In-depth stories about the science of life. Each week, we tell a story about ideas, trends and people, and how science and medicine affect our lives, our health and our society. More at
Published by the Wellcome Trust.
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In-depth stories about the science of life. Each week, we tell a story about ideas, trends and people, and how science and medicine affect our lives, our health and our society. More at
Published by the Wellcome Trust.
More and more people are donating organs, but demand still far exceeds supply. What can the world learn from the country that does it best?
Written by Chris Baraniuk
Read and produced by Graihagh Jackson
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If you liked this story, we recommend Abortion, contraception, pregnancy: how women's bodies became a battlezone, by Sophie Cousins, also available as a podcast.
One in three French people think vaccines are unsafe, but across the country vaccine coverage is rising. Alex Whiting looks at how France is fighting back against vaccine scepticism.
Written by Alex Whiting
Read by Kirsten Irving
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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If you liked this story, we recommend Violent crime is like infectious disease – and we know how to stop it spreading, by Samira Shackle, also available as a podcast.
E-cigarettes were invented by business, not medicine. But as more smokers make the switch, some health experts believe we’ve finally hit on something that could stub out smoking for good.
Written by Simon Usborne
Read by Brian Yim Lim
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
For more stories and to read this story, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend Violent crime is like infectious disease – and we know how to stop it spreading, by Samira Shackle, also available as a podcast.
A million Rohingya refugees in crowded shelters with poor sanitation – ideal conditions for infections to spread. Here’s how to stop these deadly outbreaks.
Written and read by Gaia Vince.
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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If you liked this story, we recommend Why we still haven't stopped cholera, by Rose George, also available as a podcast.
Smiling is one of the fundamental ways people communicate, so what happens if your face can’t do it?
Written by Neil Steinberg Read by Charlotte Hussey Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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If you liked this story, we recommend The engineer who fixed his own heart, by Geoff Watts, also available as a podcast.
You may not think of the buzz and whine of insects as musical, but the distinctive pitch of mosquito wingbeats could tell us how to fight malaria. Daniel A Gross meets the researchers who are pricking up their ears.
Written by Daniel A Gross
Read by Barry J Gibb
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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If you liked this story we recommend How malaria defeats our drugs, by Ed Yong, also available as a podcast.
We now know there’s a cheap, safe treatment that could save thousands of lives each year. But those who need it can’t always access it.
Written by Samira Shackle
Read by Kirsten Irving
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
To read this story and more, go to
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If you liked this story, we recommend Abortion, contraception, pregnancy: how women's bodies became a battle zone, by Sophie Cousins, also available as a podcast.
Researcher Áine Kelly is using her experience of growing up in care to help others in the system. What role does first-hand experience have in expertise, and how important is it in making health and social care better? Michael Regnier explores a new kind of expert.
Written and read by Michael Regnier
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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If you liked this story, we recommend How going hungry affects children for their whole lives, by Chris Baraniuk, also available as a podcast.
Traditionally, expectant mothers have been excluded from clinical trials, but could this practice be doing more harm than good? Emily Anthes investigates.
Written by Emily Anthes
Read by Charlotte Hussey
Produced by Barry J Gibb
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If you liked this story, we recommend Give and take: the ethics of donating breast milk, by Carrie Arnold, also available as a podcast.
Food poverty is on the rise in rich countries. And evidence suggests the impact can last for years afterwards.
Written by Chris Baraniuk
Read by Kirsten Irving
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
To read this story and more, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend Life and death under austerity, by Mary O'Hara, also available as a podcast.
What’s it like to hear voices? Are they hallucinations or a normal human experience? Chris Chapman explores what they are, why they happen and how they are being understood.
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If you liked this story, we recommend Postpartum psychosis: "I'm afraid of how you'll judge me, as a mother and as a person", by Catherine Carver, also available as a podcast.
General anaesthetic is supposed to make surgery painless. But now there’s evidence that one person in 20 may be awake when doctors think they’re under.
Written by David Robson
Read by Brian Yim Lim
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
To read this story and more, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend The mind readers by Roger Highfield, also available as a podcast.
Twenty-five years after the discovery of the gene behind Huntington’s disease, Peter Forbes reports on the potential first treatment for this devastating condition.
Written by Peter Forbes
Read by Brian Yim Lim
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
To read this story and more, visit
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If you liked this story, we also recommend The DNA detectives hunting the causes of cancer, by Kat Arney, also available as a podcast.
Who would risk their own safety tending to the injured and recovering the dead in one of the most violent cities on earth? Samira Shackle rides along with a driver from the world’s largest voluntary ambulance service.
