12/07/2021, ELOTR Episode 211
Announcement: Mythgard 2022 dates have been announced! Mythmoot: An Annual Speculative Literature Conference Join us June 23-26, 2022 for Mythmoot IX: Remaking Myth. It’s Hybrid Again, so start thinking about those papers!
Mythmoot: An Annual Speculative Literature Conference: https://signumuniversity.org/mythmoot/
We’ve announced new class modules for our Signum University Space Portals. Purchase your space token and place your votes for upcoming modules. Tokens make great holiday gifts and never expire!
SPACE - Signum University: https://signumuniversity.org/space/
In which: We continue to examine Bilbo’s Poem, and it’s charming assonance and alliteration.
Field Trip: Eregion, Low Hollin and Echad Dunann
“Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien
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