Joseph Scaliger, who was a French Jesuit monk, who created what we know as Zero AD, the birth of Christ, and 33 years later Christ was crucified. And that sets the timeline we still to this day follow. So, everyone looks at Zero and goes back, but in reality, this scientist, and a mathematician from Russia by the name of Fomenko, has written 7 volumes about this, and had spent 27 years studding this problem with the history.
Fomenko proved through the use of astronomy, and astronomical forensics that 1152 non-existing years were added to history’s chronology.
According to the star of Bethlehem where it was in the sky at the time, he could reverse-engineer with an algorithm and with the software that he developed, he used the same knowledge of today to actually backdate and calculate that at the point what we know of Zero AD, it was actually in 1152.
It was in 1152 when the Star of Bethlehem was in the specific location in the sky.
Secondly, another 263 non-existing years were added to the true timeline chronology of history, pushing it back to 796 AD.
Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz wrote, “Between 1152 AD and 1500 AD historians count approximately 263 years too many in their chronology.”
Thirdly, another 297 non-existing years were added to this true timeline chronology of history, between the period of 1500ad – 1900ad, in order to create the so called “Early Middle Ages” which in reality never existed.
According to German historian Heribert Illig, the Gregorian calendar is a lie, and a chunk of 297 years of Middle Ages was completely made up.
In 1991, Heribert Illig claims there was conspiracy back in time by 3 World rulers who got together and changed the calendar, adding to it 297 non-existing years.
Heribert Illig further claims that the trio altered existing documents and created fraudulent historical events and people, in order to back themselves up.
He claims that fake Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne was not in fact a real ruler, but simply a King Arthur-type legend. He explains that through all of this tampering and forgery, an extra 297 years were added to history.
Heribert Illig says that an inadequate system of dating medieval artefacts, as well as an over-reliance on written history are to blame.
According to his research, the years between 614 and 911 AD do not quite add up. The years prior to 614 were full of historically significant events, as were the years after 911, however, he claims that the ones in between were unusually dull.
Heribert Illig was not alone with this claim. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz published a paper in 1995 titled “Did the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?” Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz concluded that Early Middle Ages Never Existed, but it is a fictional fabrication of events and people to fill in that period of non-existing 297 years.
Jesus Christ was born in 1712!
When all of these 1712 non-existing years are taken away, it is only logical to conclude that Jesus Christ was born in 1712ad, only 312 years ago from today’s 2024.
Fomenko thought Jesus was born in 1151 because he did not take into consideration another 560 non-existing years added to history’s chronology which Niemitz and Illig discovered!
They have messed up the history and its chronology so much that even today religious officials are neck-in-neck with disagreements, because there is NOT a single historical original document which is older than 200 years for anyone to read and consult.
It would be good to mention here that before the creation of the traditional chronology, there were about 200+ dates who wanted to adapt history to the biblical concept. The age difference was really impressive. The period from Creation to Jesus Christ was in the interval between 3,483 and 6,984 years. More than 3,500 years difference.
What they did it was they took names and events from the real Old World Macedonian history and invented a lot of fictional stories which never existed, to create fake narrative of events and names, and published it in millions of fake history books, which New World Order education system is using to teach the masses today.
So, there is not a single ORIGINAL BOOK in existence today which is older than 200 years, and every single public book in existence is a fictional story written by AI in the German-Nordic Institute, which was closed down in 2012, having fabricated every single subject we learn at school and universities around the World.
AI bot utilizes natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and machine learning models to analyse vast amounts of data, including texts, articles, and documents. Through this analysis, the AI writer learns the patterns, syntax, and context of human language, and writes what you have asked to write.
They extended the history firstly by 1,712 year by copying history from country to country, they changed the names and dates of places and characters but used the same history, with a few changed details here and there as different non-existing nations and events were being artificially created.
So, true history is hidden in coded patterns in books that AI was instructed to write, and when they read these books today, they can consult the coded guidelines to de-code it by processing it through a computer, and the computer will write for them the true history of the World, which to the ordinary reader, who does not have access to this software technology for decoding, will have false narrative and different understanding. It is all about games with words.
The true history is hidden in the open in books right there in front of you, but you need to know how to de-code it to be able to understand it correctly.
Remember what Terence Kemp McKenna, an American ethnobotanist and mystic said about ‘Words’:
Arabic script and language were invented in Germany in the 19th century!
At the same time when Ottomans was being cloned and founded in Germany prior to 1852, Arabic language and script was also newly invented to serve the purpose of the Ottoman Empire. So, Arabic language and script was invented in Germany in the German-Nordic Institute and enforced to be used throughout the whole Ottoman Empire, first in Europe mostly in the Balkans, and then spread to Arabia, Asia, and North Africa, as the Empire extended.
Arabic language and script were invented in Europe in the early 19th century by German Oriental Linguists in the German-Nordic Institute for the needs of the upcoming Ottoman Empire, which eventually became the 5th most spoken language in the world today!
The Syllabic script of Macedonian Demotics found in the middle text of Rosetta stone was used as a prototype for the construction of the Arabic script, and Macedonian root words were used to create the Ottoman language by inserting many elements to the root words.
Macedonian Demotic Rune script is a form of writing that is basically a syllable, consonant and vowel rotations and is read from right to left. The reason Arabic script is also read from right to left, because it was copied from Macedonian Demotics to create new phonetic script with changes of the symbols to look different from its source! Today we find many traces and symbols from Macedonian Demotics with the same meaning in the Arabic script, Hebrew script, Japanese script, Chinese script, Tibetan script, Filipino script, etc…
Fomenko also found that 80% percent of gold and silver coins in Northern Europe are in Arabic writing, and only 20% percent divided throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
And not only that, but thousands swards and artifacts from the 19th century had been inscribed in Arabic script, when freshly cloned Ottomans were being educated in the newly invented language and script, armed with newly made swards, and financed by newly created gold and silver coins with Arabic inscription on them, which were used as a money system in the Ottoman Empire. The reason most of the gold and silver coins, as well as swards written in Arabic script were found in Europe, and only a small number in Arabia, is because they were manufactured in Europe for the needs of German made Ottoman cloned army!
Arabic language and script were firstly used in Macedonia and the Balkans, when the Ottoman Empire was firstly established, before it spread to Arabia and other countries in Asia and Africa as the Empire expanded to its biggest size.
The official story we heard about Ottoman invasion which says that nomadic goat herders from the deserts of Arabia came on their camels, miraculously forming the Ottoman Empire, spreading their scripts and books throughout Europe, is a fake fictional story which does not make any sense.
This document in the photo below proves the fact that Ottoman script was invented in Germany and was used for the first time in practice in Macedonia when Ottoman empire was established!
The document below belongs to Natasa Miteva, who inherited this document for her great grandfather who was living during the Ottoman Empire in the village of Beli in Macedonia.
This was a property purchase and sale document which Natasa was trying in vain for a long time to find someone to translate it into Macedonian language.
Eventually she sent a copy of this document to her friend who had friends in Israel, and an old man in Israel told him that this document was written in Farsi script but was not able to translate the content.
Officially it is impossible to find a document written in Farsi script in Macedonia, because Iran was never present in this part of the Balkan Peninsula! How did Farsi script ended up in the village of Beli in Macedonia? The only possibility for the presence of Farsi script in Macedonia is if Farsi script first originated in Macedonia and then spread to Iran and the rest of the Arab world.
And that’s what exactly happened!
The Ottoman Empire, as explained previously, did not originate and did not come from the Arab world, but was founded in Europe, and Constantinople was conquered through the Macedonian territory of The Balkans, and the Farsi script and language was first used here in the Balkans, and afterwards spread to Iran.
This document inherited by Natasa’s great grandfather, originating from the village of Beli, has priceless museum value, proving that the Farsi script was first used in Macedonia, and then spread to Arabia. This document also proves that the Ottomans did not come from the Arab world, but from Europe and they firstly established the Ottoman Empire in Macedonia, which afterwards spread in Africa and Asia to the borders of India, and with that the Farsi script spread from Macedonia to Iran.
This document was hiding within itself a great secret for a very long time, which eventually revealed its mystery in a great fashion to debunk the biggest lie about the Ottoman Empire!
Part 31
In 1852 Ottoman Empire was financed and founded in Germany by the Jesuits!
Ottomans did not come from the deserts of Arabia and Anatolia, but from the cloning factories in Germany! … See more
Ottoman Empire was not founded and formed in the deserts of Arabia, but in the cloning factories in Germany where fully grown male clones were being taken out of the incubator machines just in 21 days’ time, and then sent to military camps in Germany to undergo combat training, as well as Ottoman language learning, because they were newborns just like newly born babies.
My grand-parents, as well as other elderly people, who were living in the Ottoman Empire always talked about “men born by a mother’ and “men born by something else”, because they knew that Ottomans were not born naturally by a mother!
In just 6 months of combat training and language learning cognitions, Ottoman army of infantry soldiers were ready to be deployed in war zones to kill and pillage no question asked wherever it was required, in a same manner as biological robots who do not possess any human sense to distinguish right from wrong! When these Ottoman combat trained and equipped clones were sent to the Balkans in hundreds of thousands of them, they killed, pillaged, and raped men, women, and children indiscriminately, and for this reason, Macedonian Comity liberation fighters always had with them one last bullet saved to commit suicide, so they won’t be captured alive when they were surrounded without any possibility of escaping.
The word “infantry” itself is derived from the Latin word “infants” which means “newborn without a speech”, which it was exactly what these Ottoman soldiers were, newly created grown-up clones just taken out from incubators without a speech. In absence of women, one can only imagine what was going on between these men of cloned soldiers, who could not have distinguished right from wrong!
So, Ottoman Empire was founded in Germany, financed and controlled by German Jesuits. The word “Ottoman” is a German word. “Otto” is a masculine German given name and a surname, an element meaning “wealth, prosperity”. And “Man” is “man”! So, “Ottoman” means “Man of Wealth”, because it required quite a lot of money and scientific skills to produce fully grown combat clone with basic verbal cognitions.
All of Ottoman Pashas were Germans disguised as Arabs. Ottoman empire was founded and financed by German Jesuits, and the highest official title of honour called ‘Pasha -Turkish Paşa’, were all ethnic Germans, and the sovereigns’ main rulers Sultan, Padishah (Emperor) and Khan (Clone) were all German Jesuits.
When this well-equipped Ottoman army of masculine and combat trained clones marched from Germany to conquer the Balkans, led by German Jesuits called Pashas, and under the command of German Jesuit called Sultan, their ever first Ottoman Empire was established on Macedonian territory, and when all of Macedonia with its capital city of Constantinople was conquered, they marched on to occupy the whole of the Arab world, up to the borders of India, under control from Europe!
So, the war was raging on, not only between Ottomans and Macedonians, but between Ottomans and Arabs. If most of the Ottomans were of Arab origin, why waging a war against themselves, it does not make any sense!?! That is the same as saying that from the deserts of Arabia nomad goat herders jumped on their camels, and mysteriously within few decades invaded the Balkans, Middle East and North Africa, stretching their Empire from India to Northern Europe.
The truth of the fact is that, not a single soldier in the Ottoman Empire was Arab, Kurd, Armenian, Turk, or Anatolian, because Ottomans were cloned German army of soldiers. Just a remainder here that, during the Ottoman Empire Turkish nation and Turkish state did not exist, but only when Ottoman Empire was dissolved in 1922, Turkish state was newly created.
It is well known fact, as written by Anatoly Fomenko, that the invasion of the Balkans, formerly known as Macedonia, and its capital Constantinople, came from Continental Northern Europe, not from Asia. Ottoman empire was founded in 1852, not in 1299 as we were told, and dissolved in 1922, which only lasted for 70 years, and had never established full control of Macedonian Peninsular, today known as Balkan Peninsular.
How WORDS rule the world -Conservatorship laws CHANGE for first time in 50 years. LOCK ups are COMING. The PLAN to lock people up is here NOW. Will it just impact homeless and Mental Patients?
Dec 29, 2024
“Always trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, watch your back.”
Polio is a FAKE Disease. Polio Vaccine and Monkey POX -Why was FDR riding around in a wheelchair did he do it for fun and deception? The March of Dimes and the money robbery.
Dec 27, 2024
“When your ears hear one thing, but your eyes see another…use your brain.” – Frank Sonnenberg
Is Spain transit for children to rape and torture- Opus Dei since WW2? -ZOHAR and Kabbalah – Bashar al-Assad and PIPELINE Plans? 1969 The Spartacus guidebook listed child brothels all around the world. Nazi Salute came from USA;)
Dec 25, 2024
They control their OWN people, Wells Fargo Bank got a conservatorship over Wendy Williams, YES, her BANK said she needs to be monitored and managed. Wendy Williams (The TRUTH) (
Very Interesting: This video was discovered during the research for the Havens East project which tells the stories of some of the 4,000 child refugees who came to Britain in 1937 to escape the Spanish Civil War. Children of Spain (
Franco: Spain’s Most Feared Leader | Full Docuseries ( 19:00 Nazis – 28:00 Hitler meeting – 29:00 Plane Crash –32:00 Germans and Italians want Franco – 48:00 Plane Crash –56:00 Famine –5 months after Civil War WW2 –1:02 Neutral – but not really –Mauthausen Concentration Camp – 1:40 Roman Salute – 2:04 DAMS – 2:18 Stolen Children burial and one day of life had to be documented – 2:28 USA sets up bases in Spain in 1953 –
Named after Francis J Bellamy, who wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance. Though it may seem like alternate history — something that couldn’t possibly have been true — the Bellamy Salute was quite standard until 1942. Bellamy salute – Wikipedia
Is Jesus Lucifer? – The Moors were early Indians. The Civil War was fought by black men (Moors). George Washington & Robert E. Lee =BLACK MOORS. Moors were also Indians from India Superior (the Americas).
Dec 10, 2024
George Washington is documented saying: “If we would agree to take the Fezzes, and Turbans off the Moors’ Heads and remove the sandals from their feet and enforce it with severe punishments and also swear a death oath between ourselves to religiously, and faith fully not allow anyone to teach the Moorish Children whom they really are or who their forefathers were.
“Of all forms of deception self-deception is the most deadly, and of all deceived persons the self-deceived are the least likely to discover the fraud.” – Aiden Wilson Tozer
The original Al-meri-khan/Amer-Inca (Almorroco/ American) Constitution is a trust document, hence, the Public Trust, which is designed to govern public officials who are trustees for the Heirs of the Vast Moorish Estate once known as Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu’urs (Moors), aka, the Ancient Ones/ Mound Builders.
The Washitaw Moors [Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu’urs] are the oldest indigenous people on the planet according to the UN Nations. Please refer to my previous blog post, “The Washitaw Moors/ Mu’urs.”
The Moorish Science Temple of America is a religious trust created by Prince Noble Drew Ali of the Washitaw Empire. Yes, Noble Drew Ali, was a Prince of the Washitaw Empire. His Mother Eliza Turner was an heir of the Turner (Tunica) Royal Family.
The land that Prophet Noble Drew Ali put into Trust belonged to his own family, the Turner’s. This is why the Turners never undid what the Prophet did, because it was something the prophet did to protect our land. The Turner royal family surname (Tunica) is derived from Tunis. For example: Turner=Tunica=Tunis=Tennessee. Tunis is a Muslim Country in North Africa that was established by the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians were a branch of the Phoenicians. Tennessee was Tunis:
Tunisia, a once wealthy port city, is famous for having been one of the sites of the ancient Phoenician civilization and was a premier destination for travelers heading to Carthage [Carthage, Tennessee?]. North America has 15 Carthage place names, which suggests that Grand Tunis and Grand Phoenicia were in the Americas. Yes, the Phoenicians are from the Americas:
Carthage (Phoenician: Qārt Ḥadāšat, “new city”; Latin: Carthāgō) was the capital city of the ancient Carthaginian civilization, on the eastern side of the Lake of Tunis in what is now Tunisia. Carthage was one of the most important trading hubs of the Ancient Mediterranean and one of the most affluent cities of the classical world.
The Constitution is derived from the “Great Law of Peace,” which is Royal Moslem Law of the Ancient Berbers (Washitaw Moors), who were given the misnomer as Indians after 1621 when “the word Indian was substituted for Moorish; with this single Alteration the original text was again transcribed in 1703. ” [Source: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 1888 – Harvard University Vol.].
Barbarous is just a descriptive word for barbarians, which is just code for the word Berber; especially, since we know that the vowels are interchangeable with ancient Semitic languages; therefore, Barbar-ous can easily be converted to Berber-ous tribes, which where Turks/ Moors.
The Spanish considered the Saracens (Moors) uncivilized barbarians, because of their belief in Islam.
I have noticed that most of the old maps prior to 1492 (prior to the invasion of the Moors), show Moorish territories and dominions in the Americas, and this 1491 map is a perfect example of Moorish territory prior to 1492. The year 1492 marked the start of the conquest of the Moors.
Notice on the 1491 map, all of the names of these Berber Indians (Moors): Seminoles, Choctaws, Cherokee, Creeks, Chickasaws, Maskoki, Yamasees, Catawbas, Iroquois, Shawnees, Powhatans, Delaware, Algonquin, Mohawk, Miami, Abenaki, Pequot, Seneca (Senegal), Wampanoag, and many more Indian tribes that I did not name, but you can see them on the 1491 map in this post. Some of these tribes were major Indian tribes, so who can say that the Moors were not Indigenous when the Moors were also Indians from India Superior (the Americas)?
The said tribes were predominantly Algonquin tribes, since they spoke Algonquian languages. The prefix of AL in Algonquian is interesting since AL is a Moorish surname and it is the feminine form of EL, which means, God, force, or power. ALabama (Allah-ba-ma) and Illinois (Al-linois or El-linois) are two U.S. States that also have the AL/EL prefix, since the letter I in Illinois is a vowel that can be substituted with another vowel like A or E.
EL was also the Phoenician/ Canaanite God of the Amorites (Moors) and the pre-Israelites. El is depicted as a Black man wearing a golden fez and golden Moorish attire. El eventually became the Hebrew God Yahweh. Electricity, elevate, election, elder, etc., are all forms of EL.
The Algonquin tribes spoke Egyptian. Hebrew and Arabic are the same language, but only with a different dialect, according to Dr. Alim El-Bey: “The Indigenous Algonquin Tribes Spoke Egyptian (Ta Meri-An)-Phoenician Language”:
The Moors became the custodians of the Egyptian Mysterious when Egypt fell according to the book, “Stolen Legacy,” by George G. James. Maur (Moor/ Muur) means a high priest of Anu according to a book called, “The Teachings of Ptahhotep the oldest Book in the world,” by Asa G. Hilliard.
Further evidence that American Indians are Moors is from the book, “The Americas” by Dr. Yousef Mroueh. “The descendants of the North American Moors are the present-day Iroquois, Algonquin, Anasazi, Hohokam, Olmec, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin (Chavis), Cherokee, Cree, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mohawk, Naca, Zulz, Zuni.”
However, we can also include the Taino, Lenape, Seminoles, Creeks (Greeks), Choctaws, Washitaw, Yamasee, Tuscarawas, Cheraws, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Sioux, Micmak, Acadians, Amazons, Tuscarora, Mohawk, Seneca, Wichita (Washitaw), Blackfoot, Sioux, and all of the Barbarous (Berber-ous) tribes East of the Mississippi River were also North American Moors.
The Rebel Flag, aka, the Confederate Flag, is just the flag of the Iroquois Confederation (See photo in this thread) and also the Saint Andrews Flag. The Iroquois Confederation was part of the Washitaw Empire. How do I know this? Well, because Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s Father was John Thompson Drew, and he was a Colonel for the Confederate Army.
Believe it or not, but the Confederate Flag is not a symbol of hate and slavery it’s actually the flag of the Osirian (Christ Jesus) resurrection, which means being reborn again or resurrected, which is only possible through spiritual practice. Osiris was the Holy Father (Christ) in the Egyptian mysteries and was called Lord of the perfect Black.
Osiris is based on a very powerful Priest-king/ Dragon-king that lived over 75,000 years ago named Nimrod/ Pharaoh Narmer. Nimrod, a mighty hunter/ mighty warrior, was one of the first recorded Black panthers, aka, Messiah to wear the mighty leopard’s skin/ Jaguar’s skin. Nimrod was the first person to ever rule the world.
The Confederate Flag has been converted into a symbol of hate and slavery to get you to hate your own sign and symbol, so that you will not associate yourself with it, and be able to claim your southern Heritage to the several southern states.
The first Slave owner in America was Anthony Johnson and he was a Moor (black). You even had black confederate generals & soldiers according to the books “Black Confederates and Black Slave Owners.” (See photo of the book in this thread and image of Blackamoor confederate soldiers).
How do I explain this, lol? Well, we fought a civil war amongst ourselves for over 20 years before European slavs (slaves) got involved (see images of white slaves picking cotton).
The Civil war was between the Iroquois confederation (South) vs. the Powhatan confederation (North). The civil war was fought over economic concerns for the Union, since the North feared that if the South left the Union that action would bankrupt the North; therefore, the Civil war had nothing to do with race or ending slavery.
For more evidence that the Moors ran the South, please watch this video, entitled, “The Black Southern Confederacy,” by Straight up:
The YouTube video: The Black Southern Confederacy, by Straight up demonstrates that Jefferson Davis, Alexander Stephens, and General Robert E. Lee were Moors (Blacks) that fought for the South to defend their way of life. Jefferson Davis was the President of the Southern Confederacy and his Vice President was Alexander Stephens. Robert E. Lee was the General for the Southern confederacy.
These men were all Black men that fought for the South during the Civil war that started in 1861 and lasted 4 years until 1865.
You had more whites in slavery than blacks in the South, because Moors owned the South. The Cherokee were the Moors (See photo of Moslem Moor, whom was the last Cherokee Chief) and they owned European slavs (slaves):
In this post is a comparison image between the 1861 State Flag of South Carolina and the 1844 flag of the Ottoman Empire. As you can see, both flags are Islamic and are almost identical to each other. Yes, South Carolina was part of the Ottoman Empire, since the Carolina’s was once Turkey:…/.
The 1861 State Flag of South Carolina proves that South Carolina was ancient Turkey since it is almost identical to the State flag of Turkey, and the flag of the Ottoman Empire.
In this post is a YouTube video from Kurimeo called, “The Untold Cause of the Civil War,” which is a book that costs over $1000 dollars on Amazon: Now, you can go online and read the book with Kurimeo for free. The book explains how the Civil War was not fought to end Slavery, since the North had their own slaves.
According to this book, the Civil war was caused due to economic concerns because the North feared that if the South had left the Union, it would bankrupt the North, who relied on cotton, corn, lumber, and other imports from the South to fuel their economy. This makes a lot of sense to me, so I shared the video.
Yes, it was the North who needed the imports from the South to fuel their economy, so it was the North that started the Civil War by bombing Fort Sumter, and not the other way around, because it was the North who needed the South. Desperate people have always been known to do desperate things.
The Confederate Flag Banner is also almost identical to the State flag of Turkey, the flag of the Ottoman Empire, and the 1861 State Flag of South Carolina, which are Islamic states, since the said flags all have cherry red backgrounds with the Islamic Crescent Moon and star on them. This highly suggests that the South were indeed Moors or Turks, aka, the seed of Ishmael, the son of Abraham of the Bible.
The Seminole Nation and the Creek Nation were blood allies that also fought for the South during the Civil War since they were also Moors. The 1861 Pro-Confederate flags of the Creek and Seminole nation are almost identical Islamic flags that feature the crescent moon and star on them (see post images).
In addition, as further proof that Moors/ Turks ran the South, we have a dissertation written by Historian Margaret deMontcourt Storey, phd, entitled “Southern Ishmaelites: Wartime Unionism and is Consequences in Alabama, 1860-1874.
Additionally, we have the state name of Alabama to consider, which is of Arabic origins since the Islamic God, “Allah,” is in Alabama (Allah-ba-ma). All of this evidence is undeniable proof that the Moors ran the south and were here way before Christopher Columbus.
You ever heard of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.)? Well, D.A.R were the white slave women that were the concubines for the Moors in their Moorish Harems.
Now, DAR has become an elite secret society of White Women and they still do wear the Moorish Fez that the Moors let her wear after we breed her and raised her up from an animal state. Google Moorish Harem for more evidence on this. You see, our slavery is always talked about, but white slavery is never talked about.
The original constitution was the first 10 Amendments. The number 10 is perfection, and it also means resurrection or rebirth. 10 is also the unification of male (1) and female (0) energies to create life.
The Human Form is based off of 10, which is also the binary programming code for Computers: 1’s and 0’s. The Human form has 10 fingers and 10 toes. The word Constitution is derived from the word Constituent, which means to form a body; make up a body; and/or to compose.
The Constitution is a body of Natural Laws/ God’s law. The word Amendment is derived from the Black Egyptian God Amun/ Amen, which means the Hidden source of power, or so be it.
The suffix of Amendment, “Ment/ mint,” means to make publish or make known. Ment is also the root-word of mental. The word Amendment, I define as meaning the hidden law/ hidden power made flesh, or the hidden source revealed.
Yes, law is very philosophical because real law is philosophy. Attorneys don’t learn this type of information in law school because they are not real lawyers.
Attorneys are military agents (knights) for the Vatican/Queen of England (the Eagle/Rome) and all they learn in law school is theories based on Statutes and Codes. Most attorneys don’t even learn procedure until after they finish law school and start reading case laws on their own.
Yes…, Moors were the prominent rich liberal Republicans at first, because the Americas were our homeland, and we started the first governments and businesses (commerce) in the Americas. In this post is images of Black Republican US Senators, and Black Republican US Presidents from the Facebook page “Knowledge of Self.”
According to the evidence (see post images): Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Haynes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan were all so-called Black men.
These said men were all former U.S. Presidents! This information does not surprise me since our first U.S. President was a Black man named George Washington:
Abolitionist, John Brown was also a Black man that fought to end white slavery in the South. The post images also reveal that these following people were Black Republicans: William Pitt Kellogg (US Republican Senator and Governor of Louisiana), James L.
Alcorn (28th Governor of Mississippi and US Republican Senator), Alfred Eliab Buck (US Republican Senator of Alabama), Charles Memorial Hamilton (Us Republican Senator of Florida), Samuel F. Gove (US Republican Senator of Georgia), Benjamin Franklin Whittemore, (US Republican Senator of South Carolina), Christopher C. Bowen (US Republican Senator of South Carolina), Henry R. Pease (US Republican Senator of Mississippi), Oscar James Dunn (Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana), etc.
I have included some of those images in this post, but you all still need to read that link though, because it is a good read. The images were taken by Mathew B. Brady (c. 1822 – January 15, 1896), who was an American photographer, and one of the earliest in American history.
Best known for his Civil War portraits, he studied under inventor Samuel F. B. Morse, who pioneered the daguerreotype technique in America. How do you explain all of these Blackamoor Republicans, Presidents, Senators, and congressman, during this time period (before the civil war), if so-called Blacks were slaves?
The overthrow did not just happen in North Carolina. This happened to Moors everywhere in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, because even after all of the first major land grabs of our lands, we still had the majority of the American land. This event happened in 1898 in Wimbledon, North Carolina. You see how the poor whites were the Democrats at first and Blacks were the prominent rich liberal Republicans at first.
Yes, white Europeans have switched places with the Moors. White people were even Blak (pale) at first and Moors were white (pure race). White Europeans took the title of white after the 1870 Reconstruction Act. White people just recently started calling themselves white with the Naturalization Act of 1790, which was amended in 1870.
White is a status, and it has nothing to do with color. Please look up, “Free White Persons,” in the Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition. Read also, “The Invention of the White Race,” by Theodore W. Allen, or watch it on YouTube.
The Democrats were the Klansmen that got jealous and took everything, which is the custom of the jealous poor Europeans.
The same thing happened during the Red Summer of 1919, which is considered to be a riot, when it was a race war. More examples of this jealous European behavior are Black wall street and Rosewood, all of which were prominent Blackamoor establishments that were destroyed by jealous poor whites.
The evidence provided in this post proves beyond doubt that the Moors use to be the Republicans, because the de jure Republic belonged to the Moors/ Hebrews/ Indians/ Egyptians (all one and the same people). How do you Explain this? Well, the Moors owned over 80% of America all the way up until the Red Summer of 1913, which is listed as a riot, when it was a race war over land. Moors were driven from their lands and were killed for their lands.
The cause of the Great Depression was when the Moors who owned most of the Banks during this point in time had stopped doing business with the UNITED STATES.
Also, around this time Prophet Noble Drew Ali had put 75% of the America landmass, which is Washitaw county/territory in an ecclesiastical (Religious) trust. The Moors that owned banks and the prophet pulled out of the UNITED STATES corporation around the same time, so best believe that was a coordinated financial war that our ancestors had waged, which caused the great depression.
If these Moors were freed slaves, how do you explain their rise to power in such a short period of time, during these racist times? Yes, your history is a lie, and it means His-story, because he won the war and wrote the book in his image. Every Historian needs to be arrested, charged with treason, and then shot.
Why Do People Hate Moors:
The hate of Moors stems from popular people banging on the Moors like Young Pharoah, General Seti, Dan Calloway, Kurimeo, Khandrop, etc. In fact, you all were fed misinformation about the Moors since it came from people who were biased towards the Moors, due to a lack of knowledge on their end.
Moor means, “Land, ” according to the Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition. Moor also means light and Guardians of Osiris. Ethiopia Superior (Tameri), aka, Abyssinia (the Americas) was called Moorenland, according to definition, which makes perfect sense because Tameri means the land of the Maurs.
The Moors were running the American Government as the Continental Congress up until when the real George Washington, a Black man, was murdered and replaced by Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt made an interesting comment too about removing the fezzes and the sandals of the Moors:…/posts/1386675394730090.
The Real George Washington was a Moor that was put in power by the Moors, because if you create a government, the UNITED STATES, like the Moors did, you put one of your own in power to oversee your creation. When the Moorish government was overthrown by George Washington, aka, Adam Weishaupt, when he chopped down his father’s cherry tree. The cherry tree that Adam Weishaupt (George Washington) chopped down was ole glory, the Moroccan flag.
George Washington is documented saying: “If we would agree to take the Fezzes, and Turbans off the Moors’ Heads and remove the sandals from their feet and enforce it with severe punishments, and also swear a death oath between ourselves to religiously, and faith fully not allow anyone to teach the Moorish Children whom they really are or who their forefathers were.
And only allow the Moorish Children to be taught that they were truly Negros, Black people and Colored Folks.” George Washington stated that 200 years from today the Moorish people would not know their nationality nor the national name of their forefathers also they would not know from which land or ancestors that they descended from.
In this post is a $100 dollar US gold coin of the original statue of liberty. This gold coin was approved in 2017 as the official US currency. Yes, the original statue of liberty was the image of a Moorish (black) Muslim woman. The image of the Moor’s head is very powerful in history and it served as a family brand or logo.
Lady liberty is also the ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis, Mother Mary/Maya/Meru, and the Creek (Greek) Goddess Columbia. Columbia was just the poetic name for the Americas and the name Columbia precedes Christopher Columbus by far.
Please read more about the Creek Goddess Columbia by reading my previous blog post, “Who were the Moors in Ancient times.”
People that continue to hate the Moors are either agents or religious zealots for their own personal faith or belief system. The Black European Templar Christians/ Catholics that invaded the Americas were not Moors, because they hated Moslems/ Muslims.
The invasion was a result of a long serious of Holy Wars, aka, Crusades, between Moslems and Jews vs. Christians and Catholics. Yes, the Crusades were fought on both sides of the world, but mostly in the Americas since America is the Promised land.
The Americas was Moslem-Jerusalem, aka, Granada land (Promised land/Israel); therefore, it is ridiculous to suggest that the Moors willfully invaded their own promised land in the Americas, when we have the dum diversas of 1452 issued by the Pope and the edict of the worms (dragons) issued by the Black Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, which banned Islam in the late 1400’s, proves that this was certainly not the case since the dum diversas authorized Christian Templars to take land, wealth, and possessions of Saracens (Moors) and pagans (Jews/Hebrews):…/.
Church of England -Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury resigns over HORRIFIC Child Abuse by John Smyth, UK – Zimbabwe and South Africa – Bleeding for Jesus. King James Bible and Reformation.
Dec 09, 2024
If You Don’t Stand for Something, You’ll Fall for Anything
The CEO of UnitedHealth Group told employees that the insurance giant will continue to prevent “unnecessary care” in a leaked internal video — prompting terrifying trolls to warn him he is “next.”
In an address to employees just days after the shocking execution of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson in the middle of a Manhattan street, Andrew Witty, the CEO of the insurer’s parent company, defended its practices in order to “guard against” what he called “unnecessary care.”
3/3**GRAPHIC CONTENT: Where are black children in cages coming from? Cages and Electroshock. Is it multi-generational? The Greenbaum Speech.
Dec 08, 2024
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. – Frederick Douglass
2/3**GRAPHIC CONTENT: Where are black children in cages coming from? Cages and Electroshock. Is it multi-generational? Or a simple plan that is not that old. Lying and Cheating Gypsies -German POWs Murdered.
Dec 07, 2024
Do not judge others by your own standards, for everyone is making their own way they know best. -Leon Brown
The history of the BND, its founder Reinhard Gehlen, and its loyal service. Nazis in the service of Uncle Sam: How the US took control of Germany’s main intelligence service.
This 128-page report, classified Secret, was drafted in July 1963 as a comprehensive guide for training interrogators in the art of obtaining intelligence from “resistant sources.” CIA Kubark 1-60.pdf (
**GRAPHIC CONTENT: Where are black children in cages coming from? Cages and Electroshock. Is it multi-generational? Or a simple plan that is not that old. Lying and Cheating Gypsies. German POWs went missing – was it murder?
Dec 05, 2024
“Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.” – Khaled Hosseini
The history of the BND, its founder Reinhard Gehlen, and its loyal service. Nazis in the service of Uncle Sam: How the US took control of Germany’s main intelligence service.
This 128-page report, classified Secret, was drafted in July 1963 as a comprehensive guide for training interrogators in the art of obtaining intelligence from “resistant sources.” CIA Kubark 1-60.pdf (
How Kissinger BROKE the Middle East. Golda Meir- met secretly with King Abdullah of Jordan and creation of ISRAEL. Israel Poisoned Palestinian Land to Build West Bank Settlement in 1970s. HOW AIPAC came to power.
Nov 20, 2024
“We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.” — Golda Meir
2/2 Is Trump the ANTI-CHRIST? Shabbatai Tzvi, Messiah of 1666 called his religion “The holy religion of Edom”. Edom, the Physical Manifestation of Satan on the Earth.
Nov 19, 2024
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” — Albert Einstein
Is Trump the ANTI-CHRIST? Shabbatai Tzvi, Messiah of 1666 called his religion “The holy religion of Edom”. Edom, the Physical Manifestation of Satan on the Earth. Vatican Canon Law and the Jewish Talmud, The same old master-slave relationship.
Nov 18, 2024
By causing Christians to believe that the star on the Israel flag is the Star of David, they don’t realize that it is the evilest Satanic symbol that is used to invoke the power of demons.
NEWS: A critical undersea Internet cable connecting Finland and Germany was severed on the morning of November 18.
The cable, known as Lion1, spans nearly 1,200 kilometers under the Baltic Sea, according to Ziare.
Cinia, the Finnish state telecom operator responsible for the cable, confirmed the damage but stated the cause remains unknown. An investigation is already underway.
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Zionist plan to destroy Goyim/Cattle. New Torah NOW in effect. The new commandment was to commit sin, and reverse Commandments. Shabbatai Tzvi -biblical law no longer applies, because the Messiah (Tzvi) had come.
Nov 14, 2024
It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the “goyim” the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs.
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do. America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s God’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
WHO is Robbing the CONGO? Marc Rich Glencore Mining- Dan Gelter- Beny Steinmetz- Susan Rice- Paul Kagame- USA Government. Switzerland is a safe haven for crooks. Solomon Friedman Pornhub Orthodox Jews run Porn.
Nov 11, 2024
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” – Albert Einstein
Clip Played: Why isn’t the DR Congo the world’s richest country? | Mapped Out (
The Ringworm Children – Jewish Genocide for ALL JEWS except Ashkenazi. USA funded Genocide same way it funded RWANDA. Stealing Yemens children to populate. The push to make Israel the right kind of Jewish State.
