The Beat's Heidi MacDonald returns to the podcast to talk about Penguin Random House's acquisition of BOOM! Studios and our expectations for San Diego Comic Con. MacDonald discusses the big PRH/BOOM! news, why the former may have wanted to acquire the latter, the big news ahead of San Diego Comic Con, where things are right now, DSTLRY's big move, how SDCC is shaping up, how unique SDCC is relative to other conventions, the big plans The Beat has for the event, her upcoming daily TV show, celebrating 20 years of The Beat, the evolution of comic cons, what keeps her excited about The Beat, and more.
There are two corrections from the podcast. First, Filip Sablik's title at BOOM! Studios was actually President of Publishing & Marketing, not Sales & Marketing as I stated in the episode. Second, while Tiny Onion does a lot of design and production work for DSTLRY, Emma Price, Erika Schnatz, Jared K. Fletcher, Francesco Francavilla, and Lee Garbett have also done design work on a variety of individual titles and logos.