On today's podcast, I'm thrilled to interview Dr. Ellen Reed, a former professional dancer, performance coach, and fellow recovering perfectionist. If you're struggling with perfectionism, this episode is a must-listen. Dr. Reed shares practical mental strategies to help you shift from perfectionism to optimism, making you happier and more successful in your sport.
Get your notebook ready because Dr. Reed packs this episode with concrete tips that you can start using right away. This is a high-energy episode full of valuable insights, so take your time, rewind, and listen again if you need to.
Tune in to this episode for a crash course in mental training and take the first step towards overcoming perfectionism.
In this episode, Coach Rebecca and Dr. Ellen Reed talk about:
The Normality of Mental Blocks in Sports.
Achieving High Performance Without Burnout in Parenting and Sports.
Tip for Stressed Out Parents.
Mastering Mental Preparation, Positive Performance Statements for Gymnasts.
5 Mental Techniques to Help Athethles Succeed Under Pressure.
Crushing Perfectionism by Building Mental Toughness and Overcoming Anxiety in Sports.
The Power of Optimism.
Boosting Confidence and Overcoming Mental Blocks in Gymnasts.
From 'I Can't' to 'What Can I Do?
“Our definition of mental toughness is it's the mind’s ability to stay focused on solutions, especially in the face of adversity.” - Dr. Ellen Reed.
Dr. Ellen Reed’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drellenreed/
Dr. Ellen Reed’s Website: https://www.jasonselk.com/coaching-services-dr-ellen-reed
Dr. Ellen Reed’s Book (Relentless Solution Focus: Train Your Mind to Conquer Stress, Pressure, and Underperformance): https://www.amazon.com/dp/1260460118?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_XX65S1MVMWMD55A1FE08&language=en-US
Struggling with fears, mental blocks, or confidence? Click the link to get a FREE session with one of our experts to tackle your challenges together!
Learn exactly what to say and do to guide your athlete through a mental block with my new book "Parenting Through Mental Blocks" Order your copy today: https://a.co/d/g990Bur
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Write to me! Email: rebecca@completeperformancecoaching.com
Ready to help your athlete overcome fears and mental blocks while gaining unstoppable confidence? Discover the transformative power of PerformHappy now. If your athlete is struggling or feeling left behind, it's time for a change. Are you ready? For more info and to sign up: PerformHappy.com