Nov 09, 2024
Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
Zersetzung was used by STASI (E.German Police) on East Germany to go after citizens. Gang stalking and murdering anyone in their path= NOW Official USA Policy. USA Sanctioned murder plot against ANYONE who disagrees.
Nov 05, 2024
Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon.
They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
Clip Played Who were the Stasi? How the East German Police used psychological warfare to terrorize citizens (
Hurricane Helene -OVER 90% DO NOT HAVE FLOOD Insurance. Land Theft FEMA Style. Do the Clintons Murder Everyone? The Boys on the Tracks, unsolved Arkansas case. San Francisco did not have an earthquake in 1906 – it was FIREBOMBED. Just like Japan.
Nov 03, 2024
“Hold on to what is good, even if it’s a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it’s a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, even if it’s a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it’s easier to let go. Hold on to my hand, even if someday I’ll be gone away from you.” ~A Pueblo Indian Prayer
IF you are a senior or on disability in USA you do NOT have to pay credit card debt, it is a FREE SERVICE: HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm – YouTube
“Amaruca” or America is translated “Land of the Plumed Serpents.” The Fez Hat became Pilgrim Headdress. Gypsies are called Jews who don’t work. Gypsies because people thought they were from Egypt. Sassoon’s descend from King David?
Oct 27, 2024
For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us. Never will they receive the light and the travel to the stars. They will never reach the higher realms for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to that realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.
The Zionist Jews Murdered German Citizens -the war was to DESTROY German Citizens, NOT Jews. Millions of Germans murdered. Zionist Jews = genocide on German Citizens. Gypsies are Jews. What the heck is going on?
Oct 25, 2024
We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labour. -The Secret Covenant
Part TWO: USA is the OLD WORLD – The Pilgrims were ALSO the MOORS. Is Tartaria a thing? They moved into existing homes, not ones they built – WHY do they eat feces during Initiations? The Sassoon Family actually did the Opium wars – WHO are they?
Oct 22, 2024
An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.
*We will focus their attention towards money and material goods so that they may never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. J. D. Rockefeller’s Secret Covenant
USA is the OLD WORLD – The Pilgrims were ALSO the MOORS. Is Tartaria a thing? They moved into existing homes, not ones they built – Gilded Era Murder and Theft. What is a GRIFFIN?
Oct 20, 2024
“People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.” – Aldous Huxley
Who are the CRIMINALS Running things? The Moors invaded Europe and trafficked natural white people and the original ancient Israelites were natural white people.
Oct 13, 2024
NEW INFO: DOWNLOAD WHAT YOU CAN. The Moors invaded Europe and trafficked natural white people and the original ancient Israelites were natural white people.
This is NOT MY WORK, it belongs to Izreal Zeus : It’s a very simple concept. Share his articles and writings as much as possible but do not claim authorship of his research articles. #Solidarity
The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (/ˌsæks ˌkoʊbɜːrɡ … ˈɡoʊθə, -tə/;[1] German language: Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) is the name of a German dynasty that ruled Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, one of the Ernestine duchies.
WHO runs the world, it isn’t the Rothchilds, LOL. Nancy Pelosi =Corsini Crime Family – House of Savoy finance particle accelerator weapons which are fueled by Uranium and Plutonium. Middle Eastern royals and nobles =Islam in the Middle East
Oct 12, 2024
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” ― Soren Kierkegaard
The European royals and aristocrats manage Christianity with Black Nobility managing the Vatican. Catholic means universal. Protestant royals manage Protestantism.
Middle Eastern royals and nobles manage Islam in the Middle East although the Pallavacinis who have an Italian Muslim Sunni branch manage Sunni Islam.
The Manhattan Project was really intended for CERN and particle accelerators. CERN is located inGeneva Switzerland and is the European Organization for Nuclear Research which developed particle accelerators. Vittorio Emanuele IV the Prince of Naples has a residence in Geneva Switzerland and the Savoy family governed Geneva for a period of time in service to the Vatican.
House of Savoy which also live in Geneva finance particle accelerator weapons which are fueled by Uranium and Plutonium.
GET THIS, they need Plutonium to also spray in the air, not sure of all the details yet, just saw this last night.
Fabiola Gianotti is the Director General of CERN and she was born in Rome. CERN which is based in Geneva, Switzerland manages most particle accelerators around the world.
Criminal Swiss bankers working under the House of Savoy which also live in Geneva finance particle accelerator weapons which are fueled by Uranium and Plutonium.
Nancy Pelosi: Believe in tomorrow, work hard, and take risks when the market calls for enterprise: the Corsini family has successfully followed this purely Florentine creed since they arrived in the city of Poggibonsi in Tuscany at the end of the 1100s. First merchants and then bankers, they were also often influential politicians and churchmen.
Filippo and Bartolomeo Corsini solidified the family wealth in the 1500s. They opened a bank in London and organized a private postal service so fast that it could deliver a letter to Florence in less than three days. They were responsible for building enormous real estate assets, protected through a complex legal structure in order to facilitate the process of inheritance (perhaps their time spent in Great Britain inspired them to use trusts to protect their assets).
The family influence reach its height in 1730, when Lorenzo Corsini (1652-1740), at the time 78 years old, was made Pope Clemente XII after four months of Conclave. He would remain Pope for ten years.
1966 – US3274035A – metallic composition for production of hydroscopic smoke
1967 – US3300721A – means for communication through a layer of ionized gases (haarp)
1967 – US3313487A – cloud seeding apparatus
1967 – US3338476A – heating device for use with aerosol containers
1968 – US3410489A – automatically adjustable airfoil spray system with pump
1969 – US3429507A – rainmaker
1969 – US3430533A – aircraft dispensor pod having self-sealing ejection tubes
1969 – US3432208A – fluidized particle dispenser (us air force)
1969 – US3437502A – titanium dioxide pigment coated with silica and aluminum (dupont)
1969 – US3441214A – method and apparatus for seeding clouds
2001 -US20030085296A1 – Hurricane and tornado control device
Of Weather Control Or Modification Patents
Prior to the Environmental Modification Convention signed in Geneva in 1977, the United States used weather warfare in the Vietnam War. Under the auspices of the Air Weather Service, the United States’ Operation Popeye used cloud seeding over the Ho Chi Minh trail, increasing rainfall by an estimated thirty percent during 1967 and 1968.
Project Cirrus 1946
1946, Project Cirrus began. This project is a milestone as it showed a considerable leap forward with weather control. As the United States Weather Bureau expanded to test cloud seeding on an eastbound hurricane 350 miles out from Jacksonville, FL.
1962 Project Stormfury
Seedings into Hurricane Esther led to the establishment of Project Stormfury in 1962. Project Stormfury was a joint venture of the United States Department of Commerce and the United States Navy. This project lasted 10 years due to strict guidelines in hurricane selection. In the interim, equipment was improved. What once was the primitive method of hand-dumping dry ice was replaced with rocket canisters loaded with silver iodide, and then gun-like devices mounted on the wings of the airplanes that fired silver iodide into the clouds. The observation equipment was also improved. Additional reconnaissance data was utilized to modify the working hypothesis.
Hezbollah = money laundering, forgery, weapons trade, smuggling, and drugs, primarily heroin and cocaine. The USA is in FACT running HEZBOLLAH.
Oct 08, 2024
“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Hurricane Helene -North Carolina LAND GRAB – to make room for TESLA mining in the EXACT same area? They want your land. FEMA Robbery in action.
Oct 05, 2024
They exist to steal from us, anyone going to take a stand?
IRAN: Will they nuke us to death? Or is IRAN actually THE WORLD drug TRADE ROUTE supplying drugs into Europe and USA? Follow the Drug Trail from Middle East to Netherlands and USA.
Sep 29, 2024
“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ~ Malcolm X
USA CIA Controlled the Drug Trade in Afghanistan 100%. Where did all the money go? The USA Military is about DRUGS and Child Trafficking. Military SUICIDES are off the charts, WHY?
Sep 27, 2024
“If You Don’t Stand for Something, You’ll Fall for Anything”
Pentagon Finally Stops Hiding Military Overdose Epidemic
After 15,293 overdoses and 332 deaths over five years, the military’s top brass is ready to admit there’s a problem
In the late 1990s, Webb had written a series of stories for the San José Mercury News, which provided the basis for his book, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (New York: Seven Stories Press, 1998).
In it, Webb detailed how the explosion of crack cocaine in South Central Los Angeles during the 1980s was sparked by two Nicaraguan émigrés, Danilo Blandón and Norwin Meneses, who sold huge amounts of cocaine to raise funds for a CIA-backed rebel army—the Contras.
Sde Teiman Prison Israel – Sodomy Torture Electrocution of Palestinian Men Concentration CAMP Discovered. Talmud/Orthodox Jews: Rape is their right.
Sep 25, 2024
“A sheep spends its whole life fearing the wolf, only be eaten by the Shepard”
If you want to learn more about how blacks were the original people, this woman has all you will need to start learning. Dødgęthêhįjåčk (
Orthodox pop, sometimes called Hasidic pop, Hasidic rock, K-pop (Kosher pop), Haredi pop, and Ortho-pop, is a form of contemporary Jewish religious music popular among Orthodox Jews. It typically draws stylistically from contemporary genres like pop, rock, jazz, and dance music, while incorporating text from
BIOLABS: 1st GERMANY Riems Island 1910 *Fort Detrick *Plum Island and Lyme Disease. Sadism and Torture Inventing Disease Creating Vaccines to Cure. The 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade.
Sep 11, 2024
“A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker, a raving lunatic.” – Dresden James
Those Dutch Rascals ran the Dutch East India Company (VOC) & East India Company (EIC) = Private Companies with Private Military Enforcers. Just like NOW, USA Military is enforcer for corporations.
Aug 29, 2024
A rascal can refer to two different things:
A mean, unprincipled, or dishonest person: Imagine someone who consistently behaves badly, lacks integrity, or engages in deceitful actions.
A mischievous person or animal: Picture a cheeky child or a playful critter causing harmless trouble. You might affectionately call them a “little rascal”
Dates: Before Martin Luther, there was Erasmus – a Dutch theologian who paved the way for the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther, 1483-1546
Wrote The Ninety-Five Theses in October 1517
Sparked the Protestant Reformation (change)because it objected to (“protested”) the practices of the Roman Catholic Church
The Catholic church was selling indulgences to absolve (grant you free of guilt) their sins
Protestant Countries were in Northern Europe, Catholic countries were to the South
by the late 15th century Italian humanism (belief that reason can be used to improve humanity) spread across Europe
There is a Market Boom! in the Netherlands
Artist can make art for people looking for a bit of “culture” and sell it in markets
Raise of the Genre paintings: scenes of everyday life
From 1620 some of the Pilgrim community emigrated from Leiden to North America. There were several reasons the Pilgrims left Leiden. The freedom of religion was limited in the Netherlands too. On top of that the threat of war loomed large, because of the end of the Twelve-Year Truce with Spain in 1621.
The East India Company (EIC) was an English, and later British, joint-stock company founded in 1600 and dissolved in 1874. It was formed to trade in the Indian Ocean region, initially with the East Indies (the South and Southeast Asia), and later with East Asia.
This hailed in the era of direct rule of India, known as the British Raj.
The East India Company was a commercial trading corporation, but it also became a Company-State because it governed territories like a ‘normal’ state
The East India Company was created in 1600 by Queen Elizabeth and was dissolved in 1858.
Which was the richest country in 1700?
Did you know for over 1700 years (0001 AD – 1700 AD) India was the richest country in the world. For over 1700 years India was the richest country, while China was at second spot and USA was the poorest country in the world with GDP’s less than 1%.
The turning point when the Company started to rule territories in India came after the Battle of Plassey in 1757.
The East India Company shipped enslaved people from Madagascar to work in its ‘factories’ in India
The East India Company had a huge army that was twice the size of Britain’s army. Its Indian soldiers were known as sepoys
The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest on December 16, 1773, by the Sons of Liberty in Boston in colonial Massachusetts. The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts.
The Opium Wars were two conflicts fought in China in the mid-19th century between the forces of Western countries and of the Qing dynasty, which ruled China from 1644 to 1911/12. The first Opium War (1839–42) was fought between China and Great Britain, and the second Opium War (1856–60), also known as the Arrow War or the Anglo-French War in China, was fought by Great Britain and France against China.
1858, the company lost its administrative function to the British government after its Indian soldiers mutinied.
Because of the Indian Uprising in 1857, the company lost all of its administrative powers and on 1 January 1874 an Act came into effect dissolving the company in the summer of the same year.
Then British India became a formal crown colony. In the following years, the company’s possessions were nationalized by the Crown
The United East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie), abbreviated as VOC, commonly known as the Dutch East India Company, was a chartered trading company and one of the first joint-stock companies in the world.
Established on 20 March 1602 by the States General of the Netherlands amalgamating existing companies, it was granted a 21-year monopoly to carry out trade activities in Asia.
The VOC struggled with endemic misuse of Company power for private profit by its officers, especially “embezzlement, nepotism, and illegal private trade.”
Rebellion and political movement in the Thirteen Colonies peaked when colonists initiated an ultimately successful war for independence against the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Leaders of the American Revolution were colonial separatist leaders who originally sought more autonomy within the British political system as British subjects, but later assembled to support the Revolutionary War, which successfully ended British colonial rule over the colonies, establishing their independence, and leading to the creation of the United States of America. Beginning: 1765 Termination: 1783
The Boston Tea Party was a political protest staged on December 16, 1773, at Griffin’s Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. American colonists, frustrated at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of British tea into the harbor. The event was the first major act of defiance to British rule over the colonists.
The war ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which resulted in Great Britain ultimately recognizing the independence and sovereignty of the United States.
The American War for Independence (1775-1783) was a world conflict, involving not only the United States and Great Britain, but also France, Spain, and the Netherlands. The peace process brought a nascent United States into the arena of international diplomacy, playing against the largest and most established powers on earth.
The United States Constitution was officially ratified and approved on June 21, 1788
What was the downfall of the Dutch East India Company?
Weighed down by smuggling, corruption and growing administrative costs in the late 18th century, the company went bankrupt and was formally dissolved in 1799. Its possessions and debt were taken over by the government of the Dutch Batavian Republic.
It is reported that the following 1800 census records are missing: Georgia (all counties), Indiana Territory (all), Kentucky (all), Maine (part of York County), Maryland (Baltimore County outside of Baltimore City), Massachusetts (part of Suffolk County), Mississippi (all), New Hampshire (parts of Rockingham and Strafford Counties), New Jersey (all), Northwest Territory (all), Pennsylvania (parts).
Are some 1800 census records missing?
Yes. There are no schedules for the states of Georgia, Kentucky, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Virginia, and the Territory of Mississippi, and large portions of the mostly unsettled Territory Northwest of the River Ohio.
Under the provisions of the 1800 census act, only numerical population totals were forwarded by the U.S. Marshals and Secretaries of the territories to the Secretary of State. From 1790 to 1820, the original population schedules were to be deposited with the clerks of district courts (or superior courts in the territories), “who were to receive and carefully preserve the same.” On May 28, 1830, a Congressional resolution (4 Statutes at Large 430), directed the clerks of the district courts to forward the population schedules for the first four censuses to the Secretary of State.
It is known that the 1790 schedules for Rhode Island were forwarded to Washington on June 22, 1830, because of the May 28 resolution. Presumably other extant population schedules, 1790-1820, were forwarded at about the same time, but no documentation of such action has been found. It is possible that individual census pages for other locations were lost between 1830 and when they were bound in volumes in the early 1900s.
The first vaccine mandate in the United States was enacted in Massachusetts in 1810 and was centered on smallpox. The legislation was essentially an ad hoc law which gave local health boards the authority to require vaccination.
The burning of Washington in 1814 by British troops was a humiliating episode in American history
Civil War: Beginning: April 12, 1861, Termination: April 9, 1865.
On December 6, 1865, The Congress of The Virginia Colony (America’s corporate military government) secretly rewrote the original Constitution of the United States of America which disposed of the original 13th amendment and then replaced it with the 14th. The original 13th amendment prohibited lawyers from ever holding a seat in government.
WHO is on the list of 300 families granted immunity from 14th amendment in the congressional record 1865??????
With this new corporate charter, the articles and by-laws of this new commercial corporation no longer required any ratification of amendments by the states. This paved the way for the unratified Fourteenth Amendment to be born into law by a simple proclamation of it having been passed in 1868.
The Fourteenth Amendment was designed to establish the underlying debt of the Government to the international bankers. From then on, every person born was born into private corporate limited liability as a corporate entity called a “citizen of the United States” and the banks established maritime salvage liens against every man, woman, child, all land, and every business in America.
The Fourteenth Amendment is an amendment to the United States Constitution that was adopted in 1868. It granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and enslaved people who had been emancipated after the American Civil War. It included them under the umbrella phrase “all persons born or naturalized in the United States.”.
The Reconstruction Act of 1868 establishes the power and authority of the military to supersede all power or authority of all state, county, and city governments, which are now a part of the federal government and all law enforcement personnel is subordinate to the president and the generals in charge of the federal government and therefore the power and authority of the federal government becomes an absolute by this Act.
All this means is that the government now has the right to tell you how to live your life whereas, before this Act, “We the People” controlled the government. This explains how an FBI agent can take an investigation away from a local police department.
The Scramble for Africa (1880–1900) was a period of rapid colonization of the African continent by European powers.
Between 1854 and 1929 the United States was engaged in an ambitious, and ultimately controversial, social experiment to rescue poor and homeless children, the Orphan Train Movement.
The Orphan Trains operated prior to the federal government’s involvement in child protection and child welfare. While they operated, Orphan Trains moved approximately 200,000 children from cities like New York and Boston to the American West to be adopted. Many of these children were placed with parents who loved and cared for them; however, others always felt out of place, and some were even mistreated.
By 1912, the bonds that were owned by the bankers keeping the government-funded came due, and by that time a strategy was already well underway by European banking interests to gain exclusive control of the money supply for the government with a private, commercial, and mostly foreign owned association called the Federal Reserve. This association bought the United States of America, Inc. and all its “state” franchises and “agencies”.
The use of the word “Federal” in the title was for the purposes of deceiving the population into believing that the bank was a part of the federal government. The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson without being ratified by any state in 1913. In response to this, Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh famously said: “From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.”
The Federal Reserve Act (ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C. ch. 3) is an Act of Congress that created and established the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States, and granted it the legal authority to issue Federal Reserve Notes (now commonly known as the U.S. Dollar) and Federal Reserve Bank Notes as legal tender.
World War I, also known as the Great War, started in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.
In 1917, the corporate “Congress” acting in accord with their international banking bosses conscripted all private property in America through the passing of the “War Powers Act”. Prior to this time there has never been any mention of anything called “War Powers” or any avenue that could be pursued that would entitle any government entity to the private possessions of every man, women, and child in America for military use. This was an illegal and unconstitutional power grab.
World War I was one of the deadliest conflicts in history, resulting in an estimated 9 million military dead and 23 million wounded, plus up to 8 million civilian deaths from causes including genocide. The movement of large numbers of troops and civilians was a major factor in spreading the Spanish flu pandemic.
The U. S. Treasury was secretly closed by the Congress twelve years earlier in 1921. The Emergency Banking Act succeeded in abrogating America’s gold standard and hypothecated all property found within the United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, THE VIRGINIA COLONY CORPORATION and opened a new Government Corporation called THE UNITED STATES, INC.
Great Depression: It began on October 24, 1929, and kept going down until March 1933.
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was the collapse of the stock market in the United States and the greatest economic disaster in modern history. On Tuesday 29th October 1929, known as “Black Tuesday, ” the Wall Street Crash signaled the beginning of the Great Depression. While the stock market was prosperous throughout the 1920s, by 1929 it was facing instability.
The Great Depression of 1929, like so many other catastrophes before and after this date was actually a staged event, concocted by the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking empires, the British Crown and Parliament, the US President and Congress, the Vatican and numerous elite families to steal America’s gold and silver reserves and replace it with, “Negotiable Debt Instruments” or script money.
Their theft was ingenious and by allowing the public to fall on hard times, the public soon began to demand that the government fix the problem by any means necessary.
While everyone struggled in America to survive, President Roosevelt and the Congress were making interest bearing loans to foreign governments, using the very money they publicly swore did not exist. Germany used that money to enlarge their war chest.
Following the cessation of military involvement in the First World War, the corporate “Congress” and various Presidents continued to declare “states of emergency” and “states of war” to retain control of all assets belonging to the states and state citizens. It is for this reason that the United States of America, Inc. would be in possession of these assets when bankruptcy would eventually be declared in 1933.
The bankruptcy of America and the introduction of a new legal system on March 9, 1933 (House Joint Resolution No. 192-10 by the 73rd Congress) was voted into law, which is the Emergency Banking Act. This Act declared the Treasury of the United States ‘Bankrupt’, which is an impossible feat since the U. S. Treasury was secretly closed by the Congress twelve years earlier in 1921.
By 1933 the Treasury was drained, and the government was insolvent.
On March 6th, 1933, Roosevelt proclaimed the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc.
The Fourteenth Amendment had established a “citizen of the United States” that all “Governors” of 48 federal “State” franchises pledged “the good faith and credit” of as an asset to finance the Chapter 11 re-organization expenses and pay interest in perpetuity to the creditors on the “national debt”.
Conveniently, the Fourteenth Amendment states that the payment of this debt “shall not be questioned”.
Every bond or international security is assigned a “CUSIP” number and if you know how to use their formula or have a close friend who is a stockbroker, you or he can convert the numbers and letters found on your Social Security Card into its CUSIP number. Armed with those CUSIP numbers, anyone can look up the mutual funds that your life is being collectively marketed under. A history lesson for Americans. You’re still British. – Patriots for Truth (
You can buy your freedom for a price of $600,000 dollars through the Department of State, which is the cost of procuring American diplomatic immunity pursuant to International Law.
In all other countries this same immunity can be purchased for $95,000.00, which is honored in 90 of the 267 world countries except for: The United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Everything is a game and for enough money, anyone can play and secure their freedom from criminal law, civil lawsuits, taxes and passports because everything in this world is about commerce.
The Netherlands & USA * Child Pornography Ring Connections More like PARTNERS? Rosa Koire & Susan Wojcicki, YouTube CEO, dead from lung cancer: Was it MURDER?
Aug 16, 2024
Child Sexual Abuse Material detected in the Netherlands has almost doubled, from 47% of the total that they detected globally in 2018, to 71% in 2019. This is due to a pervasive business model of “bulletproof hosting”, which takes advantage of the more permissive legal system and excellent technical infrastructure that The Netherlands provide.
The USA does NOT send Democracy around the world, it sends TYRANNY. How does the USA takeover and stay in OTHER countries and dictate what THEY DO? If people in USA are so happy with democracy, WHY THE ALARMING SUICIDE rates?
Aug 13, 2024
The best slave is the one who thinks he is free. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
From Fake Democracy to Tyranny ….this is the Road we are on right now.
If you live in the USA and are a senior citizen OR with disability, you DO NOT have to pay these bills, help is FREE, this group will put up a wall between you and the creditor, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. Help With Debt For Seniors (
Hansel & Gretel & Abandoned Children * Elites HUNTING nude children in forests to rape and murder them. A report of open child sex at a Bilderberg meeting? Are Satanic cults abducting children in Belgium and Poland trafficking to the Netherlands?
Aug 08, 2024
Losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel. -H.G. Wells
Lost in Europe is the network of European journalists that has been trying to piece together the fate of disappeared children in Europe since last year. It concerns thousands of children, perhaps ten thousand figured out by Europol two years ago, although nobody knows for sure because the figures are kept so sloppily. They are off the radar, and no one knows what happened to them. It is suspected that some of them have fallen into the hands of human traffickers, for sex work or child pornography or forced labor, because children to whom no rooster crows are good trade. Lost in Europe
MK7 Gang Stalking and Schizophrenia RUN by USA Churches & CIA* the USA has declared citizens terrorists WITH Schizophrenia. Made up disease with serious side effects and death.
Aug 02, 2024
Those who can make you believe absurdities; can make you commit atrocities.” —Voltaire.
“If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. If the dead talk to you, you are a spiritualist; If you talk to the dead, you are a schizophrenic” – Thomas
USA Government is Gang Stalking Citizens *Secret Surveillance and Electro Torture by Secret Services *How Fusion Center Work. NDAA passed in 2012 allows USA to use military grade electronic weapons on citizens.
Jul 26, 2024
Once a secret society establishes itself within an open society, there is no end to the hideous mistrust it must cause. – Rebecca West
People who smoke get FEWER cases of Lung Cancer *The biggest trick, smoking is actually healthy. Smoking Rates are down, Lung Cancer is up, WHY? I tell you exactly why, tune in.
Jul 26, 2024
“It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little.” ~ Sydney Smith
Kamala says F*CK You to the rest of the world, USA will stay with Israel, WATCH OUT, they are out to get rid of the rest of your people. From their own lips, she says the USA is sorry about GAZA, WTF, now that most are murdered A TWO STATE solution, NO WAY, give back what you STOLE: Watch: Kamala Harris FULL REMARKS on Netanyahu meeting | LiveNOW from FOX (
Mormons and ZIONISM *The Morman’s have a TON of Money, a TON of lies * Ritual Sexual Abuse of Children. WHY DO THE MORMONS have control of our DNA information? HOW do they hide their wealth and SATANIC child rape?
Jul 24, 2024
The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf only to be eaten by the shepherd\
Another BOOK about rape that may have kicked this off?
In 1993, a book was published purporting to be the stories of two different women in the Church of Mormon who has suffered sexual abuse within the community. The book, Paperdolls: Healing from Sexual Abuse in Mormon Neighborhoods, is written by the pseudonymous authors April Daniels and Carol Scott.
Publisher’s Weekly described the book as a “moving and often frustrating” document that alternates between the experiences of Daniels and Scott.
“Daniels, a banker in her early 30s, begins to recall the abuse she suffered, beginning when she was five, at the hands of various relatives and neighbors,” the review states. “Scott, the mother of a friend of hers and a psychology professor, records her discovery that many of the same people recently have been abusing her grandchildren. Both women are Mormons, and most of the nearly 20 abusers appear to be church members.”
April claims her parents were “secret alcoholics” who took pornographic photos of each other with the family’s Polaroid camera. She says when she was seven years old she was “orally raped” by her father to the point that her front teeth were loose for six months. April says her mother had a nervous breakdown and never noticed or commented on the smell of urine on her clothes, the blood and semen on her underwear, or the hours she cried at night.
While Carol and April do not describe the abuse as “Satanic”, Carol did believe that “touching parties” had a ritualized element to them. She outlined how first the children would be shown pornographic movies of other children before being made to undress and masturbate each other. This would be followed by oral and anal sex with everyone present. \
After the publication of Paperdolls there were apparently internal discussions among the church leadership regarding the true identities of the women and their alleged abusers. However, if the stories are indeed accurate, it does not appear anyone was ever held accountable.
The Gutenberg Printing Presses got invented and the BIBLE went worldwide. The CIA infiltrated American Churches in 1954 * The Scofield Bible (a handbook for genocide) Zionism. The Quran, ALL of it, was TAKEN over.
Jul 23, 2024
If You Don’t Stand for Something, You’ll Fall for Anything
Warren Buffett’s wife, Susan, provided the MONEY to fund Franklin Credit Union. There is a missing Video guy who did snuff films, NOT Rusty Nelson. Larry King had access to Offutt AFB * King had 3 previous credit unions prior to Franklin.
Jul 22, 2024
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” – U.S President Lyndon Johnson
2/2 China Lake Air Weapons Station/California *Cages Of Children Getting Electroshock Tunnels And Torture By USA Military Mengele Is Dr. Green. Cold War Was To Enact Torture Learned During WW2. Colby And DeCamp CREATED Operation Phoenix.
Jul 21, 2024
China Lake Air Weapons Station/California *Cages of Children getting electroshock Tunnels and Torture by USA Military Mengele is Dr. Green. Cold War was to enact torture learned during WW2. Colby and DeCamp CREATED Operation Phoenix.
Jul 20, 2024
Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake is a large military installation in California
A FOIA request response from the US Army regarding the unclassified Bioeffects of selected non-lethal weapons. 20 pages. One can confidently assume that the technology has made considerable ‘improvements’ since the date of this declassification. Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons | PDF (
Book about a woman who went through programming *_OceanofPDF.com_Twenty-Two_Faces_-_Judy_Byington.pdf
William Colby & John DeCamp *Is Omaha Nebraska a CIA child rape Central Location? Operation Phoenix/Vietnam My Lai Massacre, same crowd ran Franklin case. Coincidence? DeCamp & Colby ALSO ran Operation Babylift. *Belgium *Virginia *Nebraska?
Jul 18, 2024
Production NOTE: I added the banned show: Conspiracy of Silence at the end, it is graphic but I want to preserve the audio. The audio will help to understand this case and the characters involved. In their own words.,
During Vietnam there were children packed onto planes, where did those kids come from? DeCamp was involved in Operation Babylift out of Vietnam. Operation Babylift was the name given to the mass evacuation of children from South Vietnam to the United States and other western countries (including Australia, France, West Germany, and Canada) at the end of the Vietnam War on April 3–26, 1975.
In 1975 he (DeCamp) initiated Operation Baby Lift, which evacuated 2,800 orphaned Vietnamese children, and was later assigned to serve as an aide to William Colby, then-Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam.
John DeCamp is widely regarded as “damage control” insofar as the Franklin Case is concerned, his connection to William Colby is via the Vietnam War and the CIA’s Phoenix Program, when tens of thousands of South Vietnamese citizens were murdered, after being turned in by their countrymen for cash reward.
How many deaths DeCamp engineered in that capacity remains unknown, he is however regarded as a first-class war criminal .. he was one of the movers and shakers in “Operation Baby Lift,” which brought thousands of Vietnamese children to America, some of whom are alleged to have been slain in Satanic sacrifice,
If you run across Ted Gunderson also a main/actor or LIAR.
DeCamp died in Norfolk, Nebraska, on July 27, 2017. He had suffered from Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
MY Home Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701
Boys & men are being raped, as often or MORE than girls & women, from boys in Pakistan to men raped by other men. Rape in USA Military, Prisons, Schools and NO Shelters for victims of MALE RAPE, why not? WHY don’t we know much about it?
Jul 11, 2024
Maybe the USA Department of Defense (DOD) could STOP THE CHILD Pornography on their own taxpayer funded computers. Is that asking too much?
Male rape is a form of sexual assault involving a male victim. According to The Men’s Project, it is defined as “any non-consensual act of sexual coercion and/or domination which threatens the physical and/or psychological well-being of a boy or male…
It takes a true Psychopath to rape another person. It is about control. They do not ask for consent. Only a person without a conscience would commit such an act. That defines what a Psychopath is.
They have rigged the laws to protect their own, what protections will we bring? The power of our voices? Silence is for cowards if you ask me. We have a choice, speak out and do something, or behave like cowards.
We need to stand up and raise OUR VOICES to show solidarity, they are the cowards, not us. Any victim of rape is one of us being harmed. No ONE deserves or should be raped, NOT one person, one is too many. Start the convo, the harm is real and the need to be heard is great.
Their laws protect THEM, who is going to protect those among us right now that are suffering? Be that ONE person and listen. #Solidarity
Private insurance companies involved in Medicare Advantage — a government program in which private insurers oversee Medicare benefits — made hundreds of thousands of dubious diagnoses from 2018 to 2021 that triggered extra taxpayer-funded payments, according to an analysis by the Journal, and Medicare paid insurers around $50 billion for diagnoses added just by insurers to patient records………
The United States also has the highest incarceration rate at 737 per 100,000 people, compared to nearest country Russia‘s 611 per 100,000 USA has the highest incarceration rate in the world AND USA inmates DIE in prison due to high heat conditions. New study: extreme heat drives deaths in US prisons | Grist
Aldous Huxley predicted that drugs would one day become a humane alternative to “flogging” for rulers wishing to control “recalcitrant subjects.” WHY does the USA take so many drugs? Prescription Meds are now NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH IN USA.
Jul 09, 2024
One of the most influential eugenicists of all time, Huxley was secretary of the Zoological Society of London, the first Director of UNESCO, a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund and the first President of the British Humanist Association.
In 1926, Leonard Huxley published his “Progress and the Unfit,” which was subsequently used to promote the eugenics movement, to which H.G. Wells and Leonard’s son Julian were outspoken avid supporters. Leonard also wrote favourably of his father T.H. Huxley’s views and that of Charles Darwin.
He goes on to state that modern society has too long tolerated the proliferation of the feeble-minded and so creates an ever-lasting burden for itself. He claims that mental defectiveness – which ranged from criminal behaviour, insanity, physical deformities and forms of mental retardation to addictions such as alcoholism and gambling, homelessness, owing massive debt etc. etc. – were all to be considered heritable qualities.
Aldous Huxley is best known for his 1932 book ‘Brave New World’ which became a model for much dystopian science fiction that followed. Brave New World was written between World War I and World War II, the height of an era of technological optimism in the West. Huxley picked up on such optimism and created the dystopian world of his novel so as to criticise it,
But what exactly were Aldous Huxley’s views? Did he in fact believe in the need for a scientific dictatorship? A scientific caste system? Was he actually warning the people that such a dystopia would occur if we did not correct our course or was it all part of a mass psychological conditioning for what was regarded as inevitable and that Huxley’s role was rather to “soften the transition” as much as possible towards a “dictatorship without tears”?
USA led sanctions against RUSSIA over Ukraine. But…..USA NOW needs Uranium. WHY is the USA buying up all the Uranium? To make sure they have enough for our smart meter style eugenics? Russian Sanction Assets being held by BELGIUM;)
Jul 07, 2024
Pluto is the Greek god of the underworld, or Hades; it is also the root of the word plutonium. Plutonium: a chemical element that occurs in trace amounts in nature but is manufactured in nuclear reactors and is used as fuel therein as well as an explosive in nuclear fission weapons.
Murder Weapons *Tasers *Electric Chairs *Electroshock Therapy *Smart Meters **ALL DEADLY and Cancer Causing. They CLAIM they are all safe, WHY NO STUDIES? Anti-Depressants and Chemical Imbalances FAKE diseases to increase murder rate of citizens.
Jul 05, 2024
Smart meters are responsible for “catastrophic effects” on the health of individuals and animals, surely it is down to the individual to choose to take that risk just to save a few pounds?
Chateau des Amerois (Belgium) AKA Mothers of Darkness Castle -Satan worshiping darkest rituals, human sacrifices, blackmail parties and unspeakable horrors. *1000 Points of Light *Their 1,000 Year Plan to RULE?
Jul 01, 2024
The real name is “ Chateau des Amerois ” and it is located in Bouillon (Belgium), near the village of Muno. Deep in the forest of Belgium is a castle so dark few locals even speak of it. The Chateau Amerois AKA Mothers of Darkness Castle and it is said to be home to some of the Satan worshiping Illuminati’s darkest rituals, human sacrifices, blackmail parties and unspeakable horrors and more.
Saturn is the Hidden God from Babylon. Martin Luther on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church. Do all religions lead to Satan? Is the Bible the World’s greatest script ever written and sold to the public via movies and books using sketches?
Jun 24, 2024
Early during the Reformation (1520) Martin Luther penned a trilogy of foundational documents addressing the German Nobility, the Church and the Christian. “On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church” appeared second. In it, Luther sifts the wheat from the chaff as regards the seven sacraments of the Roman Church. (Summary by Jonathan Lange)
In “On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, ” Martin Luther presents a thought-provoking critique of the Roman Catholic Church‘s teachings and practices. He argues that the Church has strayed from the teachings of the Bible and has become entangled in worldly affairs, leading to the spiritual captivity of its members. Audio reading of the teachings……..Download HERE: LibriVox
USA is the Whore of Babylon….. *Statue of Liberty ISIS The Statue of Liberty represents the Queen of Babylon. The Statue of Liberty is Anunnaki Goddess Inanna
Jun 21, 2024
Inanna (aka Irnini, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Annutitum, Aphrodite, Athena, Anat, Venus, Eshdar, Innin, Ninni, Kali and Shakti; later conflated with Lilith, who was actually Ninmah) bore pure Nibiran genes. Her parents, Ningal and Nannar, begat her and her elder twin Utu on Earth.
Offspring like Inanna, born to Anunnaki on Earth, matured faster than kids born on Nibiru. But Inanna’s height seemed stunted; she grew to 66 inches height, whereas Nibirans born on the homeplanet towered over 84 inches [Giants: 221].
