In this first podcast from Man Repeller (now Repeller), Filmmaker Jay Buim sits down with women in the arts, tech and beyond for one on one conversations about their life and work.
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In this first podcast from Man Repeller (now Repeller), Filmmaker Jay Buim sits down with women in the arts, tech and beyond for one on one conversations about their life and work.
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Today, in Part 2 of Oh Boy's 50th Episode, the conversation between award-winning playwright/performer Sarah Jones and host Jay Buim continues. The two discuss the actual work that goes into a career like that of Sarah Jones: how to balance it, challenging the status quo, her separate work with the human rights movement and the research process that goes into her one-woman show. It's a fascinating episode. Headphones in, enjoy! Want more Sarah? Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week on Oh Boy, Jay sits down with Tony and Obie-award-winning playwright and performer Sarah Jones. known for her one-woman shows wherein she embodies multiple characters of varied backgrounds (the first of which, Bridge & Tunnel, was produced off-Broadway by Meryl Streep). The New York Times called her a "master of the genre," but raise your hand if you were sold by the capital M in Meryl. Ready for this one? Headphones in, enjoy. Want more Sarah? Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
In this episode of Oh Boy, we meet 16-year-old comedian Ruby Karp. She's had a remarkable career: at seven years old, Amy Poehler tapped her for feminism-themed episode of Smart Girls. At age eleven, she began writing a weekly column for HelloGiggles, gave her first TED Talk at thirteen, now performs stand-up comedy and has as a book coming out in September. You don't want to miss this one. Headphones in -- enjoy! Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Katie Alice Greer was born to a minister in Michigan, where she spent her childhood feeling lonely, getting herself grounded and discovering Jock Jams compilations and Motown music. She's now the lead vocalist of Priests, a D.C.-based punk band that's made a name for itself in music and political spheres alike. Spin recently dubbed Priests "activist rock," but Greer says they didn't set out to be an explicitly political band, it just kind of happened. "Music is inherently political, everything is political," Greer told Paula Mejia of Rolling Stone on the heels of the D.C. event she'd helped organize on Inauguration Day, called "No Thanks: A Night of Anti-Fascist Sounds." This week's episode of Oh Boy, a conversation between Greer and our host Jay Buim, comes at an interesting time. While a lot of us are quietly navigating the clashing of culture and politics, Greer is doing so on a very public stage. On purpose. Give it a listen to hear her tell Jay how, when and why it all started. Want more Katie? @K_ALICEGREER Want more Jay? @beardwizard
In this episode of Oh Boy we meet comedy writer Cathy Lew. She once did a "Daily Shouts" for The New Yorker where she paralleled Drake and Bernie Sanders. ("He dances like an old man, and I like it.") Another piece she wrote for the publication's humor section: Grandmas Rise Up Against Millennials. But how'd she get here? To learn about her journey, you know the drill: plug your headphones in and enjoy. Want more Cathy? @cathy_lew Want more Jay? @beardwizard
In this episode of Oh Boy, Martha Wainwright (who just released a new album in November), daughter of musicians Loudon Wainwright III and Kate McGarrigle, speaks about how she learned to find her place within the music industry that truly felt like home. In partnership with The Real Real Want more Martha? @WainBright Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
In this episode of Oh Boy, get to know Franchesca Ramsey -- comedian, activist, actress and YouTube personality. She talks about how she went from uploading her own videos online (like the viral "Shit White Girls Black Girls," to hosting MTV's "Decoded." Need to know more? You know the drill! Headphones in, press play! Want more Franchesa? @ chescaleigh Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Ashley Ford has no strategy for authenticity. She just is who she is. In this episode of Oh Boy, the writer, editor and speaker tells host Jay Buim of her childhood in Fort Wayne, Indiana. As a child, she felt as though her thoughts didn't matter. But later, a teacher who saw Ford hanging around the hallways, doing the usual teen nothingness, changed her life. She said, "While I'm here working, you need to read an article in the newspaper and write something inspired by it." That lit a match under Ashley Ford which propelled her to where she is in this very moment. Want to know just what that means? Great. Headphones, press play and enjoy. Want more Ashley? @iSmashFizzle Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
