“How do I deal with the beliefs of my racist/sexist family members?”
“My co-worker commented on my body and now I’m super uncomfortable”
“Should I straighten my hair for a job interview or go natural?”
“She’s marrying a Trump supporter. Should I skip the wedding?”
“My Dad cheated on my Mom. I don’t want to hang out with him and his new girlfriend. What do I do?”
“My life is great, but I feel alone. Help!”
Things learned on today's episode:
That’s not my actual job.
If the question is all about “them”, the answer you need is all about “you”.
Your beliefs are not theirs.
Love is conditional.
White people have to not be complicit with white violence.
What you do is not who you are.
Be careful what you ask the universe for.
'No Lies Detected' is a podcast about the lies we tell ourselves and the truths we need to know. Join your hosts, Meghan Tonjes and Mishal Moore, as they give you the advice you didn't know you needed.
Want advice?
Call us - 931.546.9228.
Email us - noliesdetected@gmail.com
*All materials delivered to NLD for the purpose of inclusion are subject to use in perpetuity.