I’ve always thought Mystery Babylon in Revelations was America. Lots of signs point to that. Inanna/Ishtar was known as the Whore of Babylon and Mother of Prostitutes because she supposedly started the practice of sacred prostitution. Inanna was the goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, justice, and political power.
Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, cult prostitution,[1] and religious prostitution are general terms for a sexual rite consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility rite or divine marriage (hieros gamos). Some scholars prefer the term sacred sex to sacred prostitution in cases where payment for services was not involved.
But some scholars believe that this practice never existed and has been misunderstood.
The practice of sacred prostitution has not been substantiated in any Ancient Near Eastern cultures, despite many popular descriptions of the habit.[7] Through the twentieth century, scholars generally believed that a form of sacred marriage rite or hieros gamos was staged between the king of a Sumerian city-state and the High Priestess of Inanna, the Sumerian goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare, but no certain evidence has survived to prove that sexual intercourse was included.
Along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers there was a temple of Eanna, meaning house of heaven[8] dedicated to Inanna in the Eanna District of Uruk.This will be relevant in my next post about the source of Yahweh’s narcissism but for now, I’m just using this to illustrate part of the reason I think America is Babylon.
There’s also the fact that the way Babylon is described sounds a lot like America. Getting the whole world drunk on our luxuries and riches, being arrogant and being fools who know nothing. This sounds like America too.
The Sumerians worshipped Inanna as the goddess of both warfare and sexuality. Unlike other gods, whose roles were static and whose domains were limited, the stories of Inanna describe her as moving from conquest to conquest. She was portrayed as young and impetuous, constantly striving for more power than she had been allotted.
Lucifer was the Latin name for the planet Venus. It was also known as the morning and the evening star. Astronomically speaking, at certain times during the year, it is either the last star seen in the morning, or the first star seen at night.
As such it had a dual nature. Bringing the dawn and bringing the darkness. The term, “oh Lucifer you have fallen,” refers to Venus as the evening star.
But Venus is not a star, it is a planet. Venus is not to be confused with the real “morning star,” Sirius, also known as the Goddess Isis (today falsely attributed to a terrorist group,) that is seen at dawn with the rising of the sun in late July early August.
Sirius as we shall see, was associated with a completely different philosophy to that of the planet Venus-Lucifer-Ishtar.
Sirius is represented by the eight-pointed star, and at the time of its rising, the Nile would flood, literally baptizing Egypt and bringing with it fertile silt that regenerated, rejuvenated and gave a rebirth to the country.
As Isis, she is a faithful wife of Osiris and gives birth to the divine child Horus.
Venus on the other hand, as it moves throughout our solar system, forms the geometrical outline of a pentagon in the sky. So the planet Venus is associated with light at dawn and darkness, Lucifer falling at sunset, and with the pentagram.
In this duality Lucifer was also depicted as the bearded Venus, being both male and female. She hailed the dawn of the rising sun being the light or enlightenment and the maiden or unmarried woman, as well as death and destruction, often depicted as a warrior. The planet Venus is also associated with war, genocide and a holocaust.
In pagan religions her priests were celibate to the point of castrating themselves and becoming eunuchs, half-female. While her female acolytes were known as the sacred whores, who never became wives or mothers but half-male in their warrior status.
As such the pentagram has become a symbol of war, destruction, genocide and holocaust while Lucifer, Venus in her fallen status, demands human sacrifice.
Biblical references to Venus are associated with present day Jerusalem. The capital of the Cannanite – Jebusites . They worshipped Shalim , the planet Venus known in Rome as Lucifer or Cybele, seen as the Evening Star ( fallen from the sky,) or the black sun, in the valley of the dead, known as Geheena , where children were sacrificed to Moloch.
This city was also known as Jebu- Shalim, later translated as Jerusalem. Right up until the invasion of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II in 587 B.C, Judah was still worshiping Shalim. Jeremiah 3: 35
And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
In Babylon we have another story of the Jewish Esther, a name which is a variation of the Babylonian Ishtar, the planet Venus, who in this myth is both the young maiden and concubine and the catalyst of a holocaust.
In ancient times all warrior classes adopted the bearded Venus, the pentagram, Lucifer as their symbol.
To overcome their enemies, it was imperative to destroy a whole nation by cutting off their blood lines. This included the genocide of all the men, killing of all children and the rape of their women whose children from then on would now be part of the invading armies.
The Statue of Liberty is a representation of the Roman goddess Libertas. Which is a goddess that derived from many other goddesses: Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Aphrodite, Venus, etc. Ultimately this goddess was transformed in a personification of America and liberty called Columbia. And just like Inanna, is it any wonder America seems to have 2 split sides to it? One side that is sexually repressed and all about virtue. And another that is obsessed with sex, violence, war
The Statue of Liberty is a representation of the Roman goddess Libertas. Which is a goddess that derived from many other goddesses: Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Aphrodite, Venus, etc. Ultimately this goddess was transformed in a personification of America and liberty called Columbia.
The Statue of Liberty was originally given the formal name Liberty Enlightening the World. At her feet are chains that have been broken through, which represent tyranny. On her crown, the seven spikes stand for the seven continents and the seven seas. In her right hand, the statue holds a burning torch that symbolizes liberty. In her left hand, the statue holds a tablet which is inscribed with the Roman numerals, July 4, 1776. This is the day that America declared its independence.
Why are all these things on the Statue of Liberty you ask? All these things have something in common. They all stand for important issues of the United States. World means that she is a statue telling everyone what America is all about.
The broken chains at her feet stand for tyranny showing that America has hope and we can accomplish anything we put our mind to. The seven spokes on her crown represent the seven seas and continents reminding us how far we have come since we declared our independence. The burning torch that she holds represents liberty meaning we are now free; the bonds of resistance no longer hold us. She holds in her left hand a tablet which is inscribed with the date July 4, 1776, the day that America declared her independence, reminding us of what we had to go through to get to today.
What the Statue of Liberty Says to the Rest of the World
Most of the world is not completely free like the United States. Most of these nations don’t have a symbol of freedom like we do that says a lot about who they are and what they stand for.
Frankism was a Sabbatean Jewish religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on the leadership of the Jewish Messiah claimant Jacob Frank. Frank rejected religious norms and said that his followers were obligated to transgress as many moral boundaries as possible.
Frankfurt is located on an ancient ford (German: Furt) on the river Main. As a part of early Franconia, the inhabitants were the early Franks, thus the city’s name reveals its legacy as “the ford of the Franks on the Main”.
The proportion of the Mayflower Pilgrims from these counties is very striking: 6 came from Yorkshire, 9 from Nottinghamshire, 2 from Lincolnshire, 17 from London, 17 from Kent, 11 from Essex and 32 from Norfolk.
What was the Mayflower Compact? It’s Meaning and Significance
On November 21, 1620, the Pilgrims drew up and signed the Mayflower Compact (which is actually dated the 11th of November because Britain was still using the Julian calendar). The compact was modeled after the church covenant that the Pilgrims had drafted and signed in 1607 when they had first separated from the English Church and fled to Holland.
There is hardly another ship in modern times that has aroused as much curiosity and conjecture as the Mayflower, whose sixty-six-day crossing of the Atlantic belongs to the epic past of colonial America. The memorable voyage in the fall of 1620 is part of our historic American folklore upon which many Americans look back with patriotic pride, especially if they can really prove that one of their ancestors was one of the passengers. Of course, everyone knows Will Rogers’ wry remark that his ancestors did not come over on the Mayflower but were on the shore to welcome the Pilgrims.
The orphan trains ran from 1854 to 1929, delivering an estimated 250,000 orphaned or abandoned children to new homes.
The Orphan Train movement was the forerunner of the modern American foster care system and led to the passage of child protection and health and welfare laws. Background: The Need for Orphan Trains. The 1850s were literally “the worst of times” for many children in crowded cities of the American East Coast.
The American Civil War (also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States from 12 April 1861 to 09 May 1865 (last shot fired 22 June 1865), fought between northern states loyal to the Union and southern states that had seceded to form the Confederate States of America. The civil war began as a result of the unresolved controversy of the enslavement of black people in the southern states.
UNITED STATES INC — the UNITED STATES is a corporation. Formed in Delaware in 1871. All UNITED STATES citizens are governed under the corporate law of the UNITED STATES. All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Hence, the UNITED STATES INC formed in Act of 1871.
Dedicated in 1886, “Liberty Enlightening the World” (known as the “Statue of Liberty”) is a gift from France to the United States of America to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the birth of liberty in the US. and the end of slavery after the Civil War. She has since become a universal symbol of freedom, embraced by advocates of self-government the world over.
The eminent Statue of Liberty is a 93-meter tall copper structure of the Roman goddess of freedom located in the New York Harbor. This famous Sculpture is not built-in New York, but it was gifted by France to America in order to intensify the bond of newly established friendship. The main attraction of Lady Liberty is the enlightening torch and unbuckled chain which always encourages people to support freedom and fight for it.
The War of Independence, also known as the American Revolution and the Revolutionary War, was fought from 1775 to 1783 between Great Britain and the 13 British colonies in North America. The 1783 TREATY OF PARIS, which ended the war, gave the 13 colonies political independence and led to the formation of the United States of America.
The Mayflower’s passengers were in search of a new life – many seeking religious freedom, others a fresh start in a different land. They would go on to be known as the Pilgrims and their story became a central theme in the history and culture of the United States. More than 30 million people can trace their ancestry to the 102 passengers and approximately 30 crew aboard the Mayflower when it landed in Plymouth Bay, Massachusetts, in the harsh winter of 1620.
Worshiping in various separatist churches in London, Norfolk and the East Midlands, the future pilgrims fled to religiously liberal Holland from 1593. Concerned with losing their cultural identity, the group arranged with English investors to establish a new colony in North America and made the dangerous Atlantic crossing on the Mayflower in 1620.
The Pilgrims were a group of English colonists who emigrated from England to present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. They sailed to the New World on a ship called the Mayflower. When the ship left Plymouth, England, there were 102 passengers. 49 of them were from the Puritan Separatist congregation in Leiden, Netherlands who sought religious freedom in America. The other 53 were men, women, and children who wanted to start a new life.
Martin Luther used the German word Morgenstern (Morning Star) for the word traditionally translated in this Scripture as Lucifer. In the Septuagint, the Jewish scholars translated this with the Greek word “Eosphoros” (ἑωσφόρος), which in Greek means “bringer of dawn” and, again, it was the Greek name for the planet Venus.
Planet Venus after i discovered that the Planet makes a pentacle, Pentagram or 5 pointed star when Earth and Venus are at there closests points when they revolve around the sun:
The story of Paradise Lost concerns the heavenly revolt of Satan, leading to his fall from grace and the establishment of Hell.
There was a passage in the Old Testament book of Isiah 14:12 which prophesied the overthrow of Babylon’s king, stating: ‘How are you fallen from heaven, day star, son of the dawn!’
As is made clear by the term ‘son of the dawn’, the Isaiah reference was to the King of Babylon, but astronomically the ‘day star’ or ‘morning star’ is Venus, which appears in the sky before sunrise.
In Latin, Venus ‘the light-bringer’ was referred to as the lux-fer, or as it was more commonly written, ‘the lucifer‘.
What milton did was to treat this descriptive femine term as a proper noun in accordance with St Jerome’s Vulgate translation, and as it appears in the Isaiah verse today). But more than that – Lucifer was aligned in paradise Lost with Satan.
Of Lucifer, so by allusion called, Of that bright star to Satan paragon’d.
Prior to 1667, the term lucifer (lux-fer: ‘light-bringer’) had never been associated with a male entity – and certainly not with an evil Satan. Even after Milton’s death, in 18th century dictionaries, the correct reference is given. For instance, the 1721-94 Nathan Bailey’s Etymological Dictionary states: ‘Lucifer – The morning or day star; the planet Venus, when it rises before the sun’. But, notwithstanding, following Milton’s lead, Freemasons were now not only sun cultists – they were also satanists! And so, from 1667, Lucifer became an alternative name for Satan, while its association with Venus, light bearer and goddess of love, was forgotten by way of clerical indoctrination.
What is perhaps surprising is that, more than three centuries later, the Puritan view is still being expressed by a body of hard-line religious extremists. They pretend on the Internet, and in their books, to be investigators into a liberal conspiracy, but in reality they pursue a modern-day which hunt that accuses Freemasons of being satanists and devil-worshipers.
In reality, the ‘conspiracy’ is entirely on their side and it is they (not the masons) who cling to a medieval belief in Satan, making them so fearful of those whom they accuse.
The clear dishonesty in the Vulgate Isaiah translation can be seen from the word that was misrepresented as Lucifer. The direct Greek equivalent to lux-fer (light-bringer) was phos phoros (from which the Latin and English word phosphorous derives).
Where this was used in the New Testament (2 Peter 1:19), it was translated as ‘day star’. This is correct; lux-fer and phos phoros are identical in referring to the light bringer (or light carrier), and the word ‘phosphorus’ is rightly given in today’s Oxford English Dictionary as relating to the morning star.
This was never a derogatory term, and was even apploied in relation to the Messiah (Revelation 22:16 – ‘I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.’)
But the original term used in Isaiah was not phos phoros but the Hebrew word Heylel. This derives from the primitive halal, and is used 165 times in the Old Testament. Examples can be found in 1 Kings 20:11, Psalms 10:3, and Proverbs 20:14, and in each case (along with many others) heylel relates to boasting. Isaiah 14:12 should not read as ‘How are you fallen from heaven, day star, son of the dawn!’ but ‘How are you fallen from heaven, boastful one, son of the dawn!’
As the writer of Isaiah intended, this was a direct reference to the Babylonian king, and had no connection whatever to Venus or a light bearer of any kind. Not only was John Milton’s misuse of lux-fer thoroughly ill-disposed, it was (as derived from the Vulgate translation) the wrong word in any event.
Indeed Lucifer is the Planet Venus or Since Ancients didnt know they were planets they called it a Star instead, And Venus only shows in the Morning thus” The Morning Star”.
Lucifer in Latin translates as Light Bearing, the light-bearing attendant to the Sun. Whom is the morning star. Indeed Jesus was also called Lucifer the Morning Star. Revelation 22:16: “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches.
Revelations 17
There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5 The name written on her forehead was a mystery:
15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. 16 The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled. 18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.”
America’s colors are red, white and blue. Red+Blue = Purple. Purple apparently represents royalty as well as vanity. Scarlet represents the blood of Christ and martyrs.
The color purple is also associated with royalty in Christianity, being one of the three traditional offices of Jesus Christ, i. e. king, although such a symbolism was assumed from the earlier Roman association or at least also employed by the ancient Romans.
In Europe and America, purple is the color most associated with vanity, extravagance, and individualism. Among the seven major sins, it represents vanity. It is a color which is used to attract attention
In the Roman Catholic Church, scarlet is the color worn by a cardinal, and is associated with the blood of Christ and the Christian martyrs, and with sacrifice.
According to this, the creator wanted the Statue of Liberty to be covered in gold.
The are just too many coincidences when we compare the characteristics in the scriptures relating to the woman called “Mystery Babylon — “Mother of Harlots” with that of Ishtar of Babylon and the Statue of Liberty.
What we conclude:
The Statue of Liberty is the woman being described in Revelation 17/18 and especially 17:4-5, 9 and 18:7 along with Isaiah 47:1-15.
We say this because we know that the Statue of Liberty is actually the artist/sculpture’s vision of Ishtar, the goddess of Babylon. This makes the Statue of Liberty the largest Idol ever made by human hands.
Is it any wonder that our Congressional lawmakers seem to be so perpetually “screwed up?”
The reference to “Mystery Babylon — Mother of Harlots” is referencing Ishtar, the Mother of Harlots of Babylon…and her “mystery doctrines” such as salvation by sex for money.
There are numerous other statue of other pagan deities in the US Capitol building and around the nation’s capitol city. America is indeed the Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18.
#3. The Robe:
In the original planning, the Statue of Liberty was designed in the initial stages to be in color. She was to be wearing the royal robes of scarlet and purple.
It became obvious that for reasons of monetary purposes the statue must be made from copper. The use of copper precluded the use of any color schemes. Thus the original plans for scarlet and purple robes were abandoned.
How is the whore of Babylon described? … This color of clothing complements her also wearing gold, precious stones and pearls and her use of a golden cup.
Why is she called “The whore of Babylon”?
Because she teaches God’s servants to commit fornication with the Kings of the Earth
She teaches a false “LIBERTY” which says, “we have freedom from keeping the law of Christ, but not obeying the law of Christ.”
This so-called Liberty is what the Apostle Paul called “THE MYSTERY OF BABYLON” in 2nd Thessalonians 2.
During the occult system in ancient Babylon, Semiramis a.k.a. ISIS started a religion that would spread throughout the world, and take on different names for each culture.
You will see this lady of liberty in New York, Babylon, Russia, Eygpt, Greece, Persia and Rome.
ISIS is the statue of Liberty because she is the Goddess that many worship around the world, and she is the moon Goddess who gave birth to Horus “the god of the sun.”
Satan’s nick name is Horus. You will see the EYE OF HORUS a.k.a. THE ALL SEEING EYES” on top of the pyramid. That is were the first dollar was made. Magicians created this magic dollar.
This is why money and the love of money is the ROOT to all evil.
The goddess Isis is known by many names, including Juno, SEMIRAMIS, Tammuz, EASTER, Eostre, and JEZEBEL.
She was worshiped under these names:
ASTARTE (Syria) CERES (Rome) CYBELE (Phrygia) DEMETER (Greece) ISHTAR (Babylon) ISIS (Egypt) THE LADY OF LIBERTY (America)
Ishtar was a multi-faceted deity. She was first and foremost endeared to the hearts and minds of Babylonians because of her primary dedication to Freedom and Liberty. She was also considered the Mother of Prostitution or Harlotry…and it was considered “holy.”
Why? Ishtar introduced the concept of removal of sins by the practice of the sinner engaging in a “holy” rite of sexual relations with a priestess or priest.
This action would involve the payment of money to the priestess or priest as part of the cleansing process. It was an offering of thanksgiving for the purification. This is the very first instance of Prostitution in human history.
Ishtar was also known as the goddess of war because she fights for freedom and liberty. She was also known as the goddess of victory because there is no freedom without victory. She was also known as the goddess of love because of her sexuality and her promotion of all types of sexual perversion in the name of freedom. Her motto was “if it feels good, do it.”
The Statue of Liberty, aka Liberty Enlightening the World.
Most know that the Statue of Liberty was gifted from France to America in 1886. It was designed by French Freemason Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi.
There is a plaque at the pedestal’s entrance that states “The New Colossus”. Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of the ancient sun God Helios in the Ancient Greek city of Rhodes. Some scholars suggest the statue’s creation was actually inspired by Semiramis, “the Queen of Babylon”, and not Libertas as commonly thought. Libertas was the Roman Goddess of Freedom.
The “Queen of Babylon” could refer to many women or goddesses, but some researchers say they all have their roots in the mother-wife of Nimrod…. named Semiramis. Some scholars suggest it was Nimrod and Semiramis that built the Tower of Babel, the attempted deification of man, from the book of Genesis.
Why is it that the United States of America, which was supposedly founded on Christian principles, has so much art and culture tied to ancient mythology and paganism? Another example: Minerva is on top of the US Capitol building.
One nation, under God?
It is interesting to also read Revelation 18:7-8 with this context. The heading of the chapter is “The Fall of Babylon”.
“As she glorified herself and lived in luxury, so give her a like measure of torment and mourning, since in her heart she says, ‘I sit as a queen, I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see.’ For this reason her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her.” – Revelation 18:7-8 (ESV)
There are many figurative references to Babylon in biblical prophecy. Could Babylon be the New World Order at large? Could it be the United States of America? One of the great mysteries of the Bible… a riddle so complex that thousands of years of human brain power can’t crack the code
There are interesting things about Babylon, it’s said the merchants of the world weep at its fall because it made them rich, it said it was filled (often get confusing,) but sorcery, has the root word for pharmaceuticals.
The Greek word for “Pharmacy” is “Pharmakeia,” which means “Sorcery, Witchcraft.” So right away we see that your pharmacist is actually a witch. The pill-pushing, vaccine dispensing, New Ager, stiff-necked rejecter of God is a sorcerer!
from Medieval Latin pharmacia, from Greek pharmakeia “use of drugs, medicines, potions, or spells; poisoning, witchcraft; remedy, cure,” from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) “preparer of drugs, poisoner, sorcerer” from …
It is told that Ura, the dread demon of disease, once made up his mind to destroy mankind. But Ishnu, his counsellor, appeased him so that he abandoned his intention, and he gave humanity a chance of escape. Whoever should praise Ura and magnify his name would, he said, rule the four quarters of the world, and should have none to oppose him. He should not die in pestilence, and his speech should bring him into favour with the great ones of the earth. Wherever a tablet with the song of Ura was set up, in that house there should be immunity from the pestilence.
Rev also points to a deception that will trick most of the world.
ISIS is a US-Israeli creation, a fact as clear as the sky is blue. It’s a truth as black and white as the colors on their flag. For many alternative news readers, this may be patently obvious, but this article is written for the large majority of people in the world who still have no idea who is really behind the rise of ISIS.
No matter which name they go by – ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh – the group has been deliberately engineered by the US and Israel to achieve certain geopolitical goals. They are a religious, fundamentalist, Sunni terrorist organization created to terrorize and overthrow certain secular or Shiite Arab nations such as Syria and Iraq, but they are not just “Islamic”. They may be Muslims, and they may be advocating an Islamic State, but they are very much working towards the goals of Zionism.
It’s amazing how many people still struggle to get that point. We have been inundated with propaganda surrounding the fraudulent war on terror, notably terms such as Islamic terrorism and radical Islam, but more accurate phrases would be Zio-Islamic terrorism and radical Zio-Islam. Secret military agencies such as the CIA and the Mossad pull the strings. Here is a list of the top 10 ‘indications’ that ISIS is a US-Israeli creation.
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #1: ISIS Foreknowledge via Leaked DIA Doc
The DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) is 1 of 16 US military intelligence agencies. According to a leaked document obtained by Judicial Watch, the DIA wrote on August 12, 2012 that:
“there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime …”
This was written before ISIS came on to the world stage. Clearly ISIS was no random uprising, but rather a carefully groomed and orchestrated controlled opposition group.
What is the Statue of Liberty Inscription or Quote?
Statue of Liberty holds a tablet in her arm with an inscription or quote. The tablet says July IV, MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776) in Roman numerals, the date our Declaration of Independence. The inscription or quote is from Poet Emma Lazarus who wrote a poem about the Statue of Liberty called “The New Colossus”. The inscription or quote was later put on a plaque inside the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal:
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.
From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips.
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Colossus computer, the first programmable electronic digital computer, used for code breaking in World War II
False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) was created by CIA (1992) to deny the existence of cult mind control and child abuse. FMSF argued in court that satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and multiple personality disorder (MPD) don’t exist.
Jun 19, 2024
A group of families and professionals affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the Johns Hopkins Medical Institution in Baltimore created the False Memory Syndrome Foundation in 1992 because they saw a need for an organization that could document and study the problem of families that were being shattered when adult children suddenly claimed to have recovered repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse.
The mandate of the FMSF has always been to discredit the recovered memories of people who report having been traumatically abused as children – usually by claiming that the child’s therapist has implanted false memories – and to develop legal defenses for protecting pedophiles in court. They have resorted to lies, intimidation, character assassination, legal tactics,
The FMSF has routinely argued in court cases that satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and multiple personality disorder (MPD) don’t exist, and the organization and its members have specifically targeted any therapists who claim that they do.
Sybil, a 1976 film based on a true story, is a powerful portrayal of a woman struggling with multiple personality disorder. The movie stars Sally Field as Sybil Dorsett, a woman who experiences severe and traumatic events in her childhood that cause her to dissociate into different personalities.
The Three Faces of Eve (1957), a film starring Georgia native Joanne Woodward, is an adaptation of a book by the same name, written by doctors Corbett H. Thigpen and Hervey M. Cleckley. The narrative chronicles the experiences of a young housewife with multiple personalities, who was initially diagnosed and treated at the Medical College of Georgia (later Georgia Health Sciences University) in Augusta.
Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the presence of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states. The disorder is accompanied by memory gaps more severe than could be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. The personality states alternately show in a person’s behavior; however, presentations of the disorder vary.
According to the DSM-5-TR, early childhood trauma, typically starting by 5-6 years of age, can place someone at risk of developing dissociative identity disorder.
Across diverse geographic regions, 90% of individuals diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder report experiencing multiple forms ofchildhood abuse, such as rape, violence, neglect, or severe bullying.
Other traumatic childhood experiences that have been reported include painful medical or surgical procedures, war, terrorism, attachment disturbance, natural disaster, cult, andoccultabuse, loss of a loved one or loved ones,human trafficking, and dysfunctional family dynamics.
There is no medication to treat DID directly. However, medications can be used for comorbid disorders or targeted symptom relief, for example antidepressants or treatments to improve sleep. Treatment generally involves supportive care and psychotherapy.
There are no medications used specifically to treatdissociativeidentitydisorder, but a variety of drugs can be used to relieve some of the symptoms along with therapy. These include neuroleptics such as aripiprazole, ziprasidone, olanzapine, and quetiapine, anticonvulsants, which act as mood stabilizers, and antidepressants to reduce anxiety and apprehension.
The condition is believed to affect 1.1–1.5% of the general population (based on multiple epidemiological studies) and 3% of those admitted to hospitals with mental health issues in Europe and North America.
DID is diagnosed about six times more often in women than in men.
The number of recorded cases increased significantly in the latter half of the 20th century, along with the number of identities reported by those affected. However, it is unclear whether increased rates of diagnosis are due to better recognition or sociocultural factors such as mass media portrayals.
The typical presenting symptoms in different regions of the world may also vary depending on culture, such as alter identities taking the form of possessing spirits, deities, ghosts, or mythical creatures and figures in cultures where normative possession states are common.
The 20th Century History of Dissociative Identity Disorder
In the 1970s, the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder rose dramatically after the publication of the extremely popular book, Sybil, in 1973. In the 1970s alone, it is thought that more cases of DID were reported than in all of history since 1816 and the famous case of Mary Reynolds. Between 1991 and 1997, over 500 cases of DID were admitted to a single dissociative disorders treatment center in Dallas, Texas.
Additionally, as more and more cases of DID were reported, more and more alternate personalities (alters) were reported in each case. The majority of cases noted by 1944 manifested with only two personalities, while there was an average of 15.7 alters noted in cases reported in 1997. In current day, controversy still rages around DID, its diagnosis and whether the disorder even exists.
The full presentation of dissociative identity disorder can onset at any age,[24] although symptoms typically begin at ages 5–10.[37] According to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), symptoms of DID include “the presence of two or more distinct personality states”.
In the DSM-II, in 1968, dissociative identity disorder was called hysterical neurosis, dissociative type and was defined as an alteration to consciousness and identity.
1967 – Michael Aquino began a two-year tour of duty in Vietnam, taking part in the infamous Phoenix Program. The Phoenix Program was an assassination/torture/terror operation that was initiated by the CIA, with the aim of ‘neutralizing’ the civilian infrastructure that supported the Viet Cong insurgency in South Vietnam.
In 1980, the DSM-III was published and the term “dissociative” was first introduced as a class of disorders. In the DSM-IIIs text revision (DSM-III-R), an essential feature of dissociative disorders was “a disturbance in the normally integrative functions of identity, memory, or consciousness . . .” This rather liberal diagnosis may be partially responsible for the vast uptick in diagnoses of the new diagnosis of “multiple personality disorder.”
The DSM-IV, in 1994, addressed this somewhat as it included the specific criterion of amnesia to the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder, now renamed to dissociative identity disorder.
The psychiatrichospital in Colonial Williamsburg was known as the “Public Hospital for Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds” and, just as stated on Pottermore, wasthefirst building in the U.S. dedicated to helping the mentally ill. Governor Francis Fauquier founded the institution in 1773 in hopes of curing “persons who are so unhappy as to be deprived of their reason.”
Railroad history in the UnitedStates is nearly as old as the country itself, dating back to the mid-1820s. As we know, this great nation would not have grown and prospered as it did without therailroads, which brought together the young country and allowed for unprecedented prosperity.
The Great Famine was caused by a failure of the potato crop, which many people relied on for most of their nutrition. A disease called late blight destroyed the leaves and edible roots of the potato plants in successive years from 1845 to 1849.
Dynamite was invented by Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel in 1866 and was the first safely manageable explosive stronger than black powder
The world’s first public electricity supply was provided in late 1881, when the streets of the Surrey town of Godalming in the UK were lit with electric light. What country first usedelectricity? These were invented by Joseph Swan in 1878 in Britain and by Thomas Edison in 1879 in the US.
WorldWar I started on June 28, 1914, after the assassination of Archduke Franz of Austria. His murder started a war in the whole of Europe that ended on 11 November 1918. This four-year war was fought between the central powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire) and the Allied powers (Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Canada, Japan, and the United States).
The TreatyofVersailles, signed in 1919 at the Palace ofVersailles in Paris at the end of World War I, codified peace terms between Germany and the victorious Allies. The TreatyofVersailles held Germany responsible for starting the war and imposed harsh penalties on the Germans, including loss of territory, massive reparations payments and demilitarization.
The FrankfurtSchool is a school of thought in sociology and critical philosophy. It is associated with the Institute for Social Research founded at Goethe University Frankfurt in 1923. Formed during the Weimar Republic during the European interwar period, the first generation of the FrankfurtSchool was composed of intellectuals, academics, and political dissidents dissatisfied with the contemporary socio-economic systems of the 1930s; namely, capitalism, fascism, and communism.
In the UnitedStates, the GreatDepression began with the Wall Street Crash of October 1929 and then spread worldwide. The Wall Street Crash of 1929, also known as the Great Crash, is a significant milestone in economic history. It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States.
In English, the republic was usually simply called “Germany”, with “WeimarRepublic” (a term introduced by Adolf Hitler in 1929) not commonly used until the 1930
The electric cattle prodis said to have beeninvented by Texas cattle baron Robert J. Kleberg, Jr.of the King Ranch around 1930, although versions were sold as early as 1917
From 1936 until 1972, nearly 60,000 people were lobotomized. Most lobotomies were performed without the patient’s or their legal caretaker’s consent.
Virgil P. Sydenstricker was a professor of medicine and an internationally recognised specialist in hematology and nutrition. Articles published with Cleckley were among the first to describe an atypical form of pellagra (now known as “niacin deficiency”) which was then endemic in southern states. In 1939 and 1941 they published on the use of nicotinic acid (niacin or vitamin B3) as a treatment for abnormal mental states and psychiatric disorders. The studies have been erroneously used to justify the use of megavitamin therapy in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia.
Cleckley practiced the controversial “coma therapy“, where psychiatric patients would be repeatedly put into comas over several weeks through overdoses of insulin, metrazol or other drugs. In the wake of sometimes fatal complications, Cleckley published in 1939 and 1941 advising on theoretical grounds the prophylactic administration of various vitamins, salts and hormones.
Hervey Milton Cleckley, M.D.(1903 –1984) was an American psychiatrist and pioneer in the field of psychopathy. His book, The Mask of Sanity, originally published in 1941
WW2 1 September 1939 to 2 September 1945
OperationPaperclip ran from 1945 to 1959, bringing over 1,600 scientists, engineers and technicians from Germany to the United States. It was lauded as a great success, even though many of the men involved had highly questionable pasts.
Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent not-for-profit organization which seeks to combine research in the social sciences with professional practice.
In 1951, he also co-published case study research suggesting the use of electronarcosis for various conditions, a form of deep sleep therapy initiated by passing electric current through the brain, without causing seizures as in electroconvulsive therapy which he also used.
Stunning with electricity is known as electronarcosis, and killing with electricity is known as electrocution.
In 1952 Cleckley, along with Walter Bromberg a senior psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, published an article on the insanity defense. They suggested changing the wording of it to: “In your opinion, was the defendant suffering from disease of the mind and if so, was it sufficient to render him unaccountable under the law for the crime charged?”
The concept of ‘accountability’ was intended as an alternative to a narrow definition of ‘responsibility’ under the M’Naghten rules which requires an absence of moral knowledge of right and wrong, in effect only covering psychosis (delusions, hallucinations).
They argued that mental illness can involve any part of the mind and that the insanity test should focus on the extent to which the accused’s mind overall, due to some inner pathology ‘whether obvious or masked’, was unable to operate in accord with the law.
However, 10 years later, a chapter by Cleckley on “Psychiatry: Science, Art, and Scientism” cautioned others against a common exaggeration of the abilities of psychiatry to diagnose or treat, including in regard to criminal responsibility. In that regard Cleckley expressed his agreement with a critique by Hakeem, yet Hakeem had quoted Cleckley’s claims about psychopathy as an example of psychiatrists exaggerating how clear their diagnostic terms are to each other.
Thigpen and Cleckley (1954)A Case of Multiple Personality
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a dissociative disorder in which two or more distinct personalities coexist within one and the same individual. It is a neurotic disorder.
It is not a form of schizophrenia – type of psychotic disorder where contact with reality and insight are impaired. Other symptoms are hallucinations and delusions.
In 1956, Cleckley co-authored a book The Three Faces of Eve with Corbett H. Thigpen, his partner in private practice and colleague at the department of psychiatry in Georgia University. It was based on their patient Chris Costner Sizemore who Thigpen especially had treated over several years. They published a research article on the case in 1954, documenting the sessions and how they came to view it as a case of ‘multiple personality’, referencing Morton Prince‘s earlier controversial case study of Christine Beauchamp (pseudonym).
They also discussed what is meant by ‘personality’ and identity, noting how it can change even in everyday senses (becoming ‘a new person’ or ‘not himself’ etc.). Such a diagnosis had fallen into relative disuse in psychiatry but Thigpen and Cleckley felt they had identified a rare case, though others have questioned the use of hypnosis and suggestion in creating some if not all of the characterization, and the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder (now dissociative identity disorder) remains controversial despite, or because of, upsurges in diagnoses in America.
The book also served as the basis for a blockbuster 1957 film The Three Faces of Eve starring Joanne Woodward, in which Lee J. Cobb played the initial treating psychiatrist and Edwin Jerome the consultant. Both Thigpen and Cleckley received writing credits and reportedly over a million dollars. In the book and film ‘Eve’ is cured of her alternate personalities, but Sizemore states that she was not free of them until many years later.
Valium, trade name of a tranquilizer drug introduced by the pharmaceutical company Hoffmann-La Roche in 1963. Safer and more effective than earlier sedative-hypnotic drugs, Valium quickly became a standard drug for the treatment of anxiety and one of the most commonly prescribed drugs of all time.
Cleckley is considered to be the “father” of psychopathy. He diagnosed Bundy as a psychopath.
What is Hervey Cleckley best known for?
On many occasions Cleckley was asked to testify at important trials. An example was the 1979trial of Ted Bundy who murdered more than thirty people. ” Bundy received a mental health evaluation from Hervey Cleckley, when he was on trial for the Florida murders.
Cleckley was a psychiatrist for the prosecution in the 1979 trial of serial killer Ted Bundy, the first to be televised nationally in the United States. After interviewing Bundy and reviewing two prior reports, he diagnosed him as a psychopath. At the competency hearinga defense psychiatrist also argued that Bundy was a psychopath, however he concluded that Bundy was not competent to stand trial or represent himself, while Cleckley argued that he was competent.
TheSatanic panicis amoral panicconsisting of over 12,000 unsubstantiated cases ofSatanic ritual abuse(SRA, sometimes known asritual abuse,ritualistic abuse,organized abuse, orsadistic ritual abuse) starting in the United States in the 1980sand revised in new editions until the 1980s, provided the most influential clinical description of psychopathy in the twentieth century.
But in 1981, when President d Reagan deinstitutionalized the mentally ill and emptied the psychiatric hospitals into so-called “community” clinics, the problem got worse.
1992 – (Although this entry isn’t directly connected to Michael Aquino, it directly relates to the cover up of events that he and his pedophile cronies have been involved in.) After being accused of molestation as a child by their daughter, Peter and Pamela Freyd established the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF).
The original board members included doctors who were directly involved in MKULTRA mind-control programs, such as expert hypnotist Martin Orne and Dr. Louis Jolyin West, as well as many others who have been accused of child sexual abuse.