If you have ever worn a pair of Thinx — a lined-underwear that eliminates the need for a pad or a tampon, the brand with the beautifully-shot ads that aim to destigmatize periods and run on the subway like What up?, then you may have said out loud to yourself, “I need to meet the woman who made this product. Because A) obviously it was a woman and B) you can’t believe you’ve been spending all of this time playing Russian Roulette with your favorite thongs. Well here is your opportunity! In this episode of Oh Boy, host Jay Buim sits down with Miki Agrawal, the founder of Thinx, to talk about everything from D1 soccer to her family to her belief in kismet. Headphones in — enjoy! In partnership with TNT. Want more Miki? @mikiagrawal Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Helena Bala knows that everyone has a story. After feeling a little lost in her career as a human rights lawyer, she made a connection with a homeless man simply by listening to his story and then telling him hers. It sparked an idea — maybe more people simply needed open ears. Thus, Craigslist Confessional was born. Two years later, she’s still listening. In partnership with The Real Real Want more Helena? @helenadeabala Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Meika Hollender wants to break the stigma of women buying and carrying condoms — and also just having sex. She co-founded Sustain, the first brand of vagina-friendly all natural condoms, lubricants and wipes, and she created GetOnTop, a national campaign aimed at getting women to take control of their sexual health. Cool, right? She's this week's Oh Boy podcast guest -- enjoy! In partnership with The Real Real Want more Meika? @missmeiks Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Comedian and actor Aidy Bryant isn't just living her best life, she is living everyone's best life. She got hired at Saturday Night Live at age 25. She co-wrote a short film that's beloved by the Vimeo staff. Louis C.K. didn't just tell her she was funny after a table read, he hired her for his web series without requiring she audition. And you know what she told Oh Boy host Jay Buim about all of this? The most rewarding part has been the friendships. Say "aww" and plug your headphones in. You're going to love this one. In partnership with Squarespace. Want more Aidy? @aidybryant Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Outdoor Voices’ Tyler Haney grew up playing sports in Boulder, Colorado. She thought running would be her destiny, and in some ways, it may have been: she ended up moving to New York where she studied design at Parsons. She took an interest in activewear, began researching fabrics, started working on Outdoor Voices and graduated with a five piece OV kit. Now look at it! You know the tagline: the brand isn’t about winning, it’s about #DoingThings. Want to know how she did all of these Things? I think listening to a podcast counts as Doing someThing (sorry x2). So what are you waiting for? Put your sports bra on and plug your headphones in: it's time for this week's episode of Oh Boy. In partnership with Squarespace. Want more Tyler? @ty_haney Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Laurie Simmons has a message for artists: “those years when no one has their eye on you and you’re free to work, those are your best years." The artist, filmmaker and photographer always knew she wanted to work in this field. She pursued her dreams even despite a teacher's cautioning early on to get out of art. She had her first solo show in ‘79 and is just now wrapping up a five year project: it's a film called “My Art" in which she's starring and directing. Want to know more about the artist who is also known in some circles as "Lena Dunham's mom"? Headphones in; volume on. In partnership with Squarespace. Want more Laurie? @SimmonsLaurie Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
When you meet Aurora James, CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund-winning designer of Brother Vellies -- a footwear-centric accessories label that works with artisans in Africa -- her shoes make a lot of sense. They are unique. Bold. Many are like nothing you've seen before, and all communicate a strong point of view. That's absolutely how I'd describe the designer. Her personal style is reflective of her inherent taste, as well as the colorful and sometimes complicated layering of cultures she's been introduced to over the course of her life. So is her character, strong sense of self-worth and steady view of the world. Want to know more? So did Jay Buim, host of Oh Boy. Headphones in, and enjoy. In partnership with Squarespace Want more Aurora? @aurorajames Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
