We’re Matt and Stacy Barnes and with two sets of twins four and under, we know all too well how hard parenting can be!
Having never received the operating manuals for our kids (we figure the hospital must have lost them), we decided that a podcast would be a great place to share what we’ve learned and, more importantly, steal all of the great ideas we can get our hands on from our listeners. (Basically, we’re crowdsourcing parenting.)
So, jump on in for stories of going from zero to four kids in 17 months; working through infertility, IVF and surrogacy; juggling our careers with that of our kids’ (our son Wells played Baby Jack on “This Is Us”); figuring out how to get four kids to eat the same dinner; and so much more!
(And then send us your suggestions about how to do all of that better.)
Join our podcast village and share the parenting journey, because, as we all know, parenting is hard!