One board member, Richard Ofshe, is an alleged expert on coercive persuasion techniques, and another, Margaret Singer, was a government expert on cults and cult tactics. Elizabeth Loftus is an expert on memory. The mandate of the FMSF has always been to discredit the recovered memories of people who report having been traumatically abused as children – usually by claiming that the child’s therapist has implanted false memories – and to develop legal defenses for protecting pedophiles in court. They have resorted to lies, intimidation, character assassination, legal tactics, and coercing victims to recant their claims and sue their therapists for large settlements.
The FMSF has routinely argued in court cases that satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and multiple personality disorder (MPD) don’t exist, and the organization and its members have specifically targeted any therapists who claim that they do. This defense strategy, which has proven to be quite successful, has allowed victims of trauma-based mind-control and ritual abuse to be completely discredited, while allowing their perpetrators to continue their activities unimpeded.
At about the time that the FMSF was established, a number of mind-control and ritual abuse victims were starting to remember being involved in these events, and this threatened to expose the perpetrators, so it was important that a means to discredit them was put in place.
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation was created by known pedophiles and its board was fortified with CIA mind-control experts who cut their teeth on MKULTRA victims. Many of them are known to be closely associated with Michael Aquino.
This organization of pedophiles and mind-control experts have been very instrumental in covering for Aquino and other pedophiles while destroying the lives and careers of their victims, the victim’s families, and their therapists, even long after these pedophiles performed their vile acts against them.
1992 – (Although this entry isn’t directly connected to Michael Aquino, it directly relates to the cover up of events that he and his pedophile cronies have been involved in.) After being accused of molestation as a child by their daughter, Peter and Pamela Freyd established the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF).
The original board members included doctors who were directly involved in MKULTRA mind-control programs, such as expert hypnotist Martin Orne and Dr. Louis Jolyin West, as well as many others who have been accused of child sexual abuse. One board member, Richard Ofshe, is an alleged expert on coercive persuasion techniques, and another, Margaret Singer, was a government expert on cults and cult tactics. Elizabeth Loftus is an expert on memory.
The mandate of the FMSF has always been to discredit the recovered memories of people who report having been traumatically abused as children – usually by claiming that the child’s therapist has implanted false memories – and to develop legal defenses for protecting pedophiles in court. They have resorted to lies, intimidation, character assassination, legal tactics, and coercing victims to recant their claims and sue their therapists for large settlements.
The FMSF has routinely argued in court cases that satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and multiple personality disorder (MPD) don’t exist, and the organization and its members have specifically targeted any therapists who claim that they do. This defense strategy, which has proven to be quite successful, has allowed victims of trauma-based mind-control and ritual abuse to be completely discredited, while allowing their perpetrators to continue their activities unimpeded.
At about the time that the FMSF was established, a number of mind-control and ritual abuse victims were starting to remember being involved in these events, and this threatened to expose the perpetrators, so it was important that a means to discredit them was put in place.
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation was created by known pedophiles and its board was fortified with CIA mind-control experts who cut their teeth on MKULTRA victims. Many of them are known to be closely associated with Michael Aquino.
This organization of pedophiles and mind-control experts have been very instrumental in covering for Aquino and other pedophiles while destroying the lives and careers of their victims, the victim’s families, and their therapists, even long after these pedophiles performed their vile acts against them.
Who Is Robert Hare?
Robert D. Hare was born on January 1, 1934 in Calgary, Alberta. He was raised in a close-knit, working-class family. Hare’s mother had French Canadian roots and her family dated back to Montreal in the 1600s. Hare’s father was a roofing contractor who spent much of his time during the great depression riding the rails and looking for work.
Robert Hare is a Canadian psychologist who made major contributions to the fields of criminal psychology and forensic psychology. He is best known for his research on psychopathy. Hare is the creator of the Psychopathy Checklist and the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised.
Hare is currently a professor emeritus of the University of British Columbia. He is considered to be the world’s foremost expert on psychopathy as he has spent more than 30 years studying the condition.Hare now works closely with law enforcement and sits on several law enforcement committees and boards in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States
He describes psychopaths as ‘social predators while pointing out that most don’t commit murder.
How Hare Got Started
Frustrated by a lack of agreed definitions or rating systems of psychopathy, including at a ten-day international North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) conference in France in 1975, Hare began developing a Psychopathy Checklist.
Produced for initial circulation in 1980, the same year that the DSM changed its diagnosis of sociopathic personality to Antisocial Personality Disorder, i
It was based largely on the list of traits advanced by Cleckley, with whom Hare corresponded over the years. Hare redrafted the checklist in 1985 following Cleckley’s death in 1984, renaming it the Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R).
1995 –Diana Napolis was a Child Protection Services investigator in San Diego who was alarmed by the increasing number of children who were reporting satanic ritual abuse, starting as far back as the mid-1980s. Napolis went undercover online in 1995 and approached Aquino and several others who were associated with him, while also posting information and evidence relating to these crimes and these people’s involvement in them.
In response, Aquino and his associates (several of them from the False Memory Syndrome Foundation) cyber-stalked Napolis for five years and finally tracked her down in 2000, thereby discovering her real identity. At this point, Napolis’ efforts to expose these people were defeated, with Aquino and associates using their power and influence to pose themselves as the victims and accusing her of cyber-stalking, as well as engaging in assassinating her character both online and through the media. Napolis was also targeted with directed-energy weapons (V2K) and set up to appear mentally unstable, with claims that she was stalking various celebrities.
This resulted in her spending a year in jail and several more months in a mental facility, and eventually being forced to quit her job.
The character assassination continued against her, with someone claiming to be Napolis posting insane ravings on the internet in order to make her appear crazy.
Did a MK7 Slave CONFESS to the murder of CIA Director William Colby? I have the confession in this show. How children undergo Trauma Rituals. Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips- Liars and Misdirection to trap MORE Victims….What is Revelation of the Method
Jun 16, 2024
On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O’Brien was subjected to an occult ritual named “The Rite to Remain Silent”. This is her own very shocking and eye-opening life story about her experience as a CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon level trauma-based Mind Control slave.
O’Brien claims to have been abused since she was a toddler by her own family. Forced to partake in satanic sadomasochistic child pornography movies produced for Gerald Ford, she was eventually sold to the CIA, which was looking for traumatized children for their mind-control program …
U.S. Presidents Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bill Clinton; Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney; Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid; Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier; Panamanian President Manuel Noriega; and King Fahd of Saudi Arabia all sexually brutalized her.
She recounts in graphic detail how the elder George Bush raped her thirteen-year-old daughter and how she was forced to have oral sex with Illuminati witch Hillary Clinton … While being sodomized, whipped, bound and raped, O’Brien overheard the globalist elite planning a military coup in the United States and conspiring to usher in the satanic New World Order.
Clip Played today from: ……For Reasons of National Security *Mark Phillips. Cathy O’Brien The Granada Forum, October 31, 1996
MK7 = Satanic Panic in the 1980s McMartin Daycare at the center, AFTER the original MK7 program was shut down and records DESTROYED. ALL the terror toward children was at the hands of USA Military PSYOP Operations running it all.. Aquino and Mind War.
Jun 15, 2024
The McMartin preschool trial was a day care sexual abuse case in the 1980s, prosecuted by the Los Angeles District Attorney, Ira Reiner. Members of the McMartin family, who operated a preschool in Manhattan Beach, California, were charged with hundreds of acts of sexual abuse of children in their care.
The book “MindWar” was published in 2013 by one of the Psy-warrior officers from the U.S. Army’s 7th Psychological Warfare Group who with a fellow psy-warrior came up with, in 1980, the name of a new concept in psychological operations. The book author is Michael A. Aquino. In his mind, MindWar is a tactic in psychological warfare to be employed and exploited by the U.S. military world-wide for all-out control of the mental states and perceptions of all populations.
You will notice that Mind/War came about in 1980 at the time of Satanic Panic and day care centers like the McMartin Case. Likely McMartin set up the same kind of places around the world.
In 2010 MIT neuroscientists discovered that application of a magnetic field to the right [tempo-parietal junction], by means of a noninvasive technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) temporarily disrupts an individual’s ability to make judegments based upon previously-learned morality. In effect, pre-indoctrination is suppressed, resulting in the subject’s tendency to judge situations more on a discrete cause-and-effect basis.
In theory, TMS could be used to condition personnel to make decsions unencumbered by prior moral social, or ethical indoctrination; and to remove that same protective indoctrination from a hostile individual being interrogated. TMS thus approaches in scientific reality the mythical “brainwashing” of classic conspiracy legend. .
WW2 -Nazi Brothels were set up next to Military Bases. Why did ALL the soldiers descend on Germany to RAPE the women? All Allied forces, including the American, British, and French soldiers, committed rapes of German women. WTH
Jun 14, 2024
WW2- They rapedwomen in public, in front of their families, and shot them afterward. … All Allied forces, including the American, British, and French soldiers, committed rapesof German women.
Military brothels (German: Militärbordelle) were set up by Nazi Germany during World War II throughout much of occupied Europe for the use of Wehrmacht and SS soldiers.[1] These brothels were generally new creations, but in the west..
WW2 -Why were Nazi Brothels set up next to Military Bases? Why did ALL the soldiers descend on Germany to RAPE the women? Build up the population by abusing future generations?
Franklin Case -Michael Aquino, US Army military intelligence officer specialized in PSYCHOLOGICAL warfare NOW Founder & High Priest of the Temple of Set…….Nazi Castle (Wewelsburg) To Be The ‘Centre of The World** Ukraine WAR Trafficking**
Jun 14, 2024
The castle of Wewelsburg overlooks the village of the same name in Westphalia, Germany. It once belonged to the prince-bishops of Paderborn, and after that to the Kings of Prussia.
In 1933 it came into the hands of Heinrich Himmler, a leading member of the Nazi Party and head of the Schutzstaffel (SS), the elite military wing of the Nazi Party. Only pure Aryans were permitted to be members of the SS.
Himmler was deeply interested in mysticism and the occult. He chose Wewelsburg as his home and the headquarters of the SS. But more than this, he made Wewelsburg a kind of spiritual center for his strange beliefs.
Dick Cheney once shot his friend in the face during a hunting trip. Was it part of something more than we were told? How investigations are used to trap their own like the DOD Child Porn Investigation (Operation Flicker) likely did.
Jun 13, 2024
How Lutherans and Satanism grew out of Roman Empire. They thought it was going Christian, well didn’t work out that way. WHY does the BUSH family hide their real name (Scherff family) and origins? Did a Bush Murder Tesla?
Jun 12, 2024
Mad, Satanic Roman Emperors had created a disgust amongst the population for Ritual Satanic Murder Sacrifices and the poor people turned to Christianity which by itself should have civilized the world and made it evolved and rich.
CATHOLICISM AND CYBELE AND ATTIS WORSHIP and its castrated Galli Homosexual Pederasty Priests – the State Religion of the Roman Empire – morphed into the Catholic Church, Cybele – Mary, Adonis – Jesus, Molech – God. The Black Death. Pederasty, Inquisition –
The Horror Holy Medieval Inquisition – 50 million tortured burned dead, – burning alive, breast rippers, strappado, rack etc. Fascism and the Holocaust. The Catholic Church is controlled through the Gang Kings, Queens, Nobility of Europe. The Jesuits, The Knights of Malta. Its Vatican Bank is fronted by the Rothschilds, has 500 Trillion Dollars?
Elite Pedophile Rings * How Casa Pia in Portugal and Belgium Child Sex Case (Marc Dutroux) trafficking connect *Wikileaks spilled on Belgium. Pornhub was closed down by Elites (Bill Ackman) and Christians, kitchen was too hot to keep going.
Jun 11, 2024
On 20 October 1996, around 300,000 people tooktothestreets of Brussels following the arrest of MarcDutroux and the abandonment of a wider enquiry. Amid claims of corruption, the affair deeply shocked the nation. The mass protest was directed at Dutroux, the police, justice system and politicians, as well as being a public show of sympathy for the victim’s families.
The Casa Pia case is highlighted in episode three of the new Netflix documentary series about Madeleine McCann. The Casa Pia scandal surrounded the abuse of children and employees at a Portuguese state-run institution for the education of children in poverty.
The CasaPia process, the biggest scandal of abuses tried in Portugal and which involved figures such as television presenter Carlos Cruz or socialist politician Paulo Pedroso, began 20 years ago, but still has pending procedural issues.
When Girls Do It is a 45-minute video examining the motivations of female sexual predators, the destructive effects of their actions on their victims, and the reluctance of victims to come forward. The most common offenders are relatives, with mothers topping the list, but it could be anyone such as baby-sitters, neighbors or teachers. When girls do it: an examination of female sexual predators (EXCLUSIVE) (
@d82083 days ago I was abused from 11-15 and I had no one to tell. When I turned 16 I never went back and no one knew why, or said they didn’t. That has to be bullshit because there’s no way I was the only one.
Is The Vatican & CIA the head of world-wide child sex trafficking? Ninth Circle and Dantes Hell. Did you KNOW: 86% of sex trafficked children were in social services when they went missing. The plan not the bug in the system.
Jun 10, 2024
What is being prepared is not Peace among peoples, but their extermination; what is being prepared is a huge sacrificial altar of the Ninth Circle that will spread to entire nations.
Pornhub had more site traffic than Amazon, Yahoo, and Netflix and more daily visits than the entire populations of Canada, Australia, and France combined.
Researchers named it the 3rd most influential “tech” company on global society, just behind Google and Facebook. 4.6 billion daily ad impressions were helping the site earn hundreds of millions of dollars annually for its parent company MindGeek.
By the beginning of 2023, Pornhub had taken down 80% of the entire website by removing over 10 million videos. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and PayPal had all cut ties with the site, leaving them with only cryptocurrency and wire transfers as payment options.
The secret majority shareholder of MindGeek, Bernd Bergmair, was publicly exposed, and the CEO and COO of MindGeek, Feras Antoon and David Tassillo, resigned. Pornhub lost all major advertisers and business partners, including Grant Thornton, Heinz, Unilever, Comcast-Xfinity, Roku, and many others.
Meta, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube all permanently shut down Pornhub’s social media accounts, causing them to lose over 14 million followers and subscribers. MindGeek has faced eleven landmark individual and class action lawsuits on behalf of hundreds of victims worldwide, totaling billions in potential damages, and was the subject of a Canadian government parliamentary committee investigation.
Weimar was a mass Democratic Experiment. What is a REPROBATE? The Bible says Psychopaths are Reprobates. Is this what is causing them to target me and my work about psychopaths?
Jun 09, 2024
‘Our silence permits perpetrators to continue’
Their options are FEW, most of these kids get charged with prostitution and the traffickers walk free. These kids are not meeting strangers to get into trafficking. MOST cases involve someone known to the child or family.
All they want is one adult to care, will that person be you? We can start by hearing this brave woman’s story and understanding how trafficking of children is all around is, nothing is hiding. Hollywood has sold us a bad idea about trafficking. Current laws are not there to protect the children, the plan not the bug in the system. Trafficking in America: Mary McDowell’s Story – YouTube
The world is run as a group of Cults. Corporate Cults and Religious Cults. Weimar Republic (1918 -1933) a test for what is going on now using child prostitutes on the streets, cross dressing and declining morals in Berlin.
Jun 08, 2024
Germany – Weimar Republic to corrupt a nation effectively one must make sure that the descent into degradation is an infinitely slow and imperceptible process* The warm up act for today. Child prostitutes Cross Dressing ALL part of Weimar.
Only 1% of Weimar was pushing pornography and child sex. Wonder who that 1% really is? The Pilgrims. Many think it is the Jews, but we know better;)
Their “children” always look like hostages, which is a true description, they are hostages to evil against their will. Why is the “boy” grabbing the dogs neck?
The Amish *The Bibles they use: Lutheran & KVJ. German & Swiss Origins -Massive issues with children and rape inside the communities. AMISH come from a core group of 200 *WTH* They call themselves Pennsylvania DUTCH. They call us ENGLISH.
Jun 07, 2024
Baptism was a fundamental issue in the founding of the Anabaptist movement. The issue of infant baptism was crucial for early Anabaptists, who believed that baptism should be a choice made by adults. The Anabaptists based their belief in adult baptism in their interpretation of Scripture and its implications concerning sin.
Amish-born scholar John A. Hostetler notes that early Anabaptists “felt that baptizing babies could not be supported by Scriptures. They argued that sin entered the world with a knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 3). Since an infant does not have this knowledge, it cannot have sin.” The descendants of the early Anabaptists, the Old Order Amish and other groups, feel that baptism is unneccessary for the removal of sin.
4/4 -Lutherans & Catholics and The Reformation. Joined together to push SATAN. Lutherns -The German based CULT who worships SATAN. The Coven in Norfolk, Nebraska is run by Lutherans. *OMG* Norfolk UK Church FOUNDING Place of Pilgrims.
Jun 06, 2024
Templarsign A Seal of the KnightsTemplar, with their famous image of twoknights on a single horse, a symbol of their early poverty. The text is in Greek and Latin characters, Sigillum Militum Χρisti: followed by a cross, which means “the Seal of the Soldiers of Christ”.
View the original list of passengers (PDF, 2.6Mb) from the handwritten manuscript of Gov. William Bradford, written up about 1651 (file link is to the State Library of Massachusetts) content (
3/4 -WHO Were The Mayflower Passengers? George Washington Practiced DEISM. What Is “Deistic Satanism”? First Trans-Atlantic Voyage =TRANS = Transgender. *OMG* Norfolk UK Church FOUNDING Place of Pilgrims.
Jun 05, 2024
Templarsign A Seal of the KnightsTemplar, with their famous image of twoknights on a single horse, a symbol of their early poverty. The text is in Greek and Latin characters, Sigillum Militum Χρisti: followed by a cross, which means “the Seal of the Soldiers of Christ”.
View the original list of passengers (PDF, 2.6Mb) from the handwritten manuscript of Gov. William Bradford, written up about 1651 (file link is to the State Library of Massachusetts) content (
2/4 -WHO were the Mayflower Passengers? George Washington Practiced DEISM. What is “Deistic Satanism”? First Trans-Atlantic voyage =TRANS = Transgender. WTF is with Jesus and Feces?
Jun 02, 2024
Gittin 57a:3-4 “Onkelos then went and raised Jesus the Nazarene from the grave through necromancy… What is the punishment of that man, a euphemism for Jesus himself, in the next world? Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement.”
1/4 -WHO were the Mayflower Passengers? George Washington Practiced DEISM. What is “Deistic Satanism”? First Transatlantic voyage, =TRANS = Transgender. Pilgrims RUN it all today.
Jun 02, 2024
Washington’s “practice of Christianity was limited and superficial, because he was not himself a Christian. In the enlightened tradition of his day, he was a devout Deist—just as many of the clergymen who knew him suspected.”
Who were the 300 influential families who were granted immunity from the 14th amendment and can be found in the Congressional Record of 1865, which gave them diplomatic immunity. The INCEST Gang of Psychopaths set it all up early on, WHO ARE THEY?
May 31, 2024
Time to start up those Search ENGINES and figure this out. WHO are they? Their names are on record. I use the Russian Search Engine, Yandex. Yandex — a fast Internet search
Also, 300 Influential Families with children could very well equal = 350 in the incest study.
There are 300 families but including children it may equal = 350
Contrary to popular opinion, the 14th amendment did not free anyone but rather enslaved everyone, except for a list of list of who were the 300 influential families who were granted immunity from the 14th amendment and can be found in the Congressional Record of 1865, which gave them diplomatic immunity.
The 39th Congress (1865-1867) was one of the important Congresses in our history. It passed more legislation than any other Congress up to that time. This preliminary examination of the 39th Congress begins with a look it composition.
One of the critical factors was that while the 38th Congress contained a majority of unionists, the 39th Congress contained a super-majority which meant not only that they could override a Presidential veto, but also that they did not need to take the Democratic opposition seriously.
This article also identifies the leadership of the 39th Congress. The 38th Congress was composed of 60% of the members who were freshmen and the 39th Congress had 40%of the members who had never been in Congress before.
The relatively inexperience of the Congress as a whole would suggest that the senior members – men such as the members of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction – would exercise an enhanced amount of influence. This study also reports the initial results of a more detailed examination of its membership.
A large majority – over 150 – of its members were lawyers. In an era in which only one per cent of the population had a college degree, a small sample of Congressman (those whose last name begins with the letter “D”) 47% were college graduates. Further, an examination of individual Congressmen suggests that many of the college graduates had taken law-related courses in college.
Though the apprenticeship model was still the predominant way in which lawyers came to the bar, there were numerous members of the Congress who both studied under the preceptor system and graduated from a law school.
WHY are they Destroying MEN? To get to the women and children. Men are victims of sex abuse FAR GREATER than women, biggest TRICK OF ALL TIME * Get rid of all the men while EVERYONE is WATCHING * Talk about hiding in plain sight.
May 30, 2024
Druids were OVERTAKEN by fake Druids who settled USA* The Fake Druids ALSO WORE FEZ Hats. German Hessian Mercenaries were sent by Britian to fight Revolutionary War.
May 30, 2024
What is up with GROVES? The United Ancient Order of Druids was one of the earliest fraternal groups to hit the scene. Founded in 1771 in London, England, it was only two years later that the group formed a Grand Lodge of it’s own. The first Lodge in the Americas was chartered in 1830 in New York, New York. However, the area that would become the greatest supporter wouldn’t see a local “Grove” until 1858, when the first Grove was chartered in California.
Why did the Scottish come to Ireland?
Starting in 1609, Scots began arriving into state-sponsored settlements as part of the Plantation of Ulster. This scheme was intended to confiscate all the lands of the Gaelic Irish nobility in Ulster and to settle the province with Protestant Scottish and English colonists.
The FEZ HAT Story…
It appears that Druid Groves still exist in parts of California and Nevada, but the group was reported to have less than 6500 members by the middle of the twentieth century.
In California the Druidic family is composed of three separate bodies: Groves, being the Brotherhood, Circles, known as the Sisterhood, and the Chapters, known as the Fun Branch. A member of the brotherhood branch can in due time join the sisterhood. However, a member of the sisterhood cannot join the brotherhood branch. Both members of the brotherhood and the sisterhood are eligible to join the Chapter branch.
All three branches of the Druidic Fraternity claim a root in antiquity and each branch has its own moral precepts.
This fez hails from a Grove located in San Francisco, CA. Based upon the construction and embroidery, it can be dated to sometime in the mid twentieth century.
This piece represents an amazing and rare addition to the collection. As the fez states, this hat belonged to a Past Grand Chief Knight, or State President, of a Grand Chapter, known as the fun arm of the United Ancient Order of Druids.
The fez came to the museum in a degraded state. But, after a good once over with a lint brush, much of the color was restored. This piece has some minor damage to the rhinestones, so discoloration to tassel, and major cracking to the sweatband. However, this fez is quite rare and is a valued addition to the collection, even with these flaws. Based on the date on the fez, this piece comes from the mid 1980’s.
We were contacted by the Druids in California and provided with this additional information – “This is a standard issue fez given each year to the Past Grand Chief Knight of our Grand Chapter for that term year.
This one Belonged to PGCK Thomas Durkee who served in that capacity in 1983 to 1984. He was a member of California Chapter in San Francisco. He has passed away. That Chapter has closed but we still have three local chapters in the state still in operation. ” Thanks go out to Mr. John Zeni, Past Noble Grand Arch, 2007-2008, Druids of California
DRUID are Magicians and Wizards in ancient Celtic Priesthood & Christian legends. Associated with Stonehenge because they were the PAGAN Priesthood of Britain when written records first appeared. Cops and Firefighters = Coven Members around DEATH?
May 29, 2024
USA Experiment: 1st Coven in USA, set up Norfolk, VIRGINA. We “think” Chamber of Commerce runs local towns but run by COVENS. Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Channeling, how it works. What is BAAL? WHY Now?
May 28, 2024
I live in Norfolk, Nebraska which I am now 100% is a COVEN. How did I get here and WTH is up?
Why was Norfolk, Virginia founded?
Laid out as a town in 1682 following an act of the Virginia General Assembly (1680) that each county should establish a trade centre, it was named for Norfolk county, England. The land was bought from Nicholas Wise, a carpenter, for 10,000 pounds (4,500 kg) of tobacco.
A coven is a group or gathering of witches. The word “coven” (from Anglo-Norman covent, cuvent, from Old French covent, from Latin conventum = convention) remained largely unused in English until 1921 when Margaret Murray promoted the idea that all witches across Europe met in groups of thirteen.
In the Northwest Semitic languages—Ugaritic, Phoenician, Hebrew, Amorite, and Aramaic—the word baʿal signified ‘owner‘ and, by extension, ‘lord’, a ‘master’, or ‘husband’. Cognates include the AkkadianBēlu (𒂗),[c]Amharic bal (ባል), and Arabic baʿl (بعل). Báʿal (בַּעַל) and baʿl still serve as the words for ‘husband’ in modern Hebrew and Arabic respectively. They also appear in some contexts concerning the ownership of things or possession of traits.
The feminine form is baʿalah (Hebrew: Arabic: بَعْلَة), meaning ‘mistress’ in the sense of a female owner or lady of the house and still serving as a rare word for ‘wife’.
Suggestions in early modern scholarship also included comparison with the Celtic god Belenus, however this is now widely rejected by contemporary scholars.
Is Memorial Day a Patriotic SCAM to brainwash the rest of us? It is about SACRFICE. Why do some have to SACRIFICE to save the rest of us, just like Jesus? WTH?
May 27, 2024
The Mexican Revolution and Pancho Villa was a Hollywood Production *Pancho Villa had a Studio Contract for all fighting to be filmed on site, WHOOPS. *Ghandi Slept with Men *Slaves were used to build NYC and covered up.
May 26, 2024
The Mexican Revolution was a defining moment of the 20th century. The Mexican fight for democracy, equality, and justice sent shockwaves around the world. No other episode in its history has left a deeper mark.
It is a drama full of politics, persecution, and war, not to mention earthquakes, signs in the sky, and even spiritualist sessions, while being populated by larger-than-life villains, international spies, and the universally known figures of Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. In fact, our modern idea of “revolution” owes much to what happened in this country between 1910 and 1920.
HOTELS: Hiding in Plain Sight used for Elite Sex Parties leaving Feces covered walls to Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking *From USA, Bharain to UK and Paris. The LAWS seem to not be there to protect actual victims but the hotels.
May 25, 2024
3/3 *Dulles Brothers Created CIA Destroyed & Central America and IRAN for USA Corporate Interests. Dulles Brothers ALSO destroyed Cental America, Cuba, Haiti. Banana Wars. HAMAS leaders are worth BILLIONS of $ *WTH
May 24, 2024
They have worked tirelessly for over 32 years, searching for the “missing grandchildren” – the children of the disappeared, children whose identity was falsified by the military.
The Abuelas estimate there are approximately 500 cases. Along with the Madres (Mothers) de la Plaza de Mayo, the Abuelas are continuing symbols of resistance to the legacy of the dictatorship.
2/3 *Dulles Brothers Created CIA & Destroyed Central America and IRAN for USA Corporate Interests. Dulles Brothers ALSO destroyed Cental America, Cuba, Haiti. Banana Wars. HAMAS leaders are worth BILLIONS of $ *WTH
May 24, 2024
They have worked tirelessly for over 32 years, searching for the “missing grandchildren” – the children of the disappeared, children whose identity was falsified by the military.
The Abuelas estimate there are approximately 500 cases. Along with the Madres (Mothers) de la Plaza de Mayo, the Abuelas are continuing symbols of resistance to the legacy of the dictatorship.
1/3 *The Dulles Brothers Created the CIA Destroyed Central America and IRAN for USA Corporate Interests. Africa was being Colonized and the Dulles Brothers were destroying Cental America, Cuba, Haiti all of them. Banana Wars.
May 23, 2024
They have worked tirelessly for over 32 years, searching for the “missing grandchildren” – the children of the disappeared, children whose identity was falsified by the military.
The Abuelas estimate there are approximately 500 cases. Along with the Madres (Mothers) de la Plaza de Mayo, the Abuelas are continuing symbols of resistance to the legacy of the dictatorship.
William Colby was the 10th CIA Director *Colby started with OSS. Was he murdered? Colby died in a “boating accident” days before testifying about Vietnam. Why would they murder one of their own?
May 22, 2024
Boys Town Child Rape Case * Who is lying? DeCamp? Alisha? Was Wadmann at Cardoni’s crash site? Why was Wadmann the first top cop in OMAHA from outside the ranks? Just like Lahaina. CIA Director Colby friend of DeCamp – Some think HE was murdered.
May 22, 2024
Boys Town Child Rape Case * Who is lying? Is DeCamp? Is Alisha lying? Was Wadmann at Cardonis crash site? Why was Wadmann the first top cop in OMAHA from outside the ranks? Just like Lahaina.
May 22, 2024
Alisha Owen Interview* Johnny Gosch is a CIA diversion to take our eyes off OMAHA and OFFUTT AFB. In her own words Alicia tells of how the FBI & Cops pushed and tried to corner her. Who is Dr. Sue Arrigo? WHY did Dick Cheney order her to IRAN?
May 21, 2024
On 4 April 1975, a Lockheed C-5A Galaxy participating in the first mission of Operation Babylift crashed on approach during an emergency landing at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, South Vietnam. The cause was ascribed to loss of flight control due to explosive decompression and structural failure.
Operation Babylift was the name given to the mass evacuation of children from South Vietnam to the United States and other western countries (including Australia, France, West Germany, and Canada) at the end of the Vietnam War (see also the Fall of Saigon), on April 3–26, 1975. By the final American flight out of South Vietnam, over 3,300 infants and children had been airlifted, although the actual number has been variously reported.
Along with Operation New Life, over 110,000 refugees were evacuated from South Vietnam at the end of the Vietnam War. Thousands of children were airlifted from Vietnam and adopted by families around the world.
Boys for Sale Documentary: Dr. Tom Philpott, University of Texas was featured, he investigated boy sex rings, did he commit suicide or was he suicided for exposing an elite child trafficking ring?
May 21, 2024
In 1981, Dr. Tom Philpott would be interviewed for the documentary film in which he discusses the existence of an interstate child trafficking ring in the U.S. perpetrated by political elite. Philpott tells the story of child victims throughout the country.
During his 20 years as a professor at the University of Texas in Austin, Dr. Philpott was often involved in controversies surrounding civil rights and anti-war protests. But his most censored work, was this documentary film about a child trafficking perpetrated by U.S. big shots titled “Boys for Sale.”
The abuse of young boys was investigated by Philpott regarding pedophiles/pederasts operating in the Austin, Houston, Dallas and New Orleans areas, and their connection to a nationwide pederast ring. In this documentary, Philpott describes Houston, Texas, as possibly the worst city in the United States for homeless boys. Claims of atrocities in Houston were corroborated by other experts, such as Judianne Densen Gerber of the Odyssey Institute.
Gerber said that children are also brought in from Louisiana and other states. After a number of threats, Philpott survived an attempted murder made on his life shortly after his involvement in the documentary Boys for Sale. Two intruders broke into his Austin apartment on October 27, 1982, and shot him twice with his .38 caliber. He survived.
The police and media smeared him as staging the event. He died in Oct. 9, 1991. Almost no information exists as to the exact cause and circumstances of his death.
3/3 Stategic Air Command (SAC) USAF Planes flew CHILDREN to elite parties to be raped. Franklin Child Abuse Scandal and Boy’s Town – it was BURIED. ALL OF THEM, Bush, Karl Rove, USAF flew children as sex slaves out of USAF Base in Omaha.
May 20, 2024
2/3 Stategic Air Command (SAC) USAF Planes flew CHILDREN to elite parties to be raped. Franklin Child Abuse Scandal and Boy’s Town – it was BURIED. ALL OF THEM, Bush, Karl Rove, USAF flew children as sex slaves out of USAF Base in Omaha.
May 20, 2024
1/3 Stategic Air Command (SAC) USAF Planes flew CHILDREN to elite parties to be raped. Franklin Child Abuse Scandal and Boy’s Town – it was BURIED. ALL OF THEM, Bush, Karl Rove, USAF flew children as sex slaves out of USAF Base in Omaha.
May 20, 2024
The Biggest LIE ever told around the world. How to build up hope and crush children’s dreams. Lies about getting gifts and love to crush them in the end. Santa Claus A fat WHITE man in a red suit – Invented by USA. USA Plans to PRIVATIZE Water* WTH*
May 19, 2024
FLOODs are everywhere: Brazil, Afghanistan and Texas …Does God punish with Floods? What is up with Noah’s Ark? Control and Displace People, Murder and Theft, NO ONE will know USA cooked Up the plan in the first place.
May 18, 2024
Smartphones and Cartoons * the TOTAL destruction of Children’s Minds. STUDIES PROVE that sexualized cartoons and smartphones lead kids down a road to BRAIN damage. The PLAN, not the BUG in the system. Where are the ADULTS?
May 16, 2024
Mitochondrial Eve, an East African woman who walked the Earth 200,000 years ago to whom all of humanity traces back. WHY are DNA kits adding African genes to White peoples test kits? Is DNA real or all lies?
May 15, 2024
Are we all SEMITIC People? Why did IRAN have a EUNUCH Ruler? What does WHITE Race really mean? Famous Eunuchs in History. The Caucasus or Caucasia means Caucasian. I am considered a WHITE NEGRO – WHAT ARE YOU?
May 14, 2024
Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar (Persian: آقامحمدخان قاجار, romanized: Âqâ Mohammad Xân-e Qâjâr; 14 March 1742 – 17 June 1797), also known by his regnal name of Agha Mohammad Shah (آقا محمد شاه, Âghâ Mohammad Šâh), was the founder of the Qajar dynasty of Iran, ruling from 1789 to 1797 as Shah.
Originally a chieftain of the Quwanlu branch of the Qajar tribe, Agha Mohammad Khan was enthroned as the king of Iran in 1789, but was not officially crowned until March 1796, having deposed Lotf Ali Khan of the Zand dynasty in 1794.
Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar was famously the eunuch Monarch, being castrated as a toddler upon his capture by Adel Shah Afshar, and hence was childless. He was assassinated on 17 June 1797, and was succeeded by his nephew, Fath-Ali Shah Qajar.
The Home for Little Wanderers is a private non-profit child and family service agency in Massachusetts, US. Founded as an orphanage in 1799, it is the oldest agency of its kind in the US. Today, the home plays a role in delivering services to thousands of children and families each year through a system of residential, community-based and prevention programs, direct care services and advocacy.
In 1808, a free-standing medical facility was built nearby for the humane treatment of the mentally ill, and in 1821 a larger facility called the Bloomingdale Asylum was built in what is now the Upper West Side.
Around 1830, the number of homeless children in large Eastern cities such as New York City exploded. In 1850, there were an estimated 10,000 to 30,000 homeless children in New York City. At the time, New York City’s population was only 500,000. Some children were orphaned when their parents died in epidemics of typhoid, yellow fever or the flu. Others were abandoned due to poverty, illness, or addiction. Many children sold matches, rags, or newspapers to survive. For protection against street violence, they banded together and formed gangs.
Most historians credit newspaper editor John O’Sullivan with coining the term manifest destiny in 1845. However, other historians suggest the unsigned editorial titled “Annexation” in which it first appeared was written by journalist and annexation advocate Jane Cazneau.
Circassian immigration into the Ottoman Empire began in 1850 and accelerated into a mass migration starting in 1864. There was an earlier Circassian presence in the Middle East, through the Mamluk “slave-dynasties” in Egypt, whose descendants, augmented by continued individual migration, came to form a Turco-Circassian elite ruling class in Egypt. This presence, although an entirely different phenomenon than the later mass migrations, points to important historical links between the Caucasus and various regional empires to which it provided slaves (both men and women) and warriors.
In 1853, a young minister named Charles Loring Brace became concerned with the plight of street children (often known as “street Arabs”).
The orphan trains operated between 1854 and 1929, relocating from about 200,000 children. The co-founders of the Orphan Train movement claimed that these children were orphaned, abandoned.
The earliest known use of the phrase “Jim Crow law” can be dated to 1884 in a newspaper article summarizing congressional debate.[14] The term appears in 1892 in the title of a New York Times article about Louisiana requiring segregated railroad cars.
The origin of the phrase “Jim Crow” has often been attributed to “Jump Jim Crow“, a song-and-dance caricature of black people performed by white actor Thomas D. Rice in blackface, first performed in 1828. As a result of Rice’s fame, Jim Crow had become by 1838 a pejorative expression meaning “Negro”.