Written by Samira Shackle
Read by Michael Regnier
Produced by Barry J Gibb
To read this story and more, visit
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If you liked this story, we also recommend Fear and loathing in Thet Kal Pyin: Myanmar's healthcare crisis by Mike Ives.
Nobuaki Nagashima has Werner syndrome, which causes his body to age at super speed. This condition is teaching us more about what controls our genes, and could eventually help us find a way to slow ageing – or stop it altogether.
Written by Erika Hayasaki. Read by Rebecca McIntosh. Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
Read the story at
If you liked this story, we recommend Can meditation really slow ageing? by Jo Marchant, also available as a podcast.
When a gentle glow feels like a spotlight and everyday sounds hurt your ears, life can get anxious and painful. But, discovers Emma Young, there may be an upside to being highly sensitive.
Written by Emma Young Read by Kirsten Irving Produced by Geoff Marsh
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If you liked this story, we recommend How the zebra got its stripes, with Alan Turing by Kat Arney, available as a podcast here:…ipes-alan-turing
Emerging sign languages could reveal how all language evolved – but keeping these fragile languages isolated for research may mean the people who rely on them lose out.
Written by Michael Erard. Read by Michael Regnier. Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
To read this on our website, go to
If you enjoyed this story, we recommend Why being bilingual helps keep your brain fit by Gaia Vince.
While it’s healthy to have a variety of bacteria in our guts, there’s one place where a single dominant type is best: the vagina. Meet the researchers trying to make the world healthier, one vagina at a time.
Written by Kendall Powell. Read by Kirsten Irving. Produced by Barry J Gibb.
For more stories about the science of life visit
If you enjoyed this story, we recommend Abortion, contraception, pregnancy: how women’s bodies became a battlezone by Sophie Cousins, also available as an audio podcast.
The East African country’s campaign to end cervical cancer through the HPV vaccine has had to overcome cultural taboos and rumours about infertility – but it’s saving lives.
Written by Sophie Cousins. Read and produced by Graihagh Jackson.
To read the text of this story, head to
If you enjoyed this story, we recommend Can America cope with a resurgence of tropical disease? by Carrie Arnold, also available as a podcast.
In the 1970s, radical scientists thought they could change the world – if they could change science first. As told to Alice Bell.
Written by Alice Bell. Read by Nick Dent. Produced by Barry J Gibb.
To read this story on our website, visit
If you enjoyed this we recommend Reinventing the toilet by Lina Zeldovich, also available as a podcast.
For those with breast cancer, a mastectomy may seem the best option. Joanna Moorhead thought so – until the last minute. Now she’s glad she chose less extensive surgery.
Written and read by Joanna Moorhead. Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
To read this story and others like it, head to
If you enjoyed this, we recommend Making sense of a miscarriage by Holly Cave, also available as a podcast.
"I am so accustomed to thinking of wheelchair use in binary terms: you either use one or you don’t. Now I’m struggling to unlearn that notion."
In Canada, wheelchair basketball brings people together regardless of their abilities. Lesley Evans Ogden asks whether this kind of integration could help dispel stigma, discrimination and misconceptions about disability more widely.
Written by Lesley Evans Ogden, read by Kirsten Irving, audio editing by Jen Whyntie.
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If you liked this story, we recommend City cycling: health versus hazard by Lesley Evans Ogden, also available as a podcast.
The rest of the world can learn from Puerto Rican communities rallying together to recover from a natural disaster fuelled by climate change.
Written by Jane Palmer. Read by Michael Regnier. Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
To read the story online, head to
If you liked this story, try Climate change is turning dehydration into a deadly epidemic by Jane Palmer, also available as an audio podcast.
The basic chemistry of hair dyes has changed little over the last century, but what do we know about the risks of colouring our hair, and why do we do it?
Written by Rebecca Guenard Read by Rebecca McIntosh Produced by Barry J Gibb
To read the full story visit If you enjoyed this story, try When cuteness comes of age by Neil Steinberg.
Whether hair pulling, skin picking or cheek biting, body-focused repetitive behaviours blight many people’s lives. How can science help us understand and treat these distressing conditions better?
Written by Sara Talpos. Read by Kirsten Irving. Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
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If you liked this story, we recommend My sudden synaesthesia: how I went blind and started hearing colours, also available as an audio podcast.
In East Harlem, four times as many adults have diabetes as in the neighbouring Upper East Side. Meera Senthilingam meets the New Yorkers stopping poverty being a death sentence.
Audio producer: Meera Senthilingam Fact checker: Laura Dawes Editor: Mun-Keat Looi
See an accompanying photo tour of Harlem and read a full transcript for this story on Mosaic.
