We are all on a critical journey. We are all finding our way in a broken world and hearts that are always being transformed.
The two conversations on The Critical Journey that I had with Joe Chambers will anchor us into knowing a path that gives us clarity, direction, and assurance. In the podcast, Joe and I discuss a model of our own journeys to help us find our way forward through confusing times. In the two podcasts, we work through six identifiable stages of our pilgrimage in life. This week, you get "two" podcasts that you can enjoy, take your time in listening, and taking notes.
Since we began the podcast four years ago, we've recorded hundred of hours of stellar conversations about the care of our soul. It's always so encouraging to get a text, email or letter from someone in the world who has benefited from them.
One man wrote this:
I started listening to a podcast called Potter's Inn Soul Care Conversations. Every single message resonated deep within me and was really helpful for me to reconstruct my faith around the principles that Jesus actually taught. It is a podcast of encouragement instead of conversation. It was full of hope instead of guilt and shame.
A woman from Brazil wrote this to us:
Although I am a member of a church, I feel that I don't quite fit in there at the moment. I had been feeling a bit alone spiritually and praying for God to send me people that had beliefs more aligned with what he had been leading me towards, and your podcast felt like an answer to my prayers. I remember listening to every episode and just weeping as I felt God's love and care for me.
The family of listeners around the world continues to grow and by utilizing podcasts, we are able to offer stimulating conversations and opportunities to grow and mature in these challenging times.
Please SHARE the podcasts to those in your spheres of circles that you think would benefit.
We are watching the downloads edge closer and closer to 200,000 episodes being listened to since we started! What a milestone that will be for being a global resource in soul care!
Thank you for your support! As summer continues, I will write you each week with a highly recommend podcast that you might have missed or didn't know about.
Every blessing!
How do we determine where we are on the spiritual journey? It can be 1 step forward, 2 steps back! This is what we call the Critical Journey, a model that includes 6 stages in our journey in Soul Care that we all experience in our journey with the Lord, moving toward a place of absolute being, and filled with the Father’s love.
1. The Converted life – we become very aware of God and yield our life to his control.
2. The Disciples life - Very hungry with the things of god. Necessary to understand an understanding to walk with God.
3. The Productive life – we take the information we learned in phase 2 and begin to put it to work in serving the lord. The danger is an addiction to success, which eventually leads us to hitting the “wall.”
4. The Journey Inward - Moving from doing to being and letting go of the idea of “success” – complete surrender.
5. The Journey Outward - A renewed sense of calling and an integration of soul and role. Content with a more hidden life.
6. The life of Love - Deep, vibrant inner life that embraces your true self.
**Download a helpful illustration that shows all six stages
The Critical Journey, Stages in the Life of Faith by Janet O. Hagberg and Robert A. Guelich
6 Stages of Faith and Spiritual Formation Chart - DOWNLOAD
John 21 - Peter and the disciples are fishing
Dallas Willard Bio
Return of the Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-32
Moment to Breathe, Ep. 17 - Instructions for the Journey by Pat Schneider
Moment to Breathe, Ep 18 - Between the Dreaming and Coming True by Robert Benson