PLEASE NOTE: This episode was recorded before the dynamic update that brought the Circle CID changes into the live rules. There are some discrepancies between what we talk about here and what actually came out of CID, but there were few enough changes that this should still be a valuable discussion.
Also, due to some slight technical difficulties, Jaden’s son can be heard yelling lustily in the background for the first eight ish minutes of the episode, as he did not want to go to sleep. Recording across three different time zones can be rough guys.
This month, your three salt encrusted hosts take you through their thoughts on the Devourer’s Host theme force - the Units, the Warlocks we like, and some anecdotes about games we have played.
Jaden and Bret talk about Iona and their WMW plans, Sabra gets sassy about gunlines into Black Industries, and the whole cast dissolves into laughter at various points.
It’s gonna be a good time.
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