For more stories visit
If you liked this story, we recommend Voices in the dark: what it's like to hear voices, another Mosaic audio documentary also available on our podcast.
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The manufacture and distribution of medicines is a global industry, tainted by fake and substandard products. Not only might these drugs not work as expected, but some are even contributing to antimicrobial resistance. So, what’s in your medicine cabinet?
Written by Srinath Perur. Read by Charlotte Hussey. Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
Read the story at
If you liked this story, we recommend India is training "quacks" to do real medicine. This is why by Priyanka Pulla.
Ghana has plenty of water. So why do its people buy plastic pouches from street vendors? Shaun Raviv investigates.
Written by Shaun Raviv. Read by Pip Mayo. Produced by Barry J Gibb. Audio editing by Geoff Marsh.
Read the full text original and accompanying extras published on Mosaic. For more stories visit
If you liked this story, we recommend How menstrual taboos are putting lives at risk by Rose George, also available on our podcast.
Governments around the world were slow to get to grips with HIV/AIDS. But a big change came when they started understanding it not just as a health issue but as a security threat too.
Written by Alexandra Ossola. Read by Rebecca McIntosh. Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
Read the story at
If you liked this story, we recommend One virus, four lives: the reality of being HIV positive By Patrick Strudwick, also available as a podcast.
"The parasite has started to become resistant. The wonder drug is failing. It is the latest reprise of a decades-long theme: we attack malaria with a new drug, it mounts an evolutionary riposte."
In the war against malaria, one small corner of the globe has repeatedly turned the tide, rendering our best weapons moot and medicine on the brink of defeat. Ed Yong reports.
Written by Ed Yong, read by Pip Mayo, produced by Barry J Gibb, audio editing by Geoff Marsh.
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend DIY Diagnosis: how an extreme athlete uncovered her genetic flaw by Ed Yong, also available as a podcast.
Cancer rates vary wildly across the world, and we don’t know why. To solve this mystery, scientists are tracking down causes of cancer by the fingerprints they leave in the genome.
Written and read by Kat Arney.
Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
To read the story, visit
If you like this story, we recommend Searching for a diagnosis: how scientists are untangling the mystery of developmental disorders by Linda Geddes.
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Chrissie Giles on her generation’s climb to Peak Booze.
"I didn’t feel that I had a problem with alcohol, nor did any of my friends. We got drunk, sometimes too drunk, and then suffered the consequences. We were just doing what young people did. But recently, with getting on for 20 years of drinking under my belt, I started to wonder if my generation’s relationship with alcohol was abnormal. When I looked into the numbers I realised that it was. I discovered that 2004 was Peak Booze: the year when Brits drank more than they had done for a century, and more than they have done in the decade since. Leading the way to this alcoholic apogee were those of us born around 1980. No other generation drank so much in their early twenties. Why us?"
Written and read by Chrissie Giles, produced by Barry J Gibb
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend Breaking Bad News by Chrissie Giles, also available as a podcast.
Becoming allergic to meat turns your life upside down. Known as alpha-gal allergy, the condition dictates what you can eat, wear, how you relax, and even which medicines are safe. Is research finally starting to catch up?
Editor: Chrissie Giles
Copyeditor: Rob Reddick
Art director: Charlie Hall
Photographer: Daniel Stier
Fact checker: Francine Almash
For more stories and to read the original text, visit
If you liked this story we recommend Sick building syndrome: is it the buildings or the people who need treatment? by Shayla Love.
In loving memory of Lyra McKee (1990-2019).
This episode was originally broadcast in April 2016.
In Northern Ireland, more people took their own lives in the 16 years after the Troubles than died during them. Why? Lyra McKee finds out.
Written by Lyra McKee Read by Kirsten Irving Produced by Barry J Gibb Audio editing by Geoff Marsh
For more stories and to read the text original, visit where you can also find more of Lyra's magnificent writing.
In the early 2000s, when there were just two psychiatrists serving over 12 million people, Zimbabwe had to get creative to treat depression. Now, one bright idea – the Friendship Bench – is spreading far and wide.
Written by Alex Riley. Read by Kirsten Irving. Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
To read the story, visit
If you like this story, we recommend How To Get To A World Without Suicide by Simon Usborne.
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Can a grand vision of 4,000 free public gyms overcome inequality and fight Brazil’s health crisis? Catherine de Lange reports.
Written by Catherine de Lange, read by Pip Mayo, produced by Barry J Gibb
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
If you liked this story, we recommend listening to City Cycling: Health Versus Hazard by Ian Birrell, also available as a podcast.