In this episode of Oh Boy, Leandra takes the mic from the show's regular host, Jay Buim, to interview Sally Singer, the Digital Creative Director at They talk about the exciting, changing landscape that the internet has offered the fashion industry, how Singer got started, and the importance of story telling. Enjoy! In partnership with Newsette. Want more Sally? @voguemagazine Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week’s episode of Oh Boy is a special one: the inimitable Gloria Steinem is our featured guest. Steinem talks to host Jay Buim about many things: social justice, writing, Donald Trump, modern politics, how she was the first woman at New York Magazine, how she eschewed marriage for an opportunity in India. She talks about how she discovered the women's movement and how it changed her internal dialogue about external expectations, and she talks about progress -- how far we've come, how far we still have to go. "We have to be more patient, human, realistic to make change," she says. Of course, I can’t give any more away. Listen, enjoy and be prepared to feel inspired. You’ll come out the other side swinging. Want more Gloria? @gloriasteinem Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week on Oh Boy, Jay sits down with Aimee Cheshire. fashion blogger and founder of Hey Gorgeous, a plus-size focused website and Instagram shop that features cool clothes, size 10 and up. Need to feel inspired today? Just looking for some cool pants that fit? Great. Excellent. Plug your headphones in and let Jay's soft voice introduce you to Aimee Cheshire. Want more Aimee? @ heygorgeousny Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Today’s episode of Oh Boy features none other than Gail Simmons. It will comfort you to know that Simmons, like everyone else, didn’t have a clue what she wanted to do after college. She didn’t really know what she wanted to do while in college, either. In fact…she didn’t even know anything about food, according to a food editor she spoke to while hunting for her first job. So how did she get to be who she is and where she is, with two hit shows -- Top Chef and Top Chef: Just Desserts -- and a published book with a title that proclaims, “I have the best job ever!” (It’s called “Talking With My Mouth Full: My Life As a Professional Eater,” hello!)? Wellll…you just have to plug in your headphones and listen to this episode, don’t you? Want more Gail? @ gailsimmonseats Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Jenn Rogien's a real jerk! The costumer designer of GIRLS and Orange is the New Black doesn't like sour pickles, brownies or apple pie. Other than that, though, she's perfectly delightful, which you'll come to find in this episode of Oh Boy that's all about her young life growing up in the Rockies (she still owns a canner -- as in, to can pickled things that aren't sour), her formative years in a liberal college town, how she found creative, crafty loopholes in any and every school project, and of course, how she came to be exactly who she is and how she got arguably one of the coolest jobs on the planet. I will tell you this: it didn't just happen by dumb luck. Girls! You know the drill. Headphones in, and enjoy. Want more Jenn? @ jennrogien Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Did you know that the artist Garance Doré used to teach windsurfing at a naked camp? As for who taught Doré the important life lessons, her mother and her father (as well as her Berber-born grandmother) instilled the importance of hard work, embracing one's differences and that there are far more important things in this world than status symbols. She also learned for herself that "cool" is a state of mind." Plug your headphones in to hear the rest of her story. It's worth it, especially if you've been wondering lately, "What does success mean to me?" Want more Garance? @ garancedore Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Okay, music fans: today we have a treat for your ears by way of singer Julianna Barwick. She's known for looping her own voice over and over on tracks and the end result makes her sound like a true angel, but she is also a real person! How she went from a capella in Tulsa, Oklahoma to opening for bands like Panda Bear and Dirty Projectors as well as playing for her own dedicated following is another story. In fact, it's one that you can listen to right now if you just plug your headphones into the side of the computer over there (or into your phone, are you on your phone?) and pop those little buds inside your ear holes. Enjoy! Want more Julianna? @ juliannabarwick Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Katie Sturino doesn't judge morning teeth-brushers. She's a blogger/model who runs her own PR agency/mom-ager to three Instagram famous dogs. And no, she's not a dentist, but she is a proponent of doing what makes you happy. In this episode of Oh Boy, Sturino and Jay cover everything from owning your personality to what "being real" means, career paths (plus awkward internship experiences along the way), body acceptance and, yes, morning brushing. Want more Katie? @the12ishstyle Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Tennessee Thomas makes the backslash career look good. She runs The Deep End Club; she's a drummer -- currently for Elvis Costello and the Attractions, and if you used to listen to The Like, that's her on the beat; she's an actress; and she makes PSAs. Host Jay Buim sat down with Thomas to discuss all of the above, but this time, rather than telling you to grab your headphones, I suggest you pack your room with foam egg crates and turn the volume up. Drum roll, please... Want more Tennessee? @tennesseebunny Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Julie Wainwright didn't want her world to be small. The RealReal CEO told Oh Boy host Jay Buim this while discussing her decision to pursue