Jeffrey Snover from Microsoft on open source PowerShell
Slack Chatroom
Chatroom Highlights
## What about ARM?
is ## for questions?
## @halr9000 did you find a goat to come on the show as a special guest?
## jsnover needs more edge in his life
## PowerShell is dating bikers.
##Jeffrey, where were y'all hiding Ken Van Hyning all these years?
##jeffrey where did you get inspired to bulid powershell?
ok, if you have q’s, then as sqlvariant has shown, please add ## to the front!
## Is that all?
## ARM support?
## remember OneGet and the legal team? :stuck_out_tongue:
juneb: prefix questions w/ ##
## Please tell us more about the governance model.
## how did legal allow MIT license?
## Were there lessons learned working with legal/folks unfamiliar with OSS? I know Chef offers a webinar for legal folks, it seems like it would be helpful for large orgs like Microsoft to help sell and teach this
## Will the roles of team members change?
## How can I get paid to work on open source powershell? :-P
## I second Rich's question: what's with the release timing?
## When will core help be open-sourced?
## wait, is that why CIM?
## Can we get an explaination on the Powershell RFC Process for changes ##
## since we're now taking comments, is the team aware that some nuget packages (like Microsoft.Management.Infrastrucutre) are missing XML doc files?
## For bugs should we still use uservoice, connect, or github issues now?
### We noticed version 6 on PowerShell for Linux, when can we expect ver 6 on Winders ###
### is there any PowerShell features that don't work in PS Core?
## For Linux services would you expect to use Get-Services or a new cmdlet like Get-LinuxServices?
##This is why we need Out-DataTable to be in PowerShell core!! :slightly_smiling_face:
## when might we see remoting to Azure/Office 365 tenants from Mac/Linux?
## will powershell run hurd
###I need mah winforms in Linux, can we get System.Windows.Forms ports to linux plz
## my thing about XML doc files
## yeah but what about rasbian
## Raspbian!
## Yes, it was around Raspbian/linux
## need xml doc files in all the nuget pkgs
## Sooooo, how do I get PowerShell on my Chromebook?
## Do we use UserVoice or GitHub issues?
## will we be able to organize assets in our modules for different platforms? or will module authors be required to manage that on their own?
### will script block loging work with syslog?
## Well SQL Server is on Linux so they have a business case :champagne:
## will we be able to organize assets in our modules for different platforms? or will module authors be required to manage that on their own?
## what is next for Snover and team? e.g. Drawbridge, rewriting kernel, on-premise DSC mgmt system
## e.g., right now I have to manually load 32 or 64 bit native dlls in my modules; will I need to manually load linux vs windows as well?
## any thoughts on deeper PS integration with Python etc, beyond strings?
## will get a restapi for AD, and will we get Join domains cmdlets for powershell on mac
## OOH. DSC using powershell on linux, instead of the separate DSC package???
##Have there been any advancements in DSC on Linux?
## DSC will we see a revamp of the DSC for linux to kill off python ##
##Are you aware of any other vendors writing psmodules for Linux right now?
##Snover, was PSDirect one of the drivers for PSnix? Being able to manage Win/Nix on Nano server Hyper-V with one language
##or MAC?
## will we see modules to manage bind9 or dhcpd or other services or MYSQL?
##Forgive me if this was already answered, but can we now powershell remote to Linux?
## do we require !#/usr/local/bash
## will there ever be a means to #! powershell in a script
## what about text enconding
## what can we expect in the next 6, 12 months
## Yes, upcoming roadmap??
## what about an update to the conhost terminal in windows ? Will it support more then 256 colour?
## ONE MORE! What's next for Snover and team?
##Ask about Ken Van Hyning (SQL Tools team) where were they hiding him?!?!
## What question is he up to? One thing on an island?
## Oh you guys don't ask the last question any more?
###Whats next, will they take DIR away from us?
## As of PS5+, does Write-Host write to stream or no?
###Found it
## Is the redirect operator modified in linux or does it behave as per normal?
## Wouldn't this be the role of .NET Standard??
jonwalz uploaded a file: Pasted image at 2016-08-18, 8:51 PM and commented: Anyone else seeing PowerShell as the top trending topic on Facebook?
Governance model:
btw PowerShell going open source is trending on facebook :)
halr9000 uploaded a file: Untitled
I liked this thread in hacker news: - nice demonstration of why, even if you *can* use text, you might prefer objects
Linus actually is cool with systemd:
regarding Aliases there is an open issue here at
here's the PR @jsnover mentioned
I've suggested this as a resolution
@itadder the hard part is that other than ASP.NET http://ASP.NET Core there is no presentation stack for .NET Core. VSCode gets a pass because it uses Electron / Chromium / Html / JS
And you can actually write Electron using C#:
possible alternate to ogv, don't know if works on the new stuff yet
Is .ps a TLD? RedHat should get
First book should be written in the open on
Explor .NET API Catalog:
dereksonthejob uploaded a file: Screen Shot 2016-08-18 at 10.41.10 PM and commented: here we go
@jonwalz Can you include in the show notes that SQL Server got 3 new cmdlets, and people can get the new SqlServer module by installing SSMS 16.3
dereksonthejob uploaded a file: @r_keith_hill and commented: I have it now, thx to @itadder
Oh, here's a video we did last month if people need to catch up to speed on what's going on with SQL PowerShell in 2016:
r_keith_hill uploaded a file: RE line endings: and commented: Just a LF but concerns me the default encoding is unicode for out-file still