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New biomedical techniques, like next-generation genome sequencing, are creating vast amounts of data and transforming the scientific landscape. They’re leading to unimaginable breakthroughs – but leaving researchers racing to keep up.
Editor: Rob Reddick Copyeditor: Tom Freeman Art director: Charlie Hall Fact checker: Francine Almash Illustrator: Dávid Biró To read the story, visit If you liked this story, we recommend 'The DNA detectives hunting the causes of cancer' by Kat Arney.Boxers know they risk injury in the ring. But there’s a more insidious danger they don’t often talk about: the long-term brain damage that repeated blows to the head can cause. Lyra McKee meets the families who are breaking the silence.
Written by Lyra McKee. Read by Kirsten Irving. Illustrated by Gabby Laurent. Produced by Barry J. Gibb.
To read the story, visit
If you liked this story, we recommend 'The Alzheimer's Enigma' by Michael Regnier.
Millions of people are left dead or disabled by surgical complications each year when one simple piece of kit could have saved them. Jane Feinmann discovers how it has helped transform medicine in Mongolia.
Written by Jane Feinmann. Read by Rebecca McIntosh. Produced by Graihagh Jackson.
If you liked this story, we recommend DIY prosthetics: the extreme athlete who built a new knee by Rose Eveleth, also available as a podcast.
Is there real science in the spiritualism of meditation? Jo Marchant meets a Nobel Prize-winner who thinks so.
Written by Jo MarchantRead by Pip MayoProduced by Barry J Gibb
For more stories and to read this story, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend Mosaicscience – Secrets-of-the-strong-minded by Emma Young, also available as a podcast.
Half of people with Parkinson’s disease experience hallucinations, paranoia and delusions. Mary O’Hara reports on a new hope.
Written by Mary O'Hara
Read by Michael Regnier
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
Priyanka Pulla asks if there can ever be legitimacy in ‘quackery’.
Written by Priyanka Pulla, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb, audio editing by Geoff Marsh.
If you liked this story, we recommend Can meditation really slow ageing? by Mary Rose Abraham, also available as a podcast.
One in ten people struggle to recognise their emotions. New research suggests a vital link between our ability to sense our physical bodies and knowing how we feel.
Written by Emma Young
Read by Charlotte Hussey
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
Why is asbestos still killing people? Nic Fleming finds out in a twisting tale of industry cover-ups and misinformation that spans decades.
Written by Nic Fleming, read by Pip Mayo, produced by Barry J Gibb
A network of compassionate volunteers caring for their terminally ill neighbours is allowing more people in Kerala, India, to end their days at peace and at home. Jeremy Laurance meets the man leading the movement.
Written by Jeremy Laurance
Read by Graihagh Jackson
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
If you liked this story, we recommend 'The sex workers who are stopping HIV', also available as an audiobook.
Having stamped out a number of tropical diseases – including malaria – decades ago, is America today complacent about a rising wave of infectious disease? By Carrie Arnold.
Written by Carrie Arnold, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb, audio editing by Geoff Marsh
The need to mend broken hearts has never been greater. But what if we could simply manufacture a new one? Alex O’Brien studies the legacy of Texan surgeons and artificial hearts.
Written by Alex O'Brien, read by Pip Mayo, produced by Barry J Gibb, audio editing by Ellie Pinney.
An early halt to a trial of deep brain stimulation for depression reveals little about the treatment but more about the changing nature of clinical trials.
Written by David Dobbs
Read by Brian Yim Lim
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
Calories consumed minus calories burned: it’s the simple formula for weight loss or gain. But dieters often find that it doesn’t work. Cynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley of Gastropod investigate.
Written by Cynthia Graber, read by Charlotte Hussey, produced by Graihagh Jackson.
For more stories and to read the original text, visit
If you liked this story, we recommend The fat city that declared war on obesity, by Ian Birrell, also available as a podcast.
Notoriously illegal and synonymous with hedonism, LSD and ecstasy started life as aids to psychotherapy. Sam Wong meets the band of psychiatrists who are looking to reclaim them for medicine again.
Written by Sam Wong, read by Pip Mayo, produced by Barry J Gibb, audio editing by Geoff Marsh
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
If you liked this story, we recommend Saved: How addicts gained the power to reverse overdoses, also available as a podcast.
Telling cancer from non-cancer is tough for brain surgeons. Scorpions, and the legacy of a dying girl might change that, writes Alex O'Brien.
Written by Alex O'Brien, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
If you liked this story, we recommend listening to Decisions on a knife edge, by Charlotte Huff, also available as a podcast.
Women’s reproductive rights are under attack across the globe. Sophie Cousins investigates the challenges women face in accessing abortion and contraception in two very different countries – India and the USA.