a serious career during a time when many women she knew were dropping out of school to get married. In this interview, Wainwright covers what it was like growing up in rural Indiana (she had a motorcycle at age 12), who her influencers were (Gloria Steinem and Jane Goodall), what it was like working in Silicon Valley in the 80s and her path through the business ranks to CEO status. It's a really good listen. It's funny, too! Enjoy. Oh Boy is supported by Get your free audiobook at Want more Julie? @realrealjulie Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Sarah Sophie Flicker lists "Mama, Performer, Director, Aerialist, Writer, Activist, Feminist" as the top descriptors in her Twitter bio -- telling, considering that what she does "for a living" isn't as simple as a one-word answer. And why should it be? In this episode of Oh Boy, Sarah Sophie Flicker talks to host Jay Buim about her years in the San Francisco punk scene, law school, the unglamorous side of moving to LA to pursue acting and finally, New York, where she not only thrived (trying to not give away too much here) but found a way to merge her interest in politics and trapezing -- yes! -- into a political cabaret. Honestly, you just need to listen. Enjoy! Want more Sarah Sophie? @sarahsophief Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
In this episode of Oh Boy, host Jay and news writer/MR contributor Mattie Kahn discuss her career path, how her initial dream of working in fashion led her to covering the 2016 presidential election, her detour into chef whites, Britney Spears and the wonders of cold emailing. It's an entertaining listen, but it's also one that just might light a fire under your butt if you've recently been thinking about what you want to do and wondering how you're supposed to do it. Want more Mattie? @mattiekahn Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
In this 24th episode of Oh Boy, we meet Silas Howard, the first Trans director to work on the critically acclaimed show Transparent. He takes us through his creative path, which led him to San Francisco in the 90s where he found his people in the queer punk scene. Around age 28 the itch it express himself in a new way became hard to ignore. He wanted to make a film because he felt like there weren’t stories showing people like him and his friends. Without giving too much away, they did it. Sounds cool right? It is, so stop reading and start listening! Want more Silas? @silash Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week's episode of Oh Boy is for all the future politicians and aspiring journalists out there: meet Kasie Hunt, a political correspondent for MSNBC. Without giving the whole podcast away, she covered Mitt Romney in 2012, Donald Trump in 2013, and now follows the campaign trail of the 2016 presidential candidates with a focus on Bernie Sanders. Want more Kasie? @kasie Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
You know Refinery29. How could you not? This week, Oh Boy host Jay Buim sat down with Christene Barberich, co-founder and Global Editor-in-Chief of Refinery29, to find out how she rose to the top of one of America's fastest growing companies. An editor at heart, Christene shares excellent advice for both burgeoning editors and ambitious young folk. Take a listen, take notes and enjoy. Want more Christene? @christenebarberich Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week in our 21st episode of Oh Boy, Jay sits down with Daryl Kerrigan -- notable driver of that downtown, 90s rocker aesthetic and, fun fact!, costume designer for My Cousin Vinny. Much of Kerrigan's current press is revolving around her collaboration with Madewell. The look is considerably more 70s than what you may think you know Daryl K for, but you know what they say: you can take the girl out of the vinyl pants, but you can't take the East Village music scene out of the girl. Want more Daryl? @Darylknyc Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
If you ever need a throwback hit to make your day better, "Love Shack" is a classic that never fails. Of course, there wouldn't be a "Love Shack" without Kate Pierson -- one of the lead singers and founding members of The B-52's. In this episode of Oh Boy, Jay Buim sits down with Pierson to talk about her post-college journey spent hitch-hiking through Europe, the year she spent living in a shack in the middle of a field outside of Athens, Georgia, and of course, how she met the band that would become The B-52's. Want more Kate? @THEKATEPIERSON Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett "Covert Affair" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
In this week's extra special episode of Oh Boy (which is the extended audio version of an upcoming Chatroom episode), Alexa Chung chats with Leandra about her app, Villoid, getting dressed in cold weather, why splitting hairs may be the secret to winter hair and how to remedy the feeling of finding zero inspiration in your own closet. Want more Alexa? @alexachung Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett "Covert Affair" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
