This is the second installment of this very inspirational interview with Seven-time Olympic Medalist, Shannon Miller. Shannon is the only female athlete to be inducted into the US Olympic Hall of Fame – Twice! She has won an astounding 59 International, 49 National competition medals, and led the “Magnificent Seven” to the US Women’s first ever Team Gold.
After retiring from Olympic competition, Shannon received her undergraduate degrees in marketing and entrepreneurship from the University of Houston and her law degree from Boston College. She then moved from Olympic athlete to advocate for the health and wellness of women and children.
Shannon launched her company devoted to helping women make their health a priority in July, 2010, but had to put her own health first when she was diagnosed with a rare form of Ovarian cancer in 2011.
Hear Shannon’s remarkable story of Olympic medals, finding her identity outside of gymnastics and transforming others through her battle with cancer.