Written by Sophie Cousins
Read by Kirsten Irving
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
If you liked this story, we recommend Postpartum psychosis: "I'm afraid of how you'll judge me, as a mother and as a person", by Catherine Carver, also available as an audiobook.
Oklahoma has lost a million pounds of fat. Ian Birrell asks how – and whether declaring ‘war on obesity’ can really change a city’s infrastructure and encourage healthy living.
Written by Ian Birrell, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb
If you liked this story, we recommend listening to Brazil's billion dollar gym experiment by Ian Birrell, also available as a podcast.
Headlines scream about “epidemics” of shootings and stabbings – but what if we took that literally? From Chicago to Glasgow, treating violence as a public health problem has produced great results.
Written by Samira Shackle
Read by Kirsten Irving
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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If you liked this story, we recommend 'The women that kill, abuse and torture' by Katarine Quarmby, also available as a podcast.
Applying mild electrical currents to your head could take away pain, help memory and improve attention – and the US military is very interested. Emma Young reports.
Written by Emma Young, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb
If you liked this story, we recommend Can you think yourself into a different person? by Will Story, also available as a podcast.
In Finland, people whose sickness is linked to certain buildings fear being labelled as mentally ill, while scientists search for evidence that their condition is ‘real’.
Written by Shayla Love
Read by Graihagh Jackson
If you liked this story, we recommend Shayla Love's story 'Meet the dogs with OCD', also available as a podcast.
One nerve connects your vital organs, sensing and shaping your health. If we learn to control it, the future of medicine will be electric.
Written by Gaia Vince, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb, edited by Geoff Marsh
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend Mosaicscience – Can-you-supercharge-your-brain by Emma Young, also available as a podcast.
When doctors in rural Italy began to see a surge in cancer cases, they were baffled. Then they made the link with industrial waste being dumped by local crime syndicates. Ian Birrell learns about the tragic consequences.
Written by Ian Birrell
Read by Michael Regnier
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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If you liked this story, we recommend 'Brazil's cancer curse' by Sue Armstrong, also available as a podcast.
"Polio was unpredictable. Often no more harmful than any other childhood infection, it could on occasion ‘turn’ with swift, inexplicable savagery, destroying a child’s nerve cells and leaving him paralysed for life. If it damaged the nerves controlling his lungs they could freeze up and György would either die or spend the rest of his life inside an iron lung that breathed for him."
Trapped by the Cold War and scarred after a failed revolution, Hungary fought one of its greatest battles against polio.
Written by Penny Bailey, read by Pip Mayo, audio editor Geoff Marsh, produced by Barry J Gibb
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If you liked this story, we recommend Mosaicscience – Prisoners-of-war, also available on our podcast.
Sex workers in Mozambique are providing health support to those at the margins of society. They face political and financial challenges, but against the odds they are helping thousands.
Written by Jules Montague
Read by Kirsten Irving
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend 'How HIV became a matter of international security' by Alexandra Ossola, available to read here.
"Losing enjoyment of food and drink is a common complaint for people who lose their sense of smell. You can taste sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami with your tongue. More complex flavours – like grapefruit or barbecued steak – depend on smell. But for Nick, as for many people who can’t smell, there’s another category of loss altogether."
Losing your sense of smell can fundamentally change the way you relate to other people.
Written by Emma Young, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb, edited by Geoff Marsh
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend Mosaicscience – Why-do-we-have-allergies by Carl Zimmer, also available as a podcast.
Melioidosis is a bacterial infection that quietly causes thousands of deaths each year. Meet the doctor who made it his mission to make the world take notice.
Written by Carrie Arnold
Read by Michael Regnier
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend 'Hunting the silent killer' by Patrick Strudwick, also available as a podcast.
In a world obsessed with beauty, living with a facial disfigurement can be hard. Neil Steinberg explores the past and present to find out what it’s like to look different.
Written by Neil Steinberg
Read by Pip Mayo
Produced by Barry J Gibb
Edited by Geoff Marsh
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If you liked this podcast, we recommend, 'How far would you go to be able to smile' by Neil Steinberg.
Using sleep deprivation to lift people out of severe depression may seem counterintuitive, but for some people, it’s the only thing that works.
Written by Linda Geddes
Read by Rebecca McIntosh
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend 'Why we still don't understand sleep, and why it matters', also available as a podcast.
How have the farm animals of today been shaped by centuries of domestication and selective breeding? Sujata Gupta investigates.
Written by Sujata Gupta, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb, edited by Geoff Marsh
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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Smiling is one of the fundamental ways people communicate, so what happens if your face can’t do it?