In this episode of Oh Boy, we meet Hari Nef, the first openly transgender model signed to IMG who plays Tante Gittel in the 2nd season of "Transparent." She speaks about the set's welcoming environment and wonders aloud what the film and television industry would be like if it were controlled by women instead of men. She also speaks to the need for trans rights, more understanding and less stigma -- on screen, off camera and in real life. Want more Hari? @harinef Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
If you have ever looked at the fashion industry and thought, "Now how the hell am I supposed to get in there from here?" then this podcast is for you. Fashion stylist and consultant Shiona Turini shares everything, from her experience growing up in Bermuda, the time she arrived to school butt-ass naked and how she broke into the fashion world. So! Don your crop top, plug your headphones in and try to avoid detention like some podcast guests we know. Want more Shiona? @shionat Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Get to know the woman behind Glossier and Into The Gloss. Founder Emily Weiss talks to Oh Boy host Jay Buim about the business skills she culled while working in the magazine industry, what being a Vogue stylist's assistant taught her, how she learned to be good collaborator, why Ikea may actually strengthen your relationships (at least the work ones) and of course, where the whole idea of Into The Gloss -- and later Glossier -- started. Want more Emily? @emilywweiss Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week, Jay sits down with Alicia Yoon, founder of beauty website Peach & Lily, which brings Asia's best beauty brands to the US. Yoon tells Jay about her path to becoming an entrepreneur (Columbia University, Harvard Business School, Goldman Sachs) and a time when she didn't think work was supposed to be enjoyable. Despite Yoon's passion for beauty, this episode isn't just for the beauty addicts. It's for anyone who is continually looking for the hole that they can fill, who has an idea that they just know could be great. Have your headphones ready? Enjoy. Want more Alicia? @ aliciayoon212 Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week, Jay talks with writer Karley Sciortino. She's a columnist and founder of Slutever, a website that covers sex and relationships in a frank, empowering and approachable way. In this episode, Sciortino talks about growing up as a sexually curious teenager in a conservative, religious home, how moving to London for a short stint changed her perspective on life and the realities of being a young writer in New York City. She also tells Jay she wants to "stay YOLO forever." What does that mean? Plug your headphones in and find out. Want more Karley? @karleyslutever Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Get to know Mamie Gummer the person, not just the actress(or Meryl Streep’s daughter)in this week's episode of "Oh Boy." A self-described "country mouse," Gummer talks about growing up in a rustic, small town in Connecticut, what it meant to be the older sister to her more city-savvy siblings and her lack of a ten-year-plan. She reflects on her college acting days while discussing her current role in the Off Broadway show, "Ugly Lies to the Bone," comparing the mindset of her respective cast mates, then and now: they're just trying to do good work. Want more Mamie? Follow her on twitter @MamieGummer Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week on Oh Boy, Jay sits down with Nicolette Mason: creative consultant, Marie Claire columnist and plus-sized blogger who's had a major voice in the changing landscape of what the fashion world looks like. The daughter of immigrants, Mason shares her decision to follow a different path -- the Internet generation's American Dream -- and the process of proving to her parents that she was making the right choices, that quitting her job to enter an industry notorious for its critical eye wasn't totally insane. When discussing body positivity, industry diversity and self-acceptance, she's funny, real and bold. That's Nicolette Mason for you. Listen to learn more. Want more Nicolette?, @nicolettemason Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week on Oh Boy, host Jay Buim sits down with colorist Roxie Darling, one of the masterminds behind Bumble and bumble founder Michael Gordon's newest venture, Hairstory. They chat about hanging out in abandoned insane asylums with friends, addiction and recovery, living in a sort-of cult, developing a passion for hair and later quitting her safe, corporate job to find happiness. Want more Roxie? Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
This week Jay sits down with New York Times' Bestselling author, Sloane Crosley. The two cover growing up in suburbia, archeological aspirations, and how an email to friends ended up in The Village Voice. Her new novel, The Clasp, is an exercise in validation and neuroses, parading characters, scenarios, and clever turns so spot on they speak to your soul. Find it here: Want more Sloan? Want more Jay? @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
A first listen to Monocycle with Leandra Medine, Man Repeller's new 10 minute weekly show.