When southern legislatures passed laws of racial segregation directed against African Americans at the end of the 19th century, these statutes became known as Jim Crow laws
The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865; also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States between the Union (“the North”)…
The Children’s Aid Society’s sent an average of 3,000 children via train each year from 1855 to 1875. Orphan trains were sent to 45 states, as well as Canada and Mexico. During the early years, Indiana received the largest number of children.[6] At the beginning of the Children’s Aid Society orphan train program, children were not sent to the southern states, as Brace was an ardent abolitionist.[12]
By the 1870s, the New York Foundling Hospital and the New England Home for Little Wanderers in Boston had orphan train programs of their own.
Following the mass expulsion of the native Circassians of the northwest Caucasus in 1864, some of them also migrated to Qajar Iran, where some of these deportees from after 1864 rose to various high ranks
The Foundling Hospital sent infants and toddlers to prearranged Roman Catholic homes from 1875 to 1914.
Parishioners in the destination regions were asked to accept children, and parish priests provided applications to approved families. This practice was first known as the “Baby Train,” then later the “Mercy Train.” By the 1910s, 1,000 children a year were placed with new families.
A large number of Circassians began arriving in the Levant in the 1860s and 1870
Because ‘white’ has always been a fluid definition and, for census purposes, tanned Mediterranean Christians from countries like Lebanon and Egypt have been considered “white” for a while now so the definition was expanded to encompass neighboring countries.
Because they are. I live in an area with many Orthodox Christian people whose ancestors are from Syria/Lebanon/Palestine, etc. I also know several first-generation immigrants from the same area who are of the Islam religion. They are racially indistinguishable from Europeans, and certainly you cannot “tell” they are not defended from people from places like Italy or Greece.
And most of these people are highly offended when someone suggests they are not white, both the Christians and the Muslims. Jesus is not described in the Bible, but the Koran specifically says Mohammad, who was an Arab, was “white”.
Until 1952, whiteness was a legal category. If you were not white, you could not become a naturalized citizen of the USA, you could only be one by birth. Arab peoples were able to gain acceptance as white people, and therefore could become citizens. In Dow v US, a Syrian was able to claim status as a white person, and so MENA peoples are today considered white legally.
The United States census is a constitutionally mandated event that takes place every ten years. It has a rich history, but there have been some notable issues and controversies associated with specific census years:
In 1896—only 6 years after the census—a fire damaged many 1890 special schedules, including those pertaining to mortality, “Crime, Pauperism, and Benevolence,” and “the Insane, Feeble-Minded, Deaf and Dumb, and Blind.” The damaged records were destroyed. Years passed, and 3 additional U.S. censuses were taken: 1900, 1910 and 1920.
The Circassians (also known as Cherkess or Adyghe) are a Northwest Caucasian ethnic group and nation. Their origins lie in Circassia, a region that once occupied the northwestern part of the Caucasus. Here’s a glimpse into their history:
Ancient Times:
Although no Greek colonies were established directly in Circassia, the Greeks engaged in extensive trade along the Circassian coast of the Black Sea. Their influence on the region is evident1.
The Circassian region experienced successive influences or outright control by various powers:
Crimean Tatars
The area remained autonomous until the 12th and 13th centuries when Georgian princes reduced it to a province.
During the mid-16th century and later in the 17th century, Caucasian rulers sought Russian assistance against Persian and Turkish invasions.
By 1785, the northern Caucasus had become a Russian province.
Circassian Genocide and Diaspora:
In the 19th century, during the Russo-Circassian War, the Russian Empire perpetrated the Circassian genocide. As a result, most Circassians were exiled from their ancestral homeland.
They began living in what was then the Ottoman Empire (modern-day Turkey and the Middle East).
The United States also recognizes the broader notion of ethnicity. The 2000 census and 2010 American Community Survey inquired about the “ancestry” of residents, while the 2020 census allowed people to enter their “origins”. The Census Bureau also classified respondents as either Hispanic or Latino, identifying as an ethnicity, which comprises the minority group in the nation.
Are Census numbers accurate?
The Census undercounts low-income people, children and minorities. But the Census is still one of the most important sources for data when you want to convince a funder about the need for your nonprofit’s services.
Nov. 26, 2001 | The U.S. Census counted 281,000,000 people in 2000. To accomplish this huge task, the Census hired some 860,000 temporary workers and spent more than $6 billion (about $18 per person in the US) in total.
Despite their best efforts, the Census Bureau estimates that the 2000 Census missed 6.4 million people.
Although this is a relatively small number of people (only 2% of the population), most of those not counted are minorities, children, and low-income people. There are many reasons why people might not get counted in the Census, including: privacy concerns, homelessness, low literacy levels and not enough time to fill out the forms.
The Census also estimates that they counted 3.1 million people twice. Most of these people were white and affluent. One reason for them being counted twice is that they may have received two Census forms to fill out because they own two homes.
At the end of the day, it appears a lot of people want to be someone else for the fame or cash. We are who we are, nothing was wrong in the first place, we let race and cash divide us.
This collection consists of passenger lists of arrivals in New Orleans, Louisiana for the years 1820 to 1945.
What Were the Major U.S. Immigration Ports?
Virtually all immigrants during the 19th and 20th centuries arrived in America through one of 8 major ports.
New York: Castle Garden, New York’s first official immigration station, was established in 1855. The famed Ellis Island would eventually take over New York immigration in 1892.
Boston: Boston immigration started off slowly, but it picked up speed with the Irish potato famine. Subsidized immigration appealed to many suffering because of the famine, and many stayed in Boston with no means of traveling further.
Philadelphia: Ironically, most immigrants that settled in Philadelphia didn’t arrive through Philadelphia’s port of entry. Most that settled there came from the New York port of entry, located just 90 miles away.
Baltimore: Locust Point became an official port of entry in 1706, but it wasn’t until 1868 that the immigration pier was built in preparation to connect the port of entry to the B&O Railroad.
San Francisco: As the largest port on the western coast, San Francisco’s Angel Island was nicknamed the Ellis Island of the west , despite seeing far fewer immigrants pass through it than the actual Ellis Island.
Charleston: Charleston became a port of entry in 1682, but the port was better known as a hub for trade in the south.
New Orleans: Immigration through New Orleans peaked in the early 1800s, processing over 550,000 immigrants in that time. However, the Civil War blocked immigration through New Orleans, and it never picked up again.
Galveston: Between 1865 and 1924, about 200,000 immigrants came through Galveston to enter the United States. The immigration station in Galveston was officially established in 1906, only a few years after a hurricane devastated the area. Between 1906 and 1914, another 50,000 immigrations came to the U.S. through this Texas port of entry.
Which U.S. Immigration Ports Saw the Largest Number of Immigrants?
A vast majority of immigrants passed through New York as they arrived in America. Ellis Island was the leading U.S. immigration port with over 12,000,000 immigrants passing through. Castle Garden—New York City’s immigration port before Ellis Island was established—saw over 8,000,000 immigrants in its lifespan.
How Can I Find My Ancestors with Immigration Records?
When you’re looking for your ancestors, knowing your way around genealogy records can make a world of difference. Understanding immigration records is particularly impactful, as they can open the doors to finding your family before they came to the US. You can often find an individual’s name, important dates, hometown, occupation, sometimes the names of family members traveling with the individual, and other helpful clues to finding your family’s origins.
Check out our U.S. Immigration Record Research Guide to get you started on your journey. It provides all the information you need, with helpful tips for understanding and finding different types of immigration records.
A Few Helpful Tips
Early immigration records were handwritten, so they could sometimes be difficult to read. Try searching alternative spellings for family names in case they were incorrectly recorded when digitized.
Pinpoint a time frame before looking for immigration records. U.S. census records, death records, and obituaries can all give you an idea of when your ancestors arrived in the US. For examples, the 1900 U.S. Census started recording immigration years, and some naturalization records may contain immigration dates and ship names that immigrants arrived on. Once you have a specific year or time frame, you can search various immigration ports that match the dates you have.
It can also be helpful to start by searching ports nearest where your ancestors settled. If the nearest immigration ports do not have records, try starting with the most-used ports. New York, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Charleston, and San Francisco processed the most immigrants.
1st Printed PORNOGRAPHY 1526 Roman Catholic Church I Modi* Famous Erotic Book Italian Renaissance* 1st Disney Silent Pornographic MOVIE for Children 1923 Alice Wonderland. Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar Founder of IRAN was a EUNUCH!!!
May 10, 2024
100% PROOF *USA Government Attacked Citizens in E. Palestine, Ohio with Deadly DIOXINS. Norfolk Southern -Mystery Orange Box Car with explosives found at SULFUR Run. A town named East Palestine, explosion at a place called SULFUR Run. WTH
May 08, 2024
During his press event EPA’s Regan said: “We’re trusting the science. We believe that we are looking at the proper [evacuation] radius to ensure we’re protecting public health.”
Do we know what caused the derailment? Early NTSB statements suggest a mechanical problem. At a February 5 press conference, NTSB board member Michael Graham said investigators had found two videos showing “preliminary indications of mechanical issues on one of the railcar axles.” A local Ring camera caught video of one of the train’s axles on fire 20 miles before the derailment.
Why are people making comparisons to White Noise? The 2022 Netflix film White Noise, adapted from the 1985 Don DeLillo novel, describes a “toxic airborne event” that happens outside a midwestern college town. The book came out one year after the catastrophic industrial spill in Bhopal, India. The film itself was, incredibly, shot in East Palestine, and some of the extras in the movie are local residents who have now been forced to evacuate from the real thing.
Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) Shooting Sulphur Dioxide at the SUN to cool things down * TESTING STARTED. Sulphur is Brimstone *Fire and Brimstone from the air to BLOCK the SUN or Hiding in Plain Sight MURDER PLOT?
May 07, 2024
Does Fort Knox hold gold supply for USA or is it empty? USA claims to have more gold than anyone else. Is any of this true? Gold Rush was about murdering Native Indians. What is really in Fort KNOX? WHY is no one allowed inside?
May 05, 2024
2/2 What is the Pilgrim Society? * All WHITE Group that runs the world. The original INCEST group? USA and UK run the world via Pilgrim Society. OSS/CIA Marshall Plan Funds Theft * How they invented COMMUNISM.
May 04, 2024
1/2 What is the Pilgrim Society? * Who are they? * All WHITE Group that runs the world. The original INCEST group? How they manipulated the press and the world. USA and UK run the world via Pilgrim Society
May 04, 2024
USA plans 1st Nuclear Warhead in 40 YEARS. The existing system is run on 8-inch floppy discs – WTH **FEAR and CASH grab. Nuclear is for Smart Meters, not missiles;)
May 03, 2024
It is estimated that the United States produced more than 70,000 nuclear warheads since 1945, more than all other nuclear weapon states combined. Until November 1962, the vast majority of U.S. nuclear tests were above ground. After the acceptance of the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, all testing was relegated underground, to prevent the dispersion of nuclear fallout.
By 1998, at least US$759 million had been paid to the Marshall Islanders in compensation for their exposure to U.S. nuclear testing. By March 2021 over US$2.5 billion in compensation had been paid to U.S. citizens exposed to nuclear hazards because of the U.S. nuclear weapons program.
2/2 Holocaust was 100% Fake. How WHITE People were invented. MOORS and Jesuits. Are the Moors the dirty sons of Jesuits? MOORS wear the FEZ Hat;) Jordan and the ME * Sketchy Deals.
May 01, 2024
Holocaust was 100% Fake. MOORS and Jesuits. Are the Moors the dirty sons of Jesuits? Moors and Jesuits are sodomites. MOORS wear the FEZ Hat;) Jordon and the ME * Sketchy Deals.
May 01, 2024
My cat ran across the keyboard and cut me off;) Will do Part 2 as soon as I can.
May 4, 1970 *Kent State College students were Murdered when National Guard Troops Suddenly Opened FIRE on students. Will it happen again? Israel is now claiming student protests are Terrorists. ADL is pushing for Narional Guards – WTH?
Apr 26, 2024
Eugenics 101 * Penicillin, Statins, Iodine and Ivermectin are secretly killing you. Making people go BLIND in Africa to Heart attacks in USA. Sugar Industry Paid Harvard Researchers to Say Fat (Not Sugar) Caused Heart Disease.
Apr 26, 2024
Knights Templar were before JESUITS. Vatican OWNS City of London * Control the Money and Mind of Man. Vatican from Etruscan Goddess Vatika. Etruscans were BLACK.
Apr 24, 2024
“There is one sign which has never changed its meaning anywhere in the civilized world—the Compass and the Square. A sign of the union of the body and soul.”
We cannot however forget the 14th Amendment was not lawfully passed. This fact was exposed in the Congressional Record. See Congressional Record of June 13, 1967.
3/3 *Middle East: Palestine, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria colonized to DESTROY Cultures and LAND Boundaries. USA is a BANKRUPT Corportion NOT a Democracy. **NEW SECRET USA Base NOW in Israel (Site 512)
Apr 21, 2024
The Kardashian family traces its roots back to Armenia. The family originally lived in Kars, a city in Eastern Turkey. In 1915, during the Armenian Genocide, the Kardashian family was forced to flee their homeland and resettle in the United States. The family eventually settled in Los Angeles, where the Kardashians have been ever since.
2 /3 *Middle East: Palestine, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria colonized: The Sykes–Picot Agreement divided up the region to DESTROY Cultures and LAND Boundaries. France and UK Secret Plan Exposed. Exposing today a SECRET Base NOW in Israel (Site 512)
Apr 20, 2024
NOTE: At 51:00 the audio speeds up, will record that part again in Episode #3.
1/3 *How Middle East: Egypt, Kurdistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria were colonized: The Sykes–Picot Agreement divided up the region to DESTROY Cultures and LAND Boundaries. France and UK Secret Plan Exposed.
Apr 15, 2024
The Sykes–Picot Agreement was a 1916 secret treaty between the United Kingdom and France, with assent from the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy, to define their mutually agreed spheres of influence and control in an eventual partition of the Ottoman Empire.
BLACK History Hidden to HIDE stolen land *Blacks owned it all and were robbed *Who were the MOORS? Ottoman Empire became Turkey with WHITE Female SLAVE trade. Turkey the melting pot?
Apr 11, 2024
USA/America = OLD WORLD not the NEW World * Moors/Blacks here FIRST. The Churches Intelligence Agency aka CIA Operation Gladio Catholic Church AND Mafia. ‘Vatican’ means ‘the place of the profetic- and worshipped serpent’.
Apr 10, 2024
My Story: 3 Years of Radiation from Smart Meters and Dirty Electricity. I have stage 4 Lung Cancer and Radiation burns. Are they planning on swatting my house to murder me or haul me off? Looks like it may happen.
Apr 08, 2024
Rwanda GENOCIDE * 100% USA Murder Genocide Plot with USA PUPPET Rwanda President Paul Kagame Master Murdering Psychopath in charge. MAIN Purpose: to rob Resources in CONGO and More Murder while no one is looking.
Apr 05, 2024
Radiation poisoning is the common name for what the US Center for Disease Control classifies as Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS). The condition is caused by excessive exposure to ionized radiation, which can permanently affect the cells in the body.
Radiation damages your stomach and intestines, blood vessels, and bone marrow, which makes blood cells. Damage to bone marrow lowers the number of disease-fighting white blood cells in your body.
As a result, most people who die from radiation sickness are killed by infections or internal bleeding.
IF you have a SMART Meter, they are leaking radiation into our homes.
WHY NO STUDIES using Smart Meters in our homes? I am documenting what is going on in my home.
My house is the blue dot. the orange marks are transformers.
300 Block E. Klug Avenue
Norfolk, NE 68701
Who is the psychopath in your life or all of our lives, those at the top?
The entire world is run by psychopaths, all imposters.
Studies about psychopaths have been VERY misleading to NON-Existent.
Robert Hare, the world’s leading “expert” on psychopaths did a study using prison inmates over 20 years ago. That study is the focus of his book published in 1993 titled Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us (reissued 1999).
NO studies since then. That study is likely very flawed at best.
WHO did Hare base his work on?
Hervey Milton Cleckley, M.D. (1903 –1984) was an American psychiatrist and pioneer in the field of psychopathy. His book, The Mask of Sanity, originally published in 1941 and revised in new editions until the 1980s, provided the most influential clinical description of psychopathy in the twentieth century.
What is Hervey Cleckley best known for?
On many occasions Cleckley was asked to testify at important trials. An example was the 1979 trial of Ted Bundy who murdered more than thirty people. ” Bundy received a mental health evaluation from Hervey Cleckley, when he was on trial for the Florida murders.
Cleckley is considered to be the “father” of psychopathy. He diagnosed Bundy as a psychopath.
Cleckley testified that Bundy was a classic psychopath but was not criminally insane.
The Bundy trial was fake, what does this tell you about Cleckley? Bundy was the first televised trial in this country, any televised trials are FAKE.
The Ted Bundy trial is where the definition of psychopaths grew wings, thanks to Cleckley.
Virgil P. Sydenstricker was a professor of medicine and an internationally recognised specialist in hematology and nutrition. Articles published with Cleckley were among the first to describe an atypical form of pellagra (now known as “niacin deficiency”) which was then endemic in southern states. In 1939 and 1941 they published on the use of nicotinic acid (niacin or vitamin B3) as a treatment for abnormal mental states and psychiatric disorders. The studies have been erroneously used to justify the use of megavitamin therapy in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia.
Coma shock therapy
Cleckley practiced the controversial “coma therapy“, where psychiatric patients would be repeatedly put into comas over several weeks through overdoses of insulin, metrazol or other drugs. In the wake of sometimes fatal complications, Cleckley published in 1939 and 1941 advising on theoretical grounds the prophylactic administration of various vitamins, salts and hormones.
In 1951, he also co-published case study research suggesting the use of electronarcosis for various conditions, a form of deep sleep therapy initiated by passing electric current through the brain, without causing seizures as in electroconvulsive therapy which he also used.
Stunning with electricity is known as electronarcosis, and killing with electricity is known as electrocution.
Criminal responsibility
In 1952 Cleckley, along with Walter Bromberg a senior psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, published an article on the insanity defense. They suggested changing the wording of it to: “In your opinion, was the defendant suffering from disease of the mind and if so, was it sufficient to render him unaccountable under the law for the crime charged?”
The concept of ‘accountability’ was intended as an alternative to a narrow definition of ‘responsibility’ under the M’Naghten rules which requires an absence of moral knowledge of right and wrong, in effect only covering psychosis (delusions, hallucinations). They argued that mental illness can involve any part of the mind and that the insanity test should focus on the extent to which the accused’s mind overall, due to some inner pathology ‘whether obvious or masked’, was unable to operate in accord with the law.
However, 10 years later, a chapter by Cleckley on “Psychiatry: Science, Art, and Scientism” cautioned others against a common exaggeration of the abilities of psychiatry to diagnose or treat, including in regard to criminal responsibility. In that regard Cleckley expressed his agreement with a critique by Hakeem, yet Hakeem had quoted Cleckley’s claims about psychopathy as an example of psychiatrists exaggerating how clear their diagnostic terms are to each other.
Cleckley was a psychiatrist for the prosecution in the 1979 trial of serial killer Ted Bundy, the first to be televised nationally in the United States. After interviewing Bundy and reviewing two prior reports, he diagnosed him as a psychopath. At the competency hearing a defense psychiatrist also argued that Bundy was a psychopath, however he concluded that Bundy was not competent to stand trial or represent himself, while Cleckley argued that he was competent.
Multiple personality
In 1956, Cleckley co-authored a book The Three Faces of Eve with Corbett H. Thigpen, his partner in private practice and colleague at the department of psychiatry in Georgia University. It was based on their patient Chris Costner Sizemore who Thigpen especially had treated over several years. They published a research article on the case in 1954, documenting the sessions and how they came to view it as a case of ‘multiple personality’, referencing Morton Prince‘s earlier controversial case study of Christine Beauchamp (pseudonym).
They also discussed what is meant by ‘personality’ and identity, noting how it can change even in everyday senses (becoming ‘a new person’ or ‘not himself’ etc.). Such a diagnosis had fallen into relative disuse in psychiatry but Thigpen and Cleckley felt they had identified a rare case, though others have questioned the use of hypnosis and suggestion in creating some if not all of the characterization, and the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder (now dissociative identity disorder) remains controversial despite, or because of, upsurges in diagnoses in America.
The book also served as the basis for a blockbuster 1957 film The Three Faces of Eve starring Joanne Woodward, in which Lee J. Cobb played the initial treating psychiatrist and Edwin Jerome the consultant. Both Thigpen and Cleckley received writing credits and reportedly over a million dollars. In the book and film ‘Eve’ is cured of her alternate personalities, but Sizemore states that she was not free of them until many years later. She also alleges that she was not aware the session reports would be published outside of medical circles, or that she was signing over rights to her life story forever (for $3 for the book rights to McGraw-Hill which sold 2 million copies and $5000 for the visual rights (relatives received $2000)). She fought unsuccessfully to stop the publication of videos of her treatment sessions, but in 1989 successfully sued the film studio 20th Century Fox when it wanted to make a parody remake of its film and tried to use a 1956 contract she had signed, without legal representation via Thigpen, to prevent Sissy Spacekoptioning Sizemore’s own published book on her life.
When Sizemore returned to Augusta for a speaking tour in 1982 neither Thigpen or Cleckley attended and she did not visit them, though in 2008 she described the diagnosis and treatment of her as courageous. In 1984 Thigpen and Cleckley published a brief communication in an international hypnosis journal cautioning against over-use of the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder.
Robert D. Hare was born on January 1, 1934 in Calgary, Alberta. He was raised in a close-knit, working-class family. Hare’s mother had French Canadian roots and her family dated back to Montreal in the 1600s. Hare’s father was a roofing contractor who spent much of his time during the great depression riding the rails and looking for work.
Robert Hare is a Canadian psychologist who made major contributions to the fields of criminal psychology and forensic psychology. He is best known for his research on psychopathy. Hare is the creator of the Psychopathy Checklist and the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised.
Hare is currently a professor emeritus of the University of British Columbia. He is considered to be the world’s foremost expert on psychopathy as he has spent more than 30 years studying the condition.Hare now works closely with law enforcement and sits on several law enforcement committees and boards in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States
He describes psychopaths as ‘social predators while pointing out that most don’t commit murder.
He has been nicknamed “Beagle Bob” by his close friends for his ability to follow a scent.
How Hare Got Started
Frustrated by a lack of agreed definitions or rating systems of psychopathy, including at a ten-day international North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) conference in France in 1975, Hare began developing a Psychopathy Checklist.
Produced for initial circulation in 1980, the same year that the DSM changed its diagnosis of sociopathic personality to Antisocial Personality Disorder, it was based largely on the list of traits advanced by Cleckley, with whom Hare corresponded over the years. Hare redrafted the checklist in 1985 following Cleckley’s death in 1984, renaming it the Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R).
It was finalized as a first edition in 1991, when it was also made available to the criminal justice system, which Hare says he did despite concerns that it was not designed for use outside of controlled experimental research. It was updated with extra data in a 2nd edition in 2003.
The PCL-R was reviewed in Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook (1995), as being the “state of the art” both clinically and in research use. In 2005, the Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook review listed the PCL-R as “a reliable and effective instrument for the measurement of psychopathy” and is considered the ‘gold standard’ for measurement of psychopathy. However, it is also criticized.
Hare has accused the DSM’s ASPD diagnosis of ‘drifting’ from clinical tradition, but his own checklist has been accused of in reality being closer to the concept of criminologists William and Joan McCord than that of Cleckley
Hare himself, while noting his promotion of Cleckley’s work for four decades, has distanced himself somewhat from Cleckley’s work.
Problem with the above statement is studying psychopaths in prison is one issue, what about the ones roaming around running things?
While the PCL-R has become the gold standard test for identifying psychopathy among prisoners, Hare has been warning about non-criminal psychopaths since he wrote his bestselling book Without Conscience in 1993.
Hmmm, warning people that non-criminals could be a thing doesn’t quite cut it;)
“UBC professor emeritus Robert Hare, an internationally renowned expert on psychopaths, has offered his side of the story in a heated dispute over the boundaries of academic freedom.
One of his adversaries is his former graduate student, SFU psychology professor Stephen Hart, who is also a highly regarded researcher in the area of psychopathology.”
Who knows could have been a trick lawsuit to explain the FACT they never did any real studies.
Hare is also co-author of derivatives of the PCL:
The Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV) still requires a clinical interview and review of records by a trained clinician
The P-Scan (P for psychopathy, a screening questionnaire for non-clinicians to detect possible psychopathy
The Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV) to assess youth and children exhibiting early signs of psychopathy
The Antisocial Process Screening Device originally the Psychopathy Screening Device; a questionnaire for parents/staff to fill out on youth, or in a version developed by others, for youth to fill out as self-report.
Hare is also a co-author of the Guidelines for a Psychopathy Treatment Program.
Hare also co-developed the ‘B-Scan’ questionnaires for people to rate psychopathy traits in others in the workplace.
Hare is currently a professor emeritus of the University of British Columbia. He is considered to be the world’s foremost expert on psychopathy as he has spent more than 30 years studying the condition.
Hare now works closely with law enforcement and sits on several law enforcement committees and boards in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States
He has been nicknamed “Beagle Bob” by his close friends for his ability to follow a scent.
What is that old saying? The Fox guarding the Hen House?
Better to have us thinking dangerous psychopaths like Bundy are safely locked away. I doubt Bundy is even dead now. The world is staged to deceive.
That is how they got us surrounded.
My research has not been based on prisoners but the actual psychopaths sitting next to us. Hiding in plain sight.
I suspect it is closer to 1 or 2 per FOUR people. A big difference, look around, who is running things? Many people are modeling psychopathic behavior in the quest for more money. Money is even fake, yet people will go the extra mile to get more.
I would argue psychopaths are in charge of every part of society that I have researched. NO Studies have been done outside of the prison population, wonder why? On purpose is the answer. How else could they get us so surrounded.
They are even lying about what sex they are. The women are all men wearing wigs.
Women truly run the world, but they do it hiding as men.
In Summary:
Herve Cleckley was the original “researcher” into psychopaths who wrote the Mask of Sanity.
Cleckley, testified at the Bundy Trial.
Ted Bundy was the first televised trial in the USA. ALL televised trials are fake.
Robert Hare based his early research on Cleckley for 40 years.
This is where the definition of psychopaths grew wings.
The Society for Personality Assessment presented Dr. Hare with the Bruno Klopfer Award, for outstanding long-term professional contribution to the field of personality assessment. The award ceremony took place during the 2016 SPA Annual Convention in Chicago, IL, March 9-13, 2016.
The Canadian Psychological Association presented Dr. Hare with the 2015 CPA Gold Medal Award, to recoginize CPA’s appreciation of his distinguished and enduring lifetime contributions to Canadian Psychology. The award ceremony took place at CPA’s 76th Annual Convention, in Ottawa, ON, June 4, 2015. Read the official CPA Press Release.
The Canadian Psychological Association Section on Criminal Justice Psychology presented Dr. Hare with the Don Andrews Career Contribution Award, to recognize Dr. Hare’s highly significant intellectual contribution to the area and his highly impactful leadership in the field over a period of more than 40 years. The award ceremony took place at CPA’s 75th Annual Convention, in Vancouver, BC, June 5, 2014.
The Center for the Advancement of Psychological Science and Law, University of British Columbia – Okanagan, recognized Dr. Hare for his Distinguished Lifetime Achievements as a Leader in Psychology and Law, and Outstanding Contributions to Forensic Psychology by having him as the Distinguished Inaugural Speaker for the official opening of their facility in Kelowna, BC, February 3, 2012.
The Governor General of Canada presented Dr. Hare with the Order of Canada, one of Canada’s highest civilian honours which recognizes a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication to community and service to the nation. The ceremony took place in Ottawa, ON, September 16, 2011.
The British Columbia Psychological Association presented Dr. Hare with a Special Award in “Recognition of a Distinguished Career and Enduring Contributions to Psychology” at their first public BCPA Awards Dinner in Vancouver, BC, February, 2011.
The Western Society of Criminology presented Dr. Hare with the Paul Tappan Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Criminology at the annual conference in Vancouver, BC, February, 2011.
The Canadian Psychological Association presented Dr. Hare with the CPA Donald O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Science at the 71st Annual Convention in Winnipeg, MB, June, 2010.
The Canadian Psychological Association presented Dr. Hare with the CPA Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology at the 70th Annual Convention in Montréal, QC, June, 2009.
The American Academy of Forensic Psychology 2001 Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology and the Law. Dr. Hare’s award lecture, “Psychopathy and Its Implications: From Ivory Tower to Real World”, was given at the American Psychological Association’s 2001 Annual Convention in San Francisco, Saturday, August 25.
An analysis of data from more than 20,000 adults revealed that over several years participants who consumed all food in eight hours or less a day were almost twice as likely to die from cardiovascular disease compared to those who consumed food over the standard 12 to 16 hours a day, according to the report presented on Monday, March 18, at an American Heart Association conference in Chicago.
TNT *No Studies DONE *What is causing birth defects? Is it the TNT? Bombing Dresden was a test BEFORE Japan – Another wooden city to test on.
Mar 30, 2024
Who Started the Bombing of Cities and Targeting of Civilians in World War II? | Justice for Germans (
The Devils GREATEST Trick *Faustian Agreements or Deals with the Devil *Intersex Children and Genderless Babies to hide the “Fake Chosen Ones”.
Mar 29, 2024
Androgens and testosterone are closely related, but they are not exactly the same. Let me explain:
Androgens are a group of sex hormones that include testosterone. They play essential roles in both males and females, influencing various aspects of development and health.
Testosterone, specifically, is one of the primary androgens. It is produced mainly in the testes in males and the ovaries in females (albeit in smaller amounts). Testosterone is responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics, such as deepening of the voice, facial hair growth, and muscle development. It also contributes to sperm production.
While testosterone is a crucial androgen, there are other androgens like androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These hormones collectively influence sexual development, bone density, red blood cell production, and more.
In summary, testosterone is a specific androgen, but not all androgens are testosterone. They work together to maintain various bodily functions and impact both male and female physiology.
Look for yourself, Jennifer is a MAN, her NECK.
Jennifer L. Homendy (born November 26, 1971) is an American government official who is the chair of the National Transportation Safety Board in the Biden administration. Homendy has been the 44th member of the NTSB as of 2018.
2012 Department of Defense (DOD) report to Congress exposes USA government plans to deploy tens of thousands of drones over the ENTIRE USA Mainland *President Obama signed the bill with no public discussion or comment.
Mar 23, 2024
Will USAF attack USA Citizens from the sky and FIREBOMB the USA next? USAF history of FIREBOMBS in Oklahoma, Wuhan China, Japan, Korea. Sulphur to Murder our Souls. Sulphur = the Soul.
Mar 21, 2024
2/2 Jesus had stabs marks * Did Obama have stab marks on LEFT hand? Water Rituals *Baphomet means Baptize. Jesuits RUN the WORLD by SIGNS and SYMBOLS.
Mar 14, 2024
1/2 Jesus had stabs marks * Did Obama have stab marks on LEFT hand? Water Rituals *Baphomet means Baptize. Jesuits RUN the WORLD by SIGNS and SYMBOLS.
Mar 14, 2024
Thomas Edison said that using electric light “is in no way harmful to health, nor does it affect the soundness of sleep” *was Edison a Liar or into EUGENICS? Electro-Shock therapy and Electricity.
Mar 08, 2024
3 /3 WHY and HOW Parents MUTILATE their own children – How Roman Catholic Church convinces parents to MUTILATE their own children for fame and money. A EUNUCH society is next.
Mar 06, 2024
Seminaries.pdf ( A groundbreaking report addressed to every U.S. Ordinary, the Apostolic Nunciature, and Knights of Columbus leadership releases findings of an 18-month independent investigation confirming that an ongoing surge in sexual misconduct and cover-up continues to devastate U.S. seminaries.
2 /3 WHY and HOW Parents MUTILATE their own children – How Roman Catholic Church convinces parents to MUTILATE their own children for fame and money. A EUNUCH society is next.
Mar 03, 2024
Seminaries.pdf ( A groundbreaking report addressed to every U.S. Ordinary, the Apostolic Nunciature, and Knights of Columbus leadership releases findings of an 18-month independent investigation confirming that an ongoing surge in sexual misconduct and cover-up continues to devastate U.S. seminaries.
1/3 WHY and HOW Parents MUTILATE their own children – How Roman Catholic Church convinces parents to MUTILATE their own children for fame and money. A EUNUCH society is next.
Mar 02, 2024
Seminaries.pdf ( A groundbreaking report addressed to every U.S. Ordinary, the Apostolic Nunciature, and Knights of Columbus leadership releases findings of an 18-month independent investigation confirming that an ongoing surge in sexual misconduct and cover-up continues to devastate U.S. seminaries.
5 of 6 *Italy Sent 4K KNOWN Pedophile Priests To USA *Obama’s Dead Chef – MURDER Or Ritual? Black People Were Here Before Indians – Satellites Are A HUGE Trick **HOUTHIS Cut Cables Undersea;)
Feb 26, 2024
“I saw Tim Ballard force a small girl to hug him after she was allegedly rescued from sex trafficking. I knew immediately that he was not a good man. For no man would ever force physical touch, even of an innocent nature, on a child who had been harmed by the touch of adult men. I was called crazy for speaking out, but I stand by what I felt and believe.”
4 of 6 *Italy Sent 4K KNOWN Pedophile Priests To USA *Obama’s Dead Chef – MURDER Or Ritual? Black People Were Here Before Indians – Satellites Are A HUGE Trick.
Feb 22, 2024
3 of 6 *Italy sent 4K KNOWN Pedophile Priests to USA *Obama’s dead Chef – MURDER or ritual? Black people were here before Indians – Satellites are a HUGE trick.
Feb 21, 2024
2 of 6 *Italy Sent 4K KNOWN Pedophile Priests To USA *Obama’s Dead Chef – MURDER Or Ritual? Black People Were Here Before Indians – Satellites Are A HUGE Trick.
Feb 20, 2024
1 of 6 *Italy sent 4K KNOWN Pedophile Priests to USA *Obama’s dead Chef – MURDER or ritual? Black people were here before Indians – Satellites are a HUGE trick.
Feb 19, 2024
3/3 Children and SODOMY rituals *where does it come from? Jesuits are hiding as JEWS. How does it all work. Jesuits HIDING in PLAIN sight, robbing and raping the world.
Jan 30, 2024
2/3 Children and SODOMY rituals *where does it come from? Jesuits are hiding as JEWS. How does it all work. Jesuits HIDING in PLAIN sight, robbing and raping the world
Jan 29, 2024
1/3 Children and SODOMY rituals *where does it come from? Jesuits are hiding as JEWS. How does it all work. Jesuits HIDING in PLAIN sight, robbing and raping the world
Jan 29, 2024
Elites who Rape Children are part of The Black Eye Club and Panda Bears. WHY the black left eyes on Pope Francis, John Kerry and George Bush. UNESCO and WWF founded by eugenics. Land Stealing and Babies.
Jan 23, 2024
We live in a trauma-based world. Shame and humiliation are used against us AND we also use it against ourselves to harm/cripple us. Social Media and money are major SHAME games.
Jan 14, 2024
HELPS is a nonprofit law firm and 501(c)(3) charitable organization. HELPS was founded to provide senior citizens and disabled persons with an attorney who communicates with debt collectors. Help With Debt For Seniors (
Is USA a RACIST Country? Black Wallstreet or Tulsa Massacre. The worst incident of racial violence in American history. Government Airplanes fired rifles at fleeing Black families and dropped burning “turpentine ball” bombs on Tulsa homes and businesses.
Jan 13, 2024
“Black Wall Street” in Greenwood Oklahoma was among the most prosperous neighborhoods in America, and a Black utopia — and then it was burned to the ground.
At least $1.4 million in damages were claimed after the massacre, or about $25 million in today’s dollars, after inflation and the current economy, but experts say it’s an underestimation.
Survivors never received government assistance or restitution for their losses.
Mississippi Welfare Scandal Timeline: Brett Favre and the Volleyball Stadium ( Between 2016 and 2019, the Mississippi Department of Human Services and nonprofits associated with it allegedly misspent more than tens of millions of dollars in federal Temporary Assistance For Needy Families funds that should have gone to the poorest families in the poorest state. More than $5 million of those funds went toward a volleyball-stadium project at the University of Southern Mississippi favored by retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre and $1.1 million went to Favre himself.
