Listen to Episode 38:Binge Eating: Why we do it and how to stop
Listen to Episode 76: Letting go of the perfect body, weight loss while healing disordered eating & intuitive eating + food intolerances
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Root to binge eating/overeating, types of restriction:
PHYSICAL RESTRICTION: Dieting, calorie restriction, macro deprivation (like too low-carb/too low-fat), starvation & skipping meals, under-eating/over-exercising, following a strict plan or protocol, etc. Also, eating highly processed, nutrient-poor foods can trigger binging because they’re micronutrient deficient + designed (in a lab) to be insatiable & impossible (for most*) NOT to binge.
MENTAL RESTRICTION:Telling yourself you “shouldn’t” or “can’t” eat something or eat too much. Labeling foods as “bad”. Beating yourself up + feeling guilty or shameful for what or how much you’re eating.
Harboring things like anger/resentment, feeling sadness, stress, pain, loneliness, lack of passion/purpose, or suppressing ANY uncomfortable emotion & using food to fill the void & take away the discomfort.
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Chelsea’s website
Learn about working with Chelsea
Apply for a 30 min discovery call with Chelsea
Download Chelsea’s free handbook “Heal Your Relationship with Food”
Chelsea’s self-paced online program: Wellness Babe
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Allie’s website
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