Written by Neil Steinberg Read by Charlotte Hussey Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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Women predisposed to ovarian cancer can reduce their risk with surgery, but with it comes early menopause. To avoid this, some doctors propose delaying part of the procedure. But is this safe? Charlotte Huff explores the costs of buying time.
Written by Charlotte Huff, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb
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A disease that killed millions in the 20th century still lingers – and with it the threat of a new epidemic. Why? The answer may have been staring us in the face all along, as Michael Regnier discovered when he travelled to Guinea with scientists searching for the key to a medical mystery.
Written by Michael Regnier, read by Michael Regnier, produced by Graihagh Jackson.
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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Allergies such as peanut allergy and hay fever make millions of us miserable, but scientists aren’t even sure why they exist. Carl Zimmer talks to a master immunologist with a controversial answer.
Written by Carl Zimmer, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb
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Twenty-five years after the discovery of the gene behind Huntington’s disease, Peter Forbes reports on the potential first treatment for this devastating condition.
Written by Peter Forbes, read by Brian Yim Lim, produced by Graihagh Jackson.
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"We gaze into the eyes of a chimp and see a reflection of ourselves. We glance at a crow and see an alien being that under some jurisdictions can be exterminated with impunity - bringing a sinister second meaning to the phrase "a murder of crows". Such biases affect ordinary people and academic experts alike, skewing our understanding of what non-human intelligence looks like."
Do our thoughts and feelings distort the way we understand animal minds? Peter Aldhous argues that to grasp what intelligence is, we need to think differently.
Written by Peter Aldous, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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More and more people are donating organs, but demand still far exceeds supply. What can the world learn from the country that does it best?
Written by Chris Baraniuk, narrated and produced by Graihagh Jackson.
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"Cholera has killed nearly 9,000 Haitians. More than 730,000 people have been infected. It is the worst outbreak of the disease, globally, in modern history. Hundreds of emergency and development workers have been working alongside the Haitian government for five years, trying to rid the country of cholera, and millions of dollars have been dispense in the fight to eradicate it. But it's still here. Why?"
Why have attempts to get cholera under control in Haiti failed? Rose George reports.
Written by Rose George, read by Pip Mayo, produced by Barry J Gibb
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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If you liked this story, we recommend The cost of pure water by Shaun Raviv, also available as a podcast.
UPDATE: When we first published this story in July 2015, some people claimed that the United Nations was responsible for bringing cholera to Haiti in the 2010 outbreak – something that the organisation denied. However, in August 2016 the UN acknowledged that it played a role in the outbreak, which has since killed 10,000 people. You can read Mosaic’s shorter piece on the causes of the 2010 outbreak here.
Meet the scientists finding out how we can defeat our inner trolls and build more cooperative digital societies.
Written by Gaia Vince, narrated by Kirsten Irving, produced by Graihagh Jackson.
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"As more Indians adopt more urban lives, chronic conditions like diabetes, obesity and heart disease are on the rise, replacing malnutrition and infectious diseases as the country’s most urgent health worries. Reddy doesn’t want to risk his family’s health. He has decided that being healthy and poor is better than taking their chances in the modern, more developed, more open India."
Ill-health is the price rural Indians have to pay for seeking a better life in the city. Twenty-nine villages near Hyderabad are helping to explain why, Michael Regnier discovers.
Written by Michael Regnier, read by Michael Regnier, produced by Barry J Gibb, audio editing by Geoff Marsh
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If you liked this story, we recommend City cycling: health versus hazard by Lesley Evans Ogden, also available as a podcast.
Cognitive enhancement drugs are usually depicted as a distinctly contemporary phenomenon, however none of these drugs are new. Are we asking the right questions about smart drugs? Marek Kohn looks at what they can do for us – and what they can’t.
Written by Marek Kohn, narrated by Brian Yim Lim, produced by Graihagh Jackson.
To read the full story visit:…verse-overdoses/
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Naloxone can reverse an otherwise fatal heroin overdose within minutes. Carrie Arnold meets the doctors who put this remarkable drug in the hands of the police, families and addicts—and saved thousands of lives.
Written by Carrie Arnold, narrated by Kirsten Irving, produced by Graihagh Jackson.
To read the full story visit:…verse-overdoses/
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A mysterious kidney disease is striking down labourers across the world and climate change is making it worse. Jane Palmer meets the doctors who are trying to understand it and stop it.
Written by Jane Palmer, narrated by Michael Regnier, produced by Graihagh Jackson.