2/3 Donald Rumsfeld * How he was involved giving IRAQ soldiers Hot Sodas and future brain cancer. How Aspartame rots the brain. The Sugar KILL BOX
Jan 12, 2024
3/3 Donald Rumsfeld * How he was involved giving IRAQ soldiers Hot Sodas and future brain cancer. How Aspartame rots the brain. The Sugar KILL BOX
Jan 12, 2024
2/3 Donald Rumsfeld * How he was involved giving IRAQ soldiers Hot Sodas and future brain cancer. How Aspartame rots the brain. The Sugar KILL BOX
Jan 12, 2024
1/3 Donald Rumsfeld * How he was involved giving IRAQ soldiers Hot Sodas and future brain cancer. How Aspartame rots the brain. The Sugar KILL BOX
Jan 12, 2024
Korean War and Unit 731 * Japan’s Horrific Human Experiments in China During WW2 *USA gave them immunity for the data. Fort Detrick. The USA dropped BUGS during Korean War.
Jan 09, 2024
*DOWNLOAD my work NOW Before it goes away*
Korean War and Unit 731 * Japans Horrfic Human Experiments in China During WW2. USA gave them immunity for the data. Fort Detrick. The USA dropped BUGS during Korean War
Why do they steal Organs from Black Skin People? Earthquake & Cholera in Haiti was to STEAL Black Organs for transplants. Blacks and Pineal Glands
Jan 07, 2024
Mass Migration all over the WORLD. WHO IS FUNDING IT? Migrants get CASH to CRASH the USA with funded UN programs. Future human trafficking victims or workers?
Jan 06, 2024
Do we have a clue what year it is? Do we know what time it is? The church and the Calendar. Are we in “Church Age” Is the Church the new Israel?
Dec 31, 2023
I Am Being MURDERED In My OWN HOME By Smart Meter Radiation. USA Is Activating Bio Terrorism On Citizens. How? Smart Meters GAMMA Radiation. The Stuff That Kills.
Nuclear Power Plants Are Weapons 100% *WW11 Was To Test Bombs With Plutonium For Use In Future Nuclear Power Plants. They Claim Nuclear Power Is Safe And Cheap.
Plutonium: Rocky Flats Anatomy of Disaster. USA has 92 Nuclear, China 55, Russia 37, Japan 33, South Korea 25 India 22 Canada 19, Ukraine 15, IRAN has ONE.
Israel -Star Of David Or Satanic Symbolism? Saturn Is Satan. Israel Flag Is A Hexagram = Satanic – 6-Pointed Star = 666. Anyone Killed In The Name Of Israel Is Actually A Sacrifice To Satan.
Is CORONAVIRUS actually RADIATION Poisoning? Corona MEANS the field around high voltage electricity *Military Study Stanford (1974) Finds Rats Exposed to Microwave Radiation Die of Asphyxiation and Severe Lung Damage.
Dec 16, 2023
Fort Detrick -the center of U.S. biological weapons program 1943 – 1969 – MK = Mein Kampf * Detrick is a German name which means “Ruler of the People”.
Dec 14, 2023
USA Military =the HEAD OF THE SNAKE. From WW2 into Torture Camps in Chile. Ramstein AFB in Germany controls DRONES and STOCKPILES weapons of war inside Germany. Experiments & Torture never stopped, just NEW locations after WW2.
Dec 10, 2023
Colonial Dignidad (Dignity Colony) *Nazi Pedophile Paradise in Chile -Death Camps -Torture and Horrors -Paul Schäfer, a fugitive, accused of child molestation in W Germany set it up. But no one saw a thing, really? What did the CIA know?
Dec 08, 2023
Although it was described by the CIA as “a cooperative effort by the intelligence/security services of several South American countries to combat terrorism and subversion”, combatting guerrillas was used as a pretext for its existence, as guerrillas were not substantial enough in numbers to control territory, gain material support by any foreign power, or otherwise threaten national security.
Condor’s initial members were the governments of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia; Brazil signed the agreement later on. Peru later joined the operation in a more peripheral role.
The United States government provided planning, coordinating, training on torture, and technical support and supplied military aid to the juntas during the Ford, Carter, and Reagan administrations.
Such support was at times routed through the CIA. However, a letter which was written by renowned DINA assassin Michael Townley in 1976 noted the existence of network of individual Southern Cone secret polices known as Red Condor.
Jim Jones * Jonestown Massacre Guyana. Or…Jonestown was a MK Ultra CIA operation. Did they all drink the Kool Aid? Why do charities run Hospitals?
Dec 08, 2023
US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said that the world is not acting with enough urgency to “save the world” and prevent what he calls a climate crisis from occurring.
The 79-year-old Democrat opened his remarks by questioning how “allegedly wise adult human” such as CEOs and Senators could, as he put it, “ignore our science and want to ignore mathematics and want to ignore physics and somehow cannot bring themselves to do what we need to do.”
Uranium from Manhattan Project STORED for 80 years – Next to Staten Island, NY homes – AND it was kept secret. ATOM Bombs are FAKE – This proves it.
Nov 18, 2023
Department Of Defense (DOD) Fails to Pass $ Audit for YEARS. DOD Computers Full of Child Pornography. USA is 34 TRILLION in debt. How can this work?
Nov 17, 2023
Having a Baby in a USA Hospital – RISKY and COSTLY* Stealing Babies Blood Cords * Theft of Kidneys * USA Hospitals and Black-Market Organs
Nov 06, 2023
Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). It was the subject of limited research from the 1950s through to the 1970s as a potential cause of schizophrenia.
Despite this compound’s name, it is unrelated to the element chromium; instead, the ‑chrome suffix indicates a relationship to color, as pure adrenochrome is deep violet.
Israel -Star of David or Satanic Symbolism? Saturn is Satan. Israel flag is a Hexagram = Satanic – 6-pointed Star = 666. Anyone killed in the name of Israel is actually a sacrifice to Satan.
Oct 25, 2023
100% Worldwide -Legally they NOW control it all – – You do NOT have control or own assets, stocks, property, bank money – The Great Taking.
Oct 17, 2023
Zionist Jews from ISRAEL are FUNDING the Transgender Movement. They want to remove the penis from boys and give girls a fake penis. WHO are they?
Oct 09, 2023
HAMAS is a USA/CIA CREATION. Hamas attacking Israel is a PSYOP- to start WW3?
Oct 08, 2023
Hamas acts as agent provocateurs under the control of the Mossad. Sharett said that to keep that moral tension it is necessary for Israel to “invent dangers.”
The invented dangers act as provocations for Israel to retaliate. Hamas is just such an invented danger. That is in keeping with the Mossad motto: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”
Spain stole 300,000 babies during Franco. The world has less than 1 BILLION population. 8 BILLION is a big lie. The Stolen Children Project
Oct 04, 2023
Democracy is a TRICK *The USA is a PLUTOCRACY = a country governed by the wealthy. An elite class of people whose power derives from their wealth.
Sep 26, 2023
Where Are The Torches And Pitchforks?
Sep 11, 2023
Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of metal powder and metal oxide. When ignited by heat or chemical reaction, thermite undergoes an exothermic reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction. Most varieties are not explosive, but can create brief bursts of heat and high temperature in a small area.
Formally called Air Force Maui Optical Station (AMOS) and the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing observatory; the use of the term AMOS has been widespread throughout the technical community for over thirty years and is still used today at many technical conferences
Pelletier was named chief of the Maui Police Department in 2021 after more than two decades working in Las Vegas. On Oct. 1, 2017, Pelletier was the incident commander covering the Strip when a gunman unleashed a hail of bullets on a country music festival, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more.
Maui Fires an “Accident” caused by Electricity or Murder and Theft? The USA Military is a ONE-TRICK Pony.
Aug 15, 2023
The USA says, watch out for Iran? I say instead: Watch out for the USA.
President Joe Biden is facing renewed criticism for his response to the devastating wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui after offering victims $700 per household in emergency aid.
Political opponents and commentators described the sum as “insulting” and compared it with the more than $113 billion-worth of aid the U.S. has sent to Ukraine as it defends itself against an ongoing Russian invasion. On Monday, the government announced it was sending $200 million in defensive capabilities.
Fires* Tornadoes *Floods *Hurricanes *Volcanos and Earthquakes. Natural Disasters or on PURPOSE? What is the Ring of Fire?
Aug 13, 2023
Phthalates =Childhood Leukemia and Autism
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Unfortunately, ingredient lists generally make it difficult to identify phthalates. They are usually written as a 3 or 4-word acronym. Here are some to look out for:
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Marijuana is Medicine – NOW 100% Legal to ship to you. What do you need to know? **How to Shop Marijuana Flowers Locally and Online in ALL Countries.
Aug 06, 2023
How and every step along the way **DOWNLOAD my work NOW Before it goes away
1976 USA Mass Vaccination Campaign Swine Flu *Fauci Pigs and Bats *Creating & Selling Death and Vaccines.
Jul 07, 2023
H1N1 Called Swine Flu *A Boy In Mexico Discovered It. Guillain-Barre problem in 1976 Time And Quantum Theory
It began at a US Army training base in New Jersey. In February 1976, several soldiers at Fort Dix fell ill with a previously unrecognized swine flu. None had been in contact with pigs, so human transmission was assumed. Testing revealed that the virus had spread to more than 200 recruits.
Urgent decisions were needed. Public health officials realized it might be possible to get a vaccine to the public by the end of the year if they acted fast. The pharmaceutical industry had just finished manufacturing vaccines for the normal flu seasons.
In March, President Ford announced a $137m (£67.5m in 1976) effort to produce a vaccine by the autumn. “Its goal was to immunize every man, woman and child in the US, and thus was the largest and most ambitious immunization program ever undertaken in the United States,” wrote Imperato in a 2015 paper reflecting on the events.
EBOLA & Africa *HOW Lies get sold. The patterns are NOT hidden – We can’t see what we avoid seeing. How our character shapes us.
Jul 05, 2023
Are we stupid?
After outbreaks of Ebola Zaire, studies showed that infectious Ebola virus can hide out in areas where foreign invaders don’t seem to trigger immune responses. These so-called immune-privileged sites include the brain, the eyes, and the testes.
A genetic analysis of an Ebola outbreak of a 2021 outbreak in Guinea determined that the likely cause was a person who had been infected during the West African outbreak between 2014 and 2016, five years earlier. That suggests that Ebola Zaire infection may smolder for years in some survivors. It’s not clear whether Ebola Sudan may do the same.
Another challenge was the lesser-known type of Ebola virus causing the outbreak: the Sudan strain. Although there are therapeutics and a vaccine against another type of Ebola virus, Ebola Zaire, there are no such treatments or protections against Ebola Sudan.
WHO had rushed to start a Phase 3 vaccine trial in Uganda, but because there are no new cases, officials are talking about how to continue to study the vaccines “in a way that we conduct research that advances our understanding of these vaccines,” said Dr. Ana Maria Henao-Restrepo.
Survivors are also being monitored for the persistence of the virus in their bodies.
After outbreaks of Ebola Zaire, studies showed that infectious Ebola virus can hide out in areas where foreign invaders don’t seem to trigger immune responses. These so-called immune-privileged sites include the brain, the eyes, and the testes.
A genetic analysis of an Ebola outbreak of a 2021 outbreak in Guinea determined that the likely cause was a person who had been infected during the West African outbreak between 2014 and 2016, five years earlier. That suggests that Ebola Zaire infection may smolder for years in some survivors. It’s not clear whether Ebola Sudan may do the same.
Biblical LOCUSTS * INSECTS -Damaging Crops & Famine *Entomological Warfare (EW) A type of Biological Warfare *Wiping out Afghanistan
Jul 01, 2023
Entomological Warfare (EW) One type involves infecting insects with a pathogen and then dispersing the insects over target areas.The insects then act as a vector, infecting any person or animal they might bite.
Another type of EW is a direct insect attack against crops; the insect may not be infected with any pathogen but instead use uninfected insects.
Advisory issued by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 10 May 2023 warned of a major outbreak after Moroccan locusts (a species of locust which is found from north Africa to western Asia) were reported from 10 of Afghanistan’s provinces.
Is adding more vaccines a good idea. ALL vaccines are bad, STOP splitting hairs.
Phthalates are one of the most commonly used chemicals in the world. Each year in the United States, over one billion pounds of phthalates are released.
As they have many practical applications, phthalates are produced in huge volumes. In fact, as of 2006, over 470 million pounds of phthalates were produced per year.
People who eat out more often were found to have phthalate levels 35 percent higher than people who eat meals prepared at home.
Government watchdog group, Judicial Watch, finally received about 700 pages of Moderna documents through a Freedom of Information Act request to the government. While Moderna’s internal documents are still being kept secret, they had to file a Biological Licensing Application with the FDA. That document, Judicial Watch correctly argued, is a public record. We still haven’t seen any of Moderna’s internal vaccine documentation yet, as we have with Pfizer, but this is a significant first step.
Among the documents are the reproductive toxicology tests that Moderna conducted on a group of female rats. The rats were injected with the Moderna vaccine and then impregnated. Unlike Pfizer, Moderna didn’t immediately kill all of its rats. To Moderna’s credit, they saw the experiment through; they aborted some of the baby rats to see if their shot affected fetal development and allowed others to give birth to their babies to see the results.
Here’s what the Moderna documentation says:
“mRNA-1273-related variations in skeletal examination included statistically significant increases in the number of F1 rats with 1 or more wavy ribs and 1 or more rib nodules. Wavy ribs appeared in 6 fetuses and 4 litters with a fetal prevalence of 4.03% and a litter prevalence of 18.2%. Rib nodules appeared in 5 of those 6 fetuses.”
Let’s define a couple of terms that get tossed around when it comes to vaccines or any other medications: “Rare” and “very rare.” A rare side effect is considered one that occurs in between 1 in 1,000 and 1 in 10,000 patients. A very rare side effect is considered one that occurs even less often than 1 in 10,000.
If 4% of the baby rats born to vaccinated mothers had rib malformities and rib nodules, that’s a rate of 1 in 20. That’s not very rare. That’s not rare. That’s dangerously common.
The documentation doesn’t say whether the “nodules” on the babies’ ribs were fibrous dysplasia, enchondroma or osteochondroma (three types of benign rib cancers) or if the nodules were simple fatty tissue lumps. That would be nice to know, but either way, it’s not normal in babies.
The FDA approval label for Moderna’s Spikevax, which is the vaccine in question, states:
“No vaccine-related fetal malformations or variations and no adverse effect on postnatal development were observed in the study.”
That is a flat-out lie from the Food and Drug Administration. And it’s not the first time, obviously.
Among the documents are the reproductive toxicology tests that Moderna conducted on a group of female rats. The rats were injected with the Moderna vaccine and then impregnated. Unlike Pfizer, Moderna didn’t immediately kill all of its rats. To Moderna’s credit, they saw the experiment through; they aborted some of the baby rats to see if their shot affected fetal development and allowed others to give birth to their babies to see the results.
Let’s not forget that Pfizer’s documents showed that 44% of pregnant women in their trials LOST THEIR BABIES. Out of 50 pregnant women that they gave the vaccine to, 22 of them had miscarriages and their babies died.
Dr. Naomi Wolf described the tragedy like this:
“Pfizer took those deaths of babies—those spontaneous abortions and miscarriages—and recategorized them as recovered/resolved adverse effects. In other words, if you lost your baby, it was categorized by Pfizer as resolved adverse event, like a headache that got better.”
The FDA received that documentation from Pfizer in April of 2021 – a year and a half ago! And yet both the FDA and the CDC remain adamant to this day that all pregnant and expecting and breastfeeding mothers should get the vaccine. It appears that the FDA and the CDC are just as corrupt as the FBI, and that’s saying a lot these days! And these ghouls described a miscarried baby as a “resolved adverse event?” That is disgusting.
Pfizer and Moderna’s own documents state that these vaccines can cause catastrophic miscarriage rates and can cause malformations and some type of lump – maybe cancerous, maybe not – in unborn babies. Does that sound like a “safe and effective” medicine that women of childbearing age should be getting injected with?
Children in war
Child Victims of Armed Conflicts
During the last 10 years, around 10 million children are estimated to have been killed as a result of war. The situations resulting from armed conflicts affect primarily children because of their vulnerability, and do so in many different ways. Often alone and helpless because of the reigning chaos, some become child soldiers, others are forced into exploitation. The fundamental rights of these children are shamelessly flouted for the benefit of barbarous and cruel acts. Many of them remain deeply traumatized, wounded, or even disabled.
Categories of child war victims
Armed conflicts create and inflict a great deal of suffering on populations. Often, children are the primary victims. Their situation can be classified into the following different categories:
– Civilian victims: During armed conflicts, it often happens that schools or even hospitals are targets of armed forces. Because of this, civilians in these places become victims of these attacks through no fault of their own. It should also be noted that after the end of a conflict, antipersonnel mines, cluster bombs, or other explosive remnants of war are instruments of death that continue to strike civilians. As a result of all these conflicts, many people, most particularly children, die each year.
– Child Soldiers: A child soldier is defined as any person less than eighteen years old who is a member of armed governmental forces or of a regular or irregular armed group or associated with these forces, whether or not there is an armed conflict (1).
– Displaced Children: During armed conflicts, a large number of children find themselves separated from their parents or those who have them in their care. There exist different categories for displaced children.
– Orphans: Because of war, many children find themselves orphans after the death of their parents.
– Wounded or Handicapped Children: Because of war, children are wounded, mutilated, or become handicapped as a result of the atrocities that they have had to live through.
– Imprisoned Children: In times of conflict, children are frequently imprisoned. The reasons for this imprisonment are diverse, but in most cases, it results from the association of the children with the armed forces of a State.
– Exploited Children (sexual exploitation or even forced labor): Often children are victims of sexual abuse. Most of the time, sexual violence increases considerably during times of conflict. Children are also subjected to forced labor and participate in hostilities through no fault of their own.
Why do the situations created by armed conflicts have repercussions on children in particular?
Confronted with the chaos caused by armed conflicts, children are the most wronged. In fact, most of the time they are still too young to understand what is happening or do not have any way to defend themselves against the danger. They are, therefore, vulnerable and become easy targets that armed forces have no qualms exploiting.
If they are not killed, mutilated, imprisoned, or raped as a result of barbarism, they are sexually exploited or reduced to slavery. Moreover, rape is sometimes used as a tactic of war against children and women in order to torture, wound, obtain information, intimidate, or punish.
Additionally, because of armed conflicts, children are separated from their families and find themselves alone, panicked, lost, and in need. Left to fend for themselves, they suffer from an inability to take care of themselves. In order to survive, they are often forced to flee their country.
Concerning the recruitment of child soldiers, the main reason why armed forces choose children over adults is explained by the ease in convincing them to join these groups and in manipulating them afterward. Children are naive, innocent, unconscious of danger and “are much cheaper”. They also tend to obey and do not challenge authority. Finally, children living in a difficult situation often see this recruitment as a way to resolve their problems.
Consequences of war on children
“At least two million children have died in the last 10 years as a result of wars started by adults, whether they were civilian targets or whether they were killed in combat as child soldiers. The number of children wounded or disabled is three times larger, and there are even more suffering from sicknesses, malnutrition, sexual violence, and the hardships of flight. Countless children have been confronted with the anguish of losing their home, their belongings, and those close to them. In such conditions, practically all the necessary constants for child development are seriously disrupted, and the psychological damages of armed conflicts are incalculable. (1)”
Direct consequences
In spite of the fact that wars also affect adults, children are unfortunately too often the direct but powerless victims of the horrors committed against their family.
In each conflict, numerous children are killed, wounded, or even exploited. Others are imprisoned, forced to leave their country to survive, or join the armed forces becoming “child soldiers”. Many find themselves orphans with no protection.
Other consequences can be added to this list. Confronting the horrors of war, children are subjected to profound emotional trauma which marks and changes them forever. These moral wounds are difficult to heal and have serious repercussions on their future life.
These children, unable to grow up in an atmosphere of trust and having had to face atrocities from a very young age, often develop the conviction that violence is a way like any other to solve disputes, and so it is difficult for them to send a message of peace and international security to future generations.
Indirect consequences
Children are also affected by war in a more indirect way. Armed conflicts also result in the destruction of infrastructure and basic services (hospitals, schools), which prevents children from having access to education and care. Most of the time, children find themselves without protection.
Solution : prevent conflicts
The prevention of armed conflicts is the only way to manage to improve the lives of child war victims. By collaborating with governments, many actors (the United Nations (UN) or other international organizations) can contribute to the implementation of preventative action.
The UN uses different techniques to prevent or manage conflicts between two countries in conflict, in order to create conditions for a return to a lasting peace. As an example, peacekeeping operations have a goal of establishing a United Nations presence in countries of conflict (with their agreement). The UN then has the possibility of deploying and maintaining on site troops, police, and civilian personnel. These people have the mission of assuring security and bringing the necessary political support for the consolidation of peace.
The protections of international law
In international humanitarian law, a child is protected not only in a general way as a person not participating in hostilities, but also benefits from a special protection by reason of the quality of being particularly vulnerable. A child who participates in hostilities is equally protected as well.
General Protections
The Geneva Convention relating to the protection of individual civilians in times of war (art 27 to 34): the fundamental guarantees granted by these texts, such as the right to the respect of life, physical and moral integrity, the ban of forced bodily services, torture, collective punishment, and reprisals are applicable to children.
A child has the right to these protections both in cases of armed international conflict or in its absence, in reason of principle of the 2nd additional protocol, according to which “neither the civilian population neither individual civilians shall be the object of attack”
Specific Protections
First additional protocol relating to the conduct of hostilities: this sets out the principle of special protection intended for children, according to which “children shall be the object of a special respect and shall be protected against any form of indecent assault (art 77). The Parties to the conflict shall provide them with the care and aid they require, whether because of their age or for any other reason.” This principle also applies to cases of non-international armed conflict.
This protocol compels States to take all possible measures in order to prevent children less than 15 years old from directly taking part in hostilities. It forbids their recruitment into armed forces.
“More than 25 articles of the Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols specifically concern children.They include rules on death penalty, access
The Children of Fallujah: The Medical Mystery at the Heart of the Iraq War
Yemeni Babies Deformed Because Of The Forbidden Weapons
April 15 | Yamanyoon
The Saudi-led coalition is now entering its third year of war on Yemen, and it has been accused of using international banned weapons against Yemeni civilians.
The emergence of deformed Yemeni babies now and then as documented by media outlets indicate the usage of chemical weapons, such as cluster bombs and white phosphorus by the Saudi regime.
Recently, a mother gave birth to a disfigured baby in the central province of Taiz, one of the most affected locations by the Saudi bombardment.
As mentioned above, this deformation is not the first of its kind. Not so long ago, they detected another case in Al-Sabeen hospital located in the capital Sana’a. The little victims did not get the chance to live a normal first day of their lives, and mothers had to encounter such incidents that one can’t imagine the way they felt when they first saw their new babies they have been waiting for.
To speak about the third and final condition, Al-Salam health clinic located in the Yemeni coastal province of Hodeidah, specifically Bajel district, witnessed a Yemeni infant born with a rare kind of deformation, “it’s a kind we have never seen before”, said YemenExtra correspondent. The infant soon passed away, and many though it was a more merciful option rather than living for the little victim.
“There might be some hidden terrible conditions, but some hospital directors get threats not to release any information regarding them”, says our correspondent.
“After Ansar Allah promised to provide protection for the hospital director, he exposed the the case documented above, proving the usage of international banned weapons in the coastal province of Hodeidah, which is now enduring one of the toughest battles in Mocha region.
Several humanitarian organizations have warned of the Saudi war against the already poor country in the southern Arabian Peninsula, and they have been invited to investigate such crimes against humanity in various hospitals against Yemeni childhood.
Source | YemenExtra
Back story: The evidence was clear, but no one cared – except you.
It’s the same old story. Know nothing. See nothing. Say nothing. When children died in a plague of cancers in southern Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War, the Americans and the Brits didn’t want to know about it. Nor, of course, did Saddam Hussein. If children had been poisoned by our depleted uranium munitions, then Saddam would lose face, wouldn’t he? Independent readers contributed $250,000 for medicines for the children we met in Iraq who were suffering from cancers and leukaemia after that war.
Margaret Hassan of Care – later murdered by unknown killers months after her kidnapping, following the “liberation” of Iraq – helped us distribute the medicines from our readers across the country. No thanks from Saddam, of course. And all the children died. And not a word from our masters, armaments manufacturers and jolly generals.
It’s the same again in Fallujah today. The doctors talk of a massive increase in child birth deformities. The Americans used phosphorous munitions – possibly also depleted uranium (DU) – in the 2004 battles of Fallujah. Everyone in Fallujah knows about these deformities. Reporters have seen these children and reported on them. But it’s know nothing, see nothing, say nothing. Neither the Iraqi government nor the US government nor the British will utter a squeak about Fallujah. Even when I found in the Balkans a 12-year-old Serb girl with internal bleeding, constant vomiting and nails that repeatedly fell out of her hands and feet – she had handled the shrapnel of depleted uranium munitions after a Nato air strike near Sarajevo in 1995 – Nato refused to respond to my offer to take a military doctor to see her.
Already, I had discovered that up to 300 Serb men, women and children who had lived close to the Nato target in the Sarajevo suburb of Hadjici, had died of cancers and leukaemias over the five years that followed the bombing. As for southern Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War, the less said, the better.
I met Ali Hillal in 1998, when he was just eight, in Baghdad’s Mansour hospital. He lived next to factories and a television station in Diyala, the repeated targets of US and British aircraft in 1991, the fifth child in a family with no history of cancer. Now he had a brain tumour. Latif Abdul Sattar had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Youssef Abdul Raouf Mohamed from Kerbala had gastro-intestinal bleeding. There was Cherou Jassem in her party dress – she wanted her picture taken – who had acute myloblastic leukaemia.
And so it went on as I met each child 14 years ago. Dhamia Qassem, 13, suffered heart failure during treatment for acute leukaemia. Ahmed Walid, a baby during the 1991 Iraq bombings, developed chronic myeloid leukaemia in 1995. Many of the parents were with their children during the raids and some spoke of strange smells, of insecticide and flowers. Western diplomats – who otherwise chose to remain silent – wondered if the children might have been stricken by the smoke from Saddam’s bombed chemical warfare factories.
In Basra, I found Dr Jawad Khadim al-Ali who had drawn maps of the clusters of the new child and adult cancer cases across southern Iraq, some of the children from the very battlefields in which US tanks fired DU munitions at Saddam’s armoured forces. Even when I visited these sites I found farming families with new cancers. This, the doctors attributed to DU, of course, not phosphorous, although some researchers have suggested DU was also used at Fallujah in 2004.
What was astonishing, however, was the response. While The Independent‘s readers gave generously for medicines for the children, the British government’s reaction was pitiful. Lord Gilbert at the Ministry of Defence, in a letter dripping with sarcasm, said that my account of a possible link between DU ammunition and children’s cancer – “coming from anyone other than Robert Fisk” – would be “a wilful perversion of reality”. Particles from DU warheads became difficult to detect, he wrote, “even with the most sophisticated monitoring equipment”.
Yet when an Atomic Energy Agency official wrote to the Royal Ordnance in London in 1998, he said that the spread of radioactivity and toxic contamination would be “a risk to both the military and the civilian population” if not dealt with in peacetime.
In December 1998, Doug Henderson, then the British minister for the armed forces, wrote – in a letter that may soon have to be repeated over Fallujah – that while the government was aware of reports linking DU with “alleged [sic] deformities, cancers and birth defects, the government has not seen any peer-reviewed epidemiological research data on this population to support these claims and it would therefore be premature to comment on this matter”.
And so it went on. The authorities had nothing to say since there had been no “peer-reviewed epidemiological data” – which there would not be, because no such research would be carried out. Now, too, the same is happening in Fallujah where DU ammunition may also have been used in 2004, and where white phosphorous certainly was used. But there has been no “peer-reviewed epidemiological data”. So goodbye to the children of Fallujah, their brave parents and any chance of finding out the truth.
Unless, of course, some worthy NGO steps forward with the money and resources and training to do what neither the Iraqi government nor the Americans have shown any interest in doing: cataloguing the increase in birth deformities in a city where US forces fought their toughest battles since the Tet offensive in Vietnam. Phosphorous can be used to identify targets – but if used as a weapon in civilian areas, it would breach the 1980 Convention on conventional weapons. Which is probably why no one outside Iraq wants to hear the name of Fallujah.
New Study Documents Depleted Uranium Impacts on Children in Iraq
September 20, 2019
In the years following 2003, the U.S. military dotted Iraq with over 500 military bases, many of them close to Iraqi cities. These cities suffered the impacts of bombs, bullets, chemical and other weapons, but also the environmental damage of open burn pits on U.S. bases, abandoned tanks and trucks, and the storage of weapons on U.S. bases, including depleted uranium weapons. Here’s a map of some of the U.S. bases:
This map and the other illustrations below have been provided by Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, one of the authors of a forthcoming article in the journal Environmental Pollution. The article documents the results of a study undertaken in Nasiriyah near Tallil Air Base. Nasiriyah was bombed by the U.S. military in 2003 and in the early 1990s. Open-air burn pits were used at Tallil Air Base beginning in 2003. See a second map:
Now take a look (do not turn away) at these images of infants who were born between August and September of 2016 to parents who had continuously lived in Nasiriyah. The visible birth defects include: anencephaly (A1 and A2 , B), lower limb anomalies (C), hydrocephalus (D), spina bifida (E), and multiple anomalies (F, G, H). Imagine if these tragic birth defects had been caused by a natural disaster or the misdeeds of the next government targeted by the United States for “regime change” — would not the outrage be widespread and thunderous? But these horrors have a different cause.
Here’s another illustration, of hand and foot abnormalities in children in Nasiriyah, and in the ancient city of Ur, near the U.S. base:
The study now being published found an inverse relationship between the distance one lived from Tallil Air Base and the risk of birth defects as well as of levels of thorium and uranium in one’s hair. It found a positive relationship between the presence of thorium and uranium and the presence of birth defect(s). Thorium is a decay-product of depleted uranium, and a radioactive compound.
These results were found near this particular base rather than dozens of others, not because it is necessarily unique; no similar studies have yet been conducted near each of the other bases. The results found by this study are likely to be identical to results that could be found by a similar study next year, or next decade, or next century, or next millennium, at least in the absence of major efforts to mitigate the damage.
Depleted uranium (DU) weapons were not just stored in Iraq, but also fired in Iraq. Between 1,000 and 2,000 metric tons of DU was fired in Iraq according to a 2007 report by the U.N. Environment Program. While not at the same level, the U.S. military has also poisoned the Washington, D.C., area, among other parts of the United States and the globe with DU. The Pentagon to this day claims the right to use DU. Depleted uranium is permanently hazardous waste from the production of nuclear energy, a source of energy marketed by its lobbyists as environmentally beneficial. Here’s a description of DU from Iraq Veterans Against the War, a group (later renamed “About Face: Veterans Against the War!”) many of whose members are familiar with the damage that DU does to people directly, not just to their offspring:
“Depleted Uranium (DU) is a toxic, radioactive heavy metal that is the waste byproduct of the uranium enrichment process when producing nuclear weapons and uranium for nuclear reactors. Because this radioactive waste is plentiful and 1.7 times more dense than lead, the United States government uses DU in munitions/ammunition which are extremely effective at piercing armored vehicles. However, every round of DU ammunition leaves a residue of DU dust on everything it hits, contaminating the surrounding area with toxic waste that has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the age of our solar system, and turns every battlefield and firing range into a toxic waste site that poisons everyone in such areas. DU dust can be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through scratches in the skin. DU is linked to DNA damage, cancer, birth defects, and multiple other health problems. The United Nations classifies Depleted Uranium ammunitions as illegal Weapons of Mass Destruction because of their long-term impact on the land over which they are used and the long-term health problems they cause when people are exposed to them.”
The use of these weapons was a small part of the damage done to Iraq, its people, its society, and its natural environment by the war. We ought not to require any legal case before offering aid and making reparations. Basic human decency ought to suffice.
Were babies born deformed from Chernobyl?
There has been a 200 percent increase in birth defects and a 250 percent increase in congenital birth deformities in children born in the Chernobyl fallout area since 1986.
The “Children of Chernobyl,” a catch-all term for kids who suffered from the effects of the accident, attracted particular attention, as their bodies absorbed more radiation than adults’.1 The most common form of foreign aid involved health trips, in which children traveled abroad for rest, recovery, and medical treatment.
What happened to the baby in Chernobyl?
Lyudmilla said she didn’t know radiation could hurt her child. … Two months later, Lyudmilla gave birth to a daughter, who died after four hours from congenital heart malformations and cirrhosis of the liver (both of which have been linked to radiation exposure).
Does nuclear radiation cause deformities?
A 2010 study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found a correlation between the presence of hazardous levels of strontium-90 — a radioactive element produced by nuclear fission — and dramatically high rates of certain congenital birth defects.
How did Chernobyl affect pregnancy?
Studies regarding the reproductive health of women in the contaminated regions immediately after the Chernobyl accident showed a decrease in birth rates, an increase in anemia during pregnancy, and an increase in perinatal mortality.
How many children did Chernobyl affect?
To date, the group has helped organize stays for around 25,000 children, though it estimates that around 1 million children live in zones affected by the disaster.
What birth defects did Chernobyl Cause?
Much of the fetal damage caused by the Chernobyl disaster involved neural tube defects. In the fetus, the neural tube is an embryonic precursor to the central nervous system. In other words, the baby’s brain, and spinal cord— two of the most important parts of the human body—are formed from the neural tube.
Is the Chernobyl reactor still burning?
The team estimates half of the reactor’s original fuel is still locked up inside 305/2, so it’s not great news that neutron levels have doubled in the past four years. Reactor 4 several months after the disaster.
When Will Chernobyl be safe?
The first waste canister containing highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine has been successfully processed and will now be safely stored for at least a 100 years.
Are there people still alive from Chernobyl?
and most were young men at the time. Perhaps 10 percent of them are still alive today. Thirty-one people died as a direct result of the accident, according the official Soviet death toll.
The Children of Agent Orange
For decades, Vietnam veterans have suspected that the defoliant harmed their children. But the VA hasn’t studied its own data for clues.
A new ProPublica analysis has found that the odds of having a child born with birth defects were more than a third higher for veterans exposed to Agent Orange than for those who weren’t.
Concerns that Agent Orange was not just sickening vets but also causing birth defects in their children surfaced after troops returned from war four decades ago. Veterans reported that some of their children had unusual defects — missing limbs, extra limbs and other diseases — that didn’t run in their families. Some government studies were done, including Michalek’s, but they generally dismissed an association.
Since then, those findings have guided the government position on disability benefits for children of Vietnam vets. The VA makes payments only to those who have spina bifida, in which the spinal cord doesn’t develop properly, and the children of a small number of female Vietnam vets with 18 other diseases.
That leaves out the vast majority of vets’ ailing children.
Last week, after repeated recommendations by federal scientific advisory panels, Congress passed a bill that requires the VA to pay for an analysis of all research done thus far on the “descendants of veterans with toxic exposure.” It also requires the agency to determine the feasibility of future research and, if such studies are possible, to pursue them.
In its written response, the VA said it has already requested a related report from the National Academy of Medicine.
Recent advances in science, especially in the burgeoning field of epigenetics, have shown that chemical exposure can affect multiple generations. Changes in gene expression — whether a gene for a trait is turned on or off — can be passed from one generation to the next, research shows. A 2012 study, for example, showed that gestating female rats exposed to dioxin, a byproduct found in Agent Orange, passed mutations to future generations.
“I think there’s kind of a paradigm shift that’s been going on,” said Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health. “While I used to be pretty skeptical about reports, especially related to Agent Orange exposures of predominantly male soldiers we had at the time, I’m not as skeptical as I was.”
If researchers conclude that troops’ wartime exposures can affect future generations, the implications go well beyond Vietnam veterans and their descendants. Vets from subsequent conflicts have similar concerns that their proximity to burn pits, depleted uranium and other toxins might be affecting their children.
Vietnam vets and their advocates believe a brutal calculation may lie at the heart of why their claims have gone unexamined. Caring for and compensating veterans themselves already costs tens of billions of dollars a year. If a link to their children is proven, it could add billions more.
Many Vietnam veterans, reaching the ends of their lives, are increasingly haunted by thoughts of the full cost of their service.