Host Jay Buim chats with Man Repeller's Deputy Editor, Amelia Diamond, about being both a horse girl and bird kid, growing up in San Francisco, becoming a writer, and what it's like working at Man Repeller, particularly when one of your best friends is the founder. Want more Jay? @beardwizard Want more Amelia? Follow her on Instagram @amilli0naire or read what's inside her brain daily at Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Leandra Medine and Whitney Cummings cover middle school bullies, the very real need to be seen and heard (whether on stage or age home), the fourth wave of feminism, how dealing with a stalker is similar to improv, love, relationships and our ever-changing identities as expressed through clothes. Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Jay Buim sits down with Kiran Gandhi, the woman who made headlines for running the London Marathon on her period without a tampon to break the stigma of menstruation. The interview covers her unique upbringing in Manhattan and India, how her feminist beliefs began at age three and how her love of music -- thanks to her theory of "Atomic Living" -- led to the dream job as M.I.A.'s drummer. Want more Jay? Find him on IG @beardwizard or online at Check out Madame Gandhi at Want more Jay? See his other work at or on IG @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Chatting with Jordana Kier, the Tampon Queen and co-founder of Lola, a direct-to-consumer, subscription-based feminine care company. Jordana and host Jay Buim talk bringing back the unibrow, wanting to run Lincoln Center, and pitching a tampon delivery service to rooms full of men. For more on Lola, go to For more Jay, check him out on IG @beardwizard Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Jay Buim sits down with ClassPass Co-Founder and CEO, Payal Kadakia to discuss cultural identity, parents' expectations, and how a driving passion for dance led her to create one of the most beloved recent innovations in fitness, ClassPass, valued at over $200M. Check out ClassPass at Want more Jay? Find him on IG @beardwizard or online at
Special Edition! This week Leandra Medine interviews Stacy London, former Vogue editor, television veteran (What Not to Wear), author of The Truth About Style, boob tape extraordinaire and over-achieving 20th century philosophy double major who has never watched an episode of Sex and the City. They talk the psychology of fashion, dating in New York, and how to get the most from a bag of style hacks. Want the video version? Check it out here: Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
You know that friend that was quiet in high school but super smart, funny, and destined to be a boss? We do, too. Meet Amy Odell, Editor at Cosmopolitan and author of "Tales from the Back Row," her new book about life behind-the-scenes as a journalist in the fashion industry. Jay Buim chats with Amy for a peak behind the curtain to learn more about Amy’s trajectory. Check out the conversation for details of her interview with Anna Wintour, how she got started in fashion, the changes she’s making at Cosmo, and excellent career advice. Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Host Jay Buim sits down with Rebecca Harrington, author of "Penelope" and "I'll Have What She's Having" for a conversation packed with obscure but telling references to 19th Century Archeologists, The Bad Seed, Jane Austin Juvenilia, and how a website dedicated to William Howard Taft's sleep apnea and subsequent diet led to Harrington's second book. Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett
Jay Buim interviews Man Repeller founder Leandra Medine about growing up in New York, accidentally launching one of the most influential fashion-centric websites around, and not taking one's self too seriously. Edited by Jay Buim Produced by Kate Barnett Logo by Kelly Shami,