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If you liked this story, we recommend reading 'How to survive climate change: a lesson from Hurricane Maria'
"Gomez is one of Achatz's regular patients at the A C Camargo Cancer Center in São Paulo, Brazil. He is extraordinarily susceptible to cancer. So too are many members of his extended family; cancer is so common among them - and premature death so painfully familiar - that until they learned very recently of the cause, some believed their family was cursed. Gomez's is not the only family affected. The 'cure' afflicts hundreds of thousands of people in Brazil."
The startling discovery that hundreds of thousands of Brazilians have a genetic mutation that undermines their ability to resist cancer is helping labs worldwide in their search for new treatments for the disease. Sue Armstrong reports."
Written by Sue Armstrong, read by Pip Mayo, audio editing by Jen Whyntie.
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Calories consumed minus calories burned: it’s the simple formula for weight loss or gain. But dieters often find that it doesn’t work. Cynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley of Gastropod investigate.
Written by Cynthia Graber, read by Charlotte Hussey, produced by Graihagh Jackson
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"She packed up everything and moved to California to die. And she almost did. Less than a week after moving, Ellie was attacked by a swarm of Africanised bees."
Ellie Lobel was ready to die. Then she was attacked by bees. Christie Wilcox hears how venom can be a saviour.
Written by Christie Wilcox, read by Pip Mayo, produced by Barry J Gibb
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If you liked this story, we recommend Lovely grub: are insects the future of food? by Emily Anthes, also available as a podcast.
After his son’s suicide aged 18, Steve Mallen sees the world differently. Along with a growing number of mental health experts, he wants to reduce the rate of suicide across the world, and is aiming for zero.
Written by Simon Usborne
Read by Kirsten Irving
Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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They were the forgotten army. Taken captive during World War II, they lived lives of desperation and disease, internment and ingenuity. Long unspoken, their tale is now told through the voices of those who survived.
Audio producer: Chris Chapman Sound designer: Eloise Whitmore Assistant producer: Ellie Pinney Fact checker: Laura Dawes Editor: Mun-Keat Looi
Hear and read accompanying extras and a full transcript for this story on Mosaic:
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Emma Young meets a woman with dissociative identity disorder and discovers what happens when you lose your sense of being an individual.
Written by Emma Young Read by Kirsten Irving Produced by Graihagh Jackson
To read the full story visit:
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John Osborne has always hated the sound of whistling. But it wasn’t until a man whistling in a café infuriated him so much that he got up and left that he realised it was becoming a problem. Could he even be suffering from misophonia – a condition characterised by a strong dislike of certain sounds?
To get to the root of the issue, John embarks on a whimsical journey of self-discovery, diving headfirst into the worlds of professional whistling and psychology in an attempt to understand if he could ever learn to tolerate – or even love – the sound of whistling.
Narrated by John Osborne Produced by Barry J Gibb
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Marian Partington is working to forgive Rosemary West – one of her sister’s killers – because she thinks the only way to break the cycle of female violence is to understand it.
Written by Katharine Quarmby
Read by Kirsten Irving
To read the full story visit:
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"Men have been circumcised for thousands of years, yet our thinking about the foreskin seems as muddled as ever. And a close examination of this muddle raises disturbing questions. Is American exceptionalism justified? Should we really be funding mass circumcision in Africa? Or by removing the foreskins of men, boys and newborns, are we actually committing a violation of human rights?"
Common in the US, rare in Europe and now championed in Africa, male circumcision is hotly debated. Jessica Wapner explores whether the gains are worth the loss.
Written by Jessica Wapner, read by Pip Mayo, produced by Barry J Gibb
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If you liked this story, we recommend listening to Mosaicscience – The-future-of-sex by Emily Anthes, also available on our podcast.
Bringing genetics into medicine leads to more accuracy, better diagnosis and personalised treatment – but not for everyone. Carrie Arnold meets families for whom gene testing has led only to unanswered questions.
Written by Carrie Arnold Read by Rebecca Macintosh Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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Most of us would rather not think about what happens to our bodies after death. But that breakdown gives birth to new life in unexpected ways.
Written by Moheb Costandi Read and produced by Barry J Gibb This story was first published in May 2015.
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For the first 20 years of his life, Henry Nicholls had a healthy relationship with sleep. Shortly after his 21st birthday, he began to experience symptoms of narcolepsy, a debilitating disorder that’s plagued him ever since. Sleep research is progressing, so why are he and others like him still waiting for a cure? Written by Henry Nicholls Read by Graihagh Jackson Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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Radioactivity stirs primal fears in many people, but Geoff Watts argues that an undue sense of its risks can cause real harm.