Blackledge, who fathered a healthy child before the war and two sick ones after, believes the government that exposed troops to Agent Orange should care for those it harmed — including their children.
“I probably wouldn’t have had kids,” he said, “had I known that there would be an impact on them.”
The Government Initially Denied Agent Orange Caused Health Problems
In 1974, the Department of Defense and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) issued a report on the effects of herbicides used in South Vietnam. They concluded there was:
… no clear evidence of direct damage to human health from herbicides, “no conclusive evidence” linking the defoliants with human birth defects, and no proof of permanent soil damage. The committee determined soils were capable of sustaining growth as soon as six weeks after spraying and that a year after spraying the effects on plant growth were “undetectable.”
Children of the Apocalypse – Vietnam. The US army dumped Agent Orange on a third of Vietnam during the war. Fifty years on there are 800,000 third generation victims of the spray.The patients at Friendship Village (seen in the above video) suffer from constant sickness and physical defects. And there’s no cure. “It saddens me…I can’t do anything about it”. A Vietnamese war Veteran adds, “The Americans don’t want to acknowledge the damage!”. And now a fourth generation of Agent Orange victims is about to endure the consequences of the terrible disfigurements imprinted in their genetic material.
..”First let’s rewind a bit: to the days when Monsanto Corporation started out as the maker of killer poisons like DDT, PCBs, and Agent Orange.
From 1961 to 1971, the US dropped 21 million gallons of defoliants over large swathes of Vietnam, of which 12 million gallons were Agent Orange – a herbicide manufactured for the US Department of Defense primarily by Monsanto Corporation and Dow Chemical.
Its name derives from the colour of the orange-striped barrels in which it was shipped. There were other colours in the ‘rainbow herbicides’, but Agent Orange was by far the most widely used.
The use of Agent Orange was an experimental form of chemical and biological warfare, designed to strip foliage and deny the enemy jungle cover – and to deprive enemy forces of their food supply (directly spraying rice-fields, for instance). Experimental in this instance meaning no idea of the long-term effects of this deadly herbicide, which can release dioxin – one of the most potent toxins known to mankind.
According to the post-war Vietnamese government, 4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to Agent Orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and 500,000 children born with birth defects.
And now, five decades later, with the cooperation of the US government, Monsanto is knocking on Vietnam’s door with another potentially carcinogenic herbicide: Roundup. GMO seeds are considered dangerous not only because they are modified, but also because they are designed to work with the chemical herbicide Roundup, Monsanto’s market-leading glyphosate brand.
The build-up of glyphosate in crops is suspected as a leading cause of a spike in cases of autism, cancer, and long-term illnesses in America. Not to mention a possible link with bee colony die-offs. The use of Roundup is highly controversial and it has already been banned in a number of countries around the globe”.
Agent Orange is one of the dioxin-contaminated herbicides that were sprayed during the Vietnam War and used in different industrial and agricultural activities.
Their use has resulted in hotspots of dioxin contamination, with concentrations of the chemical two to five-fold higher in affected areas in southern Vietnam than in non-contaminated regions.
A number of conditions like chloracne, cardiovascular diseases and damage to the reproductive system, hormonal system and normal development have been associated with dioxin exposure.
Dioxin or Agent orange – A Vietnam war herbicide can still be responsible for hormonal imbalances in mother and their breastfeeding children decades later, found a study conducted by Kanazawa University in Japan.
Previous research has shown a link between exposure to herbicides that contain chemicals called dioxins (Agent Orange) and prostate cancer in men.
This young child, Nguyen Thanh Nhan, aged four suffers from hydrocephalus, or water on the brain, a disease associated with Agent Orange
Four decades after Agent Orange – heartbreaking pictures show even now babies in Vietnam are being born with horrific defects
Babies in Vietnam still being born with birth defects due to Agent Orange, despite 40 years since conflict with U.S.
Chemical was sprayed on crops, plants and trees by U.S. military to destroy cover for guerrilla fighters
The dioxin can cause a range of birth defects as well as cancer and reproductive abnormalities
Heartbreaking pictures were captured by British-born photographer Francis Wade on trip to Vietnam
Many of the children end up in the care of the orphanages as their families cannot afford the burden of a disabled child and they are abandoned there.
Mr. Wade, a freelance journalist now based in Bangkok, explained: ‘The very sad subtext to this all, and the reason why I visited the orphanages, is that many families in Vietnam, particularly in the rural areas that were sprayed with Agent Orange are too poor to carry the burden of a disabled child, and so abandon them at orphanages.
US approves $170 million grant for Vietnam
Herbicides, including dioxin, sprayed by US forces during the past war have had long-term effects on generations of Vietnamese people.
Part of the US$169,739,000 aid will be used to deal with the legacy of the Vietnam War, including the consequences of Agent Orange/dioxin.
Accordingly, approximately US$14.5 million shall be made available for health and disability programs in areas sprayed with Agent Orange and contaminated with dioxin, to assist individuals with severe upper or lower body mobility impairment or cognitive or developmental disabilities.
About US$19 million shall be allocated for activities related to the remediation of dioxin contaminated sites in Vietnam. And about US$2.5 million shall be made available for a war legacy reconciliation program.
Once passed by Congress, the budget bill needs to be signed by President Donald Trump to take effect.
Between 1961and 1971, the US military launched a chemical warfare codenamed Operation Ranch Hand in Vietnam. In total they sprayed a range of herbicides, including Agent Orange/dioxin, across more than 4.5 million acres of Vietnam. As Agent Orange contains dioxin, it has immediate and long-term effects.
The Tragic Story of the Semipalatinsk Test Site Tugs at Your Soul
Semipalatinsk, also known as “The Polygon”, was a nuclear testing site for the former Soviet Union. The site was actively used for a period of 20 years, during which multiple nuclear bombs were detonated.
Nuclear weapons were first developed by the United States of America, and used during World War II in an attack on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The long-lasting devastation that ensued has left an indelible mark in history, since it not only caused territorial damage and loss of lives, but it also contaminated the area with radioactive fallout, which had an impact not only on the surviving population but also on their subsequent generations in the form of health disorders, birth defects, deformities, etc. More than 60 years after the nuclear detonation, the area is still uninhabitable, and the descendants of the people from those cities continue to exhibit health disorders. But these cities are not the first and last example of nuclear destructiveness.
Regrettably, yet another city has suffered a worse fate. It is the city of Semey, formerly known as Semipalatinsk, and also known as “The Polygon”. This city was formerly part of the Soviet Union, and currently is a part of Kazakhstan. In a bid to compete with the United States and successfully develop their own nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union carried out extensive testing of nuclear bombs
The extensiveness of the testing is evident in the fact that in just a period of 40 years (1949-1989), the Soviet Union managed to detonate and test around 456 nuclear warheads and missiles. Also, the collapse of the Soviet Union caused Kazakhstan to inherit over 1,410 nuclear warheads (fourth-largest nuclear arsenal in the world). In the later years, Kazakhstan returned the arsenal of warheads back to Russia, and signed anti-nuclear treaties like the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, the comprehensive test ban treaty, and also helped establish the central Asia nuclear weapon free zone.
Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
Immediately after World War II, the cold war began between the Soviet Union and the allied forces, mainly the United States. This instigated the Soviets to develop nuclear weaponry to rival and even surpass that possessed by the U.S. With such a view in mind, the Semipalatinsk site was selected by Lavrentiy Beria, head of the Soviet atomic bomb project, who claimed that the vast steppe region was ideal for testing as it was completely uninhabited. But as is now obvious, his claims were false.
To develop the testing site, the area was isolated and the entry into and out of the site was restricted to high ranking government and military officials (politburo). Workers from Gulag camps (Russian camp for prisoners of war) were employed and charged with constructing the various buildings and facilities that included laboratories as well as underground bunkers and testing arenas.
On 29th August 1949, the first Russian nuclear bomb was detonated at the testing site. It was called “First Lightning” or “RDS-1” by the Russians, but the Americans refer to it as Joe-1, a reference to Joseph Stalin. The success of this test made the Soviet Union the second nation (after the US) to successfully develop and detonate a nuclear bomb. This success inspired better research, which ultimately culminated in the manufacture of Joe-4, a thermonuclear weapon produced by the Soviet Union.
This was tested successfully on 12th August 1953. Its detonation released an energy of 1,700TJ, which is equivalent to the detonation of 400 kilotons of TNT. Over the course of the next 4 decades (1949-1989), many more such tests were carried out, above ground as well as underground. Of the total 456 detonations, approximately 340 were underground explosions, while 116 were atmospheric explosions that resulted in the formation of the characteristic mushroom clouds.
This extensive testing caused the area to be highly saturated with nuclear radiation, causing it to become the world’s worst radiation hotspot. What makes this worse, is that the area was never completely inhabited, but possessed populations of rural citizens. Also, according to some recently declassified documents, the site was purposefully used as a site for not only testing nuclear weapons, but also testing the effect of the detonations on buildings, infrastructure, and people. Due to the events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Russian researchers were interested to investigate the effects of radiation exposure on humans. In addition to this inhuman research, if the citizens sought treatment, they were merely subjected to biological tests, and prescribed mild medications that could offer some relief but would not treat the actual condition. Meticulous reports were made of each individual and used for analysis.
Impact of Nuclear Testing
On the Environment
The soil, air, and land of the area remain highly radioactive, and experience radiation that is 10-20 times higher than normal. The accumulation of radioactive polonium over the 40 years of testing has rendered the top-soil of the area completely contaminated. The atmospheric explosions (specially those followed by rainfall) acted to spread the radioactivity over a vast distance. All flora and fauna in this region was affected, and hence led to the desertification of the area.
Similar effects were observed due to underground detonations. The underground blasts irradiated all ecological microfauna and helped in accelerating desertification, causing the area to be a vast barren expanse of contaminated soil and air.
The most prominent effect was seen in the form of the lake created due to the underground nuclear explosion on 15th January 1965. The bomb was equivalent to 140,000 tons of TNT, and caused the formation of a crater that was 408 m wide and 100 m deep. The radioactivity was so intense that it could be detected as far as Japan. The crater that was formed led to the creation of lake Chagan, also known as the “Atomic Lake”.
Its water source is the Chagan river, and it has a volume of 100,000 m3. It is highly radioactive and has an extremely high concentration of tritium and other radionuclides. The intense radioactivity causes the lake water to be non-viable, and hence, no living organism can be seen living in this water body.
On the Inhabitants
The radiation has induced a variety of genetic defects, skeletal deformities, and medical conditions in the inhabitants of the area. According to surveys, approximately 1.5 million people have been affected by the testing at Semipalatinsk. The health defects range from cancers to birth defects and congenital deformities. Along with these, the children born to these individuals, are born with a wide array of neurological and developmental defects.
The children exhibit absence of arms, skeletal deformities, organ failures, neurological damage, cancers, and also hematological disorders. It is estimated that during the four decades of testing, the individuals were exposed to as much as 2000 mSv of radiation per year. To put this into perspective, the average U.S. citizen is exposed to only 6.2 mSv of radiation per year. The exorbitantly high levels of radiation have exhibited dire consequences for the health of the people of the area. The gravity of the issue does not lie in the observable health conditions of the people, but in the genetic errors that have been introduced in their genome.
This is severely devastating, since not only is the current generation suffering, but the future generations will also suffer radiation damage due to these heritable genetic errors in their genome. It is impossible to provide any sort of restorative treatment for this issue. In many cases, deformed and damaged children that are born to seemingly healthy individuals are left at orphanages to be cared for by the charity of others. The overall effect of these health conditions has had an impact on the basic quality of life, concept of family, and humanity. In an attempt to stop the proliferation and spread of these defective genes, some researchers have proposed the issuing of certain documents, called “genetic passports”, to the affected people. These documents would identify the people exposed to and affected by nuclear radiation, such that they may be discouraged from the proliferation of their genetic material (have children), or at least be aware that if they do reproduce, their progeny would suffer from numerous health disorders.
Most authorities and people oppose this notion due to its deterministic nature. The issuing of these genetic passports would be tantamount to giving a free rein to eugenics (improvement of human genome via selective breeding). But on the other hand, these documents will help in reducing the prevalence of radiation-based genetic errors in the population; and if the individuals do not reproduce, the effects of the radiation would not be transferred to younger generations. This dilemma remains unsolved due to its highly controversial nature.
The observation of all these alarmingly atrocious effects of nuclear weaponry has instilled an anti-nuclear sentiment in the people of Kazakhstan. So much so that, the Kazakh citizens initiated an anti-nuclear movement called “Nevada Semipalatinsk” in 1989, which culminated in the closure of the testing site in 1991.
According to UNESCO, this movement played a vital role in presenting the need to fight against nuclear threats, globally. Kazakhstan has also played an important role in the formation and signing of various nuclear disarmament treaties among the nations of the world. The destructiveness of nuclear weapons is aptly captured in the following quote.
The “Baker” underwater nuclear weapons test at Bikini Atoll in 1946. Dozens of World War II vessels were used as targets for this weapons test, and now lie on the atoll’s lagoon floor. Photo: US Navy
Congressmen angry that Bikini islanders’ trust fund may have been ‘squandered’
30 Jun 2023
Displaced Bikini Islanders marched on the US Embassy in Majuro in early June to voice their anger over what they say is misuse of the Bikini Resettlement Trust Fund by island leaders. Photo: Hilary Hosia
Following widespread media coverage of the collapse of what was an over $US70 million trust fund for Bikini islanders displaced by American nuclear weapons testing, the United States Congress has demanded answers from the Interior Department about the status of the trust fund.
Four leading members of the US Congress put the Interior Department on notice last Friday that Congress is focused on accountability of Interior’s decision to discontinue oversight of the Bikini Resettlement Trust Fund.
In their three-page letter, the chairmen and the ranking members of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the House Committee on Natural Resources – which both have oversight on US funding to the Marshall Islands – wrote to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland with questions about what has happened to the Bikinians’ trust fund.
It was initially capitalised by the US Congress in 1982 and again in 1988 for a total investment of just under $US110m.
Protests in Majuro
The Congressional letter is the first official US action on the Bikini Resettlement Trust Fund and follows several demonstrations in Majuro over the past six weeks by members of the Bikini community angered by the current lack of money to support their community.
The letter notes that on November 16, 2017, Interior accepted Kili/Bikini/Ejit Mayor Anderson Jibas and the local council’s request for a “rescript” or change in the system of oversight of the Resettlement Trust Fund. As of September 30, 2016, the fund had $71m in it, the last audit available of the fund.
“Since then (2017), local officials have purportedly depleted the Fund,” the four Senate and House leaders wrote to Haaland.
“Indeed, media reports suggest that the Fund may have been squandered in ways that not only lack transparency and accountability, but also lack fidelity to the Fund’s original intent. If true, that is a major breach of public trust not only for the people of Bikini Atoll, for whom the Fund was established, but also for the American taxpayers whose dollars established and endowed the Fund.”
They refer to multiple media reports about the demise of the Resettlement Trust Fund, including in the Marshall Islands Journal, the New York Times, Marianas Variety and Honolulu Civil Beat.
The Resettlement Trust Fund was audited annually since inception in the 1980s. But there have been no audits released since 2016 during the tenure of current Mayor Jibas.
The lack of funds in the Resettlement Trust Fund only became evident in January when the local government was unable to pay workers and provide other benefits routinely provided for the displaced islanders.
Since January, no salaries or quarterly nuclear compensation payments have been made, leaving Bikinians largely destitute and now facing dozens of collection lawsuits from local banks due to delinquent loan payments.
Bikini women load their belongings onto a waiting Navy vessel in March 1946 as they prepare to depart to Rongerik, an uninhabited atoll where they spent two years. Photo:
Bikini women load their belongings onto a waiting Navy vessel in March 1946 as they prepare to depart to Rongerik, an uninhabited atoll where they spent two years.
‘Fund is in jeopardy’
The letter from Energy Chairman Senator Joe Manchin and ranking member Senator John Barrasso, and Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman and ranking member Raul Grijalva says American lawmakers “have a duty to oversee the management of taxpayer dollars appropriated for the resettlement and rehabilitation of Bikini Atoll.”
The letter also repeatedly makes the point that the money in the trust fund was only to rehabilitate and resettle Bikini Atoll, with projects on Kili or Ejit islands limited to only $2m per year, subject to the Interior Secretary’s prior approval.
“Regrettably, the continued viability of the Fund to serve its express purpose now appears to be in jeopardy,” the US elected leaders said.
The US leaders are demanding that Haaland explain why the Interior Department walked away from its long-standing oversight role with the trust fund in late 2017.
Specifically they want to know if the Office of the Solicitor approved the decision by then-Assistant Secretary Doug Domenech to accept the KBE Local Government’s rescript “as a valid amendment to the 1988 amended resettlement trust fund agreement.’
They also suggest Interior’s 2017 decision has ramifications for US legal liability.
“Does the Department believe that the 2017 rescript supersedes the 1988 amended resettlement trust fund agreement in its entirety?” they ask.
“If so, does the Department disclaim that Congress’s 1988 appropriation to the Fund fully satisfied the obligation of the United States to provide funds to assist in the resettlement and rehabilitation of Bikini Atoll by the people of Bikini Atoll? And does that waive any rights or reopen any potential legal liabilities for nuclear claims that were previously settled?”
They also want to know if KBE Local Government provided a copy of its annual budget, as promised, since 2017.
The letter winds up wanting to know what Interior is “doing to ensure that trust funds related to the Marshall Islands are managed transparently and accountably moving forward?”
North Korea’s nuclear tests ‘are creating DEFORMED BABIES’ as locals near bomb site live in fear of ‘phantom disease’ ravaging lives
More than 80 per cent of all trees that are planted die and essential underground wells have also run dry near the top secret Punggye-ri weapons test site.
KIM Jong-un’s leaky underground bomb site has turned the surrounding area into a nuclear wasteland sparking a spate of babies born with horrific deformities, defectors have reported.
Locals have been struck down with mystery illnesses, more than 80 per cent of all trees have died and essential underground wells have run dry near the top secret Punggye-ri weapons test site, they told the Research Association of Vision of North Korea.
These before-and-after images show a closer view of the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in North KoreaCredit: AFP
Now those who used to live near the site have revealed other horrors.
“I heard from a relative in Kilju that deformed babies were born in hospitals there,” one defector claimed, according to the Chosun Ilbo newspaper.
“I spoke on the phone with family members I left behind there and they told me that all of the underground wells dried up after the sixth nuclear test,” said another.
One defector – who lived through two nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009 – revealed that most of those living near the weapons testing area are not warned ahead of bomb blasts.
“Only family members of soldiers were evacuated to underground shafts. Ordinary people were completely unaware of the tests,” he said.
Experts have warned that North Korea risks further radiation leaks if it continues its nuke testsCredit: EPA
The Punggye-ri test site in North Korea is carved deep into Mount MantapCredit: The Sun
North Korean people also drink the water that runs down from Mount Mantap, under which North Korea’s military conducts its nuclear tests.
Defectors have revealed that residents suffer from unexplained fatigue, headaches and shocking weight loss.
Others have reported an unusually high mortality rate and nervous system disorders, such as the loss of certain senses, including smell and taste.
Kim’s underground bomb tests have been lambasted by world leaders
Nuclear war ‘may break out any moment’ North Korean Deputy Ambassador delivers warning at United Nations
However, those who fall ill after a radioactive test are BANNED from seeing top medical experts in the capital of Pyongyang to stop the spread of panic.
Anyone caught boarding trains with samples of soil, water or leaves, face being arrested and sent to one of despot Kim’s state prison camps.
Meanwhile, 38 North, a North Korea monitoring site operated out of Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, reported at the weekend that commercial satellite imagery of Punggye-ri had shown significant movements near the West Portal, a yet-unused tunnel complex.
Infant deformities in Yemen linked to Saudi-led bombardment.
Doctors in Yemen have reported an increase in children born with deformities as a result of the two-year war that has left the country on the brink of famine.
The al-Sabeen Maternity and Child Hospital in the capital, Sana’a, has seen an increase in babies being born prematurely and with deformities, which doctors say is a result of the war and the Saudi-led coalition’s bombs.
“These cases of deformities have drastically increased over the past two years, due to the assault on Yemen, the rockets and the cluster bombs,” Doctor Abdulkarim al-Najjar said Wednesday.
Video footage taken from al-Sabeen hospital shows babies brought in from Al-Hudaydah coastal area, which has been targeted by airstrikes. The children have abnormally large skulls and painful-looking swollen heads covered in veins.
Al-Najjar described seeing “unprecedented” deformities in “brains, backbones, throats, digestive and nervous systems,” in babies born in Yemen.
Parents are struggling to get their children the treatment they need. “We urge the organizations and the good-doers assisting us with this case, since we have not found anyone to treat him [his son] in al-Sabeen Hospital due to the lack of means and the wars and the full blockade,” one father said.
Doctors in Yemen have been warning about the rise in stillbirths and deformities as a result of the war for some time.
“Fetal malformations could occur due to several reasons, including mothers’ diseases and subsequent viral infection of the faction and/or poor nutrition,” Wafa al-Mamari, an obstetrician at al-Rahma Hospital in northern Sana’a, told Press TV in July.
“The strange thing is that the rate of fetal abnormalities is growing and doctors cannot explain the causes, meaning that the phenomenon could be attributed to war and ordinances, given the fact that a great proportion of women with deformed fetuses hailed from bombarded areas in the provinces of Sa’adah, Sana’a, Ta’izz and Hudaydah,” she said.
Yemen is suffering a humanitarian crisis as the two-year conflict continues between a Saudi-led coalition and the Houthi rebels. The people of Yemen are at the brink of famine, with food and aid supplies cut off and almost seven million being pushed towards starvation, Oxfam warned in its latest release.
The UN estimates at least 10,000 civilian casualties have occurred since March 2015, when Saudi Arabia began bombing the country in support of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, who fled Yemen in 2015. The bombardment began to remove the Houthi rebels from the capital, which they had captured in 2014.
On Thursday, Amnesty International again condemned both the US and the UK for supplying arms to Saudi Arabia which have been used to kill civilians. Both countries provide intelligence and logistic support to Saudi Arabia and have, according to Amnesty, sold more than $5 billion in weapons to the kingdom in the last two years.
Yemeni Babies Deformed Because Of The Forbidden Weapons
April 15 | Yamanyoon
The Saudi-led coalition is now entering its third year of war on Yemen, and it has been accused of using international banned weapons against Yemeni civilians.
The emergence of deformed Yemeni babies now and then as documented by media outlets indicate the usage of chemical weapons, such as cluster bombs and white phosphorus by the Saudi regime.
Recently, a mother gave birth to a disfigured baby in the central province of Taiz, one of the most affected locations by the Saudi bombardment.
As mentioned above, this deformation is not the first of its kind. Not so long ago, they detected another case in Al-Sabeen hospital located in the capital Sana’a. The little victims did not get the chance to live a normal first day of their lives, and mothers had to encounter such incidents that one can’t imagine the way they felt when they first saw their new babies they have been waiting for.
“There might be some hidden terrible conditions, but some hospital directors get threats not to release any information regarding them”, says our correspondent.
“After Ansar Allah promised to provide protection for the hospital director, he exposed the the case documented above, proving the usage of international banned weapons in the coastal province of Hodeidah, which is now enduring one of the toughest battles in Mocha region.
Several humanitarian organizations have warned of the Saudi war against the already poor country in the southern Arabian Peninsula, and they have been invited to investigate such crimes against humanity in various hospitals against Yemeni childhood.
Source | YemenExtra
‘Rats of Shah Dola’: How hundreds of children in the Islamic State of Pakistan are forcefully deformed and exploited as beggars
The historical background of the shrine sheds light on the practice of child abuse that continues to this day. As per reports, Shah Daula who was supposedly fond of animals would put helmets on the heads of children for decorative purposes.
Where Is Outcry Over Children Killed by U.S.-Led Forces?
‘Kids are not
little adults’
How to Mirror sites online. Here is how it works:
Download what you want to save, here is how:
How to Mirror sites online. Here is how it works:
Making a mirror of your website is not the same as making a backup. When you mirror your website, you download a copy of all of the files that make up your website (images, CSS and JavaScript files), as well as static versions of the HTML. You can easily get people to host this mirror for you. Unlike a backup, it will look just like your website, but it’s important to understand that a mirror of your website is not an exact copy. It is a static copy, meaning that you can’t do anything dynamic such as log in, edit posts, or post comments.
When you make a mirror of a website you download every single page on the website. For large websites, you might be making hundreds or thousands of requests to the web server, and it may take a lot of time or bandwidth. For small websites it should finish fairly quickly.
GNU Wget GNU Wget is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS, the most widely used Internet protocols. It is a non-interactive command line tool, so it may easily be called from scripts, cron jobs, terminals without X-Windows support, etc.
Mosquitos DO NOT Carry Disease. Did USA create Zika in Egypt after WW2?
Jun 29, 2023
Anthony Fauci and USA had direct influence/control Zika virus *Brazil is Ground Zero for harm to infants. Chemicals NOT Mosquitos *FACTS are FACTS * Bill Gates is breeding Mosquitoes.
Is this another USA effort to harm children in brown countries from Africa to Brazil, Eugenics or Help?
Ebola kind of came and went relatively quickly in the developed world, because it was easy to see when someone was infected. “Whereas most people with Zika are asymptomatic, where the only way to really know is to test people.”
Zika virus was discovered almost 70 years ago, but wasn’t associated with outbreaks until 2007.
BIOengineering Mosquitoes * Transmit Malaria, Dengue, West Nile Fever, Yellow Fever, Zika, and Chikungunya. WATCH OUT they have a vaccine, Zika is now in the USA *Africa heads up.
Jun 28, 2023
Mosquitoes are the most dangerous insect in the world. Millions die each year.First approved vaccine for malaria, RTS,S, has been administered to more than 800,000 children in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi since the pilot program began in 2019, NOW it is rolling out Worldwide.
Other diseases that are not transmitted by mosquitoes but are still considered serious include HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and influenza. These diseases can have a significant impact on global health and can cause severe illness or death.
The USA PLAN to ROB the world of Minerals. Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) to Map the world. Identify minerals for greater good.
Jun 25, 2023
Land robbing to ensure that critical minerals are produced, processed, and recycled in a manner that supports the ability of countries to realize the full economic development benefit of their geological endowments.
Critical minerals are mineral resources that are essential to the economy and whose supply may be disrupted. The ‘criticality’ of a mineral changes with time as supply and society’s needs shift.
A critical mineral is defined as one that has important uses and no viable substitutes, yet faces potential disruption in supply. Non-critical minerals, on the other hand, are those that do not meet these criteria and are not considered essential to the economy or national security, or do not have a vulnerable supply chain.
USGS Mineral Resources Program’s Earth Mapping Resource Initiative, or Earth MRI
USA* CONTROLS Trident Nuclear in UK *Without approval from Washington, the UK can NOT use its nuclear weapons system.
Jun 23, 2023
Trident therefore compromises, rather than asserts, British independence…… OR shows the relationship for what it is. US – UK – Vatican Money, War and Science
UK Trident needs USA approval is how it works. WHY???
The US and the UK signed the Mutual Defence Agreement (MDA) in 1958, a bilateral treaty on nuclear weapons cooperation under which both countries agreed to exchange classified information to develop their respective nuclear weapon systems.
Nuclear Power Plants are Weapons 100% *WW11 was to test bombs with Plutonium for use in future Nuclear Power Plants. They claim nuclear power is safe and cheap.
Jun 19, 2023
Reality – this is a Gameboard. Pluto is one of their “gods. Pluto was god of the dead and lord of the underworld. Plutonium is man made to destroy us. Hiding in Plain Sight
As commander of the subterranean realms, he was the master of ores, metals, and the precious stones found within them. For this reason, he was celebrated by many as the bringer of wealth. Pluto was the Roman counterpart to Hades, the Greek deity who ruled the underworld of the same name.
World Health Organization and USA give poor children AUTISM by saving money to help out. Thiomersal leaves the blood but stays in the brain causing autism, WHOOPS.
Jun 17, 2023
What is a straw man argument, the psychopath babble that surrounds us today. Did Katrina levee get hit with dynamite? Black people in the USA appear to be targets of white ruling class.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. thinks Nuclear is a BAD idea due to subsidies AND huge cost for actual electricity produced.
Jun 15, 2023
Nuclear Plants use a ton of electricity to run, and a small return in terms of $ spent… but are a perfect source for this eugenics program. Are Police Dogs also in on the lies?
Bill Gates weighs in on Nuclear Power, climate change and sustainable development, his company Terra Power will “help” his vision for Africa.
Jun 13, 2023
Bill’s father William H. Gates was early into eugenics, you know, like father, like son. I am sure Bill only wants to help. They truly are Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves
Joe Rogan and Oliver Stone Push Back Against “Irrational” Fears Over Nuclear Power
Jun 09, 2023
Oliver Stone explains how nuclear power is better than we imagined. Will we let China and Russia win with nuclear power because of our irrational fears over Nuclear?
Broken Treaties* USA Crimes Fires Earthquakes Tsunami Nuclear DDT *USA Declared Bankrupt in 1933 USA is a Corporation not a Republic USA Birth Certificate to settle debt, citizens are Debt Slaves
Jun 08, 2023
How does Blackrock, Vanguard & State Street harm and control us? Children workforces *WHO has murdered the most of us?
Is the USA a WAR criminal? Targeting civilians is a WAR Crime. Does the USA follow laws or are they criminals? What LAWS does the USA follow?
May 27, 2023
Kissinger and Curtis LeMay USA = war criminals toward civilians. Violations of the laws and customs” during international conflict, including the intentional targeting of civilians defined as war crimes under the Rome Statute.
The Khmer Rouge was a brutal regime that ruled Cambodia, under the leadership of Marxist dictator Pol Pot, 1975 – 1979. Pol Pot’s attempts to create a Cambodian “master race” through social engineering ultimately led to the deaths of more than 2 million people in the Southeast Asian country.
Curtis Emerson LeMay, the tough bomber general who directed the smashing of German and Japanese cities during World War II and then built the Strategic Air Command (SAC) into a powerful nuclear strike force.
USA = Human Sacrifice Zone* FACTS are FACTS. How will USA pay debt? With Humans or Land? The River Styx the border between life and death.
May 26, 2023
The principal river in the Greek underworld (also called Hades). The river forms a border between the underworld and the world of the living.
The word means HATE in Greek and is named after the goddess, Styx. The other major rivers include the Acheron (river of pain), the Lethe (river of forgetfulness), the Phlegethon (river of fire), and the Cocytus (river of wailing).
Plutonium: Rocky Flats Anatomy of Disaster. USA has 92 Nuclear, China 55, Russia 37, Japan 33, South Korea 25 India 22 Canada 19, Ukraine 15, IRAN has ONE.
May 22, 2023
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) the ONLY operating deep underground radioactive waste dump in the world. Located southeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico…… BUT another not so talked about place hiding in plain sight in Carlsbad, California;)
PLUTONIUM *More Dangerous than Uranium *USA PLANS increased capacity for more. Most ALL Nuclear plants can ALSO make weapons *Pluto is the Greek God of the underworld or Hades; Root of the word Plutonium
May 15, 2023
Pluto is theGreek godof the underworld, orHades; it is also the root of the word plutonium. Plutonium: a chemical element that occurs in trace amounts in nature, but is manufactured in nuclear reactors and is used as fuel therein as well as an explosive in nuclear fission weapons. Hence the derivation of the title, The God of Hell.
For two decades, the Pentagon and Congress have been increasingly concerned that the United States does not have a reliable capability to produce plutonium “pits,” the cores of US thermonuclear warheads.
The designs of new warheads in which new plutonium pits would be used may depart from designs that have been previously tested.
URANIUM Storage DANGERS *NO WAY to Store & NO PLANS that Make Sense *The Plan or Bug in System?
Apr 30, 2023
Yucca Mountain Got the Public Attention* Nuclear Storing in Pools and Dry Casks RISKY and DANGEROUS method using now. Plans for: Nigeria India Canada UK Saudi Arabia
Russia/China Funding & Installing Nuclear Loans and Construction HIDING in Plain Sight – WHY *Do we need them or some secret reason?
Nuclear power plants are not designed to enrich uranium for weapons. The purpose of a nuclear power plant is to generate electricity, not to produce weapons-grade uranium.
However, the technology used to enrich uranium for nuclear fuel can also be used to produce highly enriched uranium suitable for nuclear weapons .
I am being MURDERED in my OWN HOME by Smart Meter Radiation. USA is activating bio terrorism on citizens. How? Smart Meters GAMMA Radiation. The stuff that kills.
Feb 21, 2023
Psychopaths are cowards * Radiation via Smart Meter Radiation, a sly trick not many know is happening.
creepiest science experiments in human history
Aug 28, 2022
We are all aware that the goal of science is to “find” and “explore” new information in order to dispel ignorance and superstition. And as the fields of biomedicine and psychology continue to advance, a great deal of intriguing scientific research is playing an increasingly important role. This has made it possible to develop more efficient methods for gathering important data, treating physical or mental abnormalities, and even saving us from some fatal situations at once.
However, performing some pretty strange things might also be a part of it. Some of the strangest and most inhumane experiments in human history, which will truly haunt mankind for eternity, have been carried out by scientists in the last 200 years in the name of pioneering inquiry.
Mustard Gas Tested on American Military
In 1943, the U.S. Navy exposed its own sailors to mustard gas. Officially, the Navy was testing the effectiveness of new clothing and gas masks against the deadly gas that had proven so terrifying in the first World War. The worst of the experiments occurred at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington. Seventeen and 18-year old boys were approached after eight weeks of boot camp and asked if they wanted to participate in an experiment that would help shorten the war. Only when the boys reached the Research Laboratory were they told the experiment involved mustard gas. The participants, almost all of whom suffered severe external and internal burns, were ignored by the Navy and, in some cases, threatened with the Espionage Act. In 1991, the reports were finally declassified and taken before Congress
Radioactive Materials on Pregnant Women
Shortly after World War II, with the impending Cold War forefront on the minds of Americans, many medical researchers were preoccupied with the idea of radioactivity and chemical warfare. In an experiment at Vanderbilt University, 829 pregnant women were given “vitamin drinks” they were told would improve the health of their unborn babies. Instead, the drinks contained radioactive iron and the researchers were studying how quickly the radioisotope crossed into the placenta. At least seven of the babies later died from cancers and leukemia, and the women themselves experienced rashes, bruises, anemia, loss of hair and tooth, and cancer.
Unit 731
From 1937 to 1945, the imperial Japanese Army developed a covert biological and chemical warfare research experiment called Unit 731. Based in the large city of Harbin, Unit 731 was responsible for some of the most atrocious war crimes in history. Chinese and Russian subjects — men, women, children, infants, the elderly, and pregnant women — were subjected to experiments which included the removal of organs from a live body, amputation for the study of blood loss, germ warfare attacks, and weapons testing. Some prisoners even had their stomachs surgically removed and their esophagus reattached to the intestines. Many of the scientists involved in Unit 731 rose to prominent careers in politics, academia, business, and medicine.
Human Experimentation in North Korea
Several North Korean defectors have described witnessing disturbing cases of human experimentation. In one alleged experiment, 50 healthy women prisoners were given poisoned cabbage leaves — all 50 women were dead within 20 minutes. Other described experiments include the practice of surgery on prisoners without anesthesia, purposeful starvation, beating prisoners over the head before using the zombie-like victims for target practice, and chambers in which whole families are murdered with suffocation gas. It is said that each month, a black van known as “the crow” collects 40-50 people from a camp and takes them to an known location for experiments.
Nazi Human Experimentation
Over the course of the Third Reich and the Holocaust, Nazi Germany conducted a series of medical experiments on Jews, POWs, Romani, and other persecuted groups. The experiments were conducted in concentration camps, and in most cases resulted in death, disfigurement, or permanent disability. Especially disturbing experiments included attempts to genetically manipulate twins; bone, muscle, and nerve transplantation; exposure to diseases and chemical gasses; sterilization, and anything else the infamous Nazi doctors could think up. After the war, these crimes were tried as part of the Nuremberg Trial and ultimately led to the development of the Nuremberg Code of medical ethics.
Human Experimentation in the Soviet Union
Beginning in 1921 and continuing for most of the 21st century, the Soviet Union employed poison laboratories known as Laboratory 1, Laboratory 12, and Kamera as covert research facilities of the secret police agencies. Prisoners from the Gulags were exposed to a number of deadly poisons, the purpose of which was to find a tasteless, odorless chemical that could not be detected post mortem. Tested poisons included mustard gas, ricin, digitoxin, and curare, among others. Men and women of varying ages and physical conditions were brought to the laboratories and given the poisons as “medication,” or part of a meal or drink.
Infected Mosquitoes in Towns
In 1956 and 1957, the United States Army conducted a number of biological warfare experiments on the cities of Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida. In one such experiment, millions of infected mosquitos were released into the two cities, in order to see if the insects could spread yellow fever and dengue fever. Not surprisingly, hundreds of researchers contracted illnesses that included fevers, respiratory problems, stillbirths, encephalitis, and typhoid. In order to photograph the results of their experiments, Army researchers pretended to be public health workers. Several people died as a result of the research.
Milgram Experiment
In 1961, Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, began a series of social psychology experiments that measured the willingness of test subjects to obey an authority figure. Conducted only three months after the start of the trial of German Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, Milgram’s experiment sought to answer the question, “Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders?” In the experiment, two participants (one secretly an actor and one an unwitting test subject) were separated into two rooms where they could hear, but not see, each other. The test subject would then read a series of questions to the actor, punishing each wrong answer with an electric shock. Though many people would indicate their desire to stop the experiment, almost all subjects continued when they were told they would not be held responsible, or that there would not be any permanent damage.
Tuskegee Syphilis Study
In 1932, the U.S. Public Health Service began working with the Tuskegee Institute to track the natural progression of untreated syphilis. Six hundred poor, illiterate, male sharecroppers were found and hired in Macon County, Alabama. Of the 600 men, only 399 had previously contracted syphilis, and none were told they had a life threatening disease. Instead, they were told they were receiving free healthcare, meals, and burial insurance in exchange for participating. Even after Penicillin was proven an effective cure for syphilis in 1947, the study continued until 1972. In addition to the original subjects, victims of the study included wives who contracted the disease, and children born with congenital syphilis. In 1997, President Bill Clinton formally apologized to those affected by what is often called the “most infamous biomedical experiment in U.S. history.”
Syphilis Experiments in Guatemala
From 1946 to 1948, the United States government, Guatemalan president Juan José Arévalo, and some Guatemalan health ministries, cooperated in a disturbing human experiment on unwitting Guatemalan citizens. Doctors deliberately infected soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners, and mental patients with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in an attempt to track their untreated natural progression. Treated only with antibiotics, the experiment resulted in at least 30 documented deaths. In 2010, the United States made a formal apology to Guatemala for their involvement in these experiments.
Stanford Prison Experiment
Conducted at Stanford University from August 14-20, 1971, the Stanford Prison Experiment was an investigation into the causes of conflict between military guards and prisoners. Twenty-four male students were chosen and randomly assigned roles of prisoners and guards. They were then situated in a specially-designed mock prison in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. Those subjects assigned to be guards enforced authoritarian measures and subjected the prisoners to psychological torture. Surprisingly, many of the prisoners accepted the abuses. Though the experiment exceeded the expectations of all of the researchers, it was abruptly ended after only six days.
Effect of Radiation on Testicles
Between 1963 and 1973, dozens of Washington and Oregon prison inmates were used as test subjects in an experiment designed to test the effects of radiation on testicles. Bribed with cash and the suggestion of parole, 130 inmates willingly agreed to participate in the experiments conducted by the University of Washington on behalf of the U.S. government. In most cases, subjects were zapped with over 400 rads of radiation (the equivalent of 2,400 chest x-rays) in 10 minute intervals. However, it was much later that the inmates learned the experiments were far more dangerous than they had been told. In 2000, the former participants settled a $2.4 million class-action settlement from the University.
Sexual Reassignment
In 1965, Canadian David Peter Reimer was born biologically male. But at seven months old, his penis was accidentally destroyed during an unconventional circumcision by cauterization. John Money, a psychologist and proponent of the idea that gender is learned, convinced the Reimers that their son would be more likely to achieve a successful, functional sexual maturation as a girl. Though Money continued to report only success over the years, David’s own account insisted that he had never identified as female. He spent his childhood teased, ostracized, and seriously depressed. At age 38, David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
Medical Experiments on Prison Inmates
Perhaps one benefit of being an inmate at California’s San Quentin prison is the easy access to acclaimed Bay Area doctors. But if that’s the case, then a downside is that these doctors also have easy access to inmates. From 1913 to 1951, Dr. Leo Stanley, chief surgeon at San Quentin, used prisoners as test subjects in a variety of bizarre medical experiments. Stanley’s experiments included sterilization and potential treatments for the Spanish Flu. In one particularly disturbing experiment, Stanley performed testicle transplants on living prisoners using testicles from executed prisoners and, in some cases, from goats and boars.
The Aversion Project
In 1969, during South Africa’s detestable Apartheid era, thousands of homosexuals were handed over to the care of Dr. Aubrey Levin, an army colonel and psychologist convinced he could “cure” homosexuals. At the Voortrekkerhoogte military hospital near Pretoria, Levin used electroconvulsive aversion therapy to “reorientate” his patients. Electrodes were strapped to a patient’s upper arm with wires running to a dial calibrated from 1 to 10. Homosexual men were shown pictures of a naked man and encouraged to fantasize, at which point the patient was subjected to severe shocks. When Levin was warned that he would be named an abuser of human rights, he emigrated to Canada where he currently works at a teaching hospital.
Experiments on Newborns
In the 1960s, researchers at the University of California began an experiment to study changes in blood pressure and blood flow. The researchers used 113 newborns ranging in age from one hour to three days old as test subjects. In one experiment, a catheter was inserted through the umbilical arteries and into the aorta. The newborn’s feet were then immersed in ice water for the purpose of testing aortic pressure. In another experiment, up to 50 newborns were individually strapped onto a circumcision board, then tilted so that their blood rushed to their head and their blood pressure could be monitored.
Project MKUltra
Project MKUltra is the code name of a CIA-sponsored research operation that experimented in human behavioral engineering. From 1953 to 1973, the program employed various methodologies to manipulate the mental states of American and Canadian citizens. These unwitting human test subjects were plied with LSD and other mind-altering drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and various forms of torture. Research occurred at universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies. Though the project sought to develop “chemical […] materials capable of employment in clandestine operations,” Project MKUltra was ended by a Congress-commissioned investigation into CIA activities within the U.S.
The Monster Study
In 1939, University of Iowa researchers Wendell Johnson and Mary Tudor conducted a stuttering experiment on 22 orphan children in Davenport, Iowa. The children were separated into two groups, the first of which received positive speech therapy where children were praised for speech fluency. In the second group, children received negative speech therapy and were belittled for every speech imperfection. Normal-speaking children in the second group developed speech problems which they then retained for the rest of their lives. Terrified by the news of human experiments conducted by the Nazis, Johnson and Tudor never published the results of their “Monster Study.”
Study of Humans Accidentally Exposed to Fallout Radiation
Beta and Gamma Radiation due to Fall-out from High-Yield Weapons,” known better as Project 4.1, was a medical study conducted by the U.S. of residents of the Marshall Islands. When the Castle Bravo nuclear test resulted in a yield larger than originally expected, the government instituted a top secret study to “evaluate the severity of radiation injury” to those accidentally exposed. Though most sources agree the exposure was unintentional, many Marshallese believed Project 4.1 was planned before the Castle Bravo test. In all, 239 Marshallese were exposed to significant levels of radiation.
Operation Midnight Climax
Initially established in the 1950s as a sub-project of a CIA-sponsored, mind-control research program, Operation Midnight Climax sought to study the effects of LSD on individuals. In San Francisco and New York, unconsenting subjects were lured to safehouses by prostitutes on the CIA payroll, unknowingly given LSD and other mind-altering substances, and monitored from behind one-way glass. Though the safehouses were shut down in 1965, when it was discovered that the CIA was administering LSD to human subjects, Operation Midnight Climax was a theater for extensive research on sexual blackmail, surveillance technology, and the use of mind-altering drugs on field operations.
Hepatitis in Mentally Disabled Children
In the 1950s, Willowbrook State School, a New York state-run institution for mentally handicapped children, began experiencing outbreaks of hepatitis. Due to unsanitary conditions, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract hepatitis. Dr. Saul Krugman, sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though Krugman’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution.
Project Artichoke
In the 1950s, the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence ran a series of mind control projects in an attempt to answer the question “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature?” One of these programs, Project Artichoke, studied hypnosis, forced morphine addiction, drug withdrawal, and the use of chemicals to incite amnesia in unwitting human subjects. Though the project was eventually shut down in the mid-1960s, the project opened the door to extensive research on the use of mind-control in field operations.
Electroshock Therapy on Children
In the 1960s, Dr. Lauretta Bender of New York’s Creedmoor Hospital began what she believed to be a revolutionary treatment for children with social issues — electroshock therapy. Bender’s methods included interviewing and analyzing a sensitive child in front of a large group, then applying a gentle amount of pressure to the child’s head. Supposedly, any child who moved with the pressure was showing early signs of schizophrenia. Herself the victim of a misunderstood childhood, Bender was said to be unsympathetic to the children in her care. By the time her treatments were shut down, Bender had used electroshock therapy on over 100 children, the youngest of whom was age three.
Dr. William Beaumont and the Stomach
In 1822, a fur trader on Mackinac Island in Michigan was accidentally shot in the stomach and treated by Dr. William Beaumont. Despite dire predictions, the fur trader survived — but with a hole (fistula) in his stomach that never healed. Recognizing the unique opportunity to observe the digestive process, Beaumont began conducting experiments. Beaumont would tie food to a string, then insert it through the hole in the trader’s stomach. Every few hours, Beaumont would remove the food to observe how it had been digested. Though gruesome, Beaumont’s experiments led to the worldwide acceptance that digestion was a chemical, not a mechanical, process.
Emma Eckstein and Sigmund Freud
Despite seeking the help of Sigmund Freud for vague symptoms like stomach ailments and slight depression, 27-year old Emma Eckstein was “treated” by the German doctor for hysteria and excessive masturbation, a habit then considered dangerous to mental health. Emma’s treatment included a disturbing experimental surgery in which she was anesthetized with only a local anesthetic and cocaine before the inside of her nose was cauterized. Not surprisingly, Emma’s surgery was a disaster. Whether Emma was a legitimate medical patient or a source of more amorous interest for Freud, as a recent movie suggests, Freud continued to treat Emma for three years.
Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Study
During World War II, malaria and other tropical diseases were impeding the efforts of American military in the Pacific. In order to get a grip, the Malaria Research Project was established at Stateville Penitentiary in Joliet, Illinois. Doctors from the University of Chicago exposed 441 volunteer inmates to bites from malaria-infected mosquitos. Though one inmate died of a heart attack, researchers insisted his death was unrelated to the study. The widely praised experiment continued at Stateville for 29 years, and included the first human test of Primaquine, a medication still used in the treatment of malaria and Pneumocystis pneumonia.
In 1954, the CIA developed an experiment called Project QKHILLTOP to study Chinese brainwashing techniques, which they then used to develop new methods of interrogation. Leading the research was Dr. Harold Wolff of Cornell University Medical School. After requesting that the CIA provide him with information on imprisonment, deprivation, humiliation, torture, brainwashing, hypnoses, and more, Wolff’s research team began to formulate a plan through which they would develop secret drugs and various brain damaging procedures. According to a letter he wrote, in order to fully test the effects of the harmful research, Wolff expected the CIA to “make available suitable subjects.”
Henrietta Lacks
In 1955, Henrietta Lacks, a poor, uneducated African-American woman from Baltimore, was the unwitting source of cells which where then cultured for the purpose of medical research. Though researchers had tried to grow cells before, Henrietta’s were the first successfully kept alive and cloned. Henrietta’s cells, known as HeLa cells, have been instrumental in the development of the polio vaccine, cancer research, AIDS research, gene mapping, and countless other scientific endeavors. Henrietta died penniless and was buried without a tombstone in a family cemetery. For decades, her husband and five children were left in the dark about their wife and mother’s amazing contribution to modern medicine.
Prison Inmates as Test Subjects
In 1951, Dr. Albert M. Kligman, a dermatologist at the University of Pennsylvania and future inventor of Retin-A, began experimenting on inmates at Philadelphia’s Holmesburg Prison. As Kligman later told a newspaper reporter, “All I saw before me were acres of skin. It was like a farmer seeing a field for the first time.” Over the next 20 years, inmates willingly allowed Kligman to use their bodies in experiments involving toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, skin creams, detergents, liquid diets, eye drops, foot powders, and hair dyes. Though the tests required constant biopsies and painful procedures, none of the inmates experienced long-term harm.
The Tearoom Sex Study
Sociologist Laud Humphreys often wondered about the men who commit impersonal sexual acts with one another in public restrooms. He wondered why “tearoom sex” — fellatio in public restrooms — led to the majority of homosexual arrests in the United States. Humphreys decided to become a “watchqueen” (the person who keeps watch and coughs when a cop or stranger get near) for his Ph.D. dissertation at Washington University. Throughout his research, Humphreys observed hundreds of acts of fellatio and interviewed many of the participants. He found that 54% of his subjects were married, and 38% were very clearly neither bisexual or homosexual. Humphreys’ research shattered a number of stereotypes held by both the public and law enforcement.
A Human Brain – Trapped In A Mouse!
Researchers at the Salk Institute in La Jolla discovered how to grow human brain cells by injecting embryonic stem cells into fetal mice. This combines the twin horrors of stem cells and transgenic research to give us either supersmart squirmy mice babies, or people with rodent brains.
The Infamous Nazi Human Experiments
In human history, the medical atrocities performed by the Nazis are reportedly the most bizarre and disturbing events that are well-documented and undeniably horrifying. The experiments were conducted in concentration camps, and in most cases resulted in death, disfigurement, or permanent disability. They would attempt bone, muscle, and nerve transplantation; exposure the victims to diseases and chemical gasses; sterilization, and anything else the infamous Nazi doctors could think up.
The cruellest experiments were conducted in the 1940s by a Nazi doctor named Josef Mengele, who was also known as the “Angel of Death”. He used as many as 1,500 sets of twins, mostly Romany and Jewish children, for his painful genetic experiments at Auschwitz. Only about 200 survived. His experiments included taking one twin’s eyeball and attaching it on the back of the other twin’s head, changing the eye colour of children by injecting dye, putting them into pressure chambers, testing them with drugs, castrating or freezing to death, and exposing to various other traumas. In one instance, two Romany twins were sewn together in an attempt to create conjoined twins.
Apart from this, in 1942, in order to help the German pilots, the German Air Force (Nazi) locked prisoners from Dachau concentration into an airtight, low-pressure chamber. The chamber was designed as such that the conditions inside it were at an altitude of up to 66,000 ft. This dangerous experiment led to the death of 80 out of the 200 subjects. Those who survived were executed in various horrible ways. What’s also terrifying is how useful this information was to medical science. A large amount of our knowledge about how higher-altitude, hypothermia and cold effect humans are based on this data collected from Nazi’s such gruesome experiments. Many have raised questions about the morality of using data gathered under such horrific circumstances.
Implantable Identity Code
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically-stored information. The first RFID implant in a human was in 1998, and since then it’s been an easy option for people wanting to be a little bit cyborg. Now companies, prisons, and hospitals have FDA approval to implant them into individuals, in order to track where people are going. A Mexican attorney general got 18 of his staff members chipped to control who had access to documents. The prospect of a business forcing its employees to receive an implant of any type is creepy and totalitarian.
New Born Babies Experiments (In The 1960s)
In the 1960s, researchers at the University of California used around 113 babies aged one to three months in various experiments to study changes in blood pressure and blood flow. In one of the experiments, 50 newborns were individually tied onto a circumcision board. They were then tilted to a certain angle to make blood rush to their head so that their blood pressure could be examined.
Radiation Tests On Pregnant Women
After World War II, radioactive materials were tested on pregnant women. Medical researchers in America fed radioactive edibles to 829 pregnant women while working on their idea of radioactivity and chemical warfare after World War II. The victims were told that they were given ‘energy drinks’ which would improve the health of their babies. Not only did the babies die from leukaemia, but the mothers also experienced severe rashes and bruises, along with some cancerous diseases.
Robert Heath’s Electric Sex Stimulation
Robert G. Heath was an American psychiatrist who followed the theory of ‘biological psychiatry’ that organic defects were the sole source of mental illness, and that consequently mental problems were treatable by physical means. To prove that, in 1953, Dr. Heath inserted the electrodes into a subject’s brain and shocked the septal region ― associated with feelings of pleasure ― and many other parts of his brain. Using this deep brain stimulation procedure, he had experimented on the subject with gay conversion therapy and claimed to have successfully converted a homosexual person, labelled in his paper as Patient B-19. The septal electrodes were then stimulated while he was shown heterosexual pornographic material. The patient was later encouraged to have intercourse with a prostitute recruited for the study. As a result, Heath claimed the patient was successfully converted to heterosexuality. However, this research would be deemed unethical today for a variety of humane reasons.
Scientist Lets Insect Live Inside Her!
The sand flea, also known as chigger flea, is pretty gross. It burrows permanently into the skin of a warm-blooded host — like a human — where it swells, defecates, and produces eggs, before dying 4-6 weeks later, still embedded in the skin. We know a lot about them, but until now, their sex lives have been shrouded in mystery. Not anymore: A researcher in Madagascar was so interested in sand flea development that she let one of the bugs live inside her foot for 2 months. Her intimate observations paid off: She figured out that the parasites most likely have sex when the females are already inside their hosts.
José Delgado, a professor at Yale, invented the Stimocever, a radio implanted in the brain to control behaviour. Most dramatically, he demonstrated its effectiveness by stopping a charging bull with the implant. Except this thing could control peoples actions. In one case, the implant caused erotic stimulation for a woman, who stopped looking after herself and lost some motor functions after using the stimulator. She even developed an ulcer on her finger from constantly adjusting the amplitude dial.
THN1412 Drug Trial
In 2007, drug trials started for THN1412, a leukaemia treatment. It had been tested previously in animals and was found completely safe. Generally, a drug is deemed safe to test on humans when it is found to be nonfatal to animals. When testing began in human subjects, the humans were given doses 500 times lower than found safe for animals. Nevertheless, this drug, safe for animals, caused catastrophic organ failure in test subjects. Here the difference between animals and humans was deadly.
Dr. William Beaumont And The Stomach
In 1822, a fur trader on Mackinac Island in Michigan was accidentally shot in the stomach and treated by Dr. William Beaumont. Despite dire predictions, the fur trader survived — but with a hole (fistula) in his stomach that never healed. Recognizing the unique opportunity to observe the digestive process, Beaumont began conducting experiments. Beaumont would tie food to a string, then insert it through the hole in the trader’s stomach. Every few hours, Beaumont would remove the food to observe how it had been digested. Though gruesome, Beaumont’s experiments led to the worldwide acceptance that digestion was a chemical, not a mechanical, process.
Extracting Body Parts To Cure Insanity
Dr. Henry Cotton was the head physician of the New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum which is presently called the Trenton Psychiatric Hospital. He was convinced that the internal organs, upon developing infections, were the root causes of insanity and must, therefore, be extracted for study. In 1907, the “surgical bacteriology” procedures were done often without the consent of patients. Teeth, tonsils and even deeper internal organs such as colons that were suspected to be causing the insanity were extracted. To prove his point, the doctor also extracted his own teeth, as well as those of his wife and sons! Forty-nine patients died from the procedures, which he justified as “end-stage psychosis.” He is currently regarded as a pioneering expert who paved the way for efforts to cure insanity — but critics still consider his works appalling, nonetheless!
Hepatitis In Mentally Disabled Children
In the 1950s, Willowbrook State School, a New York state-run institution for mentally handicapped children, began experiencing outbreaks of hepatitis. Due to unsanitary conditions, it was virtually inevitable that these children would contract hepatitis. Dr. Saul Krugman, sent to investigate the outbreak, proposed an experiment that would assist in developing a vaccine. However, the experiment required deliberately infecting children with the disease. Though Krugman’s study was controversial from the start, critics were eventually silenced by the permission letters obtained from each child’s parents. In reality, offering one’s child to the experiment was oftentimes the only way to guarantee admittance into the overcrowded institution.
Keeping The Dog’s Head Alive
In the late 1920s, a Soviet physician named Sergei Brukhonenko decided to test the theory of his, through a very creepy experiment. He decapitated a dog and using a self-made machine called ‘autojektor,‘ he managed to keep the head alive for multiple hours. He shone the light in its eyes, and the eyes blinked. When he banged a hammer on the table, the dog flinched. He even fed the head a piece of cheese, which promptly popped out the oesophagal tube on the other end. The head was indeed alive. Brukhonenko developed a new version of the autojektor (for use on humans) in the same year; it can be seen today on display at the Museum of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Bakulev Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery in Russia.
The Lazarus Project
During the 1930s, Dr. Robert E. Cornish, a young California scientist who astounded the nation by bringing the dead dog, Lazarus, back to life after three failed attempts. He claimed that he had found a way to store the life to the dead; in cases of none of the major organs were damaged. In this process, he would inject some chemical mixture through the veins of dead bodies. He was now preparing to repeat his experiment using human subjects. So he had petitioned the governors of the three states, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada to furnish him with the bodies of criminals after they are pronounced dead in the lethal gas chambers — but his requests were rejected on various grounds. However, hearing of his predicament, approximately 50 people, interested both in science and possible remuneration, had offered themselves as subjects.
Little Boy and Fat Man: the most famous atomic bombs Spare Little Boy atomic bomb casing at the Imperial War Museum in London by Nick-D. Licensed under CC 4.0
On Wonderland Avenue in the Hollywood Hills there’s an eight-bedroom, 12-bathroom compound that was built in the early 1940s. The exterior is a little drab, and there is nothing particularly remarkable about its appearance. But the complex, once known as Lookout Mountain, has an incredible history. Between 1947 and 1969, some of Hollywood’s most talented scriptwriters, producers, editors, and directors made furtive journeys to this place to work on a top-secret project: filming nuclear explosions.
The United States Air Force established Lookout Mountain in 1947 in order to produce movies and photographs of nuclear tests. It was a full-service facility: military and civilian filmmakers would head to test sites in the Nevada desert or Pacific islands, capture footage of exploding bombs, and bring it back to Laurel Canyon for editing and post production.
CHECK OUT this man’s videos, he does a brilliant job documenting the acting part, it is necessary to start at the beginning and follow along. It is wild, Walt Disney plays Hitler. Mitchell E. Brooks – YouTube
A good examination really takes work. They go by the ears etc., like in the video we have here about JFK and Jimmy Carter
Besides I found Mitchell’s work to be brilliant, fun, truthful and horrifying in the deception, the best kind of rabbit hole for me, check it out. For more of his work, his videos are here:Mitchell E. Brooks – YouTube I suggest you start at his first show and go from there to follow what is going on.
Did Walt Disney play Hitler?
IS JFK Jimmy Carter?
IS Natalie Wood now playing the role of NANCY PELOSI??
Natalie Wood *84 Years Old if Alive Today
43 years old at time of fake death July 20, 1938 – November 29, 1981
November 29, 1981 (*if true dates They are also the same height)
Nancy Pelosi
82 years (March 26, 1940-)
First office Held 1987
Natalie Wood (born Natalie Zacharenko, July 20, 1938 – November 29, 1981) was an American actress who began her career in film as a child and successfully transitioned to young adult roles.
Born in San Francisco to Russian immigrant parents, Wood started acting at age four and was given a co-starring role at age 8 in Miracle on 34th Street (1947). As a teenager, she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Rebel Without a Cause (1955), followed by a role in John Ford’s The Searchers (1956). Wood starred in the musical films West Side Story (1961) and Gypsy (1962), and received nominations for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performances in Splendor in the Grass (1961) and Love with the Proper Stranger (1963). Her career continued with films such as Sex and the Single Girl (1964), Inside Daisy Clover (1965), and Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969).
During the 1970s, Wood began a hiatus from film and had two daughters: one with her second husband Richard Gregson, and one with Robert Wagner, her first husband whom she married again after divorcing Gregson. She acted in only two feature films throughout the decade, but appeared slightly more often in television productions, including a remake of From Here to Eternity (1979) for which she won a Golden Globe Award.
Wood’s films represented a “coming of age” for her and for Hollywood films in general.
Some of Natalie Wood’s movies that have stood the test of time are Miracle on 34th Street, Rebel Without a Cause, The Searchers, Splendor in the Grass, West Side Story, This Property Is Condemned, The Candidate, and The Last Married Couple in America. Wood’s other movies that endeared her to millions of her fans are The Green Promise, Never a Dull Moment, The Jackpot, The Silver Chalice, The Burning Hills, A Cry in the Night, Sex and the Single Girl, and Meteor.
Critics have suggested that her cinematic career represents a portrait of modern American womanhood in transition, as she was one of the few to take both child roles and those of middle-aged characters.
Wood died off of the coast of Santa Catalina Island on November 29, 1981, at age 43, during a holiday break from the production of her would-be comeback film Brainstorm (1983) with Christopher Walken.
The events surrounding her death have been the subject of conflicting witness statements, prompting the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, under the instruction of the coroner’s office, to list her cause of death as “drowning and other undetermined factors” in 2012.
Wood, 43, was on a yacht with her actor-husband Robert Wagner, co-star Christopher Walken and the boat captain on Thanksgiving weekend in 1981 before somehow ending up in the water. A dinghy that had been attached to the boat was found along the island’s shoreline, but investigators could not locate it to review it last year. Investigators initially reported that there were scratches on its hull, but Wood’s fingernails were not preserved for analysis. The initial autopsy report said it was likely the bruises happened when Wood drowned. “Most of the bruises on the body are superficial and probably sustained at the time of drowning,” the initial autopsy report stated.
Nancy Patricia Pelosi (born March 26, 1940) is an American politician serving as speaker of the United States House of Representatives since 2019, and previously from 2007 to 2011. Pelosi was born in Baltimore to an Italian American family. She was the only daughter and the youngest of seven children of Annunciata M. “Nancy” D’Alesandro (née Lombardi) and Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. Her mother was born in Fornelli, Isernia, Molise, in South Italy, and came to the U.S. in 1912; her father could trace his Italian ancestry to Genoa, Venice and Abruzzo.
When Nancy was born, her father was a Democratic congressman from Maryland. He became Mayor of Baltimore seven years later. Pelosi’s mother was also active in politics, organizing Democratic women and teaching her daughter the value of social networking. Pelosi’s brother, Thomas D’Alesandro III, also a Democrat, was Mayor of Baltimore from 1967 to 1971.
Pelosi was involved with politics from an early age. She helped her father at his campaign events. She attended John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address when he was sworn in as president in January 1961.
In 1958, Pelosi graduated from the Institute of Notre Dame, an all-girls Catholic high school in Baltimore. In 1962, she graduated from Trinity College in Washington, D.C., with a Bachelor of Arts in political science. Pelosi interned for Senator Daniel Brewster (D-Maryland) in the 1960s alongside future House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.
Nancy Pelosi’s children include; Corinne (a hotelier), Christine (an author), Paul (a businessman) as well as Jacqueline and Alexandra. Now on his part, Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul is a business mogul. He is on the board of major organizations, and manages high-level real estate among other money-making ventures. His marriage with Nancy is over 55 years old and ranks among one of the American celebrities’ longest marital Union.
There’s no denying the fact that the duo was made for each other. See the photo of Nancy Pelosi’s family- her husband, children, and grandchildren below
Nancy Pelosi’s father Thomas Thomas D’Alesandro Jr.
Nancy Pelosi’s Father:
Thomas D’Alesandro Jr was born on August 1, 1903. He is of Italian family roots and was a politician for the most part of his life, with his notable offices being U.S.A representative from Maryland’s 3rd congressional district (1939–47) as well as the mayor of Baltimore, Maryland (1947–59). Until his death in August 1987, the supportive father of 6 had a close relationship with his daughter Nancy who honours his memory with her exploits at Congress.
Nancy Pelosi’s Siblings:
Nancy grew up with 5 older brothers. They include Thomas, Franklin, Roosevelt, Hector, Nicholas, and Joseph. Thomas was an attorney and politician who did serve as the 43rd mayor of Baltimore from 1967 to 1971, while Hector was a court clerk. Both Thomas and Hector are late, while not much is known about the rest of Nancy Pelosi’s siblings at the time of writing her biography.
Nancy Pelosi’s Relatives:
Regarding Nancy Pelosi’s ancestry and relatives, her paternal grandparents were Tommaso “Thomas” Fedele D’Alessandro and Antoinette Maria/Mary “Annie” Petronilla. On the flip side, Nancy’s maternal grandfather and grandmother were Nicola Lombardi and Concetta/Concettina Milio/Million. The politician’s aunts include Verdula Minnie, Jessie Granese, and Mary Cardegna. However, not much is known about Nancy’s uncles. Neither are their records of her cousins, nephews, and nieces.
Nancy Pelosi’s Personal Life:
Let us move on to what makes Nancy Pelosi tick and the nature of her character beyond politics. Did you know that her zodiac sign is Aries? She is assertive, energetic, hardworking, and exhibits intense passion in anything she sets her mind to. In addition, Nancy has no problems with revealing facts about her personal and private life. The politician’s interests and hobbies include reading, solving crossword puzzles, sipping hot water with lemon, and spending a good time with her family and friends.
Nancy Pelosi Lifestyle:
Nancy has a net worth of over $16 million, which makes her rank 13th among the 25 wealthiest members of Congress. The bulk of Nancy’s wealth has origins in the joint businesses she runs with her husband in addition to the salaries and wages she earns from nearly two decades of legislative duties As such, she lives a luxurious lifestyle with her husband as made evident in the value of their multi-million dollar house in San Francisco. Being the 3rd person in the line of succession to the U.S presidency, Nancy has no problem flying jets on taxpayer’s money for important functions. Neither does she run out of official and personal cars for cruising the good roads in her district.
Aerial and sectional views of Nancy’s house in San Francisco
Nancy Pelosi Facts:
To wrap up our Nancy Pelosi childhood story and biography here are little-known or Untold facts about the politician.
Democrat From Day One:
When Nancy was a kid, a republican gave her a toy elephant (symbol of us Republican) as a gift. Though Nancy was too young to understand the undertone of the gift, she did not accept it.
Nancy Pelosi Religion:
Nancy is a practicing Catholic. Like all true Christians, She professes faith in one true God and as well as looks forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.
Excellent Fundraiser:
Did you know that Nancy is a good fundraiser? In fact, she has no fewer than half a billion-dollar to her name in fundraising for Democrats. Isn’t she a valuable asset?
It is interesting to know that Nancy shared the same birth year with John Lennon. 1940 was also the year which The Great Dictator, starring Charlie Chaplin hit cinemas. What’s more, it was the year that Franklin D. Roosevelt won an election to become the United States’ first third-term president.
Fake ‘Military Weaponry’ Is All Just CGI By Aaron Dover
Airplanes – Do they need fuel??? Or part of the oil hoax?
Climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels is a global phenomenon that is certainly playing a role in what the United States is experiencing, scientists say.
“Climate change is making extreme and unprecedented heat events both more intense and more common, pretty much universally throughout the world,” said Daniel Swain, climate scientist at UCLA.
“Heat waves are probably the most underestimated type of potential disaster because they routinely kill a lot of people. And we just don’t hear about it because it doesn’t kill them in, to put it bluntly, sufficiently dramatic ways. There aren’t bodies on the street.”
Francis, of the Woodwell Center, said with climate change the world is seeing changing wind patterns and weather systems “in ways that make these heat waves, like we’re seeing right now, more intense, more persistent, and cover areas that just aren’t used to having heat waves.”
Alex Ruane, researcher at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, said as the world warms, “it takes less of a natural anomaly to push us into the extreme heat categories. Because we’re closer to those thresholds, it’s more likely that you’ll get more than one heat wave at the same time. We’re seeing this in the United States.”
An Emerald Society is an Irish-American fraternal organization whose members come from law enforcement, fire service, and non-uniform civil service agencies. Each Emerald Society is separate and distinct from the other. Currently, there are two umbrella Emerald organizations such as the Grand Council of United Emerald Societies (GCUES), reorganized in 1975, and the National Conference of Law Enforcement Emerald Societies (NCLEES), founded in 1995
It was during the 1950s that the movement for Emerald Societies took hold with the formation of NYPD Emerald Society (1953), NYCD Emerald Society (1955), and FDNY Emerald Society (1956). The movement led to the formation of Emerald Societies not only in New York but across the country
The founder of the respective Emerald Societies, mindful of the fact that the average Irish Organization composed of Irish people from every walk of life, decided that the idea of occupational groups under the name of “Emerald Society” would provide a means of enabling Irish peoples by birth or ancestry, to meet their “Brother and Sister Emeralds” in the same trade or profession. More importantly, it would be a new approach for Irish heritage to continue perpetuating their history, customs, and traditions.
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now am found T’was blind but now I see T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear And Grace, my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed Through many dangers, toils and snares We have already come. T’was grace that brought us safe thus far And grace will lead us home, And grace will lead us home Amazing grace, How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found T’was blind but now I see Was blind, but now I see.
The Minstrel Boy
The minstrel boy to the war is gone; In the ranks of death you’ll find him; His father’s sword he has girded on, And his wild harp slung behind him; “Land of Song!” said the warrior bard, “Though all the world betrays thee, One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard, One faithful harp shall praise thee! The Minstrel fell! But the foeman’s chain Could not bring that proud soul under; The harp he loved ne’er spoke again, For he tore its chords asunder; And said “No chains shall sully thee, Thou soul of love and bravery! Thy songs were made for the pure and free They shall never sound in slavery!
The mission of all police officers is to protect and serve, which means that law enforcement professionals play an important role in keeping communities safe. While they, of course, apprehend criminals and carry out the criminal justice process, police officers also prevent crime and provide victim support. The multifaceted role that police play has evolved over time, but since its formation centuries ago, law enforcement has been a central part of state, local and federal governments in the U.S.
The Coat of Arms of Pope Francis EXPLANATION OF THE COAT OF ARMS
“miserando atque eligendo“
Banner of the Pontifical Swiss Guard with Pope Francis’ coat of arms
Unusually, Francis also decided to retain his personal motto: Miserando atque eligendo. It is taken from the 21st homily of Saint Bede, which is on the Gospel of Matthew and refers to the vocation of Saint Matthew.[2] He writes:
“Vidit ergo Iesus publicanum et quia miserando atque eligendo vidit, ait illi ‘Sequere me’.” (Om. 21; CCL 122, 149-151)
“Jesus saw the tax collector and, because he saw him through the eyes of mercy and chose him, he said to him: Follow me.” (trans. Liturgy of the Hours 1975, p. 1418)
Bede is here discussing Matthew 9:9-13. The salient point is that Jesus chose Matthew as his disciple not in spite but because of his being a sinner. In the Douay Rheims translation:
And when Jesus passed on from hence, he saw a man sitting in the custom house, named Matthew; and he saith to him: Follow me. And he rose up and followed him.
And it came to pass as he was sitting at meat in the house, behold many publicans and sinners came, and sat down with Jesus and his disciples.
And the Pharisees seeing it, said to his disciples: Why doth your master eat with publicans and sinners?
But Jesus hearing it, said: They that are in health need not a physician, but they that are ill.
Go then and learn what this meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice. For I am not come to call the just, but sinners.
The statement from the Vatican announcing the Pope’s coat of arms and motto explained that the phrase had a special meaning for Francis as he felt it recalled his own vocation, when at the age of 17, he went to confession on St Matthew’s day in 1953.
The Paul VI Audience Hall also known as the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences is a building in Rome named for Pope Paul VI with a seating capacity of 6,300, designed in reinforced concrete by the Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi and completed in 1971. It was constructed on land donated by the Knights of Columbus.
Italy has declared a state of emergency because of drought: ‘There is no doubt that climate change is having an effect,’ the prime minister said.
The South Platte River flows on Thursday, April 28, 2022, in Fort Morgan, Colo. As climate change-fueled megadrought edges eastward, Nebraska wants to divert water in Colorado by invoking an obscure, 99-year-old compact between the states that allows Nebraska to seize Colorado land along the South Platte River to build a canal
Hetch Hetchy is a valley, a reservoir, and a water system in California in the United States. The glacial Hetch Hetchy Valley lies in the northwestern part of Yosemite National Park and is drained by the Tuolumne River. San Francisco, literally stole it for themselves.