We're back on our biweekly schedule to talk about POTTY TRAINING. We both review what we did to potty train the girls and what signs to look for in readiness. I did forget to mention in the podcast that I kept the miniature potty in whichever room we were in and let her sit on it while she watched tv.
We also talk about the wonderful connections made at #weallgrowfamilia, a yearly event to mingle with the industry mamacitas.
Check out these amazing mamas who we will be collaborating with in the near future:
@la_mamacitas : Social Event Planners and LA Blogger
@bycharms21 : Event and workshop coordinator
@academicmami : Mother/ teacher/ student/ blogger
@jrmadrelove : Mother & Daughter Podcast
@darlingtomboy : Budgeting blogger
@kidswimla : Children's swim school
email: moodymommiespodcast@gmail.com