Altorice and his guests will explore the relationship between parents and their children’s school.
• What does it mean to be “a partner” or to be “fully engaged” in your child’s education?
• Most parents, especially working parents, have limits on the time they can dedicate to participating and enhancing their child’s education outside of school. What is the level of parental engagement needed (per day, per week, per school year) to produce the optimal educational experience for your student?
• What areas of your student’s educational experience are considered priorities (overall academic performance, subject specific issues, extracurricular activities and sports, etc.)?
• How can parents with limited knowledge of subject matter find resources outside of school to improve their child’s educational experience?
• Why parents need to be involved in the classroom, school, school governance, and education in addition to being involved in local, state and national issues.
• How do parents start on the path of becoming fully engaged participants in education reform?