Written and read by Geoff Watts Produced by Barry J Gibb
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If you’re hit by lightning, there’s a nine in ten chance you’ll survive. But what are the lasting effects of being exposed to hundreds of millions of volts? Written by Charlotte Huff. Read by Kirsten Irving Produced by Graihagh Jackson
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In this special episode,Mosaic's Editor Chrissie Giles interviews the doctor and best-selling writer Atul Gawande about end-of-life care, the death of his father, and how we can create dignity for all of us as we age and at the end of life.
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Read the feature, 'Breaking bad news':
Traditional flush toilets aren’t an option in many parts of the world, but neither is leaving people with unsafe and unhygenic choices. Now, one company is piloting a new loo that's waterless, off-grid and able to charge your phone. Lina Zeldovich travels to Madagascar to witness the start of a lavatorial revolution.
Written by: Lina Zeldovich Read by: Rebecca Mackintosh Produced by: Graihagh Jackson For more stories and to read the text original, visit If you liked this story, we recommend 'Lovely grub: are insects the future of food?' by Emily Anthes"Almost 30 per cent of children in care in Australia come from an Aboriginal background: 'The Stolen Generation - when Aborigines were forcibly taken away from their families - may not just be a shameful part of Australia's history...'. 'Is this seriously happening, in 2014?' I wonder. Most Australians are aware of the Stolen Generation, when it was legal for the government to take Aboriginal children away from their families. But this forced separation, I thought, had ended decades before."
Healthcare in Australia’s Aboriginal communities is hindered by a long history of racial discord between very different cultures. Georgina Kenyon discovers the story of one young woman who died in the 1980s, and asks whether anything has changed since.
Written by Georgina Kenyon, read by Pip Mayo and produced by Barry J Gibb
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If you liked this story, we recommend 'Blood speaks', Rose George's tale of menstrual taboo in Nepal and Bangladesh.
"What use, if any, is homesickness? 'It's purpose is the same today as it has been for millions of years - to deter us from leaving supportive groups and environments,' writes Mark Leary, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University in the USA, in Duke Magazine. 'Homesickness would have been relatively uncommon, occurring only when individuals were separated from supportive, familiar people.'"
What does it mean to be homesick in 2015, and does technology help or hinder us when we move to a new place? John Osborne revisits his past to find out.
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If you liked this story, we recommend listening to 'Secrets of the strong-minded' by Emma Young, also available as a podcast.
After giving birth, Catherine Carver became convinced that her baby had been swapped and that social workers were plotting to kill her. She recounts her terrifying journey into postpartum psychosis, and how she found healing in unexpected ways.
Written by: Catherine Carver Read by: Kirsten Irving Produced by: Graihagh Jackson
To read the full story visit:…l-health-babies/
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If you liked this story, we recommend 'Better spaces for mental health', available…s-mental-health/
"Despite all the ridicule and aversion and shame, we can no longer deny the emerging power of poo. Perhaps it's time to push past the disgust and start giving a shit. And doing so proudly."
Brace yourself for the unbelievable next big thing in healthcare: faecal transplants.
Written by Bryn Nelson, read by Segun Akingbola, produced by Barry J Gibb.
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If you liked this story, we recommend 'This is what happens after you die' by Moheb Costandi, also available as a podcast. Link to the article:
Out of the blue, Vanessa Potter lost her sight. As she recovered, her senses mingled – hearing and touch changed the way she saw colours. Her quest to understand why introduced her to new tech that uses sound to help blind people see.
Written by: Vanessa Potter
Read by: Charlotte Hussey
Produced by: Graihagh Jackson
If you enjoyed this story, you might enjoy 'In the blink of an eye' by Bryn Nelson which you can access here:
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And also now available on Spotify:…S7QF-ewiThJyrkiA
audiobook,brain,cognitive,deja,memory,mind,perception,philosophy,podcast,"By the end of that day the September 11th Fund had been established by two major local charities. Donations poured in. Money first went on immediate aid - hot meals for rescue workers, emergency cheques for victims and their families - and then funds were made available for programmes to help New Yorkers to recover. The damage wasn't only physical, but psychological. Counsellors set up services in local churches, and psychiatrists came from around the country to offer their expertise and their insights. Thoughts turned to the city's children - how would they deal with the stress and trauma?"
Can children be made more psychologically ‘resilient’ to traumas like 9/11 – as well as the stress of everyday life? Emma Young meets a former school principal who believes they can.
Written by Emma Young, read by Kirsten Irving, produced by Barry J Gibb, edited by Geoff Marsh.
For more stories and to read the text original, visit
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Now also available on Spotify.
If you liked this story, we recommend 'Can meditation really slow ageing' by Jo Marchant, also available as a podcast. Read the full story here: